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Score | Exp/Site/Hole ↑ | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
37% | 31 31-292 90 90-592 | 1986 | Keller, Gerta: Eocene-Oligocene boundary reference sections in the Pacific | |
10% | 31 31-292 | 1975 | Ingle, J. C., Jr.; Karig, D. E. et al.: Site 292 | download |
10% | 31 31-292 31-296 | 1975 | Donnelly, T. W.: Neogene explosive volcanic activity of the western Pacific; sites 292 and 296, DSDP Leg 31 | download |
21% | 31 31-293 31-294 31-295 31-297 | 1975 | Dengler, A. T.; Doyle, P. S. et al.: Ichthyoliths in some samples from the Philippine Sea, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 31 | download |
9% | 31 31-293 | 1975 | Ingle, J. C., Jr.; Karig, D. E. et al.: Site 293 | download |
8% | 31 31-293 31-297 31-298 31-299 31-301 | 1975 | Harrold, P. J.; Moore, J. C.: Composition of deep-sea sands from marginal basins of the northwestern Pacific | download |
7% | 31 31-294 31-295 | 1975 | Ingle, J. C., Jr.; Karig, D. E. et al.: Sites 294/295 | download |
34% | 31 31-296 31-297 31-298 31-299 31-300 31-301 31-302 | 1975 | Ling, H. Y.: Silicoflagellates and ebridians from Leg 31 | download |
13% | 31 31-296 | 1975 | Ingle, J. C., Jr.; Karig, D. E. et al.: Site 296 | download |
37% | 31 31-297 31-298 31-299 | 1976 | Moore, J. C.; Karig, D. E.: Sedimentology, structural geology, and tectonics of the Shikoku subduction zone, southwestern Japan | |
14% | 31 31-297 31-298 | 1975 | Ames, R. L.; Littlejohn, R.: Diagenesis of organic matter and estimated temperature history from carbonization measurements, Shikoku Basin | download |
10% | 31 31-297 | 1975 | Ingle, J. C., Jr.; Karig, D. E. et al.: Site 297 | download |
10% | 31 31-297 190 190-1177 | 2005 | Underwood, Michael B.; Basu, Nandini et al.: Normalization factors for semiquantitative X-ray diffraction analysis, with application to DSDP Site 297, Shikoku Basin | download |
47% | 31 31-298 | 1974 | Moore, J. C.; Karig, D. E.: Structural geology and tectonics of the Shikoku subduction zone | |
47% | 31 31-298 | 1982 | Taylor, Julie M.; Sibley, Duncan F.: The composition of hemipelagic muds from the fore arc region of S.W. Japan; implications of provenance and tectonic activity | |
37% | 31 31-298 87 87-583 | 1983 | Karig, D. E.: Style and distribution of deformation across the lower slope of the Nankai Trough, Southwest Japan | |
11% | 31 31-298 | 1975 | Ingle, J. C., Jr.; Karig, D. E. et al.: Site 298 | download |
47% | 31 31-299 | 1979 | Koizumi, I.: DSDP Site 299, the Sea of Japan | |
20% | 31 31-299 | 1975 | Bouma, A. H.: Deep-sea fan deposits from Toyama Trough, Sea of Japan | download |
12% | 31 31-299 31-302 | 1975 | Erdman, J. G.; Schorno, K. S. et al.: Geochemistry of carbon; DSDP Leg 31 | download |
12% | 31 31-299 31-300 31-301 31-302 | 1975 | Ingle, J. C., Jr.: Pleistocene and Pliocene foraminifera from the Sea of Japan, Leg 31, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
11% | 31 31-299 | 1975 | Ingle, J. C., Jr.; Karig, D. E. et al.: Site 299 | download |
17% | 31 31-300 | 1975 | Ingle, J. C., Jr.; Karig, D. E. et al.: Site 300 | download |
47% | 31 31-301 | 1979 | Koizumi, I.: DSDP Site 301, the Sea of Japan | |
12% | 31 31-301 | 1975 | Ingle, J. C., Jr.; Karig, D. E. et al.: Site 301 | download |
47% | 31 31-302 | 1979 | Koizumi, I.: DSDP Site 302, the Sea of Japan | |
47% | 31 31-302 | 1988 | Iijima, Azuma; Tada, Ryuji et al.: Developments of Neogene sedimentary basins in the northeastern Honshu Arc with emphasis on Miocene siliceous deposits | |
7% | 31 31-302 | 1975 | Ingle, J. C., Jr.; Karig, D. E. et al.: Site 302 | download |
47% | 32 | 1973 | Larson, R. L.; Moberly, R. et al.: Preliminary results from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 32 in the western North Pacific | |
22% | 32 | 1975 | Foreman, Helen P.: Radiolaria from the North Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 32 | download |
17% | 32 | 1975 | Luterbacher, H.; Caron, M. et al.: Biostratigraphic summary of Leg 32 | download |
16% | 32 | 1975 | Bode, G. W.: Grain-size analyses, Leg 32 | download |
15% | 32 | 1975 | Larson, R. L.; Gardner, J. V. et al.: Magnetic, bathymetric, seismic reflection, and positioning data collected underway on Glomar Challenger, Leg 32 | download |
14% | 32 | 1975 | Moberly, R.; Larson, R. L.: Mesozoic magnetic anomalies, oceanic plateaus, and seamount chains in the northwestern Pacific Ocean | download |
13% | 32 | 1975 | Larson, R. L.; Moberly, R. et al.: Site 304; Japanese magnetic lineations | download |
12% | 32 | 1975 | Moberly, R.: Introduction | download |
9% | 32 | 1975 | Luterbacher, H.: Early Cretaceous foraminifera from the northwestern Pacific; Leg 32 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
7% | 32 | 1975 | Bukry, D.: Coccolith and silicoflagellate stratigraphy, northwestern Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 32 | download |
23% | 32 32-303 32-304 32-307 32-313 | 1975 | Marshall, Monte C.: Petrology and chemical composition of basaltic rocks recovered on Leg 32, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
10% | 32 32-303 | 1975 | Larson, R. L.; Moberly, R. et al.: Site 303; Japanese magnetic lineations | download |
33% | 32 32-305 62 62-463 62-465 113 113-689 113-690 122 122-761 | 1995 | Barrera, E.; Savin, S. M. et al.: Global oceanic circulation changes in the mid-Maastrichtian | |
33% | 32 32-305 86 86-577 199 199-1221 208 208-1263 | 2007 | Paytan, A.; Averyt, K. et al.: Barite accumulation, ocean productivity, and Sr/Ba in barite across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum | |
33% | 32 32-305 130 130-806 199 199-1218 | 2006 | Lear, Caroline H.; Rosenthal, Yair: Benthic foraminiferal Li/Ca; insights into Cenozoic seawater carbonate saturation state | |
24% | 32 32-305 32-308 32-313 | 1975 | Luterbacher, Hanspeter: Paleocene and early Eocene planktonic Foraminifera; Leg 32, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
19% | 32 32-305 32-310 32-313 | 1975 | Fleisher, R. L.: Oligocene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy, central North Pacific Ocean, DSDP Leg 32 | download |
16% | 32 32-305 32-310 32-313 | 1975 | Toumarkine, M.: Middle and late Eocene planktonic foraminifera from the northwestern Pacific, Leg 32 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
13% | 32 32-305 | 1975 | Larson, R. L.; Moberly, R. et al.: Site 305; Shatsky Rise | download |
12% | 6 32 32-305 32-306 86 132 132-810 | 1993 | Sliter, William V.; Brown, Glenn R.: Shatsky Rise; seismic stratigraphy and sedimentary record of Pacific paleoceanography since the Early Cretaceous | download |
7% | 32 32-305 32-310 32-313 | 1975 | Vincent, Edith: Neogene planktonic foraminifera from the central North Pacific, Leg 32, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
5% | 32 32-305 32-306 | 1975 | Matter, A.; Douglas, R. G. et al.: Fossil preservation, geochemistry, and diagenesis of pelagic carbonates from Shatsky Rise, Northwest Pacific | download |
23% | 32 32-306 | 2005 | Sager, William W.: What built Shatsky Rise, a mantle plume or ridge tectonics? | |
12% | 32 32-306 | 1975 | Larson, R. L.; Moberly, R. et al.: Site 306; Shatsky Rise | download |
17% | 32 32-307 | 1975 | Larson, R. L.; Moberly, R. et al.: Site 307; Hawaiian magnetic lineations | download |
33% | 32 32-308 32-311 55 55-430 55-432 55-433 | 1995 | Hyatt, Ronda J.; Marsaglia, K. M.: Impact of mixed volcaniclastic/bioclastic sand composition on diagenesis; a study of shallow marine sands and sandstones from guyouts, seamounts and volcanic islands in the Hawaiian/Emperor seamount chain | |
19% | 32 32-308 | 1975 | Larson, R. L.; Moberly, R. et al.: Site 308; Koko Guyot | download |
13% | 32 32-308 | 1975 | Ferrer, Jorge: Neritic early Eocene smaller foraminifera from the Koko Seamount, Emperor Seamounts, central Northern Pacific | download |
6% | 32 32-308 | 1975 | Cheetham, Alan H.: Preliminary report on early Eocene cheilostome bryozoans from Site 308, Leg 32, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
24% | 32 32-309 | 1975 | Larson, R. L.; Moberly, R. et al.: Site 309; Koko Guyot | download |
47% | 32 32-310 | 1982 | Rea, David K.; Janecek, Thomas R.: Pliocene record of the Northern Hemisphere Westerlies during the onset of glaciation | |
37% | 32 32-310 68 68-503 | 1982 | Leinen, Margaret; Graybeal, Amy: Siliceous biogenic and eolian sedimentation at DSDP sites 310 and 503 and their implications for the cause of the late Miocene shift in foraminiferal delta C (super 13) | |
28% | 32 32-310 62 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1983 | Vallier, Tracy L.; Dean, Walter E. et al.: Geologic evolution of Hess Rise, central North Pacific Ocean | |
13% | 32 32-310 | 1975 | Larson, R. L.; Moberly, R. et al.: Site 310; Hess Rise | download |
26% | 32 32-311 | 2008 | Koh, C. A.; Hester, K. C. et al.: Investigating gas clathrate hydrate structure, formation and decomposition | download |
14% | 32 32-311 | 1975 | Larson, R. L.; Moberly, R. et al.: Site 311; Hawaiian magnetic lineations | download |
33% | 32 32-312 | 1975 | Larson, R. L.; Moberly, R. et al.: Site 312; Hawaiian magnetic lineations | download |
10% | 32 32-313 | 1975 | Larson, R. L.; Moberly, R. et al.: Site 313; Mid-Pacific Mountains | download |
39% | 33 | 1976 | Takayanagi, Y.; Oda, M.: Shore laboratory report on Cenozoic planktonic foraminifera; Leg 33 | download |
37% | 33 | 1974 | Schlanger, S. O.; Jackson, E. D. et al.: Linear island chain chronologies; Leg 33 deep sea drilling results from the Line and Tuamotu islands | |
20% | 33 | 1976 | Johnson, D. A.: Cenozoic radiolarians from the central Pacific, DSDP Leg 33 | download |
19% | 33 | 1976 | Bode, G. W.: Grain-size analyses, Leg 33 | download |
17% | 33 | 1976 | Martini, E.: Cretaceous to Recent calcareous nannoplankton from the central Pacific Ocean (DSDP Leg 33) | download |
14% | 33 | 1976 | Jackson, E. D.; Bargar, K. E. et al.: Petrology of the basaltic rocks drilled on Leg 33 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
13% | 33 | 1976 | Kaneps, A. G.: Cenozoic planktonic foraminifers, equatorial Pacific Ocean, Leg 33, DSDP | download |
10% | 33 | 1976 | Boyce, R. E.: Definitions and laboratory techniques of compressional sound velocity parameters and wet-water content, wet-bulk density, and porosity parameters by gravimetric and gamma ray attenuation techniques | download |
8% | 33 | 1976 | Winterer, E. L.: Bathymetry and regional tectonic setting of the Line Islands Chain | download |
6% | 33 | 1976 | Jackson, E. D.; Schlanger, S. O.: Regional syntheses, Line Islands Chain, Tuamotu Island Chain, and Manihiki Plateau, central Pacific Ocean | download |
5% | 33 | 1976 | Schlanger, S. O.; Winterer, E. L.: Underway geophysical data; navigation, bathymetry, magnetics, and seismic profiles | download |
14% | 33 33-314 | 1976 | Schlanger, S. O.; Jackson, E. D. et al.: Site 314 | download |
20% | 33 33-315 | 1976 | Kelts, K. R.: Marcasite in Miocene calcareous sediments from Hole 315A | download |
17% | 33 33-315 | 1976 | Jenkyns, H. C.; Hardy, R. G.: Basal iron-titanium--rich sediments from Hole 315A (Line Islands, central Pacific) | download |
9% | 33 33-315 33-317 | 1976 | Lanphere, M. A.; Dalrymple, G. B.: K-Ar ages of basalts from DSDP Leg 33; sites 315 (Line Islands) and 317 (Manihiki Plateau) | download |
8% | 33 33-315 33-316 33-317 | 1976 | McNulty, C. L.: Cretaceous foraminiferal stratigraphy, DSDP Leg 33, holes 315A, 316, 317A | download |
6% | 33 33-315 | 1976 | Schlanger, S. O.; Jackson, E. D. et al.: Site 315 | download |
5% | 33 33-315 33-316 | 1976 | Kelts, K. R.; McKenzie, J. A.: Cretaceous volcanogenic sediments from the Line Island Chain; diagenesis and formation of K-feldspar, DSDP Leg 33, Hole 315A and Site 316 | download |
10% | 33 33-316 | 1976 | Schlanger, S. O.; Jackson, E. D. et al.: Site 316 | download |
37% | 33 33-317 | 1989 | Beiersdorf, Helmut; Erzinger, Jorg: Observations on the bathymetry and geology of the northeastern Manihiki Plateau, southwestern Pacific Ocean | |
28% | 33 33-317 | 2007 | Ingle, Stephanie; Mahoney, John J. et al.: Depleted mantle wedge and sediment fingerprint in unusual basalts from the Manihiki Plateau, central Pacific Ocean | |
12% | 33 33-317 | 1976 | Donnelly, T. W.; Wallace, J. L.: Major element chemistry of the Tertiary rocks at Site 317 and the problem of the origin of the nonbiogenic fraction of pelagic sediments | download |
12% | 33 33-317 | 1976 | Schlanger, S. O.; Jackson, E. D. et al.: Site 317 | download |
9% | 33 33-317 | 1976 | Bukry, D.: Coccolith stratigraphy of Manihiki Plateau, central Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Site 317 | download |
8% | 33 33-317 | 1976 | Jenkyns, H. C.: Sediments and sedimentary history of the Manihiki Plateau, South Pacific Ocean | download |
8% | 33 33-317 | 1976 | Kauffman, E. G.: Deep-sea Cretaceous macrofossils; Hole 317A, Manihiki Plateau | download |
12% | 33 33-318 | 1976 | Schlanger, S. O.; Jackson, E. D. et al.: Site 318 | download |
56% | 34 | 1974 | Yeats, R. S.: Leg 34, Deep Sea Drilling Project; a preliminary report | |
47% | 34 | 1981 | Dungan, M. A.; Vance, Joseph A. et al.: Retention of primary MOR tholeiite geochemistry by Shuksan greenschists and blueschists, Easton Formation, North Cascades, Washington | |
47% | 34 | 1975 | Deutsch, E. R.; Patzold, R. R.: Magnetism of basalt cores from the Pacific Ocean and implications for magnetic anomaly interpretation | |
47% | 34 | 1974 | Salisbury, M. H.; Christensen, N. I. et al.: Sonic velocities and densities of basalts from the Nazca Plate; Leg 34 | |
47% | 34 | 1976 | Blank, R. G.; Worsley, T. R.: Quantitative correlation of Cenozoic deep-sea sediments of the Pacific Ocean | |
47% | 34 | 1974 | Johnson, H. P.; Ade-Hall, J. M.: Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, and opaque mineralogy studies of basalts from the Nazca Plate, DSDP Leg 34 | |
47% | 34 | 1974 | Kempe, D. R. C.; Bevan, J. C. et al.: Petrological studies on DSDP Leg 34 basalts; eastern Pacific Ocean | |
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