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ScoreExp/Site/Hole YearAuthor/TitleFull text
51%1981Schlanger, Seymour O.: Shallow-water limestones in oceanic basins as tectonic and paleoceanographic indicators
51%1983Moore, J. Casey; Lundberg, N.: Macro- to microfabrics of modern convergent margins
51%1985DePaolo, Donald J.: Correlation of strontium and carbon isotope variations in Neogene marine carbonate rocks
51%1975Stewart, R. J.: Late Cainozoic explosive eruptions in the Aleutian and Kuril Island arcs
51%1988Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Methane hydrates and global climatedownload
51%1988Maruyama, S.; Liou, J. G.: Ocean-floor metamorphism at different tectonic settings; a review on the DSDP drilling projects
51%1988Pockalny, Robert A.; Detrick, Robert S. et al.: Morphology and tectonics of the Kane Transform from Sea Beam bathymetry datadownload
51%1988Abrams, Lewis J.; Detrick, Robert S. et al.: Morphology and crustal structure of the Kane fracture zone transverse ridgedownload
51%1988Maliva, Robert G.; Siever, Raymond: Pre-Cenozoic nodular cherts; evidence for opal-CT precursors and direct quartz replacement
51%1990MacLeod, Kenneth G.; Ward, Peter D.: Evidence for a late Maastrichtian, but not terminal Cretaceous, extinction of Inoceramus (Bivalvia)
51%1994Edmonds, Henrietta N.; Gamo, T. et al.: Sampling of hydrothermal fluids from the TAG Mound, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, by Shinkai 6500; preliminary results of fluid chemistry characterization prior to ODP drilling
51%1994Kidd, Robert B.; Sykes, Tim J. S. et al.: Sedimentary evolution of the Indian Ocean in response to ocean basin development
51%1994Droxler, Andre W.: Shallow carbonates drilled by DSDP and ODP; oceanic benchmarks and dipsticks for continental margins and volcanic aseismic ridges
51%1979Denham, C. R.; Schouten, H.: On the likelihood of mixed polarity in oceanic basement drill cores
51%1979Thierstein, H. R.: Paleoceanographic implications of organic carbon and carbonate distribution in Mesozoic deepsea sediments
51%1979Bryan, W.; Thompson, G. et al.: Petrologic character of the Atlantic crust from DSDP and IPOD drill sites
51%1969Charm, W. B.; Nesteroff, W. D. et al.: Detailed stratigraphic description of the JOIDES cores on the continental margin of Florida
51%1978Kosiur, D. R.: Laboratory simulation of pelagic sediment diagenesis
51%1982Lundberg, Neil; Moore, J. Casey: Brittle versus ductile forearc areas; synthesis of macroscopic structural features from DSDP cores
51%1992Vella, Alfred J.; Holzer, Gunther: Distribution of isoprenoid hydrocarbons and alkylbenzenes in immature sediments; evidence for direct inheritance from bacterial/algal sources
51%1992Coffin, Millard F.: Emplacement and subsidence of Indian Ocean plateaus and submarine ridges
51%1982Kyte, Frank T.; Wasson, John T.: Geochemical constraints on the nature of large accretionary events
51%1977Vincent, E.: Indian Ocean Neogene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and its paleoceanographic implications
51%1985Miskell, K. J.; Brass, G. W. et al.: Global patterns in opal deposition from Late Cretaceous to late Miocene
51%1985Keller, Gordon; Chi, W. R. et al.: Global sedimentation and distribution of deep-sea hiatuses; late Eocene - Oligocene
51%1980Suarez, Gerardo; Molnar, Peter: Paleomagnetic data and pelagic sediment facies and the motion of the Pacific Plate relative to the spin axis since the Late Cretaceousdownload
51%1987Schlanger, S. O.: Drilling in the western Venezuelan Basin at Site CAR-4
51%1987Westall, Frances; Treppke, Ute et al.: Evidence from the South Atlantic for a change in Pleistocene climatic fluctuations near the Brunhes/Matuyana boundary; Polarstern and ODP 114
51%2000Natland, James H.: Origin and importance of granite in the ocean crust
51%1987Draper, Grenville: Site group 1; Cayman Trough, Site group 2; Central Caribbean Crust, Site group 3; Accretionary complexes associated with a magmatic underthrusting
51%1987Edgar, T.: Site proposals; Cayman Trough, Venezuela Basin, Puerto Rico Trench
51%1987Buffler, R. T., Jr.; Austin, J. A., Jr. et al.: Tectonic significance and objectives for drillholes in the Straits of Florida and Yucatan Basin
51%1987Rabinowitz, P. D.; Garrison, L. E. et al.: The Ocean Drilling Program; results from the second year of field operations
51%1987Breen, Nancy A.: Timing and mechanism of folding and thrust faulting in the north Panama thrust belt
51%1987Canfield, Donald E.: Worldwide sulfate reduction and sedimentary pyrite formation
51%1988Pariso, Janet E.; Scott, J. H. et al.: A magnetic logging study of gabbros within ODP hole 735B at the Southwest Indian Ridge
51%1988Carlson, R. L.; Herrick, C. N.: Age-dependent velocity/density systematics in "layer 2" basalts
51%1982Anderson, Roger N.: In the eye of the BHTV; two miles beneath the sea
51%1982Haggerty, Janet A.; Schlanger, Seymour O. et al.: Late Cretaceous and Eocene volcanism in the southern Line Islands and implications for hotspot theory
51%1982Smith, G. M.; Janecky, D. R. et al.: Magnetic characteristics of experimental natural serpentinites
51%1982Malmgren, B. A.; Corliss, B. H.: Microevolutionary analysis of Eocene-Oligocene deep-sea benthonic foraminifera
51%1982Malmgren, B. A.; Berggren, William A.: Microevolutionary patterns in some late Neogene planktonic foraminiferal lineages
51%1982Keller, Gerta; Barron, John A. et al.: North Pacific late Miocene correlations using microfossils, stable isotopes, percent CaCO (sub 3) and magnetostratigraphy
51%1982Meyers, Philip A.; Kawka, Orest E. et al.: Organic geochemical comparison of Cretaceous green claystones and black shales from the South Atlantic seabed
51%1982Benson, Richard H.: Ostracode evidence for paleodepths in the South Atlantic during the Cretaceous and Paleogene
51%1982Boersma, Anne; Premoli Silva, Isabella: Paleogene planktonic foraminiferal biogeography and isotopic paleooceanography
51%1982Dallmeyer, R. David: Pre-Mesozoic basement of the southeastern Gulf of Mexico
51%1988Dowsett, Harry J.: Diachrony of late Neogene microfossils in the Southwest Pacific Ocean; application of the graphic correlation methoddownload
51%1988von Huene, Roland; Miller, J.: Erosion and accretion along the southern Peru margin, 12 degrees S
51%1988Busch, William H.: Estimating in situ porosity from core and borehole log data; results from Ocean Drilling Program sites in the Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay
51%1988Kvenvolden, Keith A.; Claypool, George E.: Gas hydrates in oceanic sediment
51%1982Saltzman, E. S.; Barron, Eric J.: Deep circulation in the Late Cretaceous; oxygen isotope paleotemperatures from Inoceramus remains in D.S.D.P. cores
51%1982Chave, Alan D.; Cox, Charles S.: Controlled electromagnetic sources for measuring electrical conductivity beneath the oceans; 1, Forward problem and model studydownload
51%1985Kong, L.; Brocher, T. M. et al.: Spreading rate independence of oceanic seismic layer 2download
51%1985Stephen, Ralph A.; Bolmer, S. T.: The direct wave root in marine seismology
51%1980Mrozowski, Cary L.; Hayes, Dennis E.: Mariana forearc tectonics
51%1980Laine, Edward P.: New evidence from beneath the western North Atlantic for the depth of glacial erosion in Greenland and North America
51%1980Kastner, Miriam; Perlman, Isadore et al.: Oxygen isotopes and REE of submarine altered tholeitic basalts
51%1980Tissot, B.; Demaison, G. et al.: Paleoenvironment and petroleum potential of Middle Cretaceous black shales in Atlantic basins
51%1974Luyendyk, B. P.; Davies, T. A. et al.: Unconformities in the sediments of the Indian Ocean; data from the DSDP
51%1975Savin, S. M.; Douglas, R. G. et al.: Tertiary marine paleotemperatures
51%1976McClain, J. S.; Lewis, B. T. R. et al.: An IPOD site survey of the East Pacific Rise in the Gulf of California
51%1976Peterson, Melvin N. A.: An overview of the Deep Sea Drilling Project
51%1976Peirce, J. W.: Assessing the reliability of DSDP paleolatitudesdownload
51%1976Van Andel, T. H.; Heath, G. R. et al.: Cenozoic history of the central equatorial Pacific; a synthesis based on Deep Sea Drilling Project data
51%1976Ellwood, B. B.; Watkins, N. D.: Comparison of observed intrusive to extrusive ratios in Iceland and the Troodos Massif with results of experimental emplacement mode analysis of DSDP igneous rocksdownload
51%1976Kolla, Venkatarathnam; Biscaye, Pierre E.: Fine-grained mineralogy and sedimentation during the late Mesozoic and Cenozoic in the Indian Ocean
51%1976Duncan, R. A.: Geochronology of DSDP basalts from the Ninety-East Ridge; evidence for the northward passage of the Indian Plate over the Kerguelen Hotspot
51%1986Clark, Murlene W.; Wright, Clifford L.: Neogene population dynamics of abyssal foraminifera in the western North Atlantic
51%1986Dix, G. R.; Mullins, Henry T.: Oceanographic controls on shallow-burial diagenesis of periplatform carbonates, Bahamas
51%1986Schlanger, S. O.; Premoli Silva, I.: Oligocene sea-level falls recorded in mid-Pacific atoll and archipelagic apron settings
51%1986Premoli-Silva, Isabella; Boersma, Anne: Paleogene biofacies of the western North Atlantic Ocean
51%1986Karig, Daniel E.: Physical properties and mechanical state of accreted sediments in the Nankai Trough, Southwest Japan Arc
51%1986Zachos, J. C.; Arthur, M. A.: Paleoceanography of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary event; inferences from stable isotopic and other datadownload
51%1982Sloan, James L., II; Miskell, Kimberlee, J.: The history of organic carbon and opaline silica accumulation in the world ocean
51%1999Musgrave, Robert J.; Firth, John V.: Magnitude and timing of New Hebrides Arc rotation; paleomagnetic evidence from Nendo, Solomon Islandsdownload
51%1990Morse, John W.; Emeis, Kay C.: Controls on C/S ratios in hemipelagic upwelling sediments
51%1990ten Haven, H. L.; Rullkotter, Jurgen et al.: Distribution of organic sulfur compounds in Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and the Gulf of California
51%1990Bristow, James F.; deMenocal, Peter: Downhole measurements and the generation of modal mineralogy logs in ODP Hole 798B
51%1992Meyers, Philip A.: Changes in organic carbon stable isotope ratios across the K/T boundary; global or local control?
51%1985Kennett, James P.; Murphy, Margaret G.: Late Eocene-middle Miocene paleoclimates of the South-west Pacific; oxygen isotopic evidence
51%1979Bryan, Wilfred B.: Episodic extrusion and collapse; a model for crustal accretion at a slow-spreading ridge
51%1996Dowsett, Harry J.; Barron, John A. et al.: Middle Pliocene sea surface temperatures: a global reconstruction
51%1996Qayyum, Mazhar; Lawrence, Robert D. et al.: Missing Paleogene Himalayan siliciclastic sediments found in the Katawaz Basin, Pakistan
51%1996Wright, Dawn J.; Bloomer, Sherman H.: New Sea Beam 2000 bathymetry and sidescan data on the Tonga Forearc and Trench; results from Boomerang Leg 8, an ODP site survey
51%1996Clemens, Steven C.; Murray, David W. et al.: Nonstationary phase of the Plio-Pleistocene Asian monsoon
51%1991Alvarez-Borrego, Saul; Lara-Lara, Jose Ruben: The physical environment and primary productivity of the Gulf of California
51%1989Swift, Stephen A.; Stephen, Ralph A.: Lateral heterogeneity in the seismic structure of upper oceanic crust, western North Atlanticdownload
51%1989Friedman, Gerald M.: Messinian (Miocene) evaporites of the Mediterranean Basin; a new approach to an old bandwagon
51%1989Stecher, Ole; Ngo, H. H. et al.: Nd and Sr isotopic evidence for the origin of tektite material from DSDP Site 612 off the New Jersey coast
51%2011Lewis, K. W.; Keeler, T. L. et al.: New software for plotting and analyzing stratigraphic data
51%1996Karson, J. A.; Curewitz, D. et al.: Geometry and kinematics of faulting on the Tertiary East Greenland volcanic rifted margin
51%1996Goodfellow, Wayne D.; Zierenberg, R. A. et al.: Hydrothermal alteration associated with modern sediment-covered rifts; application to the exploration for ancient sulphide deposits
51%1996Castillo, P. R.; Janney, P. R.: Isotopic evolution of Pacific MORB; implications for the isotopic diversity of modern MORB
51%1992Rea, David K.: Delivery of Himalayan sediment to the northern Indian Ocean and its relation to global climate, sea level, uplift, and seawater strontium
51%1979Atwater, T.: Constraints from the FAMOUS area concerning the structure of the oceanic section
51%1979Bryan, W. B.; Dick, H. J. B.: Contrasted liquidus variation trends in sea floor basalt glasses
51%1979Bence, A. E.; Baylis, D. M. et al.: Controls on the major and minor element chemistry of mid-ocean ridge basalts and glasses
51%1979von Rad, U.; Arthur, M. A.: Geodynamic, sedimentary and volcanic evolution of the Cape Bojador continental margin; Northwest Africa
51%1979Drever, J. I.; Lawrence, J. R. et al.: Gypsum and halite from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, DSDP Site 395

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