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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
31%3132009Inwood, J.; Lofi, Johanna: Downhole logging measurements from IODP Expedition 313; an overview and future directions
31%2009Ildefonse, Benoit; Drouin, M. et al.: Electrical properties of gabbroic and troctolitic rocks from IODP Hole U1309D, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 30
2009Rueggeberg, A.; Liebetrau, V. et al.: Environmental control on cold-water carbonate mounds development
31%2009Castillo, P. R.; Gopalan, K. et al.: Evolution of seawater (super 44) Ca/ (super 40) Ca through the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic
2009Ma, Z.; Paytan, A.: Export production fluctuations in the eastern Equatorial Pacific during the late Neogene; reconstruction using barite accumulation rates
31%2009Manatschal, G.; Muntener, Othmar: How magmatic are magma-poor rifted margins?
31%1952009Lischka, M.; Meschede, M. et al.: Insights into the fine-grained fraction of serpentine mud from the southern Chamorro Seamount (ODP Leg 195); a combined XRD, RFA and TEM-EDS study
2009Teagle, D. A. H.: Insights on the formation and evolution of the upper oceanic crust from deep drilling at ODP/IODP Hole 1256D
31%3132009Mountain, G. S.; Proust, Jean et al.: Links between eustatic history, sequence architecture, and lithofacies associations put to the test; IODP Exp313 drilling on the NJ margin
31%2009Zhang, Z.; Zhang, J. et al.: Link west China and N Pacific Ocean; Miocene dust event in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China
2009Wojcieszek, D. E.; Dekens, P. S.: Links between South Atlantic subtropical gyre and tropical upwelling region during the Pliocene and Pleistocene
2009Kashintsev, G. L.; Levchenko, O. V.: Miocene volcanism of the Ninetyeast Ridge
2009Venti, N. L.; Billups, Katharina: New records from the subtropical North Pacific over the Pliocene climate transition
31%2009Cope, Jesse T.; Winguth, A. M.: On the sensitivity of ocean circulation to Arctic fresh water input during the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum
31%3072009Raddatz, J.; Rueggeberg, A. et al.: Paleo-environment of cold-water coral initiation in the NE Atlantic; implications from a deep-water carbonate mound drilling core
31%3072009Raddatz, J.; Rueggeberg, A. et al.: Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of deep-water carbonate mound initiation in the Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic
31%2009Falkena, L. B.; Peate, D. et al.: Petrogenesis of silicic magmas in the Afro-Arabian flood volcanic province in Yemen; a melt inclusion study
2009Violay, Marie; Pezard, P. A. et al.: Petrophysical characterization of the hydrothermal root zone in the sheeted dike complex from IODP Hole 1256D
2009Husum, Katrine; Knies, Jochen et al.: Pliocene paleoceanographic change in the Arctic; foraminifers and stable isotope evidence from ODP 910
2009Kanamatsu, Toshiyaki: Pleistocene tephrostratigraphy in NanTroSEIZE coring sites, Kumano Trough; implications for the shallow sedimentary and tectonic evolutions of Kumano Trough
31%3022009Gleason, J. D.; Thomas, D. J. et al.: Seawater exchange and freshwater input to the Eocene Arctic Ocean from Nd-Sr isotope proxies in fossil fish debris
31%2009Diepenbroek, M.; Grobe, H. et al.: SEDIS; the scientific earth drilling information service for IODP
31%2009Screaton, E.; Ge, S. et al.: Simulation of pore pressure response to fault slip in the NanTroSEIZE region of the Nankai subduction zone
31%1752009Rommerskirchen, F.; Condon, T. et al.: Southeast Atlantic upwelling intensity changes influencing late Miocene C4 plant expansion?
31%2009Deschamps, P.; Durand, N. et al.: Synchroneity of meltwater pulse 1A and the Bolling onset; new evidence from the IODP "Tahiti Sea-Level" expedition
31%3232009Takahashi, Kozo; Ravelo, C. et al.: The Bering Sea Drilling, IODP Expedition 323 in 2009; Pliocene-Pleistocene climate change with high sedimentation rates
31%3072009Henriet, Jean Pierre: The giant cold-water coral mound as a nested microbial/metazoan system; physical, chemical, biological and geological picture (ESF EuroDiversity MiCROSYSTEMS)
31%2009Rabineau, M.: The GOLD IODP Project; global climate changes, extreme events, margins formation and the limits of life in the Gulf of Lion
31%1982009Woodard, S. C.; Herridge, J. D. et al.: The impact of orbitally-driven changes in solar insolation on "greenhouse" climates
2010Maher, K.; Steefel, C. I.: Biogeochemical reaction networks involved in weathering processes
31%2012010Teichert, Barbara M. A.; Meister, P. et al.: Ca-isotopes of early diagenetic dolomite and porewater from the Peru margin
31%2010Boehm, F.; Eisenhauer, A. et al.: Calcium and strontium isotopes in low temperature alteration carbonates of the ocean crust
31%2010Rausch, S.; Kluegel, A. et al.: Carbonate veins as recorded of seawater-crust interaction
2010Harris, Ann Marie; Karlin, Robert E.: Changing periodic behavior of the Holocene North American monsoon from varved sediments in the Gulf of California
31%2012010Sahlberg, M.; Engelhardt, T. et al.: Diversity of phages from deep-biosphere population of Rhizobium radiobacter
31%2010Stegmann, S.; Henry, P. et al.: Drilling and monitoring of natural and man-made landslide trigger mechanisms at the Ligurian Slope (W Mediterranean Sea); the Nice Airport landslide, NAIL
31%2010Vannucchi, Paola; Ranero, Cesar R. et al.: Drilling the seismogenic zone in Central America; IODP Costa RIca Seismogenesis Project CRISP
2010Uenzelmann-Neben, G.: Eirik Drift; archive of palaeoenvironmental information of climate development and oceanic circulation in the Greenland and Labrador Seas
2010Shamrock, Jamie L.: Eocene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy, paleoecology and biochronology of ODP Leg 122 Hole 762C, eastern Indian Ocean (Exmouth Plateau)
31%2010Herrle, J. O.; Gussone, N. et al.: Expedition 320/321 "Pacific Equatorial Age Transect (PEAT)"
31%2042010Bohrmann, G.; Klapp, S. A. et al.: Fabric and micro-fabric of ODP Leg 204 gas hydrates, Cascadia Margin
2010Gussone, Nikolaus; Teichert, Barbara M. A. et al.: Fluctuations of the oceanic Ca-isotope budget and environmental changes during highly dynamic transitions of the Cenozoic
31%2010Planert, L.; Klaeschen, D. et al.: Fluid flow systems offshore Costa Rica revealed by 2-D seismic MCS data (IODP Proposal 633)
31%3102010Westphal, H.; Heindel, K. et al.: Genesis of microbialites as contemporaneous framework components of deglacial coral reefs, Tahiti (IODP 310)
31%2010Schmidt-Schierhorn, F.; Beckert, U. et al.: Geophysical results from an IODP site survey for planned investigation of the deep biosphere at North Pond (Mid-Atlantic-Ridge)
31%2010Harris, Ashley D.: Integrated sequence stratigraphy of the Paleocene-lowermost Eocene, New Jersey coastal plain; implications for eustatic and paleoceanographic change
31%2010Murphy, Daniel Patrick: Intermediate- to deep-water circulation changes on short and long time scales
2010Khelifi, Nabil; Sarnthein, Michael: Major shifts in age control at ODP S. 982 near the Pliocene onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation-composite depths and d18O stratigraphy revisited
2010Khelifi, N.; Sarnthein, M.: Major shifts in age control at ODP Site 982 near the Pliocene onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation; composite depths and delta (super 18) O stratigraphy revisited
31%2010Lazarus, David; Renaudie, J. et al.: Marine micropaleontology, round two; whole faunal surveys and their use in biostratigraphy and macroevolutionary research
2010Gruetzner, J.; Vautravers, M. J.: Millennial scale changes in sediment flux on the Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge during Marine Isotope Stage 3; implications for deep current variability
31%2010Rimi, A.; Lucazeau, F. et al.: New evaluation of heat flow in Moroccan Atlantic Margin
31%2092010Bach, W.; Klein, F. et al.: Phase relations in oceanic serpentinites as a guide to hydrogen production during seawater-peridotite interactions
31%2010Hensen, C.; Marquardt, M. et al.: Prediction of sub-seafloor gas hydrate inventories using a general transfer function
31%3132010Kothoff, Ulrich; Stadler, Susanne: Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 313 (New Jersey shallow shelf)
31%2010Sinclair, Iain K.: Reconcilation? Oil industry data in light of revised Iberia-Newfoundland rift models
31%3132010Mottl, Michael J.; Hayashi, Takeshi et al.: Sediment pore water chemistry from the New Jersey shallow shelf; IODP Expedition 313
2010Bosch, F. P.; Fehr, A. et al.: Studying the change of petrosphysical properties with depth of sedimentary rock layers at New Jersey shallow shelf (USA) and Wilkes Land margin (Antarctica)
2010Xuan, Chuang: Tests for orbital influences on the geomagnetic field, and Quaternary magnetic records from North Atlantic and Arctic deep-sea sediments
2010Adams, Derek D.; Hurtgen, Matthew T. et al.: Volcanic activation of biogeochemical cascade regulates Oceanic Anoxic Event 2
31%2011Mountjoy, J. J.; Barnes, P. M.: Active upper-plate thrust faulting in regions of low plate-interface coupling, repeated slow slip events, and coastal uplift; Hikurangi margin, New Zealand
31%2011Westerhold, Thomas; Roehl, U. et al.: Age concern; testing the astronomical calibration of the early Paleogene and the K/Pg boundary
31%102011Zobaa, Mohamed Kamal: Applied palynology; multidisciplinary case studies from Egypt, Gulf of Mexico and USA
2011Bowman, Andrew R.: Building a high resolution calcareous nannofossil biozonation using ranking and scaling (RASC)
2011Birch, Heather; Coxall, Helen et al.: Carbon system recovery and planktonic Foraminifera ecology after the end Cretacoeus mass extinction
31%2011Pecher, I. A.; Henrys, S. A. et al.: Constraints on temperatures at the subduction interface from BSR depth
31%3202011Sghibartz, Cristina A.; Rae, J. W. et al.: Deep ocean acidity change over the Eocene-Oligocene transition
31%2011Fry, B.; Chao, K. et al.: Deep triggered tremor along the Hikurangi margin
31%2011Barker, D. H. N.; Henrys, S. A.: Depth migrated MCS profile 05CM-04, offshore northern Hikurangi margin
2011Joachim, Christian; Mutterlose, Joerg et al.: Diversity and abundance patterns of marine primary producers across the Paleocene-Eocene boundary
31%2011Charles, Adam J.; Harding, Ian C. et al.: Dynamic oceanographic conditions in Arctic Spitsbergen during the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum; new evidence form dinoflagellate cysts
31%2011Heise, W.; Caldwell, T. G. et al.: Electromagnetic image of the Hikurangi subduction interface, Raukumara Peninsula, New Zealand
2011Horn, Matthew G. S.: Examination of the diatom-bound nitrogen isotope proxy; nitrate consumption in the polar ocean
2011Hilding-Kronforst, Shari L.; Wade, Bridget S.: Refining middle Eocene planktonic biostratigraphy
31%2011Unglert, K.; Savage, M. K. et al.: Searching for changes in seismic anisotropy and strain associated with slow slip near Gisborne
31%2011Kuznetsov, A. B.; Konstantinova, G. V. et al.: Sr isotope composition in inland seas of the Mediterranean-Black Sea belt
31%2011Gomez, B.; Upton, P. et al.: Tectonic signals in lake and marine sediments
31%2011Alegret, Laia; Thomas, E.: The Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary impact event; no global collapse of export productivity
31%2011Reyners, M. E.; Eberhart-Phillips, D. et al.: The Hikurangi margin; subducting an old subduction zone sideways
31%2011Marsaglia, K. M.; Mortimer, N. et al.: The Raukumara Peninsula, a mass transport dominated forearc since late Oligocene subduction inception?
31%2011Wilson, K. J.; Cochran, U. A. et al.: The search for prehistoric subduction earthquakes along the Hikurangi margin, New Zealand
31%2011Anthonissen, Erik: Tying the regional neritic biostratigraphy of the North Sea to the oceanic record; an improved microfossil zonation for the Neogene of the Nordic Seas
31%2011Reyes, A. G.: What lies below the Hikurangi forearc; evidences from fluid compositions
31%3252012Harper, Brandon B.: Deglacial/transgressive fining/deepening upward sequences on the Papua New Guinea shelf edge and upper slope of the Great Barrier Reef; a comparison between two similar mixed siliciclastic carbonate sedimentary systems
31%2012012Lomstein, Bente A.; Langerhuus, Alice T. et al.: Endospore abundance, microbial growth and necromass turnover in deep sub-seafloor sediment
31%2012Lenton, Timothy M.; Crouch, Michael et al.: First plants cooled the Ordovician
2012Granot, Roi; Dyment, Jerome et al.: Geomagnetic field variability during the Cretaceous Normal Superchron
31%3022011Setoyama, Eiichi; Kaminski, Michael A. et al.: Late Cretaceous palaeobiogeographic distribution of Foraminifera in the Tethyan-Atlantic-Arctic transect
31%3322011Toczko, Sean; Kopf, A. et al.: Lessons learned during IOPD expedition 332 LTBMS deployment
2011Fenner, Juliane M.; Hoff, U.: Marine diatoms in the Paleocene of the SW Pacific
31%2011Kluesner, Jared W.: Marine geophysical study of cyclic sedimentation and shallow sill intrusion in the floor of the central Gulf of California
31%2011St-Onge, Guillaume (ed.); Veiga-Pires, Cristina (ed.) et al.: Ocean and climate changes in polar and subpolar environments; proceedings from the 2010 IODP-Canada/ECORD summer school
31%2011Wallace, L. M.: Overview of Hikurangi margin tectonics and slow slip events
31%2012Stassen, Peter: The impact of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum on benthic foraminiferal shelf communities; paleoenvironmental reconstructions and stratigraphic correlations
2005Iyer, Sridhar D: Evidences for incipient hydrothermal event(s) in the Central Indian Basin; a review
2006O'Connell, Suzanne; Kennedy, Bryan et al.: Public Understanding of Research (PUR); IODP, Minnesota Museum of Science and Japan's National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (MIRAIKAN)
2011Blaettler, Clara L.; Jenkyns, Hugh C. et al.: Significant increases in global weathering during Oceanic Anoxic Events 1a and 2 indicated by calcium isotopes
1998Sample, James C.; Coath, Chris D. et al.: Isotopic evidence for substantial variations in fluid temperature during single vein growth in an active thrust fault at the Cascadia margin; ion microprobe analysis of oxygen in calcite
25%1998Sarangi, S.; Sarkar, A. et al.: Isotopic evidence of a rapid cooling and continuous sedimentation across the Eocene-Oligocene boundary of Wagapadhar and Waior, Kutch
1998Hastings, David W.; Villanueva, Joan et al.: Kinetics and mechanism of chlorophyll degradation in sediments overlain by anoxic bottom water

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