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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
1993McCartney, Kevin: Unusual silicoflagellate skeletal morphologies from the upper Miocene-lower Pliocene; possible ecophenotypic variations from the high-latitude southern oceans
1993Zahn, R.: Variability of Antarctic Intermediate Water during the past 600,000 years; stable carbon isotopes at DSDP Site 594, Chatham Rise, SW Pacific
31%1461993Singh, Satish C.; Minshull, Timothy A. et al.: Velocity structure of a gas hydrate reflector
1993Gasperi, Joseph T.; Kennett, James P.: Vertical thermal structure evolution of Miocene surface waters; western Equatorial Pacific DSDP Site 289
31%1993Johnson, H. Paul; Pariso, Janet E.: Variations in oceanic crustal magnetization; systematic changes in the last 160 million yearsdownload
1993Kvenvolden, K. A.; Ginsburg, G. D. et al.: Worldwide distribution of subaquatic gas hydrates
31%641994McHargue, Lanny Ray: A 50,000 year (super 10) Be record from Gulf of California sediments
1994Schaaf, M.; Thurow, J.: A fast and easy method to derive highest-resolution time-series datasets from drillcores and rock samples
1994Athanassopoulos, J.; Cisowski, S. et al.: A Matuyama-Brunhes polarity reversal record from the North Pacific
31%1161994Derry, Louis A.; France-Lanord, Christian: A Neogene record of delta (super 13) C of terrigenous organic carbon buried in the Bengal Fan; environmental changes in the Himalaya-Indogangetic system
31%1161994France-Lanord, C.; Derry, L. A.: A Neogene record of delta (super 13) C of terrigenous organic carbon buried in the Bengal Fan; impact on carbon cycling
1994D'Hondt, Steven; Lindinger, Matthias: A stable isotopic record of the Maastrichtian ocean-climate system; South Atlantic DSDP site 528
31%1994Rowley, David; Markwick, Paul J.: Absolute sea level curves; implications for sequestered water volumes
31%1994Lichtfouse, Eric; Rullkoetter, Juergen: Accelerated transformation of organic matter below the silica transition zone in immature sediments from the Japan Sea
1994Anati, David A.: Advection and diffusion in marine sediments; DSDP Site 374 in the Eastern Mediterranean as an example
31%1121994Burnett, W. C.; Yeh, C. C. et al.: Ages of Quaternary phosphorites from ODP Leg 112 cores on the Peru Shelf
1994Alt, Jeffrey C.; Teagle, Damon A. H. et al.: Alteration in a ridge flank hydrothermal up-flow zone; strontium and oxygen isotopic constraints from ODP Hole 896A
31%1551994Flood, Roger D.; Piper, David J. W. et al.: Amazon deep-sea fan
31%1231994Chroston, P. N.; Brereton, N. R. et al.: Anelastic strain recovery and crack structure of oceanic basalts
1994Mudelsee, Manfred; Stattegger, Karl: Application of the Grassberger-Procaccia algorithm to the delta (super 18) O record from ODP Site 659; selected methodical aspects
31%1994Cambray, H.; Pubellier, M. et al.: Arc volcanism recorded in deep-sea sediments as indicators of key periods of the western Pacific geodynamic evolution
31%1994Cambray, H.; Cadet, J. P.: Ash layers in deep-sea sediments as tracers of a global synchronism of arc volcanic activity around Pacific Ocean
31%1381994Meynadier, Laure; Valet, Jean-Pierre et al.: Asymmetrical saw-tooth pattern of the geomagnetic field intensity from equatorial sediments in the Pacific and Indian oceans
1994Delaney, Margaret Lois; Filippelli, Gabriel M.: An apparent contradiction in the role of phosphorus in Cenozoic chemical mass balances for the world oceandownload
1994Ogihara, Shigenori: Ba-bearing clinoptilolite from ODP Leg 127, Site 795, Japan Sea
1994Ross, Kent; Elthon, Don: Baddeleyite (ZrO (sub 2) ) in a gabbroic cumulate from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near the Kane fracture zone
1994Bauch, Henning A.: Beella megastoma (Earland) in late Pleistocene Norwegian-Greenland Sea sediments; stratigraphy and meltwater implication
31%1381994King, Stephen C.; Kemp, A. E. S. et al.: Benthic Foraminifera assemblages in Neogene laminated diatom ooze deposits in the eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean (ODP Leg 138)
1994Chen, Jiajie: Benthic foraminiferal isotope composition; implications for late Neogene-Quaternary paleoceanography of the Indian Ocean
1994Locker, S.: Biostratigraphy of Cenozoic high latitude sediments based on siliceous flagellates
1994Boltovskoy, Esteban; Watanabe, Silvia: Biostratigraphy of Tertiary and Quaternary benthic bathyal foraminifers of DSDP Site 317 (tropical Pacific)
31%1271994Zuleger, E.; You, C. F. et al.: Boron and boron isotopes in sediments and pore waters from ODP Leg 127 (Japan Sea)
31%1111994Haslett, Simon K.; Funnell, Brian M. et al.: Calcite preservation, palaeoproductivity and the radiolarian Lamprocyrtis neoheteroporos Kling in Plio-Pleistocene sediments from the eastern equatorial Pacific
31%1994Haddad, Geoffrey Allen: Calcium carbonate dissolution patterns at intermediate water depths of the tropical oceans during the Quaternary
31%1994Deng, Xinhua: Canyon evolution in active continental margins; potential sea level change control
31%1994Makishima, Akio; Masuda, Akimasa: Ce isotope ratios of N-type MORB
31%1541994Curry, William B.; Shackleton, Nicholas J. et al.: Ceara Rise
31%1551998Maslin, Mark; Mikkelsen, Naja: Timing of the late Quaternary Amazon fan complex mass-transport deposits
1997Widmark, Joen G. V.: Deep-sea benthic Foraminifera from Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary strata in the South Atlantic; taxonomy and paleoecology
31%2002Huang, Chi-Yue: Stratigraphic records of Taiwan arc-continent collision and targets of IODP drilling
31%2002Plank, Terry: Subduction factory input and output
2002Weis, Dominique; Frey, Frederick A.: Submarine basalts of the northern Kerguelen Plateau; interaction between the Kerguelen Plume and the Southeast Indian Ridge revealed at ODP Site 1140
31%1932002Iturrino, Gerardo J.; Bartetzko, Anne: Subsurface fracture patterns in the PACMANUS hydrothermal system identified from downhole measurements and their potential implications for fluid circulation
2002Banerji, Debleena; Casey, John F.: Syntectonic melt transport in cumulates; evidence from gabbroic rocks from hole 1105A, ODP Leg 179, Southwest Indian Ridge
31%1872002Russo, Chris J.; Christie, David M. et al.: Temporal changes in melting beneath the Australian-Antarctic discordance since the Miocene
2002Godfrey, L. V.: Temporal changes in the lead isotopic composition of red clays; comparison with ferromanganese crust records
31%2002Parente, Aurea; Cachao, Mario et al.: Testing palaeotemperature through the statistical morphometry of Coccolithus pelagicus; preliminary data
1977Dow, R. L.: Test porosity in Neogloboquadrina pachyderma in late Miocene to Recent, DSDP Site 284, South Pacific
1977Baker, Earl W.; Palmer, S. E. et al.: Tetrapyrrole geochemistry of Cretaceous black shales of marine origin
31%1977Tucholke, B. E.; Mountain, G.: The Horizon-A complex; lithostratigraphic correlation and paleoceanographic significance of reflectors in the western North Atlantic
1977Bleil, U.; Petersen, N.: The oxidation state of ocean floor basalts from the Atlantic and its relation to magnetic properties
1977Cita, Maria Bianca: The response of the North Atlantic to the Mediterranean salinity crisis, as recorded on the North-west African margin
31%281977Hayes, D. E.; Frakes, L. et al.: The results of the Leg 28 Deep Sea Drilling Project and the late Cenozoic history of Antarctica
31%2092004Faul, Ulrich; Cheadle, Mike et al.: Mantle flow and melt delivery at slow spreading ridges; observations from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 209
31%1822002Bone, Yvonne; James, Noel P.: Bryozoans from Pleistocene high-energy, cool-water, continental-slope mounds, Great Australian Bight, southern Australia
31%1992002Raffi, Isabella; Backman, Jan: Calcareous nannofossils at the Paleocene/Eocene transition in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean (ODP Leg 199)
31%1972002Revillon, Sidonie; Teagle, Damon A. H. et al.: Can the erosion of ocean islands influence ocean chemistry? Evidence from Detroit Seamount, ODP Leg 197
31%1662002Reijmer, John J. G. (ed.): Carbonate margin development (Bahama Transect, ODP Leg 166)
31%1902002Sunderland, E. Blanche; Morgan, Julia K.: Changes in clay mineral preferred orientations during progressive sediment accretion in the Nankai accretionary prism
31%1722002Yokokawa, Miwa; Franz, Sven-Oliver: Changes in grain size and magnetic fabric at Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge during the late Pleistocene (marine isotope stages 8-10)
2002Ruikka, Mattiina; Strand, Kari: Clay minerals in response to the Pleistocene climate change on the Yermak Plateau, Arctic Ocean (ODP, Site 911)
2002Kronborg, Mai-Britt; Huber, Matthew: Climate of the early Paleogene tropics; the "forecast" from a coupled climate model
31%1722002Rio, Domenico (ed.); Arnold, Eve (ed.): Climatic variability recorded in sediment drifts from the western North Atlantic Ocean (ODP Leg 172)
2002Carter, R. M.; Gammon, P. R. et al.: Climatic yo-yo-ing of the subtropical front, 0-0.38 Ma; ODP Site 1119, Southwest Pacific Ocean
2002Liu Chuanlian: Coccolithophores from the Nansha area (southern South China Sea); response to Quaternary upper ocean-water variability
31%1932002Bennett, A. J.; Benning, L. G. et al.: Concentration and distribution of gold in pyrite grains from the Pacmanus hydrothermal system, Papua New Guinea (ODP Leg 193, initial reports)
31%1662002Bergman, Kelly L.; Eberli, Gregor P.: Covariance of Neogene sea-surface temperatures and thermohaline circulation as revealed in paleocurrent features in the Straits of Florida
31%2002Suyehiro, Kiyoshi; Araki, Eiichiro et al.: Deep sea borehole observatories ready and capturing seismic waves in the western Pacific
31%2002Thiede, J.: Deep-sea strata as keys to variations of the earth system and ocean drilling holes as telescopes to inner space
31%2002Groeger, Matthias: Deep-water circulation in the western Equatorial Atlantic; inferences from carbonate preservation studies and silt grain-size analysis
31%1252002Fryer, Patricia: Detailed structures of Mariana Forearc serpentine mud volcanoes from side-scan sonar mapping; implications for formation of serpentinite melange deposits
1995Diester-Haass, L.: Middle Eocene to early Oligocene paleoceanography of the Antarctic Ocean (Maud Rise, ODP Leg 113, Site 689): change from a low to a high productivity ocean
1995Stephens, C. J.: Mineralogy of cored mid-ocean ridge peridotite from MARK (23 degrees N MAR); initial results from Leg 153 of the ODP
31%1331995Alpay, S.; Dix, G. R.: Mixed sediment lithology; an impediment to rapid burial diagenesis? Evidence from deep ocean drilling, Northeast Australia
31%1995Cousens, B. L.; Allan, J. F. et al.: Mixing of magmas from enriched and depleted mantle sources in the Northeast Pacific; West Valley segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
31%1311995Alexander, J. L.: Modelling the influence of pore fluid chemistry on REE fractionation in the Nankai accretionary prism, Japan
1995Wang, Kelin; Davis, Earl E. et al.: Modelling thermal effects of pervasive and channelled water flow in northern Cascadia accretionary prism
31%1995Widmark, Joen G. V.: Multiple deep-water sources and trophic regimes in the latest Cretaceous deep sea; evidence from benthic foraminifera
31%1995Kim, J.; Sager, W. W. et al.: New bathymetry chart of Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific Ocean
31%1251995Nowell, G.; Pearce, J. et al.: New Hf-isotope data on boninites from the Marianas, ODP Leg 125; constraints on origin of HFSE anomalies
1995Zhang, Jijun; Scott, David B.: New planktonic foraminiferal genus and species from the upper Oligocene, DSDP Hole 366A, Leg 41
31%1511995Thiede, J.; Myhre, A. M.: Non-steady behaviour in the Cenozoic polar North Atlantic system; the onset and variability of Northern Hemisphere glaciations
31%1621995Jansen, Eystein; Raymo, Maureen et al.: North Atlantic Arctic Gateways II
31%1451995Rea, David K.; Basov, Ivan A.: North Pacific paleoceanography; results of ODP Leg 145
31%1995Schafer, C. T.; Thibaudeau, S. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program proposal; Northwest Atlantic Margin Project; high resolution record of sediment fluxes to the Northwest Atlantic Ocean basin
31%1581995Herzig, Peter M.; Humphris, Susan E.: Ocean Drilling Program reveals the subsurface nature of the TAG hydrothermal mound
1995Kaivola, T. M.; Matinlassi, M. et al.: Ocean drilling verifying tectonic settings; a spreading ridge subduction zone (Leg 141) and a transform continental margin (Leg 159)
31%1551995Piper, D. J. W.: ODP Leg 155 on the Amazon deep-sea fan; amazingly like the Meguma Group
2005Robinson, R. S.; Mix, A. et al.: Southern Ocean controls on the extent of denitrification in the Southeast Pacific (ODP Site 1234)
31%2005Inoue, H.; Coffin, M. F. et al.: Stratigraphic and structural development of the Ontong Java Plateau
31%1932004Barriga, Fernando J. A. S.; Binns, Ray B. et al.: Leg 193; the third dimension of a felsic-hosted, massive sulphide hydrothermal system in a back-arc basin (Pacmanus, Papua New Guinea)
31%1992004Coxall, Helen K.; Wilson, Paul A. et al.: Link between rapid stepwise Antarctic glaciation and ocean chemistry
31%2022004Mix, A.; Phipps, M. et al.: Linking global climates between hemispheres and ocean basins; millennial-scale temperature and isotopic variability of intermediate and mid-depth watermasses of the Equatorial and Southeast Pacific
2004Dumitrica, Paulian: Maastrichtian Challengeriidae (phaeodarian Radiolaria) from deep sea sediments of SW Pacific
31%1702004Hawkins, L. K.; Burmester, R. F. et al.: Magnetic properties and paleointensity of a mid-Miocene gabbro from the Costa Rica accretionary wedge, ODP Leg 170
2006Maiorano, Patrizia: Reticulofenestra circus var. lata n. var.; a large reticulofenestrid (Coccolithophoridae) from the early Oligocene
2006Jiang, Shijun; Wise, Sherwood W., Jr.: Taxonomic note; Discoaster stellulus Gartner, 1967, emended
31%2006Barnes, Jaime Danielle: Tectonic and metamorphic implications of high chlorine contents in serpentinites
2006O'Regan, Matthew: Temperature and fluid flow at Nankai
2006Paquay, F.; Ravizza, G.: Testing organic-rich sediments as recorders of the seawater Os isotope record

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