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ScoreExp/Site/Hole YearAuthor/TitleFull text
1970McManus, Dean A.; Burns, Robert E. et al.: Site 41download
1970McManus, Dean A.; Burns, Robert E. et al.: Site 33download
1970McManus, Dean A.; Burns, Robert E. et al.: Introductiondownload
44%51970McManus, Dean A.: Comparison of three methods of measuring or estimating sonic velocity in sediments, Chapter 27download
22%31970Bukry, David; Bramlette, M. N.: Coccolith age determinations, Leg 3, Deep Sea Drilling Projectdownload
30%21970Bukry, David: Coccolith age determinations, leg 2, Deep Sea Drilling Project, (Chapter) 13 in initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project - v. 2, leg 2 of cruises of "Glomar Challenger", Hoboken, N.J., to Dakar, Senegal, Oct.-Nov. 1968download
1969Bukry, J. David; Bramlette, M. N.: Coccolith age determinations; Leg 1, Deep Sea Drilling Projectdownload
1969Ewing, W. Maurice; Worzel, J. Lamar et al.: Site 1download
51%1990Huey, David P.: Engineering report on the navidrill core barrel (NCB-124E)download
42%1989Schultheiss, Peter J.; McPhail, S. D.: An automated P-wave logger for recording fine-scale compressional wave velocity structures in sedimentsdownload
40%1984Nierenberg, W. A.; Peterson, M. N. A.: Design and operation of an extended core barreldownload
37%1970Bukry, David: Coccolith age determinations leg 4, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Chapter 17download
35%1984Nierenberg, W. A.; Peterson, M. N. A.: Operations resumes part VIII; Leg 85 through Leg 96download
34%2010Mottl, Michael; Takai, Ken et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 331 preliminary report; deep hot biospheredownload
31%1995Bostroem, Kurt G. V.; Bach, Wolfgang: Trace element determinations by X-ray fluorescence analysis; advantages, limitations, and alternativesdownload
30%1970Bukry, David; Bramlette, M. N.: Coccolith age determinations leg 5, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Chapter 18download
30%1970Vallier, Tracy L.: Grain size analysis, Chapter 14download
26%1975Larson, R. L.; Moberly, R. et al.: Hakodate, Japan to Honolulu, Hawaii, August-October 1973download
22%1983Nierenberg, W. A.; Peterson, M. N. A.: Design and operation of the hydraulic piston corerdownload
22%1972Nierenberg, W. A.; Peterson, M. N. A.: Operations resumes; Leg 19 through Leg 25, July 20, 1971 through August 22, 1972download
22%1990Faugeres, Jean Claude; Gonthier, Eliane et al.: Morphology, microphysiography, sedimentary, and biology patterns of surficial deposits in the South Barbados prism; record of Recent and present active tectonicsdownload
22%2010Takai, Ken; Mottl, Michael et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 331 scientific prospectus; Deep hot biospheredownload
22%2009Fischer, Jan P.; Ferdelman, Timothy G. et al.: Oxygen penetration deep into the sediment of the South Pacific Gyredownload
21%1984Nierenberg, W. A.; Peterson, M. N. A.: Design and operation of an advanced hydraulic piston corerdownload
21%1974Nierenberg, W. A.; Peterson, M. N. A.: Operations resumes; Leg 26 through Leg 33download
18%1984Nierenberg, W. A.; Peterson, M. N. A.: Operations resumes part VII; Leg 71 through 84download
16%2008Sagiya, Takeshi: ICDP workshop on borehole monitoring at the Nankai subduction zone; building a land-ocean borehole network to study the seismogenic zonedownload
16%2008Neal, Clive R.; Coffin, Millard F. et al.: Investigating large igneous province formation and associated paleoenvironmental events; a white paper for scientific drillingdownload
16%2008Myers, Greg: Ultra-deepwater riserless mud circulation with dual gradient drillingdownload
16%2008Fulthorpe, Craig S.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: Drilling to decipher long-term sea-level changes and effects; a joint Consortium for Ocean Leadership, ICDP, IODP, DOSECC, and Chevron workshopsdownload
16%2008Lin, Weiren; Yamamoto, Koji et al.: Estimation of minimum principal stress from an extended leak-off test onboard the Chikyu drilling vessel and suggestions for future test proceduresdownload
16%2011Fulthorpe, Craig S.; Hiyanagi, Koichi et al.: Site U1353download
16%1984Nierenberg, W. A.; Peterson, M. N. A.: Design and operation of a wireline pressure core barreldownload
15%1996Emeis, Kay-Christian; Robertson, Alastair H. F. et al.: Site 965download
15%2010Palike, Heiko; Nishi, Hiroshi et al.: Site U1337download
15%2012Andren, Thomas; Jorgensen, Bo Barker et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 347 scientific prospectus; Baltic Sea basin paleoenvironment; palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Baltic Sea basin through the last glacial cycledownload
13%1971Nierenberg, W. A.; Peterson, M. N. A.: Dynamic positioning for D/V Glomar Challengerdownload
13%2010McNeill, Lisa; Saffer, Demian et al.: IODP Expedition 319, NanTroSEIZE stage 2; first IODP riser drilling operations and observatory installation towards understanding subduction zone seismogenesisdownload
13%2011Fulthorpe, Craig S.; Hoyanagi, Koichi et al.: Site U1351download
13%2010Underwood, Michael B.; Saito, Saneatsu et al.: IODP Expedition 322 drills two sites to document inputs to the Nankai Trough subduction zonedownload
13%1976Nierenberg, W. A.; Peterson, M. N. A.: Soils study continental margin sites; bearing capacity study of seafloor soils, Middle Atlantic Ridge, Atlantic Oceandownload
13%2008Fulthorpe, Craig S.; Hoyanagi, Koichi et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 317 scientific prospectus; Global and local controls on continental margin stratigraphy; Canterbury Basin, eastern South Island, New Zealanddownload
13%1976Nierenberg, W. A.; Peterson, M. N. A.: Operations resumes; Leg 34 through Leg 44Adownload
13%1971Nierenberg, W. A.; Peterson, M. N. A.: Operations resumes; Leg 1 through Leg 18, August 11, 1968, through July 19, 1971download
11%2009Takahashi, Kozo; Ravelo, Christina et al.: Site U1339download
11%2009Takahashi, Kozo; Ravelo, Christina et al.: Site U1340download
11%2005Wellner, Julia S.; Anderson, John B. et al.: The inaugural SHALDRILL Expedition to the Weddell Sea, Antarcticadownload
11%2011Fulthorpe, Craig S.; Hoyanagi, Koichi et al.: Site U1354download
9%2006Tobin, Harold; Kinoshita, Masa: NanTroSEIZE; the IODP Nankai Trough SEIsmogenic Zone Experimentdownload
9%2009Firth, John; Gupta, Lallan et al.: New focus on the tales of the Earth; legacy cores redistribution project completeddownload
9%2009Morgan, Julia K.; Silver, Eli et al.: Addressing geohazards through ocean drillingdownload
9%2009Schultheiss, Peter; Holland, Melanie et al.: Wireline coring and analysis under pressure; recent use and future developments of the HYACINTH Systemdownload
9%2010Sager, William W.; Sano, Takashi et al.: Site U1347download
7%2010Underwood, Michael B.; Saito, Saneatsu et al.: Site C0012download
7%2010Palike, Heiko; Nishi, Hiroshi et al.: Site U1338download
6%2011Fulthorpe, Craig S.; Hiyanagi, Koichi et al.: Site U1352download
4%2010Exon, Neville: Australia's involvement in IODP; what it means for our scientistsdownload
4%2010Heap, Andrew D.; Exon, Neville: Australia's new marine research vessel; geoscience implicationsdownload

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