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ScoreExp/Site/Hole YearAuthor/TitleFull text
1991Mayer, Larry; Pisais, Nick et al.: Leg 138 preliminary report, eastern Equatorial Pacific
1995Schneider, David A.: Paleomagnetism of some Leg 138 sediments; detailing Miocene magnetostratigraphydownload
1991Mayer, Larry A.; Pisias, Nicklas G. et al.: Site 844download
2000Andreasen, Gretchen Hampt; Delaney, M. L.: Lithologic controls on calcite recrystallization in Cenozoic deep-sea sediments
53%1381992Hagelberg, T. K.; Pisias, N. et al.: Spatial and temporal variability of late Neogene sediment composition in the eastern Equatorial Pacific; ODP Leg 138
53%1381997Spivack, Arthur J.; You, Chen-Feng: Boron isotopic geochemistry of carbonates and pore waters, Ocean Drilling Program Site 851
52%1381992The color of mud; drilling in the eastern Equatorial Pacific
45%1381992Schneider, David A.: Magnetostratigraphic anomalies in Miocene deep-sea sediments; results from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 138
45%1381992Hovan, S. A.: Neogene history of eolian flux and particle size from the eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean
45%1381992Mayer, Larry; Pisias, Nick: High-resolution studies of the eastern Equatorial Pacific
45%1381992Mix, Alan: Reflectance spectroscopy enlightens Leg 138 Scientific Party
45%1382003Valet, Jean-Pierre M.; Meynadier, Laure M.: Ten years after; the saw-tooth pattern of paleointensity records
42%1381998Desmet, M.; Schaaf, A.: Geochimie des sediments plio-quaternaires dans l'ocean Pacifique equatorial, Leg ODP 138 Plio-Pleistocene sediment geochemistry in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean, ODP Leg 138
1998Kemp, Alan E. S.; Pearce, Richard B. et al.: Abrupt ocean/climate change recorded by massive sedimentation of mat-forming diatoms; examples from the eastern Equatorial Pacific (ODP Leg 138) and the Mediterranean (ODP Leg 160)
1996Rutherford, Scott; King, Terri: Evolutive cross-spectral analysis of Equatorial Atlantic and Pacific carbonate sedimentation from 0-6 Ma
37%1382004Meynadier, L.; Valet, J.: Oxygen isotopic stratigraphy and geomagnetic field intensity
37%1381992Kemp, A. E. S.; Baldauf, J. G.: Deep sea laminated diatom ooze in the eastern Equatorial Pacific; a record of peak Neogene paleoproductivity
37%1381993Farrell, J. W.; Raffi, I. et al.: Links between nannofossil preservation and carbonate sedimentation in Neogene sediments from the eastern Equatorial Pacific (ODP Leg 138)
2010Hovan, S. A.; Ravelo, A. et al.: Pliocene records of ITCZ, wind field strength and thermocline temperatures in the eastern Equatorial Pacific
37%1381992Pisias, N.; Mayer, L.: High resolution, late Neogene paleoceanographic records from the Equatorial Pacific; legacy of ODP Leg 138
37%1381999Wise, S. W.; Antretter, M. J. et al.: Emplacement of the Kerguelen Plateau; new age dates from ODP Leg 138 drilling
37%1381994Meynadier, Laure; Valet, Jean-Pierre et al.: Asymmetrical saw-tooth pattern of the geomagnetic field intensity from equatorial sediments in the Pacific and Indian oceans
32%1381996Pearce, Richard B.; Kemp, Alan E. S. et al.: High-resolution sedimentology and micropalaeontology of laminated diatomaceous sediments from the eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean (Leg 138)
1997Ranganathan, Jai V.; O'Connell, Suzanne et al.: An improved grayscale analysis method for estimating calcium carbonate content in deep sea cores
30%1381992Lyle, Mitchell; Mayer, Larry et al.: Downhole logging as a paleoceanographic tool on Ocean Drilling Program Leg 138; interface between high-resolution stratigraphy and regional synthesisdownload
30%1381991Pisias, N.; Mayer, L. et al.: Paleoceanographic studies of the eastern Equatorial Pacific; high resolution stratigraphic framework for Ocean Drilling Program Leg 138
26%1381995Farrell, J. W.; Murray, D. W. et al.: Upper ocean temperature and nutrient contrasts inferred from Pleistocene planktonic foraminifer delta (super 18) O and delta (super 13) C in the eastern Equatorial Pacific
26%1381991Mayer, Larry; Pisias, Nicklas G. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program Leg 138 scientific prospectus; eastern Equatorial Pacific
26%1381995Hagelberg, T. K.; Pisias, N. G. et al.: Spatial and temporal variability of late Neogene Equatorial Pacific carbonate; Leg 138
1997Ranganathan, Jai: Optical methods for determining calcium carbonate concentrations within Ocean Drilling Program sediment cores
20%1381995Kemp, Alan E. S.; Baldauf, Jack G. et al.: Origins and paleoceanographic significance of laminated diatom ooze from the eastern Equatorial Pacific Oceandownload
17%1381995Filippelli, Gabriel M.; Delaney, Margaret L.: Phosphorus geochemistry and accumulation rates in the eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean; results from Leg 138download
17%1381995Meynadier, Laure; Valet, Jean-Pierre et al.: Relative geomagnetic intensity during the last 4 m.y. from the Equatorial Pacificdownload
16%1381991Mayer, Larry A.; Pisias, Nicklas G. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; Initial reports; Part 1, Eastern Equatorial Pacific; covering Leg 138 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Balboa, Panama, to San Diego, California, sites 844-854, 6 May 1991-5 July 1991download
15%1381995MacKillop, A. K.; Moran, K. et al.: Consolidation properties of Equatorial Pacific Ocean sediments and their relationship to stress history and offsets in the Leg 138 composite depth sectionsdownload
15%1381991Shackleton, Nicholas J.; Mayer, Larry A. et al.: Sedimentation rates; toward a GRAPE density stratigraphy for Leg 138 carbonate sectionsdownload
13%1381991Bloomer, Steven F.; Mayer, Larry A. et al.: Underway geophysicsdownload
13%1381995Oyun, S.; Elderfield, H. et al.: Strontium isotopes in pore waters of East Equatorial Pacific sediments; indicators of seawater advection through oceanic crust and sedimentsdownload
11%1381995Kemp, Alan E. S.: Variation of trace fossils and ichnofacies in Neogene and Quaternary pelagic sediments from the eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean (Leg 138)download
11%1381991Hagelberg, Teresa King; Shackleton, Nicholas J. et al.: Development of composite depth sections for sites 844 through 854download
11%1381991Lyle, Mitchell W.: Composition maps of surface sediments of the eastern tropical Pacific Oceandownload
10%1381995Lyle, Mitchell; Dadey, Kathleen A. et al.: The late Miocene (11-8 Ma) eastern Pacific carbonate crash; evidence for reorganization of deep-water circulation by the closure of the Panama Gatewaydownload
10%1381995Pearce, R. B.; Kemp, A. E. S. et al.: High-resolution sedimentology and micropaleontology of laminated diatomaceous sediments from the eastern Equatorial Pacific Oceandownload
9%1381995Hovan, Steven A.: Late Cenozoic atmospheric circulation intensity and climatic history recorded by eolian deposition in the eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean, Leg 138download
9%1381991Mayer, Larry A.; Pisias, Nicklas G. et al.: Site surveysdownload
9%1381991Mayer, Larry A.; Pisias, Nicklas G. et al.: Introductiondownload
9%1381991Mix, Alan C.; Rugh, W. et al.: Color reflectance spectroscopy; a tool for rapid characterization of deep-sea sedimentsdownload
9%1381995Mix, Alan C.; Harris, Sara E. et al.: Estimating lithology from nonintrusive reflectance spectra; Leg 138download
8%1381992Parson, Lindsay M.; Hawkins, James W. et al.: Explanatory notesdownload
8%1381995Harris, S.; Hagelberg, T. et al.: Sediment depths determined by comparisons of GRAPE and logging density data during Leg 138download
8%1381995Kemp, Alan E. S.: Neogene and Quaternary pelagic sediments and depositional history of the eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean (Leg 138)download
7%1381995Pisias, Nicklas G.; Mayer, Larry A. et al.: Paleoceanography of the eastern Equatorial Pacific during the Neogene; synthesis of Leg 138 drilling resultsdownload
7%1381995Dadey, Kathleen A.; Lyle, Mitchell: Development of a high-resolution calcium carbonate stratigraphy from logging datadownload
7%1381995Gurvich, Evgeny G.; Levitan, Mikhail A. et al.: Chemical composition of Leg 138 sediments and history of hydrothermal activitydownload
7%1381995Hagelberg, T. K.; Pisias, N. G. et al.: Refinement of a high-resolution, continuous sedimentary section for studying Equatorial Pacific Ocean paleoceanography, Leg 138download
6%1381995Baldauf, Jack G.; Iwai, Masao: Neogene diatom biostratigraphy for the eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean, Leg 138download
6%1381991Mayer, Larry A.; Pisias, Nicklas G. et al.: Explanatory notesdownload
6%1381995Shackleton, N. J.; Crowhurst, S. et al.: A new late Neogene time scale; application to Leg 138 sitesdownload
6%1381995Farrell, John W.; Raffi, Isabella et al.: Late Neogene sedimentation patterns in the eastern Equatorial Pacific Oceandownload
6%1381995Snoeckx, Hilde; Rea, David K.: Data report; CaCO (sub 3) content and bulk density of Leg 138 site-survey piston coresdownload
5%1381995Pisias, Nicklas G.; Moore, Theodore C., Jr.: Radiolarian response to oceanographic changes in the eastern Equatorial Pacific at 2.3 and 4.8 Ma; relationship between changing carbonate deposition and surface oceanographydownload
5%1381995Shackleton, N. J.; Baldauf, J. G. et al.: Biostratigraphic summary for Leg 138download
5%1381995McCartney, Kevin; Churchill, Sherry et al.: Silicoflagellates and ebridians from Leg 138, eastern Equatorial Pacificdownload
4%1381995Pisias, Nicklas G.; Mayer, Larry A. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; scientific results; eastern Equatorial Pacific, covering Leg 138 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Balboa, Panama, to San Diego, California, Sites 844-854, 1 May-4 July 1991download
3%1381995Moore, T. C., Jr.: Radiolarian stratigraphy, Leg 138download
26%1371992Becker, Keir; Graham, Anne Gilbert et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Costa Rica Rift, covering Leg 137 of the cruise of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Honolulu, Hawaii to Balboa, Panama, Site 504, 20 March 1991-1 May 1991download
1998Collins, John A.; Vernon, Frank L. et al.: Relative performance of the borehole, surficially-buried, and seafloor broadband seismographs on the Ocean Seismic Network Pilot Experiment; frequency-domain results
1998Orcutt, John A.: Ocean Seismic Network pilot experiment is a success!
2000Zeldenrust, Irene; Stephen, Ralph A.: Shear wave resonances in sediments on the deep sea floor
2006Crawford, Wayne C.; Stephen, Ralph A. et al.: A second look at low-frequency marine vertical seismometer data quality at the OSN-1 Site off Hawaii for seafloor, buried, and borehole emplacements
1991Dziewonski, Adam M.; Wilkins, Roy et al.: ODP Leg 136 sets seismograph test site
1993Johnson, H. Paul; Pariso, Janet E.: Magnetic study of the basalts from Hole 843B, Hawaiian Archdownload
1993Waggoner, David Guy: The age and alteration of Central Pacific oceanic crust near Hawaii, Site 843download
1992Dziewonski, Adam M.; Wilkens, Roy H. et al.: Site 843download
2000Kanamatsu, Toshiya; Herrero-Bervera, Emilio: Magnetostratigraphy of piston cores from areas adjacent to the Hawaiian Islands
2002Leslie, Stephen C.; Moore, Gregory F. et al.: Seismic stratigraphy of the Frontal Hawaiian Moat; implications for sedimentary processes at the leading edge of an oceanic hotspot trace
1991Dziewonski, Adam M.; Wilkens, Roy et al.: Ocean Drilling Program Leg 136 preliminary report; Ocean seismographic network pilot hole, Hawaiian Arch
1999McMurtry, Gary M.; Herrero-Bervera, Emilio et al.: Stratigraphic constraints on the timing and emplacement of the Alika 2 giant Hawaiian submarine landslide
1996Garcia, Michael O.: Turbidites from slope failure on Hawaiian volcanoes
1993De Carlo, Eric H.: Geochemistry of pore water and sediments recovered from Leg 136, Hawaiian Archdownload
1993Naka, Jiro; Tsugaru, Ryosuke et al.: Sedimentary processes of volcaniclastic sediments, Leg 136download
1993Wilkens, Roy H.; Christensen, N. I. et al.: Seismic properties and reflectivity of North Pacific Ocean chertsdownload
1993Garcia, Michael O.: Pliocene-Pleistocene volcanic sands from Site 842; products of giant landslidesdownload
1992Dziewonski, Adam M.; Wilkens, Roy H. et al.: Site 842download
1993Firth, John V.; Hull, Donna Meyerhoff: Ichthyolith biostratigraphy of deep-sea clays from the southwestern Hawaiian Archdownload
28%1361992Dziewonski, Adam M.; Wilkens, Roy H. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Hawaiian Arch, covering Leg 136 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Honolulu, Hawaii, to Honolulu, Hawaii, sites 842-843, 3 March-20 March 1991download
11%1361992Dziewonski, Adam M.; Wilkens, Roy H. et al.: Background and objectives of the ocean seismographic network, and Leg 136 drilling resultsdownload
9%1361992Dziewonski, Adam M.; Wilkens, Roy H. et al.: Explanatory notesdownload
7%1361993Helsley, Charles E.: Paleomagnetic results from Leg 136download
6%1361993Wilkens, Roy H.; Dziewonski, Adam et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, scientific results, Hawaiian Arch; covering Leg 136 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Honolulu, Hawaii, to Honolulu, Hawaii, sites 842-843, 28 February-20 March 1991download
1996Clift, P. D.; MacLeod, C. J. et al.: Forearc sedimentation, subduction erosion and the effect of seamount collisions in the Tonga Arc
1995Vitali, Frederic; Blanc, Gerard et al.: Zeolite distribution in volcaniclastic deep-sea sediments from the Tonga Trench margin (SW Pacific)
1999Vitali, Frederic; Blanc, Gerard et al.: The thermal diagenesis of clay minerals within volcanogenic material from the Tonga convergent margin
1999Vitali, Frederic; Blanc, Gerard et al.: Formation temperatures of clays from the volcaniclastic series of Site 841 ODP; an oxygen isotopic record of a paleothermal flux into the Tonga Forearc
1992Parson, Lindsay M.; Hawkins, James W. et al.: Site 841download
1994Chaproniere, George C. H.: Middle and late Eocene larger foraminifers from Site 841 (Tongan Platform)download
1994Bloomer, Sherman H.; Ewart, Anthony et al.: Geochemistry and origin of igneous rocks from the outer Tonga forearc (Site 841)download
1994MacLeod, Christopher J.: Structure of the outer Tonga forearc at Site 841download
1994Nishi, Hiroshi; Chaproniere, George C. H.: Eocene-Oligocene subtropical planktonic foraminifers at Site 841download
2001Clift, Peter D.; Rose, Estelle F. et al.: Tracing the evolving flux from the subducting plate in the Tonga-Kermadec arc system using boron in volcanic glass

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