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ScoreExp/Site/Hole YearAuthor/TitleFull text
58%1973Christensen, N. I.: Seismic structure of the upper portion of layer 2
58%1996Pearce, J. A.: Mantle dynamics and crustal accretion above subduction zones; evidence from western Pacific drilling
58%1996Normile, Dennis: Japan trolls for global support of deepest drilling vessel
58%1978Lowrie, W.; Kent, D. V.: Characteristics of VRM in oceanic basalts
58%1992Malpas, John: Contribution of ocean drilling to the understanding of processes of ocean lithosphere formation and ageing
58%1979Muehlenbachs, K.; Scarfe, C. M.: (super 18) O exchange between Layer 2 and seawater; evidence from DSDP
58%1979Hall, J. M.: A model for the structural state of the upper half kilometer of North Atlantic Ocean layer 1
58%1996Sykes, Tim J. S.: A correction for sediment load upon the ocean floor; uniform versus varying sediment density estimations; implications for isostatic correction
58%1995Pratson, E. Lewis; Pirmez, C. et al.: A refinement of Formation MicroScanner depth shifting in the Ocean Drilling Program
58%1989Chudyk, C. E.; Coffin, M. F. et al.: Dipping reflectors on the Kerguelen Plateau
58%1983Inderbitzen, Anton L.: Scientific goals of the Advanced Ocean Drilling Program
58%1991Zehnder, Carolyn Marie: Magmatic processes attending the initiation of seafloor spreading in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea; a deep seismic study of conjugate margins
58%1979Matveyenkov, V. V.; Baranov, B. V.: Magmaticheskiye porody khrebta Makkuori (yugo-zapadnaya chast' Tikhogo okeana) Magmatic rocks from the Macquarie Ridge, Southwest Pacific
58%1991Meschede, Martin; Krammer, Anton: Tiefseebohrung in der Kollisionszone; Anfaenge der Gebirgsbildung erforscht Deep-sea drilling at collision zones; origins of mountain building
58%1993Pick, Thomas; Tauxe, Lisa: Geomagnetic palaeointensities during the Cretaceous normal superchron measured using submarine basaltic glass
58%1981Challenger devotes 78B to old hole
58%1981Beiersdorf, H.: Ein deutscher Beitrag zur Geoforschung A German contribution to research in the earth sciences
58%1991Austin, James A., Jr.: Ocean Drilling Program sets FY 92 schedule
58%1996Lovell, M. A.; Harvey, P. K. et al.: Strategies for the interpretation of core and log data in the Ocean Drilling Program
58%1979Laughton, A. S.; Searle, R. C.: Tectonic processes on slow spreading ridges
58%1979Blakely, R. J.: The magnetic grain of oceanic layer 2A and short-wavelength marine anomalies
58%1990Haymon, Rachel; Fornari, Dan: ARGO system reveals EPR (9 degrees -10 degrees N) to be hot stuff
58%1984Newmark, Robin L.; Zoback, Mark D. et al.: Determination of in-situ stress directions in the crust; DSDP Hole 597C
58%1981Emiliani, Cesare: A new global geology
58%1987Hall, Stuart A.: Potential ODP drilling sites in the Caribbean
58%1987Anonymous: Report of the Second conference on Scientific Ocean Drilling (COSOD II)
58%1984Coulon, Herve; Debrabant, Pierre et al.: Donnees petrographiques, mineralogiques et geochimiques sur la transition basalts-sediments dans l'Atlantique Nord Petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical data on North Atlantic basalt-sediment transitions
58%1984Bogatikov, O. A.; Dmitriyev, Yu. I.: Formatsionnyye tipy tikhookeanskikh bazal'tov Formational types of oceanic basalts
58%1998Clement, Bradford M.: Polarity transition records and post-2003 drilling; reversal of fortunes or fortunate reversals?
58%1990Anonymous: Special section on Logging and downhole measurements in Deep Sea Drilling Project/Ocean Drilling Program deep crustal holes
58%1987Saunders, J. B.: Caribbean drilling possibilities and priorities
58%1989Semenov, G. A.; Buravtsev, A. A.: Density dependence of elastic wave velocity in deep-sea cores of the Atlantic Ocean
58%1992Rabinowitz, Philip D.; Francis, Timothy J. G.: Ocean Drilling Program; scientific and technical highlights of eight years of operations
58%1986Colwell, Jim; Coffin, Mike et al.: French expeditions to the southern Kerguelen Plateau
58%1990Austin, J. A., Jr.: ODP plans for ridge-crest drilling
58%1990Worthington, Paul F.: ODP-KTB petrophysical workshop; a blueprint for interprogram collaboration
58%2003Becker, Keir; Davis, E. E.: Twelve years of results from ODP subseafloor "CORK" hydrogeological observatories
58%2003Machetel, Philippe; Humler, Eric: High mantle temperature during Cretaceous avalanche
58%2007Morita, Sumito; Kuramoto, Shinichi et al.: Geologic structure of Nankai accretionary prism visualized by three-dimensional seismic examination
58%2007Teagle, Damon: Heavy metal meets hard rock
58%1981Goerlich, F.: Birgt der Tiefseeboden neue Schaetze? Aufgaben fuer das neue Tiefseebohrschiff "Glomar Explorer" The bottom of deep seas, does it hide treasures? Missions of the new deep sea drilling ship "Glomar Explorer"
58%2004Prell, Warren L.: Understanding our planet through ocean drilling
58%1986Orlenok, V. V.: The evolution of ocean basins during Cenozoic time
58%1994Mithal, R.; Coyne, J. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program going for relational database management system
58%1994Dick, Henry: ODP looks through tectonic windows
58%1998Tauxe, Lisa: Drilling for submarine basaltic glass and the enigma of the CNS
58%1987Mauffret, Alain: ODP propositions in the Caribbean zone
58%1997Langseth, Marcus G.; Stein, Carol A. et al.: Synthesis of geothermal data from ODP data legs 101-160
58%1997Malpas, John G.; Robinson, Paul T.: The origin and evolution of oceanic lithosphere
58%1994Lallemand, S. E.: Possible interaction between mantle dynamics and high rates of arc's consumption in East Asia
58%2001Sun, Yoon: Tectonic history of the Japan Sea region and its implications for the formation of the Japan Sea
58%2001Winterer, Edward L.: The oldest biogenous pelagic sediments above Mesozoic oceanic basement; a review
58%1997Johnston, Joel E.; Christensen, Nikolas I.: Seismic properties of layer 2 basalts
58%2001Keene, Jock: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP); the decade after 2003
58%1992Austin, James A., Jr.: Recent achievements and the future of ODP
58%1992Sun, M.; Fisher, A. et al.: Using object-oriented control method for heat flow analysis
58%1993Dick, Henry J. B.: A new mandate for deep-ocean drilling
58%2003Whitmarsh, Bob: Rupturing continents exposed mantle rocks
58%1979Katz, B. J.; Harrison, C. G. A. et al.: Racemization anomalies in selected Deep Sea Drilling Project samples
58%1992Enachescu, Michael E.: Carson-Bonnition Basin, strange crust and ODP drilling, offshore Newfoundland
58%2008Searle, Roger: Mantle extrusion on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 13 degrees N
58%2007Anonymous: Ocean Drilling Program final technical report, 1983-2007
58%1993Seibold, Eugen: Warum in der Tiefsee bohren? Why drill in the deep sea?
58%1977Barker, P. F.; Burrell, J.: The opening of Drake Passage
58%1992Mayer, Larry A.: Future trends in ocean-related research; big programs? Big costs? Big thinking?
58%2003Taira, Asahiko: IODP and D/V Chikyu
58%2004Normile, Dennis; Kerr, Richard A.: A sea change in ocean drilling; scientists launch a new drill ship and ambitious research plans
58%2009Spinelli, G. A.; Harris, R. N.: Thermal effects of seamount subduction on the Nankai margin
54%1995Tectonics Panel white paper
54%1986Cotterill, Mike: Ultra-deep
54%2012Hanada, Masaaki; Hoshino, Michihei: Submersion at the ocean floor from the perspective of DSDP data
54%2010Kirschner, Joshua P.; Kominz, Michelle A. et al.: Quantifying extension of passive margins; implications for sea-level changedownload
53%1999Neprochnov, Yu. P.; Grin'ko, B. N. et al.: Structure of the Earth's crust in the East Mariana Basin from the data of detailed seismic studies
53%2011Mataracioglu, Mehmet Onur; Magnani, Maria Beatrice et al.: Investigation of collisional styles of the Caribbean large igneous province (CLIP) vs. normal oceanic crust using seismic reflection profiles
50%1998Minshull, T. A.; Muller, M. R. et al.: Is the oceanic Moho a serpentinization front?
48%1981Sheridan, Robert E.: Recent research on passive continental margins
48%1983Moore, J. Casey; Lundberg, N.: Macro- to microfabrics of modern convergent margins
48%1985Hesse, Reinhard: Early diagenetic pore water evolution during shallow (< 1km) burial in modern offshore basins; deep sea drilling results
48%1988Pockalny, Robert A.; Detrick, Robert S. et al.: Morphology and tectonics of the Kane Transform from Sea Beam bathymetry datadownload
48%1988Abrams, Lewis J.; Detrick, Robert S. et al.: Morphology and crustal structure of the Kane fracture zone transverse ridgedownload
48%1979Denham, C. R.; Schouten, H.: On the likelihood of mixed polarity in oceanic basement drill cores
48%1979Dmitriyev, Yu. I.; Solovova, I. P. et al.: Petrologiya bazitov Filippinskogo morya po dannym glubokovodnogo bureniya Petrology of mafic rocks from the Philippine Sea; Deep Sea Drilling Project data
48%1970Hammond, Allen L.: Deep sea drilling; a giant step in geological research
48%1985Kobayashi, Kazuo: Sea of Japan and Ryukyu Trench-Arch back-arc system
48%1982Anonymous: Bohrlochexperimente am Mittelatlantischen Ruecken; Wiederbesetzung von Bohrloch 395 A Boreholes in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge; Site 395 A
48%1982Shutov, V. D.: Epigenesis of oceanic basalts
48%1988Pariso, Janet E.; Scott, J. H. et al.: A magnetic logging study of gabbros within ODP hole 735B at the Southwest Indian Ridge
48%1988Carlson, R. L.; Herrick, C. N.: Age-dependent velocity/density systematics in "layer 2" basalts
48%1982Anderson, Roger N.: In the eye of the BHTV; two miles beneath the sea
48%1982Smith, G. M.; Janecky, D. R. et al.: Magnetic characteristics of experimental natural serpentinites
48%1988von Huene, Roland; Miller, J.: Erosion and accretion along the southern Peru margin, 12 degrees S
48%1996Acton, Gary D.; Flood, Peter G.: Palaeomagnetic constraints on the palaeolatitudes of some oceanic terranes in the New England Orogen, eastern Australia
48%1982Chave, Alan D.; Cox, Charles S.: Controlled electromagnetic sources for measuring electrical conductivity beneath the oceans; 1, Forward problem and model studydownload
48%1985Kong, L.; Brocher, T. M. et al.: Spreading rate independence of oceanic seismic layer 2download
48%1985Cande, Steven C.; Kent, Dennis V. et al.: Tectonic rotations in extensional regimes and their paleomagnetic consequences for ocean basalts; discussion and reply
48%1985Stephen, Ralph A.; Bolmer, S. T.: The direct wave root in marine seismology
48%1980Stoffa, P. L.; Buhl, P. et al.: Mantle reflections beneath the crestal zone of the East Pacific Rise from multi-channel seismic data
48%1976Peterson, Melvin N. A.: An overview of the Deep Sea Drilling Project
48%1976Hyndman, R. D.; Von Herzen, R. P. et al.: Heat flow measurements in deep crustal holes on the Mid-Atlantic Ridgedownload
48%1986Verosub, Kenneth L.; Steiner, Maureen et al.: Paleomagnetic objectives for the Ocean Drilling Program

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