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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
36%1981Nesterenko, G. V.; Sushchevskaya, N. M.: Bazal'tovyye stekla skvazhiny 442 B (Filippinskoye more) Basalt glasses from the 442B drill hole, Philippine Sea
36%1980Lewis, B. T. R. (ed.); Rabinowitz, P. D. (ed.): Regional geophysical studies associated with IPOD site surveys
36%1980Tochilina, S. V.; Shastina, V. V.: Rezul'taty izucheniya kaynozoyskikh radiolyariy Yaponskogo i Beringova morey (s primeneniyem UZD-1 i "Stereoskan") Results of studies on Cenozoic Radiolaria in the Japan and Bering seas using UZD-1 and "stereoscan"
36%1990Brunner, Charlotte A.; Rahman, A. et al.: Major climatic changes in surface waters of the Japan Sea since the early middle Miocene
36%661980Watkins, Joel S.; Moore, J. Casey: Sediment budget in the vicinity of the DSDP Leg 66 transect, Middle America Trench, southern Mexico
1980Kyte, Frank T.; Zhou Zhiming et al.: Siderophile-enriched sediments from the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary
1993Girardeau, Jacques; Francheteau, Jean: Plagioclase-wehrlites and peridotites on the East Pacific Rise (Hess Deep) and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (DSDP Site 334); evidence for magma percolation in the oceanic upper mantle
1993Dowsett, Harry J.; West, Stephanie M.: Pliocene planktic foraminifer census data from Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 445
36%1331993Kronen, John D., Jr.: Recognition of condensed sections and flooding events as deduced from high-resolution sequence stratigraphy of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia; 0-1.5 Ma
36%1987Casey, Richard E.; Perez-Guzman, Ana Maria et al.: Radiolarian evidence bearing on the oceanographic history of the Gulf of California, and the Gulf's possible role in radiolarian evolutionary history
36%1987Wang, Chung-Ho; Yu, Ein-Fen et al.: Rates of sedimentation in the Philippine Sea
36%1121987Reed, T. B., IV; Bartlett, W. A. et al.: SeaMARC II imagery and bathymetry of the Peru Fore-arc
1980Cape, C. D.; Gordon, R. G.: The resolving power of DSDP equatorial crossings in determining past motions of the Pacific Plate
1989Wetzel, Andreas: Influence of heat flow on ooze/chalk cementation; quantification from consolidation parameters in DSDP sites 504 and 505 sediments
36%1984Hoffman, Antoni; Kitchell, Jennifer A.: Evolution in a pelagic planktic system; a paleobiologic test of models of multispecies evolution
36%1995Antipov, M. P.; Shlezinger, A. Ye. et al.: Influence of stratigraphy on acoustic wave fields
36%1995Channell, James E. T.; Erba, Elisabetta et al.: Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous time scales and oceanic magnetic anomaly block models
1997Ibaraki, Masako: Closing of the Central American Seaway and Neogene coastal upwelling along the Pacific Coast of South America
36%1701997Saffer, Demian; Silver, Eli et al.: Consolidation, pore fluid pressures, and implications for dewatering pathways of subducted sediments, offshore Costa Rica
36%1121990Bourgois, Jacques; Huchon, P. et al.: Tectonics of the Peru active margin
36%1691998Fouquet, Yves; Zierenberg, Robert A. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, initial reports; Sedimented ridges II, covering Leg 169 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Victoria, British Columbia, to San Diego, California, sites 1035-1038, 21 August-16 October, 1996download
36%169S1998Bornhold, Brian D.; Firth, John V. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, initial reports; Saanich Inlet, covering Leg 169S of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Victoria, British Columbia to Victoria, British Columbia, Sites 1033-1034, 15-21 August 1996download
36%1973Melson, W. G.: Basaltic glasses from the Deep Sea Drilling Project; chemical characteristics, compositions of alteration products, and fission track "ages"
36%1977Donaldson, C. H.; Brown, R. W.: Refractory megacrysts and magnesium-rich melt inclusions within spinel in oceanic tholeiites; indicators of magma mixing and parental magma composition
36%1977Theyer, F.; Mato, C. et al.: Sediment core descriptions; R/V Kana Keoki, 1973 North central Pacific cruise, 1974 southeastern Pacific cruise, and a 1974 Mid-Atlantic Ridge IPOD site-survey
1990Lancelot, Yves P.; Larson, Roger et al.: Site 801
36%1980Kent, Peter; Laughton, A. S. et al.: The evolution of passive continental margins in the light of recent deep drilling results
36%2003Ohara, Yasuhiko; Okino, Kyoko et al.: Drilling the largest oceanic detachment in the world; the Godzilla Mullion in the Parece Vela Rift
36%2003Melankholina, E. N.; Sushchevskaya, N. M. et al.: Evolution of tholeiitic magmatism in the North Pacific region
36%1987Sugisaki, Ryuichi; Ohashi, Masayoshi et al.: Compositional variations in manganese micronodules; a possible indicator of sedimentary environments
1987Desikachary, T. V.; Gowthaman, S. et al.: Diatom flora of some sediments from the Indian Ocean region
36%1989Kohnen, M. E. L.; Sinninghe Damste, Jaap S. et al.: Early incorporation of polysulphides in sedimentary organic matter
36%1989Parson, L. M.: Geophysical and geological investigations of the Lau back-arc basin, SW Pacific
1989Nicholson, D. P.: Geotechnical parameters for three deep ocean study areas
36%1995Glenn, C. R.; Burnett, W. C. et al.: Peru margin phosphorites and paleoceanography
36%1995Spezzaferri, Silvia: Planktonic foraminiferal paleoclimatic implications across the Oligocene-Miocene transition in the oceanic record (Atlantic, Indian and South Pacific)
1980Echols, Dorothy: Late Neogene foraminiferal zonation, Daito-Ridge-and-Basin Province (DSDP Site 445), North Philippine Sea
36%1999Larson, Roger L.; Erba, Elisabetta: Onset of the Mid-Cretaceous greenhouse in the Barremian-Aptian; igneous events and the biological, sedimentary, and geochemical responsesdownload
36%1999Guyodo, Yohan; Richter, Carl et al.: Paleointensity record from Pleistocene sediments (1.4-0 Ma) off the California Margindownload
36%291977Kroopnick, P. M.; Margolis, S. V. et al.: delta >13) C variations in marine carbonate sediments as indicators of the CO<2) balance between the atmosphere and oceans
1977Seidemann, D. E.: Effects of submarine alteration on K-Ar dating of deep-sea igneous rocks
36%1977Scheidegger, K. F.; Corliss, J. B. et al.: Evidence for the compositional uniformity of a crustal segment of the Nazca Plate
36%941987Sato, Tokiyuki; Takayama, Toshiaki et al.: Calcareous microfossil biostratigraphy of the uppermost Cenozoic formations distributed in the coast of the Japan Sea; Part I, Niigata area
36%1988Staudacher, Thomas; Allegre, Claude J.: Recycling of oceanic crust and sediments; the noble gas subduction barrier
1988Finley, Patrick D.; Krason, Jan: Review of proposed massive gas hydrate formation processes
36%1995Martin, Jonathan B.; Kastner, Miriam et al.: Origins of saline fluids at convergent margins
36%1996Lagoe, Martin B.; Zellers, Sarah D.: Depositional and microfaunal response to Pliocene climate change and tectonics in the eastern Gulf of Alaska
36%1121996von Huene, R.; Pecher, I. A. et al.: Development of the accretionary prism along Peru and material flux after subduction of Nazca Ridgedownload
1996Hooghiemstra, Henry: Environmental and paleoclimatic evolution in the late Pliocene-Quaternary Colombia
36%1996King, Teresa: Equatorial Pacific sea surface temperatures, faunal patterns, and carbonate burial during the Pliocene
36%1989Riegraf, W.; Luterbacher, H.: Benthonische Foraminiferen aus der Unterkreide des "Deep Sea Drilling Project" (Leg 1-79) Benthic foraminifers of the Lower Cretaceous from the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 1-79
36%1980Dmitriyev, Yu. I.; Solovova, I. P. et al.: Petrology of basic rocks of the Philippine Sea based on deep-sea drilling data
36%641980Einsele, Gerhard; Kelts, K.: Physical properties of unconsolidated mud turbidities, and their significance for diagenetic processes (results from Leg 64, DSDP, Gulf of California)
36%1980Renard, V.; Aubouin, Jean et al.: Premiers resultats d'une etude de la fosse d'Amerique centrale au sondeur multifaisceaux (Seabeam) First results of a study of the Middle America Trench by a multibeam sounder; Seabeam
36%661980Moore, J. C.; Watkins, J. S.: Progressive accretion, tectonic truncation, and subduction, Middle America Trench, southern Mexico; results from Leg 66 DSDP
36%1983Kennett, James P.; Wei, K. Y. et al.: Neogene planktonic foraminifera; evolution at high resolution
36%1983Orcutt, J. A.; Jordan, T. H. et al.: Ngendie seismic experiment; refraction and reflection studies
1996Filippelli, Gabriel M.; Delaney, Margaret Lois: Phosphorus geochemistry of Equatorial Pacific sediments
36%1581996Ludwig, Rainer: Porosity-seismic velocity relationship and evolution of shallow oceanic crust near spreading centers of the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean
1996Kyte, F. T.: Should we expect to find more pieces of the K/T bolide?
1983Salisbury, Matthew H.: In the Pacific, Deep-sea drilling tallies gains
36%1995Kobayashi, Harumi; Hasumoto, Hiroshi et al.: Studies on zooplankton in the subtropical and tropical waters of the Indian Ocean and the western North Pacific
36%591978Kroenke, L.; Scott, R.: Marginal basin and remnant arc evolution, western Philippine Sea; Leg 59 DSDP results
36%1978Nasu, N.; Tomoda, Y. et al.: Multi-channel seismic reflection data across the Shikoku Basin and the Daito ridges, 1976; Part 1
36%1331990Davies, P. J.; McKenzie, J. A. et al.: Sea level, climate, and basin evolution; ODP Leg 133, Northeast Australia
36%1992Krasheninnikov, Valery A.; Basov, Ivan A.: Bathymetric assemblages of benthic foraminifers in the Pliocene-Quaternary sediments of the Timor Trough
1992Burckle, Lloyd H.; Brunner, Charlotte A. et al.: Biostratigraphic and biochronologic synthesis of Legs 127 and 128; Sea of Japan
1990Zhou, Lei: Characterization of chemical signatures in sediments; applications to selected problems
1990Karlin, R. H.; Levi, S.: Paleosecular variation for the last 250 ka in rapidly deposited marine sediments at DSDP Site 480 in the Gulf of California
1985Taylor, Scott H.: Pleistocene to Recent benthic foraminifera from DSDP Site 207, Lord Howe Rise, Tasman Sea
36%1985Kastner, Miriam; Jine-Yu-Hu et al.: Pliocene convective flow through sediments on the western flank of the EPR, DSDP Hole 600C
36%1985Bray, C. J.; Karig, D. E.: Porosity of sediments in accretionary prisms and some implications for dewatering processesdownload
36%1985Heusser, Linda E.: Quaternary palynology of marine sediments in the Northeast Pacific, Northwest Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico
36%1992Baumgartner, Peter O.; Gorican, Spela et al.: Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous radiolarian biochronology of Tethys and Circumpacific low paleolatitudes
36%1121992Tsuchi, Ryuichi: Neogene events in Japan and on the Pacific coast of South America
1992Ibaraki, Masako: Neogene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy on the coast of Peru and its paleoceanographic implications
36%1461992Westbrook, Graham K.; Carson, Bobb et al.: Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 146 Scientific Prospectus, Cascadia Margin
1992Filippelli, G. M.; Delaney, M. L.: Phosphorus accumulation rates during the Cenozoic; the eastern (ODP Leg 138) and western (ODP Leg 130) Equatorial Pacific
36%641982Kelts, Kerry: Translational margins; a comparison of the Gulf of California and the Mesozoic Tethys
36%571983Chiou, W. A.; Shephard, L. E. et al.: A technique for preparing high water content clayey sediments for thin and ultrathin section study
1983Kyte, Frank Thomas: Analyses of extraterrestrial materials in terrestrial sediments
1983Borehole seismometer deployed
36%1975Kennett, J. P.; Thunell, R. C. et al.: Correlation of Neogene volcanic episodicity recorded in marine and terrestrial deposits, western North America
1975Taylor, L. W. H.: Depositional and tectonic patterns in the western Coral Sea
36%291975Erdman, J. G.; Schorno, K. S. et al.: Geochemistry of carbon and sulfur; DSDP Leg 29
36%1972Kennett, J. P.; Burns, R. E. et al.: Australian-Antarctic Continental Drift, Palaeocirculation Changes and Oligocene Deep-Sea Erosion
36%1981Bazilevskaya, E. S.: Iron-manganese ore-shows in the sedimentary sequence of the ocean floor (based on deep-sea drilling data)
36%1986Hess, Jennifer; Bender, Michael L. et al.: Evolution of the ratio of strontium-87 to strontium-86 in seawater from Cretaceous to present
36%321986Adachi, Mamoru; Yamamoto, Koshi et al.: Hydrothermal chert and associated siliceous rocks from the northern Pacific; their geological significance as indication of ocean ridge activity
36%1986Tochilina, S. V.; Popov, V. S.: Korrelyatsionnyy analiz mineral'nogo sostava radiolyariy (na primere opornogo razreza kaynozoya, Zapadno-Tikhookeanskaya plita, skv. 436,56-y reys b/s "Glomar Chellendzher") Correlative analysis of the chemical composition of Radiolaria; the first example of a Cenozoic diversion of the western Pacific Plate sounding 436, 56-j transect B/S of the Glomar Challenger
36%1986Thunell, Robert C.; Corliss, Bruce H.: Late Eocene-early Oligocene carbonate sedimentation in the deep sea
2003Cruse, Anna M.; Seewald, Jeffrey S. et al.: Sulfide mineral-vent fluid interaction during upflow at ODP Mound, Middle Valley, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge
36%2003Moore, Theodore C.; Lyle, M. et al.: Tracking the equator into the Paleogene
36%2012002Neretin, L. N.; Schippers, A. et al.: Quantitative molecular techniques to study the abundance and activity of microorganisms in the marine deep subsurface
2003Barriga, Fernando; Binns, Ray et al.: Treasure in the making under the sea floor
2003Milkov, Alexei V.; Claypool, George E. et al.: In situ methane concentrations at Hydrate Ridge, offshore Oregon; new constraints on the global gas hydrate inventory from an active margin
2003Lippert, Peter C.; Zhao, Xixi et al.: New paleomagnetic and rock magnetic data from 10-12 Ma basaltic cores in ODP Site 1243, eastern Equatorial Pacific
36%2022004Schmittner, A.: Changes in Southeastern Pacific circulation and productivity on tectonic, orbital and millennial timescales in simulations with a global climate model
36%2004Adkins, J. F.; Schrag, D. P.: Deep ocean temperature and salinity at the last glacial maximum
36%2004Stancin, A. M.; Gleason, J. D. et al.: Differentiation of Cenozoic eolian dust sources in the eastern Pacific by Nd-Sr-Pb radiogenic isotopes

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