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ScoreExp/Site/HoleYear Author/TitleFull text
11%1661997Eberli, Gregor P.; Swart, Peter K. et al.: Introductiondownload
9%1651997Sigurdsson, Haraldur; Leckie, R. Mark et al.: Caribbean volcanism, Cretaceous/Tertiary impact, and ocean-climate history; synthesis of Leg 165download
9%1551997Flood, Roger D.; Piper, David J. W.: Amazon Fan sedimentation; the relationship to equatorial climate change, continental denudation, and sea-level fluctuationsdownload
9%1551997Vilela, Claudia Gutterres; Maslin, Mark A.: Benthic and planktonic foraminifers, and stable isotopic analysis of mass-flow sediments in the Amazon Fandownload
9%1671997Lyle, Mitchell; Koizumi, Itaru et al.: Leg 167 introductiondownload
9%1651997Sigurdsson, Haraldur; Leckie, R. Mark et al.: Introduction; geologic studies of the Caribbean Seadownload
1997Lyle, Mitchell; Boden, Per et al.: A detailed window on climate change in Northern Californiadownload
9%1781997Barker, Peter F.; Camerlenghi, Angelo et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 178 scientific prospectus; Antarctic Peninsula; Antarctic glacial history and sea-level changedownload
9%1551997Piper, David J. W.; Flood, Roger D. et al.: Synthesis of stratigraphic correlations of the Amazon Fandownload
9%1997Muller, Frederick L.; Uptegrove, Jane: Data report; Heavy mineral analysis of the upper Miocene(?) to Pleistocene sands, Cape May sitedownload
1997Cisowski, Stanley M.; Hall, Frank R.: An examination of the paleointensity record and geomagnetic excursions recorded in Leg 155 coresdownload
9%1541997Shackleton, Nicholas J.; Curry, William B. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; Scientific results, Ceara Rise; covering Leg 154 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Bridgetown, Barbados, to Bridgetown, Barbados, sites 925-929, 24 January-25 March, 1994download
9%1531997Gee, Jeffrey S.; Lawrence, Roisin May et al.: Remanence characteristics of gabbros from the MARK area; implications for crustal magnetizationdownload
8%1671997Lyle, Mitchell; Koizumi, Itaru et al.: Explanatory notesdownload
1997Eberli, Gregor P.; Swart, Peter K. et al.: Site 1005download
8%1551997Nanayama, Futoshi: An electron microprobe study of the Amazon Fandownload
1997Davis, Earl E.; Fisher, Andrew T. et al.: Rough basement transect (sites 1026 and 1027)download
8%1551997Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe; Rullkoetter, Juergen: Terrigenous and marine lipids in Amazon Fan sediments; implications for sedimentological reconstructionsdownload
1997Sigurdsson, Haraldur; Leckie, R. Mark et al.: Site 1000download
1997Soh, Wonn: Computed tomography scan analysis of Site 941 cores, western mass-transport deposit, Amazon Fandownload
8%1541997Weedon, Graham P.; Shackleton, Nicholas J. et al.: The Oligocene time scale and cyclostratigraphy on the Ceara Rise, western Equatorial Atlanticdownload
1997Eberli, Gregor P.; Swart, Peter K. et al.: Site 1004download
7%1997Miller, Kenneth G.; Aubry, Marie-Pierre et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; scientific results; New Jersey coastal plain; covering onshore boreholes as part of the New Jersey sea-level transect, Island Beach and Atlantic City sites, March-August 1993, Cape May site, March-April 1994download
7%1997Gohn, Gregory S.: Data report; Cretaceous ostracode assemblages in the Island Beach core, New Jersey coastal plaindownload
6%1551997Balsam, William L.; Damuth, John E. et al.: Comparison of shipboard vs. shore-based spectral data from Amazon Fan cores; implications for interpreting sediment compositiondownload
6%1551997Piper, David J. W.; Deptuck, Mark: Fine-grained turbidites of the Amazon Fan; facies characterization and interpretationdownload
6%1821997Hine, Albert C.; Feary, David A.: Deciphering Cenozoic cool-water carbonates of the Great Australian Bightdownload
1997Cawood, Peter A.; Leitch, Evan C.: Data report; Phase chemistry of volcanic ash from Site 949download
6%1551997Normark, William R.; Damuth, John E. et al.: Sedimentary facies and associated depositional elements of the Amazon Fandownload
6%1551997Piper, David J. W.; Pirmez, Carlos et al.: Mass-transport deposits of the Amazon Fandownload
1997Eberli, Gregor P.; Swart, Peter K. et al.: Sites 1008/1009download
5%1661997Eberli, Gregor P.; Swart, Peter K. et al.: Explanatory notesdownload
1997Shackleton, Nicholas J.; Crowhurst, S.: Sediment fluxes based on an orbitally tuned time scale 5 Ma to 14 Ma, Site 926download
5%1551997Burns, Stephen J.: Early diagenesis in Amazon Fan sedimentsdownload
5%1701997Kimura, Gaku; Silver, Eli et al.: Introductiondownload
5%1997Liu, Chengjie; Browning, James V. et al.: Paleocene benthic foraminiferal biofacies and sequence stratigraphy, Island Beach borehole, New Jerseydownload
1997Bickert, Torsten; Cordes, R. et al.: Late Pliocene to mid-Pleistocene (2.6-1.0 M.Y.) carbonate dissolution in the western Equatorial Atlantic; results of Leg 154, Ceara Risedownload
5%1997Browning, James V.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: Lower to middle Eocene benthic foraminiferal biofacies and lithostratigraphic units and their relationship to sequences, New Jersey coastal plaindownload
5%1551997Pirmez, Carlos; Hiscott, Richard N. et al.: Sandy turbidite successions at the base of channel-levee systems of the Amazon Fan revealed by FMS logs and cores; unraveling the facies architecture of large submarine fansdownload
5%1997de Verteuil, Laurent: Palynological delineation and regional correlation of lower through upper Miocene sequences in the Cape May and Atlantic City boreholes, New Jersey coastal plaindownload
4%1997Miller, Kenneth G.; Browning, James V. et al.: Cenozoic evolution of the New Jersey coastal plain; changes in sea level, tectonics, and sediment supplydownload
4%1997Szabo, Zoltan; Pucci, A. A., Jr. et al.: Sr-isotopic evidence for leakage of pore water from clay-silt confining units to the Atlantic City 800-foot sand, Atlantic City, New Jerseydownload
4%1997Sugarman, Peter J.; McCartan, Lucy et al.: Strontium-isotopic correlation of Oligocene and Miocene sequences, New Jersey and Floridadownload
4%1561997Maltman, Alex J.; Labaume, Pierre et al.: Structural geology of the decollement at the toe of the Barbados accretionary prismdownload
4%1561997Steiger, Torsten H.: Miocene radiolarian biostratigraphy of the decollement zone (northern Barbados Ridge)download
4%174A1997Austin, James A., Jr.; Christie-Blick, Nicholas et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; scientific prospectus; continuing the New Jersey Mid-Atlantic sea-level transectdownload
4%1551997Kronen, John D., Jr.: Microstructure and physical properties of Amazon Fan sites 940 and 946 from wireline, laboratory, and sedimentological datadownload
4%1997Miller, Kenneth G.; Liu, Chengjie et al.: Cape May site reportdownload
4%1651997Sigurdsson, Haraldur; Leckie, R. Mark et al.: Explanatory notesdownload
4%1661997Eberli, Gregor P.; Swart, Peter K. et al.: A synopsis of the Bahamas Drilling Project; results from two deep core borings drilled on the Great Bahama Bankdownload
4%1551997Manley, Patricia L.; Pirmez, Carlos et al.: Grain-size characterization of Amazon Fan deposits and comparison to seismic facies unitsdownload
1997Bybell, Laurel M.; Self-Trail, Jean M.: Late Paleocene and early Eocene calcareous nannofossils from three boreholes in an onshore-offshore transect from New Jersey to the Atlantic continental risedownload
1997Eberli, Gregor P.; Swart, Peter K. et al.: Site 1003download
3%1551997Hiscott, Richard N.; Hall, Frank R. et al.: Turbidity-current overspill from the Amazon Channel; texture of the silt/sand load, paleoflow from anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and implications for flow processesdownload
3%1701997Kimura, Gaku; Silver, Eli et al.: Explanatory notesdownload
1997Eberli, Gregor P.; Swart, Peter K. et al.: Site 1006download
3%1541997Bassinot, Franck C.; Beaufort, L. et al.: Changes in the dynamics of western Equatorial Atlantic surface currents and biogenic productivity at the "mid-Pleistocene revolution" ( approximately 930 Ka)download
1997Chaisson, William P.; Pearson, Paul N.: Planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy at Site 925; middle Miocene-Pleistocenedownload
1997Sigurdsson, Haraldur; Leckie, R. Mark et al.: Site 998download
2%1541997Pearson, Paul N.; Chaisson, William P.: Late Paleocene to middle Miocene planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphydownload
2%1541997Yasuda, Hisato: Late Miocene-Holocene paleooceanography of the western Equatorial Atlantic; evidence from deep-sea benthic foraminifersdownload
1997Sigurdsson, Haraldur; Leckie, R. Mark et al.: Site 999download
71%169S1998Bornhold, Brian D.: Overview of late Quaternary paleoenvironmental investigations in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia; ODP Leg 169S
71%1998Hughen, Konrad A.: Climatic linkages between high-latitude North Atlantic, tropical South America and ocean circulation; evidence from the Cariaco Basin
71%1551998Maslin, Mark; Mikkelsen, Naja: Timing of the late Quaternary Amazon fan complex mass-transport deposits
1998Kudless, Kristen Ellen: Late Cenozoic ice-rafted debris studies of the SE Greenland margin and the North Pacific Ocean
62%1781998Camerlenghi, A.; Rebesco, M. et al.: High resolution seismic stratigraphy of Palmer Deep; a fault bounded late Quaternary sediment trap on inner continental shelf, Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin
1998Sautter, Leslie Reynolds: Morphologic and stable isotopic variability within the planktic foraminiferal genus Neogloboquadrina
1998Cannariato, Kevin G.; Kennett, James P.: Oceanographic changes and benthic foraminiferal response to late Quaternary rapid climate change in the California margin
1998Hendy, Ingrid L.; Kennett, James P. et al.: Latest Quaternary rapid climate change recorded in Southern California margin ODP cores; processes and effects
62%1998Fronval, Torben; Jansen, Eystein et al.: Variability in surface and deep water conditions in the Nordic seas during the last interglacial period
62%1621998McManus, Jerry F.; Oppo, Delia W. et al.: Comparison of long climate records from cores recovered by deep drilling on Antarctica and in the North Atlantic
1998Aldahan, A.; Possnert, G.: A high-resolution (super 10) Be profile from deep sea sediment covering the last 70 ka; indication for globally synchronized environmental events
1998Bird, M. I.; Cali, J. A.: A million-year record of fire in sub-Saharan Africa
62%1131998Pudsey, Carol J.; Howe, John A.: Quaternary history of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current; evidence from the Scotia Sea
61%1998Li Jie; Xu Yulin: Late Eocene-Quaternary Radiolaria from the northeastern Philippine Sea and their significance for paleoceanography
61%1998Weart, Spencer R.: Climate change, since 1940
61%1998Kerr, Richard A.: Sea floor records reveal interglacial climate cycles
61%1998Alverson, Keith: Focus on international geoscience initiatives PAGES; past global changes
1998Kuijpers, Antoon; Jensen, Jorn Bo et al.: Late Quaternary palaeo-oceanography of the Denmark Strait overflow pathway, South-East Greenland margin
1998Brunner, C. A.; Normark, W. R. et al.: Le torbiditi dell'Escanaba Trough (Juan de Fuca Plate, Pacifico nordorientale); registrazione sedimentaria di piene fluviali catastrofiche del Fiume Columbia durante le fasi di deglaciazione tardo quaternaria The turbidites of the Escanaba Trough (Juan de Fuca Plate, Northeast Pacific); sedimentary evidence of the catastrophic floods of the Columbia River during the deglaciation phases of the upper Quaternary
1998Pellatt, Marlow G.; Hebda, Richard J. et al.: Vegetation migration and inferred climate history from Saanich Inlet, Canada (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 169S); pollen analysis and ordination of a marine sediment core
1998Peterson, L. C.; Haug, G. H. et al.: Rapid climate change in the Caribbean as recorded in late Quaternary sediments of the anoxic Cariaco Basin
51%1998Elverhoi, A.; Hooke, R. LeB. et al.: Late Cenozoic erosion and sediment yield from the Svalbard-Barents Sea region; implications for understanding erosion of glacierized basins
51%1691998Karlin, Robert E.; Verosub, Kenneth L. et al.: High-resolution correlation and paleoclimate analysis of varved Holocene sediments from ODP Leg 169S, Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, Canada
1998Mudie, Peta J.: Holocene record of dinoflagellate paleoproductivity and red tides; ODP Site 1034B, Saanich Inlet, British Columbia
51%1998Blais-Stevens, Andree; Clague, John J. et al.: Holocene sedimentation in Saanich Inlet, B.C.; implications for prehistoric earthquake history
1998Dowsett, Harry J.; Litwin, Ronald J. et al.: Millennial scale climate variability during the last interglacial from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 167 and Owens Lake California
51%1998Nikolaev, S. D.; Oskina, N. S. et al.: Neogene-Quaternary variations of the "pole-equator" temperature gradient of the surface oceanic waters in the North Atlantic and North Pacific
51%1998McCarthy, Francine M. G.; Mudie, Peta J.: Oceanic pollen transport and pollen-dinocyst ratios as markers of late Cenozoic sea level change and sediment transport
51%1691998Huntley, David H.; Borrowsky, Peter T. et al.: Late Wisconsinan deglaciation of Saanich Inlet, southeastern Vancouver Island, British Columbia
51%169S1998Verosub, Kenneth L.; Karlin, Robert E.: Paleomagnetic and environmental magnetic record of Holocene and late Pleistocene sediments, Saanich Inlet, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
1998Butt, F. A.; Solheim, A. et al.: Glacial evolution of the western Svalbard-Barents Sea margin through Plio-Pleistocene
51%1691998Kemp, Alan E. S.; Dean, Jean M.: Ultra-high resolution palaeoclimatology and palaeoceanography from Holocene laminated sediments; preliminary results from Saanich Inlet Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 169S
51%1781998Leventer, Amy; Pike, Jennifer et al.: Varves from the Palmer Deep, Antarctica
51%169S1998Huntley, David H.; Mosher, David C. et al.: Deglaciation and sea-level history of the Saanich Inlet area, southeastern Vancouver Island, British Columbia
1998Hobson, Louis A.; McQuoid, Melissa R.: Diatom frustules in the laminated sediments of Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, Canada
1998McManus, J. F.; Lohmann, G. P.: Evidence for episodic calcium-carbonate dissolution in the subpolar North Atlantic during the last glaciation
1998Altabet, Mark A.; Murray, David W. et al.: A 1 Ma record of water column denitrification in the Arabian Sea; evidence from sediment nitrogen isotopic ratio
1998Zhao, Meixun; Teece, Mark A. et al.: A compound-specific carbon isotope record of paleoclimate changes over the last 150 kyr off N.W. Africa

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