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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
31%3102005Camoin, Gilbert: IODP Expedition 310 "Tahiti sea levels"
2005Wei, K.: Late Quaternary sedimentation and paleoceanography in the southern Okinawa Trough; a synthesis of ODP 1202 scientific results
31%2092005Schroeder, T.; Cheadle, M. J. et al.: Lithospheric "corner flow" via extensional faulting and tectonic rotation at non-volcanic, slow-spreading ridges
31%2042005Lu, Z.; Fehn, U. et al.: Long distance migration of fluids in the Cascadia margin; evidence from iodine isotopic composition
2005Wang Pinxian; Tian Jun et al.: Long-term cycles in the ocean carbon reservoir; records from the South China Sea
31%2012005Carder, E. A.; Galy, A. et al.: Magnesium isotopic evidence for widespread microbial dolomite precipitation in the geological record
31%2010Guerin, G.: Seismic/well integration, IODP Expedition 323, Bering Sea
31%3012004Hawkins, L. K.; Housen, B. A. et al.: Undergraduate student research with the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program on Expedition 301
2004Suhr, G.; Paulick, H.: Upper mantle geochemistry at peridotites of Site 1274 (ODP Leg 209); relation to melt-rock reaction and processes at the base of the lithosphere
2004Villa, Giuliana; Persico, Davide: Upper Oligocene calcareous nannofossils from ODP Leg 120 Site 748 (Kerguelen Plateau; paleoecological implications
2004Kukowski, N.; Hampel, A. et al.: Varying rates and modes of subduction erosion along the Peruvian margin
2004Grube, Rene; Mohr, Barbara: Vegetation and climate during the Eocene/Oligocene boundary interval in southern high latitudes; first results
2004Popescu, Speranta-Maria: Vegetation, climate and cyclostratigraphy in central Paratethys during late Miocene-early Pliocene
2004Hemming, Sidney R.: Heinrich events; massive late Pleistocene detritus layers of the North Atlantic and their global climate imprint
2004McGonigal, K. L.: High resolution calcareous nannofossil fluctuations across the Oligocene/Miocene boundary, ODP Hole 1168A
31%2012004Skilbeck, C. Gregory; Goodwin, Ian et al.: High-resolution palaeo-El Nino records from the Peru continental margin
31%1281992Suyehiro, Kiyoshi: Seismic structure
31%1101992Lallemant, Siegfried; Henry, Pierre et al.: Shallow detachment of the toe of accretionary wedges and associated surface deformation (Barbados & Nankai accretionary prisms)
31%1995D'Hondt, Steven; Arthur, Michael A.: Interspecies variation in stable isotopic signals of Maastrichtian planktonic Foraminiferadownload
31%1977Drugg, W. S.; Sullivan, F. R. et al.: Nannofossils and dinoflagellates in JOIDES core holes 1-6
1977Keller, G.; Ingle, J. C., Jr.: Neogene variations of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (Ehrenberg) in the marginal Northeast Pacific Ocean and paleoclimatic implications
1977Pirini Radrizzani, C.; Valleri, G.: New data on calcareous nannofossils from the Pliocene of the Tyrrhenian Basin site 132 DSDP, Leg 13
1977Zwart, Michael J.: North American microtektites from Deep Sea Drilling Project cores
31%1977Ledbetter, M. T.; Williams, D. F. et al.: Northern Hemisphere ice sheet development and late Pliocene abyssal paleocirculation in the Vema Channel (SW Atlantic)
31%1977Banerjee, S. K.; Levi, S. et al.: Observations of nearly pure magnetite in the upper oceanic crust; implications for thermal regime at a spreading center
31%1977Fleisher, R. L.: Oligocene planktonic foraminiferal assemblages from Deep Sea Drilling Project sites in the Indian Ocean
1977Schloessin, H. H.: On the pressure dependence of solidus temperatures and electrical conductivity during melting of JOIDES Leg 37 samples
31%1977Burlingame, A. L.: Organic geochemical studies on the DSDP cores from the Black Sea and samples from the California coastal marine ecosystem
31%461977Honnorez, J.; Bohlke, J. K. et al.: Oxidation and magnetic properties during the low temperature sub-marine alteration of Mid-Atlantic Ridge basalts
1977Kammer, Thomas William: Oxygen and carbon isotope variation in the Neogene foraminifera Globigerina and Uvigerina from DSDP Site 173 and the Centerville Beach section, California
31%521977Levi, S.; Bryan, W. B. et al.: Paleo-magnetic properties of Cretaceous ocean crust, DSDP Leg 52
31%1977Sclater, J. G.; Abbott, D. et al.: Paleobathymetry and sediments of the Indian Ocean
31%1977Cita, M. B.; Vergnaud-Grazzini, C. et al.: Paleoclimatic record of a long deep-sea core from the eastern Mediterranean
31%1977Schrader, H. J.: Paleoecology of the late Neogene-Quaternary Black Sea; an opal phytoplankton study of DSDP Leg 42B
1977Barbieri, F.; Iaccarino, S. et al.: Paleoecology of the Pliocene in the sites 62 and 63 DSDP (Leg 7-equatorial West Pacific)
1977Barbieri, F.; Iaccarino, S. et al.: Paleoecology of the Pliocene in the sites 62 and 63 DSDP (Leg L, equatorial Western Pacific)
31%1977Bolli, H. M.: Paleontological-biostratigraphical investigations, Indian Ocean sites 211-269 and 280-282, DSDP legs 22-29
1977Crocket, J. H.; Teruta, Y.: Palladium, iridium, and gold contents of mafic and ultramafic rocks drilled from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Leg 37, Deep Sea Drilling Project
31%1977Houghton, R. L.; Thompson, G. et al.: Petrological and geochemical studies of the New England seamount chain
1997Davies, Peter J.: Origin of the Great Barrier Reef; prospective play and global catalyst
31%171A1997Screaton, Elizabeth; Ge, Shemin: Overpressures in front of the northern Barbados accretionary complex; the role of sedimentation
1997Cooke, P. J.; Nelson, C. S.: Palaeoceanographic implications of textural cycles in the late Miocene record at DSDP Site 593, southern Tasman Sea
1997Tarduno, John A.; Cottrell, Rory D.: Paleomagnetic evidence for motion of the Hawaiian hotspot during formation of the Emperor Seamounts
31%1461997Jarrard, Richard D.: Origins of porosity and velocity variations at Cascadia accretionary prismdownload
1986Levi, Shaul; Karlin, R.: Sixty thousand years of geomagnetic secular variation from the Gulf of California
31%901986Kennett, James P.: Southwest Pacific Cenozoic paleoceanography and sedimentation; DSDP Leg 90
31%1986Keigwin, Lloyd D.; Corliss, Bruce H.: Stable isotopes in late middle Eocene to Oligocene foraminifera
31%1986Gieskes, J. M.; Elderfield, H. et al.: Strontium and its isotopic composition in interstitial waters of marine carbonate sediments
31%941986Weaver, P. P. E.; Clement, Bradford M.: Synchroneity of Pliocene planktonic foraminiferal datums in the North Atlantic
1986Lazarus, David B.: Tempo and mode of species-level evolution in the radiolarian genus Pterocanium
31%1986Moore, J. Casey; Lundberg, Neil: Tectonic overview of Deep Sea Drilling Project transects of forearcs
31%1986Tucholke, Brian E.; Mountain, Gregory S.: Tertiary paleoceanography of the western North Atlantic Ocean
31%1986Dumont, Michael P.; Baldauf, Jack G. et al.: Thalassiosira praeoestrupii; a new diatom species for recognizing the Miocene/Pliocene epoch boundary in coastal California
31%861986Schoonmaker, J. E.; MacKenzie, F. T. et al.: The effect of diagenesis on compressional velocity; depth gradients in clay-rich deep sea sediments
1986Hermelin, J. Otto R.; Backman, Jan: The first appearance of the Eocene nannofossil Reticulofenestra umbilicus and its relationship with R. hillae
31%1031986Jansa, L. F.; Williamson, M. A.: The Grand Banks-Galicia Bank connection, preliminary results of ODP Leg 103
1986Brumsack, Hans J.: The inorganic geochemistry of Cretaceous black shales (DSDP Leg 41) in comparison to modern upwelling sediments from the Gulf of California
1986Carney, Thomas R.; Krissek, Lawrence A.: The late Pliocene and Pleistocene record of ice-rafting at DSDP Site 580, Northwest Pacific; a comparison of coarse-sand abundance and mass accumulation rate of ice-rafted detritus
31%1986Mart, Yossi; Rabinowitz, Philip D.: The northern Red Sea and the Dead Sea Rift
31%1986Rabinowitz, Philip D.; Garrison, L. F. et al.: The Ocean Drilling Program after 1 year of drilling operations
31%1986Whatley, Robin C.; Downing, S. E. et al.: The ostracod genus Poseidonamicus from the Cainozoic of D.S.D.P. sites in the S.W. Pacific
31%1041986The petrology and geochemistry of the lavas constituting a section through the dipping reflectors of the Voring Plateau of the North Atlantic
1986Shterenberg, L. E.; Kuz'mina, O. V. et al.: The presence of native aluminum in association with ZnO and ZnCl (sub 2) among the sediments at site 647 (northeastern Pacific Ocean)
1986Ruhlin, Douglas E.; Owen, Robert M.: The rare earth element geochemistry of hydrothermal sediments from the East Pacific Rise; examination of a seawater scavenging mechanism
1986Scrutton, R. A.: The subsidence of Rockall Trough
1986Koeberl, C.; Glass, B. P.: Trace elements in tektite fragments and microtektites from deep sea drill cores and Barbados; connection to the North American strewn field
1986Degens, E. T.; Emeis, K. C. et al.: Turbidites, the principal mechanism yielding black shales in the early deep Atlantic Ocean
31%1986O'Connell, S.; Ryan, W. B. F.: Two styles of slope and canyon erosion on the Ebro Margin, Northwest Mediterranean Sea
1986Evans, Cynthia A.; Girardeau, Jacques: Upper mantle beneath an incipient ocean rift; evidence from Galicia Margin, Hole 637
31%1986Otofuji, Yo-ichiro; Hayashida, A. et al.: When was the Japan Sea opened? Paleomagnetic evidence from Southwest Japan
2006Carter, R. M.: Context in climate change; ocean drilling results from the Southern Ocean
31%3102006Felis, Thomas; Westphal, Hildegard: Cruise report of IODP Expedition 310; Tahiti Sea Level Expedition
31%2006Sternbach, Linda; Osten, Bill et al.: Deep sea sediment cores reveal geological evidence of long-term global climate change
31%171B2006Sternbach, Linda; Osten, Bill: Deep sea sediment cores reveal geological evidence of long-term global climate change; Part 2
31%2072006Erbacher, Jochen (ed.); Danelian, Taniel (ed.) et al.: Demerara Rise (ODP Leg 207); equatorial Cretaceous and Palaeogene stratigraphy and palaeoceanography
31%2072006Erbacher, Jochen (ed.); Danelian, Taniel (ed.) et al.: Demerara Rise (ODP Leg 207); equatorial Cretaceous and Palaeogene stratigraphy and palaeoceanography; Part II
31%2006Saeedi, Farnosh: Dinoflagellate stratigraphy and facies of the Late Cretaceous-early Paleogene (K/Pg boundary) interval at the Bass River site New Jersey, ODP 174X
2006Lindsey, M. M.; Schellenberg, S. A.: Early Eocene to late Miocene variations in the South Atlantic CCD; constraints from the Walvis Ridge depth-transect (ODP Leg 208)
31%2006Leckie, R. Mark; St. John, Kristen et al.: Education and science connect at sea
2006Carlson, R. L.; Newman, J. et al.: Effect of olivine alteration on seismic velocities in oceanic gabbros
2007Dekens, Petra Simonne: Characterizing upwelling regions and the Indo-Pacific warm pool in the early Pliocene warm period
31%3022007Ramstad, C.; St. John, K.: Composition of Eocene ice-rafted debris, central Arctic Ocean
2007Eldrett, James S.; Harding, Ian C. et al.: Continental ice in Greenland during the Eocene and Oligocene
2007Robinson, R. R.; Martinez, P.: Contributions to bulk sedimentary nitrogen isotope variability in the eastern Equatorial Pacific
31%2007Hunze, Sabine; Wonik, Thomas: Compaction in the Nankai and Barbados accretionary prisms; new insights from logging-while-drilling datadownload
31%1212004Salome, A.; Meynadier, L. et al.: Volcanic influence on the susceptibility signal; a case study in Indian Ocean
31%2004Smolka, Peter Paul: Warm climates; origin of the ice-ages
2005Hassold, N. J.; Rea, D. K. et al.: A 3 million year physical record of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current; results from ODP Site 1101 and comparison with other records
2005Weinberger, J. L.; Brown, K. M.: Abnormal fluid pressures at ODP Site 1251; implications for fluid flow and hydrate concentration
31%2005Weiland, C.; Zoback, M. et al.: Accessing SAFOD data products; downhole measurements, physical samples and long-term monitoring
2005Peive, A. A.: Alkaline volcanism of the Rio Grande Plateau, South Atlantic
31%1987Wedgeworth, Bruce S.; Kellogg, James N.: A 3-D gravity-tectonic study of Ita Mai Tai Guyot; an uncompensated seamount in the East Mariana Basin
31%861987Burkett, Gerald R.: A detailed grain size analysis of DSDP Leg 86 Northwest Pacific ash layers to determine the history of explosive volcanism on Japan and the Kuril Islands
1987Wuthrich, Dennis R.; Screaton, Elizabeth J. et al.: A model of fluid flow and pore pressures for the Lesser Antilles accretionary complex
31%1987Rosencrantz, Eric J.; Sclater, J. G. et al.: A proposal for a sequence of drillholes in the Cayman Trough
31%1641998Hesse, Reinhard; Frape, Shaun et al.: Gas-hydrate drilling at Blake Ridge (ODP Leg 164); how much methane is there?
31%1998Hickey-Vargas, Rosemary: Geochemical characteristics of oceanic island basalts from the Philippine Sea Plate; implications for the sources of East Asian Plate margin and intraplate basalts
1998Schlueter, Michael; Linke, Peter et al.: Geochemistry of a sealed deep-sea borehole on the Cascadia margin
31%1641998Thiery, R.; Bakker, R. et al.: Geochemistry of gas hydrates and associated fluids in the sediments of a passive continental margin; preliminary results of the ODP Leg 164 on the Blake Outer Ridge
31%1998Abreu, Vitor dos Santos: Geologic evolution of conjugate volcanic passive margins; Pelotas Basin (Brazil) and offshore Namibia (Africa); implication for global sea level changes

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