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ScoreExp/Site/Hole YearAuthor/TitleFull text
41%2004Stewart, Duncan R. M.; Pearson, Paul N. et al.: Miocene tropical Indian Ocean temperatures; evidence from three exceptionally preserved foraminiferal assemblages from Tanzaniadownload
41%2005Hay, William W.; Floegel, Sascha et al.: Is the initiation of glaciation on Antarctica related to a change in the structure of the ocean?download
41%1997Nishi, Hiroshi; Sakai, Harutaka: Paleoceanographic changes of the Indian Ocean and corresponding tectonic events recorded in the Himalayan Range
41%1987Barker, Peter F.; Kennett, James P. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; glacial history of Antarctica
41%2009Dowsett, Harry J.; Robinson, Marci M.: Mid-Pliocene Equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature reconstruction; a multi-proxy perspective
41%2001Pletsch, Thomas: Palaeoenvironmental implications of palygorskite clays in Eocene deep-water sediments from the western central Atlantic
41%2003Clemens, Steven C.; Prell, Warren L.: A 350,000 year summer-monsoon multi-proxy stack from the Owen Ridge, northern Arabian Seadownload
41%1999Kelly, Daniel C.: Ecospace partitioning during the late Paleocene radiation of the planktic foraminiferal genus Morozovella; inference from stable isotopes
41%2002Miller, Kenneth G.; Sugarman, Peter et al.: A Late Cretaceous chronology of large, rapid sea-level changes; glacioeustasy during the greenhouse world
41%2001Joseph, Leah Helen: Late Cretaceous through Cenozoic climate change on Antarctica; a view from the deep sea
41%1998Sykes, T. J. S.; Ramsay, A. T. S. et al.: Southern Hemisphere Miocene bottom-water circulation; a palaeobathymetric analysis
41%2001MacLeod, Kenneth G.; Huber, Brian T.: The Maastrichtian record to Blake Nose (western North Atlantic) and implications for global palaeoceanographic and biotic changes
41%1996Billups, Katharina; Ravelo, A. Christina et al.: Regional response of western Equatorial Atlantic surface and deep water hydrography to the final closure of the Central American Seaway
41%2006McGee, D.; Marcantonio, F. et al.: (super 232) Th-derived dust fluxes as a marker of deglacial changes in ITCZ position and intensity in the eastern Equatorial Pacificdownload
41%2004Ghosh, Prosenjit; Padia, J. T. et al.: Stable isotopic studies of Palaeosol sediment from upper Siwalik of Himachal Himalaya; evidence for high monsoonal intensity during late Miocene?download
41%2006Schneider, Birgit; Schmittner, Andreas: Simulating the impact of the Panamanian Seaway closure on ocean circulation, marine productivity and nutrient cycling
41%2008Moran, Kathryn; Backman, Jan et al.: A dynamic Cenozoic Arctic Ocean
35%1989Weiterman, Sandra Dee: Neogene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the West Florida carbonate ramp slope, Northeast Gulf of Mexico
35%1993Mosher, David Cole: Seismic stratigraphy of the Ontong Java Plateau, western Equatorial Pacific; its paleoceanographic significance
35%2004Meyers, Stephen Richard; Sageman, Bradley: Cenomanian/Turonian orbital chronologies and burial flux estimates; calibrating the biogeochemical reconstruction of oceanic anoxic event II
35%2009Jones, Megan H.; Leckie, R. Mark et al.: Teaching about the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM); an inquiry-based, data-rich case study in abrupt climate change for a variety of undergraduate settings
35%1997Frank, Tracy D.; Arthur, Michael A.: Paleoceanography and mid-Maastrichtian marine extinction events
35%2006Miller, Kenneth; Mountain, Gregory S. et al.: Continental dynamics meets ocean drilling at the Jersey shore
35%1998Dean, Walter E.; Arthur, Michael A.: Geochemical expressions of cyclic Neocomian carbonate sequences in the North Atlantic
35%1998Sugarman, P. J.; Olsson, R. K. et al.: Geochemical signature and paleoecological changes associated with the Cenomanian/Turonian anoxic event, Bass River, New Jersey, ODP Leg 174AX
35%1999Rea, David K.; Moore, Theodore C., Jr. et al.: Circulation of the Eocene Pacific Ocean
35%1998Ramsay, Anthony T. S.; Smart, Christopher W. et al.: A model of early to middle Miocene deep ocean circulation for the Atlantic and Indian oceans
35%1998Ingle, James C., Jr.: Subsidence and depositional history of Neogene basins in the Gulf of California; responses to tectonic, oceanographic, and climatic events
35%1998Cawley, S. J.; Pepper, A. S. et al.: Source rocks of the South Atlantic margins
35%2000Scott, Robert W.: Which Paleogene sequence boundaries record global events?
35%2005Kano, Akihiro: Deep-water coral reefs; their ubiquity and geological significance
35%2006Olsson, Richard K.: The Late Cretaceous/early Paleogene record at Bass River borehole, New Jersey coastal plain
35%2000Olsson, Richard K.; Wright, James D. et al.: Recovery of planktonic Foraminifera following the Cretaceous/Tertiary mass extinction
35%2006Moran, Kathryn; Backman, Jan et al.: The Cenozoic palaeoenvironment of the Arctic Ocean
35%1992Wright, James D.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: Early and middle Miocene stable isotopes; implications for deepwater circulation and climate
35%1994Zachos, James C.; Stott, Lowell D. et al.: Evolution of early Cenozoic marine temperatures
35%2012Suto, Itsuki; Kawamura, Keita et al.: Changes in upwelling mechanisms drove the evolution of marine organisms
35%2009Takahashi, Kozo; Ravelo, Christina et al.: Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program; Bering Sea paleoceanography; Expedition 323 of the riserless drilling platform; Victoria, British Columbia (Canada), to Yokohama, Japan; 5 July-4 September 2009
29%2010Palike, Heiko; Nishi, Hiroshi et al.: Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program; Pacific Equatorial Age Transect; Expeditions 320 and 321 of the riserless drilling platform from and to Honolulu, Hawaii (USA); Sites U1331-U1336, 5 march-4 May 2009; and Honolulu, Hawaii (USA), to San Diego, California (USA); Sites U1337-U1338,; 4 May-22 June 2009
29%2007Pekar, S. F.; Christie-Blick, Nicholas: Showing a strong link between climatic and pCO (sub 2) changes; resolving discrepancies between oceanographic and Antarctic climate records for the Oligocene and early Miocene (34-16 Ma)download
29%2001Nelson, C. S.; Cooke, P. J.: History of oceanic front development in the New Zealand sector of the Southern Ocean during the Cenozoic; a synthesis
29%2011Tominaga, Masako; Lyle, Mitchell et al.: Seismic interpretation of pelagic sedimentation regimes in the 18-53 Ma eastern Equatorial Pacific; basin-scale sedimentation and infilling of abyssal valleysdownload
29%2012Le Roux, J. P.: A review of Tertiary climate changes in southern South America and the Antarctic Peninsula; Part 1, Oceanic conditions
21%2009Takahashi, Kozo; Ravelo, Christina et al.: Expedition 323 summary
17%1979Hay, W. W.: Impact of Deep Sea Drilling Project on paleo-oceanographydownload
15%2012Gallagher, Stephen J.; Exon, Neville et al.: New frontiers in scientific drilling of the Indian Oceandownload
12%1981Woodruff, Fay; Douglas, Robert: Miocene deep-sea benthic foraminiferal faunal changes in Pacificdownload
12%1985Buffler, Richard T.; Sawyer, Dale S.: Distribution of oceanic versus transitional crust in deep Gulf of Mexico basin; implications for early historydownload
12%1988Ingle, James C., Jr.: Paleo-oceanographic controls on lithofacies and biofacies patterns in Neogene basins of Californiadownload
12%1979Thiede, J.: Oceans and climate during Cenozoicdownload
12%1979Tissot, B.; Demaison, G. J. et al.: Paleoenvironment and petroleum potential of Mid-Cretaceous black shales in Atlantic basinsdownload
12%1990Martin, R. E.; Neff, E. et al.: Graphic correlation of Quaternary bio-, magneto-, and chemostratigraphic datums of the tropical Atlantic and American Mediterranean; resolution of faunal and stable isotope signalsdownload
12%1990Burkle, Lloyd H.: Late Neogene paleoceanography of the Sea of Japan based upon diatomsdownload
12%1979Berger, W. H.: Deep-sea drilling and major themes of ocean evolutiondownload
12%1979Winterer, E. L.: Biogenous sediments recovered by deep-sea drillingdownload
12%1985Casey, Richard E.; Wigley, Cynthia R.: Neogene deep-living radiolarian zonation and its usesdownload
12%1991Jacquin, Thierry; De Graciansky, P. C. et al.: The Cretaceous oceanic events (anoxia and hiatus) within a sequence stratigraphic frameworkdownload
12%1978Roth, P. H.; Bowdler, J. L.: Paleobiogeography and preservation of Middle Cretaceous calcareous nannofossil assemblages in Atlantic Ocean; paleo-oceanographic implicationsdownload
12%2006Scher, Howie D.; Martin, Ellen E.: Timing and climatic consequences of the opening of Drake Passagedownload
10%1980Dick, Henry J. B.: Vesicularity of Shikoku Basin basalt; a possible correlation with the anomalous depth of back-arc basinsdownload
10%2002Holbourn, Ann E.; Henderson, Andrew S.: Re-illustration and revised taxonomy for selected deep-sea benthic foraminifersdownload
9%2009Fischer, Jan P.; Ferdelman, Timothy G. et al.: Oxygen penetration deep into the sediment of the South Pacific Gyredownload
7%1987Jiang, Yan Wen; Wise, Sherwood W., Jr.: Paleocene-Eocene calcareous nannofossils of onshore wells from the coastal plain of New Jersey and Maryland,
6%2011Stow, Dorrik A. V.; Hernadez-Molina, Francisco Javier et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 339 scientific prospectus; Mediterranean outflow; environmental significance of the Mediterranean outflow water and its global implicationsdownload
6%2012Andren, Thomas; Jorgensen, Bo Barker et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 347 scientific prospectus; Baltic Sea basin paleoenvironment; palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Baltic Sea basin through the last glacial cycledownload
6%2013Tada, Ryuji; Murray, Richard W. et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 346 scientific prospectus; Asian monsoon; onset and evolution of millennial-scale variability of Asian monsoon and its possible relation with Himalaya and Tibetan Plateau upliftdownload
5%2008Fulthorpe, Craig S.; Hoyanagi, Koichi et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 317 scientific prospectus; Global and local controls on continental margin stratigraphy; Canterbury Basin, eastern South Island, New Zealanddownload
4%2009Takahashi, Kozo; Ravelo, Ana Christina et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, Expedition 323 scientific prospectus; Pliocene-Pleistocene paleoceanography and climate history of the Bering Seadownload
4%2007Takahashi, Kozo; Ravelo, Ana Christina et al.: Pliocene-Pleistocene paleoceanography and climate history of the Bering Seadownload
4%2011Jaeger, John; Gulick, Sean et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 341 scientific prospectus; southern Alaska margin; interactions of tectonics, climate and sedimentationdownload
4%2010Abrantes, Fatima; Hodell, David et al.: IODP drilling of the "Shackleton sites" on the Iberian margin; a Plio-Pleistocene marine reference section of millennial-scale climate changedownload
4%2010Bach, Wolfgang; Ravelo, Christina et al.: IODP New Ventures in Exploring Scientific Targets (INVEST); defining the new goals of an international drilling programdownload
4%2010Lyle, Mitchell; Palike, Heiko et al.: The Pacific Equatorial Age Transect, IODP Expeditions 320 and 321; building a 50-million-year-long environmental record of the Equatorial Pacific Oceandownload
2%2006Backman, J.: First paleo-oceanographic drilling of Cenozoic sediments in the central Arctic Oceandownload

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