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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
31%371978Prevot, M.; Lecaille, A.: Magnetic effects of maghemitization of the oceanic crust
31%591978Kroenke, L.; Scott, R.: Marginal basin and remnant arc evolution, western Philippine Sea; Leg 59 DSDP results
31%381978Faas, R. W.: Mass physical and engineering properties of "glacial" sediments of Voering Plateau, Norwegian Sea
31%1978Dungan, M. A.; Long, P. E. et al.: Magma mixing at mid-ocean ridges; evidence from Legs 45 and 46-DSDPdownload
1978Kemp, E. M.: Microfossils of fungal origin from Tertiary sediments on the Ninetyeast Ridge, Indian Ocean
31%1978Nasu, N.; Tomoda, Y. et al.: Multi-channel seismic reflection data across the Shikoku Basin and the Daito ridges, 1976; Part 1
1978Stewart, R. J.: Neogene volcaniclastic sediments from Atka Basin, Aleutian Ridge
1978Boltovskoy, E.: On the age of the Neogen deposits at Site 329 (DSDP, Leg 36)
1978Yuekler, A.; Cornford, C. et al.: One-dimensional model to simulate geologic, hydrodynamic and thermodynamic development of a sedimentary basin
31%371978Byerly, G. R.; Wright, T. L.: Origin of major element chemical trends in DSDP Leg 37 basalts, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
1978Vergnaud-Grazzini, Colette; Rabussier, Dominique: Oxygen and carbon isotopic changes through the Miocene, Site 366 (Equatorial Atlantic)
1978Vergnaud Grazzini, C.: Paleoenvironmental indications from stable isotopes analyses on foraminifera shells in late Miocene Mediterranean deposits
31%551978Kono, M.; Morgan, W. J.: Paleolatitude of Emperor Seamounts from DSDP Leg 55
1978Zaklinskaya, E. D.: Palynological information from late Pliocene-Pleistocene deposits recovered by deep-sea drilling in the region of the island of Timor
31%1271990Boggs, S., Jr.; Seyedolali, A.: Provenance of Pliocene-Miocene volcaniclastic sands from ODP Leg 127 sites in the Japan Sea
1990Poore, Richard Z.; Gosnell, L. B.: Quantitative planktic foraminifer record from Caribbean DSDP Site 502; 3 to 2 Ma
31%1990Ahmad, R.; Dale, L. S. et al.: Rare earth and trace element distribution in fish-debris apatite obtained from the core sediments of the Peru Continental Shelf/Slope: implications for the determination of ancient bottom seawater redox
31%1191990Domack, E. W.; Jull, A. J. Timothy: Recession of the Lambert Glacier/Amery ice shelf system; Holocene record from the Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 119
1990Gupta, Anil K.; Srinivasan, M. S.: Response of northern Indian Ocean deep-sea benthic foraminifera to global climates during Pliocene-Pleistocene
1990Droxler, A. W.: Results of ODP Legs 101 and 115: Cenozoic evolution of two carbonate systems in the Bahamas and in the Maldives: effects of subsidence and sea level variations
31%1341990Green, H. G.; Fisher, M. A. et al.: Ridge collision along the central platform of the New Hebrides Arc: a preview of Leg 134
1990Tamaki, K.; Pisciotto, K.: Rifting and opening process of the Japan Sea derived from ODP Leg 127 drilling results
31%1331990Davies, P. J.; McKenzie, J. A. et al.: Sea level, climate, and basin evolution; ODP Leg 133, Northeast Australia
31%1271990Cousens, B. L.; Allan, J. F. et al.: Sediment contamination of the mantle beneath the Sea of Japan, ODP Leg 127
1990Kemp, A. E. S.: Sediment lamination style as an indicator of upwelling history
31%1211990Peirce, J. W.; Weissel, J. et al.: Seismic stratigraphy and the K/T boundary; ODP Leg 121 on Broken Ridge, Indian Ocean
31%1251990Phipps, Stephen Paul: Serpentinite mud volcanoes in the Mariana-Bonin Forearc; mechanics and implications for subduction-zone evolution
31%1990Church, W. R.: Serpentinite seamounts of Pacific fore-arcs drilled by the Ocean Drilling Program; Dr. Hess should be pleased; discussion
31%1221990Droser, Mary L.; O'Connell, Suzanne: Shallow and marginal marine Triassic trace fossils and ichnofabric from Northwest Australia (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 122)
1990Huffman, Alan Royce: Shock deformation and volcanism across the Cretaceous-Tertiary transition
31%1979Flower, M.; Robinson, P. T.: Evolution of the "FAMOUS" ocean ridge segment; evidence from submarine and deep sea drilling investigations
31%1992Trimm, Bryan A.: Analysis of preconsolidation pressure methods for fine-grained sediments in Nares abyssal plain, Mississippi Delta, and other selected areas
1992Kominz, Michelle A.; Bond, Gerard C. et al.: Are cyclic sediments periodic? Application of the gamma method to cyclic sediments of Pleistocene and Cretaceous age
31%1992Krasheninnikov, Valery A.; Basov, Ivan A.: Bathymetric assemblages of benthic foraminifers in the Pliocene-Quaternary sediments of the Timor Trough
31%1992Martin, Ronald E.; Fletcher, Ruth R. et al.: Biostratigraphic expression of Plio-Pleistocene sequence boundaries
31%1271992Brumsack, H. J.; Zuleger, E.: Boron and boron isotopes in pore waters from ODP Leg 127, Sea of Japan
31%1988Herbert, Timothy D.; D'Hondt, Steven: High resolution chronology of Late Cretaceous-early Tertiary events determined from 21,000 yr orbital-climatic cycles in marine sediments
1988Warnke, D. A.; Allen, C.: History of ice rafting at Site 699, ODP Leg 114, sub-antarctic South Atlantic
31%1131988Schandl, Eva S.; Wicks, F. J.: Ice-rafted dropstones from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica
31%1161988Cochran, J. R.: Implications of the sedimentation record of the distal Bengal Fan determined from ocean drilling for the uplift history of the Himalayas
1988Goldberg, D.; Becker, K.: Indicators of in situ fracture permeability in oceanic Layer 3
1995Brueckmann, Warner: Cause of anisotropic physical properties of accreted sediment; Barbados Ridge (Leg 156) and Nankai Trough (Leg 131) compared
31%1988Berger, W. H.; Spitzy, A.: History of atmospheric CO (sub 2) ; constraints from the deep-sea recorddownload
1995Belyaeva, N. V.; Burmistrova, I. I.: Changes in foraminifera fauna and the late Pleistocene paleohydrology in the Indian Ocean (Site 216, Deep Sea Drilling Project)
31%1411995Behrmann, J.; Kilian, R.: Chemical and isotopic constraints on the origin of Pleistocene to Pliocene trench sediments at the Chile Triple Junction
1995deMenocal, Peter B.; King, Terri: Chronostratigraphy applications of downhole log data
1995Grover, R.; O'Connell, S. et al.: Clay mineralogy of Miocene sediments from Fram Strait, Arctic-Atlantic; ODP Site 909
1995Cachao, Mario; Moita, M. T.: Coccolithus pelagicus, a sort of productivity proxy?
1990Zhou, Lei: Characterization of chemical signatures in sediments; applications to selected problems
1991Buatier, Martine D.; Peacor, D. R. et al.: Origin and evolution of clays in the sediments of the Barbados accretionary wedge (Site 671B, Leg 110)
1991Kennett, James P.: Paleoceanographic changes near the Paleocene/Eocene boundary in mid-latitude ODP Site 762C, Exmouth Plateau, NW Australia
1990Corrigan, Jeffrey Delon: On apatite fission-track analysis and heat transfer processes in the upper crust
31%1990Meyers, P. A.; Snowdon, Lloyd R.: Organic geochemistry of pre-rift, syn-rift, and post-rift sediments deposited on the Northwest Australian continental margin, ODP legs 122 and 123
31%1990Kohnen, Mathieu E. L.; Sinninghe-Damste, Jaap S. et al.: Origin and diagenetic transformations of C (sub 25) and C (sub 30) highly branched isoprenoid sulphur compounds; further evidence for the formation of organically bound sulphur during early diagenesis
31%1990Kyte, Frank T.: Origin of microlayering in worldwide distributed Ir-rich marine Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary clays; discussion
1990Rodriguez-Pindado, M. L.; Flores, J. A.: Palaeo-ecological interpretation of calcareous nannoflora associations in the upper Miocene-Pliocene of Site 397 (N.E. Atlantic)
1990Follmi, Karl B.: Paleoceanographic implications from high-frequency dark/light rhythms in the Sea of Japan (ODP legs 127 and 128)
1990Shibuya, Hidetoshi; Merrill, Dean L. et al.: Paleogene rotation of the Celebes Sea; orientation of the ODP cores utilizing the secondary magnetization
31%1261990Koyama, Masato; Cisowski, Stanley M.: Paleomagnetic evidence for northward drift and clockwise rotation of the Izu-Bonin forearc since the late Oligocene
31%1191990Sakai, Hideo; Funaki, Minoru et al.: Paleomagnetic study of ODP Leg 119; Kerguelen Plateau and Prydz Bay
1990Karlin, R. H.; Levi, S.: Paleosecular variation for the last 250 ka in rapidly deposited marine sediments at DSDP Site 480 in the Gulf of California
1990Ludden, John: Petrological results of scientific drilling in Jurassic crust of the Indian Ocean
31%961990Thayer, P. A.; Roberts, H. H.: Petrology of Mississippi Fan sands and gravels, Gulf of Mexico
1990Chen, M. T.; Farrell, J. W.: Planktonic foraminifer variations over the past 800,000 years in the northeastern Indian Ocean (ODP Site 758)
1990Guha, Asit K.; Sarkar, Ashish: Planktonic foraminifera from DSDP Site 241 in Somali Basin, northwestern Indian Ocean
31%1990Droxler, A. W.; Haddad, G. A. et al.: Plio-Pleistocene aragonite (0.5 Ma) supercycles in periplatform sequences from the Maldives and the Bahamas: a comparison with the CaCO (sub 3) deep oceanic preservation records
31%1990Fillon, Richard H.: Plio-Pleistocene bio-chronostratigraphy of DSDP Site 502B, Caribbean Sea; implications for Gulf of Mexico exploration stratigraphy
1990Dowsett, Harry J.; Poore, Richard Z.: Pliocene paleoceanography of North Atlantic Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 552; application of planktic foraminifer transfer function GSF18
31%1101990Clark, Murlene W.: Population dynamics of Pliocene-Pleistocene abyssal foraminifera from the Lesser Antilles Forearc
31%1231990Compton, John S.; Heggie, D. T.: Pore water chemistry and carbonate diagenesis of sediment from the Argo Basin, ODP Leg 123
31%1995Spiess, V.; Janke, A. et al.: The Benguela Current system at the Southwest African continental margin; results from and ODP pre site survey with R/V Sonne
31%1995Donnelly, Thomas W.; Sinton, Chris et al.: The Caribbean Cretaceous plateau basalt; a major LIP
31%1571995Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich; Weaver, Philip P. E. et al.: The clastic apron of Gran Canaria and the Madeira abyssal plain
31%1591995Scrutton, Roger A.; Allerton, Simon: The evolution of the marginal ridge at the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin from ODP Leg 159
1995Westall, Frances; Boni, Laurita et al.: The experimental silicification of microorganisms
1995Marsters, Janice Christine: The influence of microfossil content on the physical properties of calcareous sediments from the Ontong Java Plateau
1985Moore, David G.: Plans for future Caribbean and Latin American deep sea drilling
1985Pettis, Rani Hathaway: Pleistocene benthic foraminifera of the Benham Rise, western Philippine Basin, western Pacific Ocean, DSDP Site 292 (Leg 31) and a taxonomic revision of the unilocular foraminifera
1985Taylor, Scott H.: Pleistocene to Recent benthic foraminifera from DSDP Site 207, Lord Howe Rise, Tasman Sea
31%1985Kastner, Miriam; Jine-Yu-Hu et al.: Pliocene convective flow through sediments on the western flank of the EPR, DSDP Hole 600C
1985Khryanina, L. P.: Possible meteorite impact structures in the Ross Sea, Antarctica
1985Tsumuraya, Yuji; Tanahashi, Manabu et al.: Preliminary report of the marine geophysical and geological surveys off Wilkes Land, Antarctica in 1983-1984
31%1985Bray, C. J.; Karig, D. E.: Porosity of sediments in accretionary prisms and some implications for dewatering processesdownload
1985Janecek, Thomas R.; Rea, David K.: Quaternary fluctuations in the Northern Hemisphere trade winds and westerlies
31%1985Heusser, Linda E.: Quaternary palynology of marine sediments in the Northeast Pacific, Northwest Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico
31%1301990Musgrave, Robert; Tarduno, John A. et al.: Post-depositional reduction of magnetite in Plio-Pleistocene carbonate oozes from the Equatorial Pacific (ODP Leg 130) and its paleomagnetic implications
31%1990Herbert, Timothy D.; D'Hondt, Steven Lawrence: Precessional climate cyclicity in Late Cretaceous-early Tertiary marine sediments; a high resolution chronometer of Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary events
31%851990Mayer, Larry A.: Predictive carbonate stratigraphy; a new tool for extremely high-resolution paleoceanographic studies and the potential for the remote extraction of paleoclimatic data
31%281990Anderson, John B.; Bartek, Louis R. et al.: Preliminary results of USAP 90 seismic reflection survey of the Ross Sea, Antarctica; implications for Antarctic glacial history
1992Sprovieri, R.: Mediterranean Pliocene biochronology; an high resolution record based on quantitative planktonic foraminifera distribution
31%1311992Gamo, Toshitaka; Sakai, Hitoshi et al.: Methane, ethane and total inorganic carbon in fluid samples taken during the 1989 Kaiko-Nankai Project
1992Miller, Kenneth G.: Middle Eocene to Oligocene stable isotopes, climate, and deep-water history; the terminal Eocene event?
31%1992Baumgartner, Peter O.; Gorican, Spela et al.: Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous radiolarian biochronology of Tethys and Circumpacific low paleolatitudes
1992Gartner, Stefan: Miocene nannofossil chronology in the North Atlantic, DSDP Site 608
31%1121992Tsuchi, Ryuichi: Neogene events in Japan and on the Pacific coast of South America
31%1121992Garrison, Robert E.: Neogene phosphogenesis along the eastern margin of the Pacific Ocean
1992Ibaraki, Masako: Neogene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy on the coast of Peru and its paleoceanographic implications
1992Srinivasan, M. S.; Rai, Ajai K.: Neopleurostomella, a new foraminiferal genus from DSDP Site 219, Arabian Sea
1992Bond, G. C.; Broecker, W. S. et al.: North Atlantic's Dansgaard-Oeschger and Heinrich events
31%1461992Westbrook, Graham K.; Carson, Bobb et al.: Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 146 Scientific Prospectus, Cascadia Margin

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