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ScoreExp/Site/Hole YearAuthor/TitleFull text
82%1999Ocean drilling research; an Arctic perspective
82%1983Owen, H. G.: Atlas of continental displacement; 200 million years to the present
82%1975Anonymous: Earth sciences
82%1977Rafle, M. A.: Paleobiogeography of Paleocene through early Eocene calcareous nannoplankton assemblages from the Pacific Ocean
82%1986Krasheninnikov, V. A.; Basov, I. A.: Stratigrafiya kaynozoya Yuzhnogo okeana Cenozoic stratigraphy of the Southern Ocean
82%2007Pillans, B.: Quaternary stratigraphy; chronostratigraphy
82%1980Kennett, J. P.: Cenozoic climate history
82%1993Hagelberg, Teresa King: Variability of late Neogene eastern Equatorial Pacific carbonate sedimentation and global ice volume on timescales from 10,000 years to 1 million years
71%1983Burkle, Lloyd H.: Early late Miocene paleoclimatic event; evidence from the Southern Ocean and eastern Equatorial Pacific
71%1981Kennett, James P.: Marine tephrochronology
71%1981Savin, Samuel M.; Yeh, Hsueh-Wen: Stable isotopes in ocean sediments
71%1983Ciesielski, P. F.; Ledbetter, M. T. et al.: Middle-late Miocene palaeoenvironment of the circum-Antarctic
71%1985Woodruff, Fay: Changes in Miocene deep-sea benthic foraminiferal distribution in the Pacific Ocean; relationship to paleoceanography
71%1985Keller, Gerta: Depth stratification of planktonic foraminifers in the Miocene ocean
71%1988Ivanova, Ye. V.: Miocene climatic zonation of the Indian Ocean
71%1990Baldauf, J. G.; Barron, J. A.: Evolution of biosiliceous sedimentation patterns, Eocene through Quaternary; paleoceanographic response to polar cooling
71%1982Baldauf, Jack G.; Barron, John A.: Diatom biostratigraphy and paleoecology of the type section of the Luisian Stage, central California
71%1982Ivanova, Ye. V.; Barash, M. S.: Evaluation of the climatic zonality of the Indian Ocean during Pliocene time from deep-sea drilling data
71%1980Koreneva, Elena: Palynological studies of late Cenozoic deposits of the Black Sea through data from deep-sea drilling
71%1987Keller, G.; Herbert, T. et al.: Global distribution of late Paleogene hiatuses; with Suppl. Data 87-12
71%1994Thiede, Jorn: The challenge of high-latitude deep sea drilling
71%1994Raymo, M. E.: The initiation of Northern Hemisphere glaciation
71%1994Raymo, M. E.: The Himalayas, organic carbon burial, and climate in the Miocenedownload
71%1987Hsu, Kenneth J.: The geology of ocean floor
71%1982Kitchell, Jennifer A.; Clark, David L.: Late Cretaceous-Paleogene paleogeography and paleocirculation; evidence of north polar upwelling
71%1982Thunell, Robert C.; Belyea, Paul: Neogene planktonic foraminiferal biogeography of the Atlantic Ocean
71%1996DeWitt, Lockwood; Viscosi-Shirley, Carolyn: ODP from mountains to monsoons; a teacher's guide
71%1986Miller, Kenneth G.; Katz, M. E. et al.: Cenozoic deep-sea benthic foraminifera
71%1982Liu Tungsheng; Yuan Baoyin: Climatic fluctuations in the Quaternary; correlation of loess of China with deep sea V28-238 borehole
71%1974Ciesielski, Paul F.; Weaver, Fred M.: Early Pliocene Temperature Changes in the Antarctic Seas
71%1980Chamley, Herve; Robert, Christian: Paleoenvironmental significance of clay deposits in Atlantic black shales
71%1986Rea, David K.; Bloomstine, Maurice K.: Neogene history of the South Pacific tradewinds; evidence for hemispherical asymmetry of atmospheric circulation
71%1986Oberhaensli, Hedi: Latest Cretaceous-early Neogene oxygen and carbon isotopic record at DSDP sites in the Indian Ocean
71%1999Pearson, Paul N.; Palmer, Martin R.: Middle Eocene seawater pH and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations
71%1990Kruijs, Eddy; Barron, Eric J.: Climate model prediction of paleoproductivity and potential source-rock distribution
71%1990Gersonde, R.: Die Entwicklung des Antarktischen Ringozeans im Neogen; Rueckschluesse aus Diatomeenanalysen The development of Antarctic ringozoans in the Neogene; conclusions from diatom analysis
71%2000Pearson, Paul N.; Palmer, Martin R.: Estimating Paleogene atmospheric pCO (sub 2) using boron isotope analysis of Foraminifera
71%2000Wright, James D.: Global climate change in marine stable isotope records
71%1992Dott, Robert H., Jr.: An introduction to the ups and downs of eustasy
71%1979Sancetta, C. A.: Development of Cenozoic Pacific microfossil provinces
71%1991Barker, P. F.; Pudsey, C. J. et al.: The record of global change in circum-Antarctic marine sediments
71%1989Shackleton, N. J.: ODP Site 677, a new standard oxygen isotope sequence for the Pleistocene
71%1989Horrell, Mark A.: Oxygen isotope-based sea surface paleotemperatures; a question of reliability
71%1979Cool, T. E.: Cretaceous calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy, sedimentation history, and paleoceanography of western North Atlantic Ocean
71%1979Kojumdgieva, E.: Critical notes on the stratigraphy of Black Sea boreholes (Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 42 B)
71%1979Berger, W. H.: Impact of deep-sea drilling on paleoceanography
71%1979Kennett, J. P.: Late Cenozoic paleoceanography and planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the South Pacific; tropics to poles
71%2005Kingdon, Andy; Evans, Dan et al.: On top of the world
71%2002Lees, Jackie A.: Nannofloral biogeographic patterns illustrate long-term climate change; warming/cooling trends in the Late Cretaceous Indian and Pacific oceans
71%1978Kennett, J. P.: The development of planktonic biogeography in the Southern Ocean during the Cenozoic
71%1987Cotillon, Pierre: Bed-scale cyclicity of pelagic Cretaceous successions as a result of world-wide control
71%1990Rea, David K.; Zachos, James C. et al.: Global change at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary; climatic and evolutionary consequences of tectonic events
71%1974Olsson, Richard K.: Pleistocene paleoceanography and Globigerina pachyderma (Ehrenberg) in site 36, DSDP, northeastern Pacific
71%1993Rea, David K.: Geologic records in deep sea muds
71%1981Fenner, J.: Diatoms in the Eocene and Oligocene sediments off NW-Africa, their stratigraphic and paleogeographic occurrences
71%1981Beiersdorf, H.: Ein deutscher Beitrag zur Geoforschung A German contribution to research in the earth sciences
71%1995Baumann, K. H.; Meggers, H. et al.: Environmental changes in the North Atlantic during the last 3.0 Ma; evidence from calcareous plankton records
71%1979Sackett, W. M.: Stable carbon isotopes as paleoclimatological tool
71%1980Haq, Bilal U.: Biogeographic history of Miocene calcareous nannoplankton and paleoceanography of the Atlantic Ocean
71%1991Hallock, Pamela; Premoli Silva, Isabella et al.: Similarities between planktonic and larger foraminiferal evolutionary trends through Paleogene paleoceanographic changes
71%1973Thompson, Peter R.; Saito, Tsunemasa: Equatorial Pacific climatic fluctuations during the last 500,000 years
71%1973Knauth, L. Paul; Epstein, Samuel: Hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios in cherts from the JOIDES Deep Sea Drilling Project
71%1997Raymo, Maureen E.: Carbon cycle models; how strong are the constraints?
71%1987Berger, Wolfgang H.; Mayer, Larry A.: Cenozoic paleoceanography 1986; an introduction
71%1989Rabinowitz, Philip D.; Garrison, Louis E. et al.: Four years of scientific deep ocean drilling
71%1995Siesser, William G.: Paleogene and Neogene productivity in the Indian Ocean
71%1999Basov, I. A.: Okeanskaya i klimaticheskaya evolyutsiya v miotsene Oceanic and climatic evolution in Miocene
71%1999MacLeod, Norman: Oligocene and Miocene palaeoceanography; a review
71%1999Jansa, L. F.: Paleogeography and paleoceanography of the North Atlantic during the Cretaceous; an overview
71%1987Boersma, A.; Premoli Silva, I.: Boundary conditions of Atlantic Eocene oxygen minimum zones
71%1988Arthur, M. A.; Barron, E. A. et al.: Response of the late Mesozoic-Cenozoic ocean to climatic forcing on tectonic time scales
71%1995Thiede, J.: Onset and early variability of Northern Hemisphere Cenozoic glaciations
71%1979Keller, G.: Late Neogene paleoceanography of the North Pacific DSDP sites 173, 310, and 296
71%1980Truswell, E. M.: Pollen deposition in offshore Antarctic sediments; implications for Tertiary climatic evolution and sub-ice geology
71%1995Haileab, Bereket: Geochemistry, geochronology and tephrostratigraphy of tephra from the Turkana Basin, southern Ethiopia and northern Kenya
71%1978Sancetta, C.: Neogene Pacific microfossils and paleoceanography
71%1978Baker, E. W.; Eglinton, G.: Organic geochemistry related developments in the Deep Sea Drilling Project
71%1990Chepstow-Lusty, Alex; Backman, Jan et al.: Palaeoclimatic control of upper Pliocene discoaster assemblages in the North Atlantic
71%1985Morley, Joseph J.: Pliocene/Pleistocene climatic variations in the Northwest Pacific inferred from siliceous microfaunal records
71%1982Donnelly, Thomas W.: Worldwide continental denudation and climatic deterioration during the late Tertiary; evidence from deep-sea sediments
71%1975Zobel, B.: Der Beitrag des Tiefsee-Bohrprogramms zur Foraminiferen-Forschung The contribution of the Deep Sea Drilling Project to foraminiferal research
71%1975Kennett, James P.; Thunell, Robert C.: Global Increase in Quaternary Explosive Volcanism
71%2004Groecke, D. R.; Tipple, Brett J. et al.: A Cenozoic terrestrial isotope record and the evolution of C (sub 4) photosynthesis
71%2004Raffi, I.: Calcareous nannofossils and orbitally tuned cyclostratigraphy in the Cenozoic
71%2003Lear, Carrie; Elderfield, Harry et al.: Fossil thermometers for Earth's climate
71%2003Ravelo, Ana C.: Ocean Drilling Program records of the last five million years; a view of the ocean and climate system during a warm period and a major climate transition
71%2004Finkel, Zoe; Katz, Mimi et al.: Cope's rule, environmental change, and the evolution of diatoms through the Cenozoic
71%2007Koizumi, I.: Diatom records; Pacific
71%2007Owen, L. A.: Glaciation, causes; tectonic uplift-continental configurations
71%2007Dowsett, H. J.: Paleoceanography, biological proxies; planktic Foraminifera
71%1988Pisias, N. G.; Mix, A. C.: Aliasing of the geologic record and the search for long-period Milankovitch cyclesdownload
71%1981Goerlich, F.: Birgt der Tiefseeboden neue Schaetze? Aufgaben fuer das neue Tiefseebohrschiff "Glomar Explorer" The bottom of deep seas, does it hide treasures? Missions of the new deep sea drilling ship "Glomar Explorer"
71%1999Dickens, Gerald R.: The blast in the past
71%2008Jansen, Eystein; Kleiven, H. F.: EuroMARC CRP; Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation During Interglacials (AMOCINT)
71%2000Droxler, Andre W. (ed.); Farrell, John W. (ed.): Marine isotope stage 11 (MIS 11); new insights for a warm future
71%1984Shackleton, N. J.: Oxygen isotope evidence for Cenozoic climatic change
71%2010Fox, Douglas: Could East Antarctica be headed for big melt?
71%2004Bartolini, Annachiara; Erba, Elisabetta et al.: Valanginian weissert oceanic anoxic event
71%2004Lynch-Stieglitz, Jean: Hemispheric asynchrony of abrupt climate change
71%1977Kennett, J. P.; Thunell, R. C.: On explosive Cenozoic volcanism and climatic implications

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