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ScoreExp/Site/Hole YearAuthor/TitleFull text
59%1985Kastner, Miriam; Jine-Yu-Hu et al.: Pliocene convective flow through sediments on the western flank of the EPR, DSDP Hole 600C
59%1992Leinen, Margaret S.; Arthur, Michael A. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; progress in procuring records of past global change and understanding of major paleoceanographic trends and events
59%1992Nomura, Ritsuo; Seto, Koji et al.: Paleocene and early Eocene paleoceanography of the eastern Indian Ocean viewed from benthic foraminifers
59%1992Ishman, Scott E.: Pliocene benthic foraminifer census data from Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 610A
59%1992Ishman, Scott E.; Dowsett, Harry J.: Pliocene pre-glacial North Atlantic; a coupled sea surface-deep ocean circulation climate response
59%1975Ross, D.; Neprochnov, Y. et al.: Glomar Challenger drills the Black Sea
59%1986Hess, Jennifer; Bender, Michael L. et al.: Evolution of the ratio of strontium-87 to strontium-86 in seawater from Cretaceous to present
59%1986Thiede, Jorn; Ehrmann, Werner U.: Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediment flux to the central North Atlantic Ocean
59%2002Schumacher, S.; Lazarus, D. B.: Produktivitaetsaenderungen an der Eozaen/Oligozaen Grenze Changes in productivity at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary
59%2003deMenocal, Peter: Linking African climate change to human evolution
59%2004Adkins, J. F.; Schrag, D. P.: Deep ocean temperature and salinity at the last glacial maximum
59%2004Stancin, A. M.; Gleason, J. D. et al.: Differentiation of Cenozoic eolian dust sources in the eastern Pacific by Nd-Sr-Pb radiogenic isotopes
59%2007Stickley, C. E.; Pike, J. et al.: Diatom records; Antarctic waters
59%2007Koc, N.: Diatom records; North Atlantic and Arctic
59%2007Vervoort, J. D.; Plank, T. et al.: Hf and Nd isotopic composition of sediments, old and new
59%2010Stroynowski, Zuzia N.; Abrantes, Fatima F.: Preliminary results from IODP Exp. 323 to the Bering Sea; the ocean history for the last 5 Ma
59%2007Bassinot, F. C.: Paleoceanography, physical and chemical proxies; oxygen isotope stratigraphy of the oceans
59%2007de Garidel-Thoron, T.: Paleoceanography, records; early Pleistocene
59%2008Pekar, Stephen F.; Christie-Blick, Nicholas: Resolving apparent conflicts between oceanographic and Antarctic climate records and evidence for a decrease in pCO (sub 2) during the Oligocene through early Miocene (34-16 Ma)
59%2008Robinson, Stuart A.; Vance, D. D.: The Nd isotopic composition of Late Cretaceous bathyal abyssal sea water from fossil fish skeletal debris
59%2008Opdyke, Bradley: Two new IODP paleoceanographic drilling opportunities in the Timor Sea; late Quaternary paleoceanography and tracking sea level change from the late Miocene
59%1982Hodell, David A.; Kennett, James P.: Abyssal circulation in the western South Atlantic during the late Miocene and Pliocene
59%1992MacLeod, Kenneth G.; Ward, Peter D.: The disappearance of inoceramid bivalves and mid-Maastrichtian ecological change
59%1992Barker, Peter F.: The sedimentary record of Antarctic climate change
59%1999Dickens, Gerald R.; Owen, Robert M.: The latest Miocene-early Pliocene biogenic bloom; a revised Indian Ocean perspective
59%2008Lisiecki, Lorraine E.; Raymo, Maureen E. et al.: Atlantic overturning responses to late Pleistocene climate forcings
59%2008Kuhnt, Wolfgang; Holbourn, Ann: Cretaceous deep-water agglutinated foraminiferal biofacies and paleoceanography
59%2008Thomas, Ellen: Descent into the icehouse
59%2008Gleason, J. D.; Thomas, D. J. et al.: Early to middle Eocene Arctic paleoceanography from Nd-Sr isotope study of fossil fish debris, Lomonosov Ridge
59%2010Exon, Neville: Australia, New Zealand, and scientific ocean drilling
59%2010De, Soma; Gupta, Anil K.: Deep-sea faunal provinces and their inferred environments in the Indian Ocean based on distribution of Recent benthic Foraminifera
59%2010Guerin, G.: Seismic/well integration, IODP Expedition 323, Bering Sea
59%1977Ledbetter, M. T.; Williams, D. F. et al.: Northern Hemisphere ice sheet development and late Pliocene abyssal paleocirculation in the Vema Channel (SW Atlantic)
59%1977Sclater, J. G.; Abbott, D. et al.: Paleobathymetry and sediments of the Indian Ocean
59%1977Schrader, H. J.: Paleoecology of the late Neogene-Quaternary Black Sea; an opal phytoplankton study of DSDP Leg 42B
59%1986Keigwin, Lloyd D.; Corliss, Bruce H.: Stable isotopes in late middle Eocene to Oligocene foraminifera
59%1986Tucholke, Brian E.; Mountain, Gregory S.: Tertiary paleoceanography of the western North Atlantic Ocean
59%1998D'Hondt, S.; Arthur, M. A.: Getting into deep water in the late Maastrichtian Ocean
59%1998Fronval, Torben; Jansen, Eystein et al.: Variability in surface and deep water conditions in the Nordic seas during the last interglacial period
59%1999Chen, Min-Te; Wang, Chung-Ho et al.: A late Quaternary planktonic foraminifer faunal record of rapid climatic changes from the South China Sea
59%1999Barker, Peter F.; Barrett, Peter J. et al.: Antarctic glacial history from numerical models and continental margin sediments
59%1999Huber, Robert: Carbonate sedimentation in the northern North Atlantic since the late Pliocene
59%1999Flower, B. P.: Cenozoic deep-sea temperatures and polar glaciation; the oxygen isotope record
59%1994Reicherter, K.; Pletsch, T. et al.: Mid-Cretaceous paleogeography and paleoceanography of the Betic Seaway (Betic Cordillera, Spain)
59%1994Dwyer, G. S.; Cronin, T. M.: North Atlantic deep water temperature change during late Pliocene and Quaternary climatic cycles
59%2006Ravelo, Ana Christina: Walker circulation and global warming; lessons from the geologic past
59%1979Bender, M. L.; Keigwin, L. D., Jr.: Speculations about the upper Miocene change in abyssal Pacific dissolved bicarbonate delta (super 13) C
59%2001Kuijpers, Marcel Martinus Maria: Mechanisms and biogeochemical implications of the Mid-Cretaceous global organic carbon burial events
59%1990Horrell, Mark A.: Energy balance constraints on (super 18) O based paleo-sea surface temperature estimatesdownload
59%1987Woodruff, Fay; Savin, Samuel M.: Micro-faunal and isotopic evidence for the nature of Miocene deep circulation and watermass formation
59%1987Pujos, A.: Mise en place de la circulation du Pacifique central equatorial et des assemblages des nannofossiles calcaires au Neogene (Leg DSDP 85); I, Influence de la glaciation antarctique, entre 15 et 7 Ma BP Emplacement of circulation in the equatorial Central Pacific and assemblages of Neogene calcareous nannofossils (DSDP Leg 85); I, Influence of Antarctic glaciation between 15 and 7 Ma BP
59%1987Keller, Gerta; Barron, John A.: Paleodepth distribution of Neogene deep-sea hiatusesdownload
59%2000Smolka, Peter: A new paleotemperature transfer-algorithm and its application to the reconstruction of Neogene oceans
59%2000Bauch, Henning A.; Erlenkeuser, Helmut et al.: A paleoclimatic evaluation of marine oxygen isotope stage 11 in the high-northern Atlantic (Nordic seas)
59%2000Smolka, Peter: A worldwide uniform high-resolution stratigraphic standard with data for the Neogene and Paleogene
59%2000Rea, David K.; Moore, Theordore C., Jr. et al.: Atmospheric and oceanic circulation dynamics in the Equatorial Pacific of the Paleogene world
59%2000Aoki, Saburo; Kohyama, Norihiko: Clay mineralogy and geochemistry of the DSDP and ODP cores from the Arabian Sea, the Bengal Fan, and the Gulf of Mexico
59%2000Hodell, David A.; Charles, Christopher D. et al.: Comparison of interglacial stages in the South Atlantic sector of the southern ocean for the past 450 kyr; implications for marine isotope stage (MIS) 11
59%1998Hughen, Konrad A.: Climatic linkages between high-latitude North Atlantic, tropical South America and ocean circulation; evidence from the Cariaco Basin
59%1999Nederbragt, Alexandra J.: Quantitative biogeography of Cretaceous planktonic Foraminifera from the North Atlantic and circum-Mediterranean
59%1994Hiscott, R. N.; Aksu, A. E.: Submarine debris flows and continental slope evolution in front of Quaternary ice sheets, Baffin Bay, Canadian Arctic
59%1996Feary, D.; James, N. P. et al.: Cenozoic cool-water carbonates of the Great Australian Bight: an ODP proposal to decipher the record of Southern Ocean evolution, sealevel, paleoclimate, and biogenic production
59%1996Jenkins, Chris: Circulation strength of a western boundary current through the late Cenozoic (ODP Drilling proposal; East Australian Current)
59%1998Sinninghe Damste, Jaap S.; Koester, Juergen: A euxinic southern North Atlantic Ocean during the Cenomanian/Turonian oceanic anoxic event
59%2006Takashima, Reishi; Nishi, Hiroshi et al.: Greenhouse world and the Mesozoic ocean
59%2003Tiwari, R. K.; Rao, K. N. N.: A statistically significant long term characteristic time-scale of test size variation of calcareous trochospiral benthic Foraminifera (CTBF) during the past 120
59%2003Tamburini, Federica; Foellmi, Karl B.: Changes on a glacial-interglacial timescale in the oceanic inventory of phosphorus and its relation to climate change
59%1992Kuvaas, Berit; Leitchenkov, German: Glaciomarine turbidite and current controlled deposits in Prydz Bay, Antarctica
59%1992Zeyen, P.: La base de donnees du Deep Sea Drilling Project; exploitation relationnelle et application a l'etude de la sedimentation neogene Deep Sea Drilling Project database; relational exploitation and application to the study of Neogene sedimentation
59%1994Henderson, G. M.; Martel, D. J. et al.: Evolution of seawater (super 87) Sr/ (super 86) Sr over the last 400 ka; the absence of glacial/interglacial cycles
59%1999Kaiho, Kunio: Evolution in the test size of deep-sea benthic Foraminifera during the past 120 million years
59%1998Mackensen, A.: Taxonomy and paleoecology of late Neogene benthic Foraminifera from the Caribbean Sea and eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean; book review
59%2002Mueller, R. D.; Gaina, C. et al.: The evolution of global oceanic crust from Jurassic to present day; a global data integration
59%2000Yuguchi, Shiho; Murakami, Teizou et al.: Latest Cenozoic palaeoceanography of the Pacific Ocean based on the analysis of nannofossil assemblages
59%2003Clift, Peter; Wang, Pinxian et al.: Continent-ocean interactions within the East Asian marginal seas
59%1991Thierstein, Hans R.; Roth, Peter H.: Stable isotopic and carbonate cyclicity in Lower Cretaceous deep-sea sediments; dominance of diagenetic effects
59%1988Davies, P. J.; Symonds, P. A. et al.: The evolution of the carbonate platforms in Northeast Australia; the goal of the Ocean Drilling Program
59%1988Hsu, Kenneth J.: The geology of the ocean floor
59%1991Bralower, Timothy J.; Sliter, William V.: Dysoxic/anoxic events in the Aptian-Albian (Middle Cretaceous)
59%1994D'Hondt, S.; King, J. et al.: Planktic foraminifera and asteroids; death and recovery at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary
59%1993Maurrasse, Florentin J. M. R.: Taxonomy, biostratigraphy, and paleoecologic significance of calcareous-siliceous facies of the Neogene Montpelier Formation, northeastern Jamaica
59%1997Hofmann, P.; Ricken, Werner et al.: Processes controlling the accumulation of organic matter in high frequency sedimentary cycles of Albian age in the North Atlantic Ocean
59%1998Stoll, Heather Marie: Strontium geochemistry in the ocean; records of past climate and sea level changes
59%1998Ito, Takashi; Usui, Akira et al.: Strontium isotopic compositions and paleoceanographic implication of fossil manganese nodules in DSDP/ODP cores, Leg 1-126
59%1999Premoli Silva, Isabella; Sliter, William V.: Cretaceous paleoceanography; evidence from planktonic foraminiferal evolution
59%2001Holbourn, Ann; Kuhnt, Wolfgang et al.: Atlantic paleobathymetry, paleoproductivity and paleocirculation in the late Albian; the benthic foraminiferal record
59%2000MacLeod, Christopher J.; Wright, V. Paul et al.: Tectonic evolution and uplift/subsidence history of Atlantis Bank, a transverse ridge near the Atlantis II fracture zone, SW Indian Ridge
59%2000McNutt, Marcia K.: The future of marine geology and geophysics; a summary
59%2001Stoll, Heather M.; Schrag, Daniel P.: Sr/Ca variations in Cretaceous carbonates; relation to productivity and sea level changes
59%2006Lueckge, A.; Zachariasse, W. J. et al.: IODP; monsoonal variability and oxygen minimum zone intensity in the northern Arabian Sea; status of a mature IODP drilling proposal
59%2002Zielinski, Uli; Bianchi, Cristina et al.: Last occurrence datums of the diatoms Rouxia leventerae and Rouxia constricta; indicators for marine isotope stages 6 and 8 in Southern Ocean sediments
59%2010Takata, H.; Khim, B. et al.: Faunal change of benthic Foraminifera in CAE-3 (middle Eocene) in the eastern Equatorial Pacific (IODP Exp 320)
59%2009Slomp, C. P.; Kraal, P. et al.: Reconstructing phosphorus and carbon cycling during Cretaceous oceanic anoxic events; why we need modern analogues
59%2006Moore, Ted; Palike, Heiko: Time is of the essence
59%1993Lazarus, Dave; Beckmann, Jean-Pierre et al.: A global database of Neogene DSDP/ODP marine microfossil plankton and its use in geographic, stratigraphic and evolutionary syntheses
59%1993Zachos, James C.; Lohmann, Kyger C. et al.: Abrupt climate changes and transient climates during the Paleogene; a marine perspective
59%1993Wei, Wuchang; Wise, Sherwood W. et al.: Accelerated dispersion of new pelagic taxa associated with cooler climates and more vigorous oceanic circulation
59%1997Isern, A. R.; Pigram, C. J. et al.: ODP drilling in the Coral Sea: sealevel variation, fluid flow, and paleoceanography; Proposal 510-Rev 1
59%1997Isern, A. R.; Pigram, C. J. et al.: ODP drilling in the Coral Sea; sealevel variation, palaeoceanography, and fluid flow
59%1984Takayanagi, Yokichi; Oda, Motoyoshi et al.: Some middle Miocene planktonic microfossil datum planes in northern Honshu, Japan; their paleoceanographic implication

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