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ScoreExp/Site/Hole YearAuthor/TitleFull text
59%1988Scott, Steven D.: ODP drilling plans for the western Pacific 1988-1990; a wealth of tectonic, petrologic and paleoceanographic delights
59%1994Kidd, Robert B.; Sykes, Tim J. S. et al.: Sedimentary evolution of the Indian Ocean in response to ocean basin development
59%1994Denny, Walter M., III; Austin, James A., Jr. et al.: Seismic stratigraphy and geologic history of Middle Cretaceous through Cenozoic rocks, southern Straits of Florida
59%1992Kaiho, Kunio: Dissolved oxygen changes in intermediate and deep waters during the past 100 million years on foraminiferal morphology
59%1977Vincent, E.: Indian Ocean Neogene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and its paleoceanographic implications
59%1985Miskell, K. J.; Brass, G. W. et al.: Global patterns in opal deposition from Late Cretaceous to late Miocene
59%1987Saint-Marc, P.: Donnees paleoceanographiques sur le Paleocene de la partie nord-orientale de la Walvis Ridge, Atlantique Sud Paleo-oceanographic data on the Paleocene of the north-eastern part of the Walvis Ridge, South Atlantic
59%1987Behrmann, J. H.: Drilling at near-trench positions east of Lesser Antilles forearc
59%1987Schlanger, S. O.: Drilling in the western Venezuelan Basin at Site CAR-4
59%1987Blanc-Vernet, L.: Foraminiferes benthiques et paleoenvironnements pliocenes et quaternaires dans l'Atlantique nord-occidental d'apres les donnees de forages DSDP (Legs 76 et 93) Benthic foraminifera and Pliocene and Quaternary paleoenvironments in the Northwest Atlantic from DSDP, legs 76 and 93 drilling data
59%2000Street, C.; Bown, P. R.: Palaeobiogeography of Early Cretaceous (Berriasian-Barremian) calcareous nannoplankton
59%1994Flower, Benjamin P.; Kennett, James P.: The middle Miocene climatic transition; East Antarctic ice sheet development, deep ocean circulation and global carbon cycling
59%1994Sykes, Tim J. S.; Kidd, Robert B.: Volcanogenic sediment distributions in the Indian Ocean through the Cretaceous and Cenozoic, and their paleoenvironmental implications
59%1982Tucholke, Brian E.; Laine, Edward P.: Neogene and Quaternary development of the lower continental rise off the central U.S. East Coast
59%1982Keller, Gerta; Barron, John A. et al.: North Pacific late Miocene correlations using microfossils, stable isotopes, percent CaCO (sub 3) and magnetostratigraphy
59%1988Anonymous: Geologic history of the polar oceans; Arctic versus Antarctic
59%1982Saltzman, E. S.; Barron, Eric J.: Deep circulation in the Late Cretaceous; oxygen isotope paleotemperatures from Inoceramus remains in D.S.D.P. cores
59%1982Berger, W. H.: Deep-sea stratigraphy; Cenozoic climate steps and the search for chemo-climatic feedback
59%1976Van Andel, T. H.; Heath, G. R. et al.: Cenozoic history of the central equatorial Pacific; a synthesis based on Deep Sea Drilling Project data
59%1976Supko, P. R.; Perch-Nielsen, K. et al.: History of the South Atlantic from deep sea drilling
59%1986Stein, Ruediger: Organic carbon and sedimentation rate; further evidence for anoxic deep-water conditions in the Cenomanian/Turonian Atlantic Ocean
59%1986Shackleton, Nicholas J.: Paleogene stable isotopes events
59%1986Renard, Maurice: Pelagic carbonate chemostratigraphy (Sr, Mg, (super 18) O, (super 13) C)
59%1986Zachos, J. C.; Arthur, M. A.: Paleoceanography of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary event; inferences from stable isotopic and other datadownload
59%1986Capo, Rosemary C.; DePaolo, Donald J.: Pleistocene Sr isotope stratigraphy and paleoeanography
59%1982Sloan, James L., II; Miskell, Kimberlee, J.: The history of organic carbon and opaline silica accumulation in the world ocean
59%1990Raymo, M. E.; Rind, D. et al.: Climatic effects of reduced Arctic sea ice limits in the GISS II general circulation modeldownload
59%2000Mutterlose, Joerg: Early Cretaceous climates; from an icehouse to a greenhouse world
59%2000Okuyama, Takao; Kanzaki, Yutaka et al.: Early to middle Miocene palaeoceanography around Japanese Islands based on the analysis of calcareous nannofossil assemblages
59%2000Murray, R. W.; Knowlton, C. et al.: Export production and terrigenous matter in the central Equatorial Pacific Ocean during interglacial oxygen isotope stage 11
59%2000Anonymous: Glaciomarine studies
59%1985Kennett, James P.; Murphy, Margaret G.: Late Eocene-middle Miocene paleoclimates of the South-west Pacific; oxygen isotopic evidence
59%1985Vergnaud Grazzini, C.; Saliege, J. F.: Les evenements isotopiques en milieu oceanique a la transition Eocene-Oligocene dans le Pacifique et l'Atlantique; paleocirculations profondes en Atlantique sud Isotope occurrences in oceanic environment at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary in the Pacific and Atlantic; deep-seated paleocirculation in the southern Atlantic
59%1992Berggren, William A.: A revised Neogene magnetobiochronology; framework for improved global marine-terrestrial correlations
59%1996Carter, R. M.; Carter, L.: Mid-Cenozoic origin of the ACC and the Pacific DWBC, New Zealand region, SW Pacific Ocean
59%1996Barron, John A.; Cronin, Thomas M. et al.: Middle Pliocene paleoenvironments of the Northern Hemisphere
59%2011Cope, Jesse T.; Winguth, Arne: On the sensitivity of ocean circulation to arctic freshwater input during the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum
59%2004Warnke, D. A.; Filippelli, G. M. et al.: Paleoceanography and paleoclimatology of the Southern Ocean; a synthesis of three decades of scientific ocean drilling
59%2004Lazarus, David B.; Hollis, C. J. et al.: Radiolarian and sedimentologic evidence for late Eocene origin of Southern Ocean environments
59%1996D'Hondt, Steven; Arthur, Michael A.: Late Cretaceous oceans and the cool tropic paradox
59%1986Stein, R.: Late Neogene evolution of paleoclimate and paleooceanic circulation in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres; a comparison
59%1992Belyaeva, Natalia; Burmistrova, Irina: Datum levels and evolution of planktonic and benthonic foraminiferal assemblages in Pleistocene of the east equatorial Indian Ocean
59%2006Robinson, S. A.; Clarke, L. J. et al.: Oceanic anoxic events in the Early Cretaceous Pacific Ocean; unique records from the Calera Limestone of Central California
59%2006Jenkyns, H. C.: Oceanic anoxic events; 30 years on
59%2002Haywood, Alan M.; Valdes, Paul J. et al.: Magnitude of climate variability during middle Pliocene warmth; a palaeoclimate modelling study
59%2002Dittert, Nicolas; Corrin, Lydie et al.: Management of (pale-)oceanographic data sets using the PANGAEA information system; the SINOPS example
59%2002Jahn, Britta: Mid to late Pleistocene variations of marine productivity in and terrigenous input to the Southeast Atlantic
59%2002Zahn, Rainer: Milankovitch and climate; the orbital code of climate change
59%1978Harper, H.; Barron, J.: The Messinian event in the North Pacific deep-sea
59%1979Roth, P. H.; Krumbach, K. R.: Black shales and coccoliths in the Atlantic and Indian oceans
59%1987Boersma, Anne; Premoli Silva, Isabella et al.: Atlantic Eocene planktonic foraminiferal paleohydrographic indicators and stable isotope paleoceanographydownload
59%1993Banakar, V. K.; Nair, R. R. et al.: Neogene oceanographic variations recorded in manganese nodules from the Somali Basin
59%1995Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B.; Ravizza, G. et al.: The marine (super 187) Os/ (super 186) Os record of the past 80 million years
59%1995D'Hondt, Steven; Donaghay, Percy: Carbon isotopic recovery from mass extinctions; no Strangelove oceans on geologic timescales?
59%1983Arthur, Michael A.; Dean, Walter E.: Paleoceanographic models for Cretaceous organic carbon deposition
59%1983Cirac, P.; Peypouquet, Jean-Pierre: Paleoenvironnements neogenes dans les bassins oceaniques ibero-marocains; Relations paleohydrologiques Mediterranee-Atlantique Neogene paleoenvironments in Ibero-Morocco oceanic basins, Mediterranean-Atlantic relationships
59%1983Raisuddin, Ahmad; Conrady, Michael R.: Rare earth element geochemistry of ichthyoliths (fish debris); implications for possible changes in the chemistry of ancient oceans
59%1991Jaiprakash, B. C.: Late Pleistocene planktonic Foraminifera from northern Indian Ocean
59%1994Sliter, William V.: Late Cretaceous hiatuses and global change
59%1979Kennett, J. P.; Burckle, L. H. et al.: Miocene paleoceanography in relation to the growth of Antarctic icecaps
59%1985Hodell, David A.; Kennett, James P.: Miocene paleoceanography of the South Atlantic Ocean at 22, 16, and 8 Ma
59%1986Ehrmann, W. U.; Thiede, J.: Correlation of terrigenous and biogenic sediment fluxes in the North Atlantic Ocean during the past 150 my
59%1998Coxall, Helen K.; Pearson, Paul N. et al.: Morphological evolution and stable isotopic evidence for habitat change in the Eocene Hantkeninidae
59%1998Mitchell, Neil C.: Modeling Cenozoic sedimentation in the central Equatorial Pacific and implications for true polar wanderdownload
59%1998Nikolaev, S. D.; Oskina, N. S. et al.: Neogene-Quaternary variations of the "pole-equator" temperature gradient of the surface oceanic waters in the North Atlantic and North Pacific
59%1991Winterer, Jerry; McLean, Dewey et al.: Global paleoceanography, paleoclimate, and paleoenvironment; disciplinary working group report
59%1996Hinrichs, K. U.; Rinna, J. et al.: Sterols, long-chain alkenones, and terrestrial n-alcohols in Santa Barbara Basin sediments as paleoenvironmental indicators
59%1979Degens, E. T.; Paluska, A.: Tectonic and climatic pulses recorded in Quaternary sediments of the Caspian-Black Sea region
59%1979Keigwin, L. D., Jr.; Bender, M. L. et al.: Thermal structure of the deep Pacific Ocean in the early Pliocene
59%1996Exon, N.; Chaproniere, G. C. et al.: The "Southern Gateway" between Australia and Antarctica: a proposal for ODP palaeoclimatic and palaeo-oceanographic drilling
59%1996Exon, N. F.; Kennett, J. P. et al.: The "Southern Gateway" between Australia and Antarctica: a proposal for ODP palaeoclimatic, palaeoceanographic and transform margin drilling. ODP proposal 485, revision of June 1996
59%1996Ramsay, A. T. S.; Smart, C. J.: The history of early-middle Miocene Tethyan outflow water
59%1996Andrews, John T.; Austin, William E. N. et al.: The late Quaternary paleoceanography of the North Atlantic margins; an introduction
59%1989Gard, Gunilla: Variations in coccolith assemblages during the last glacial cycle in the high and mid-latitude Atlantic and Indian oceans
59%1984Koepnick, R. B.; Burke, W. H. et al.: Construction of the seawater (super 87) Sr/ (super 86) Sr curve for the Cenozoic and Cretaceous; supporting data
59%1996Chaproniere, George C.: A palaeogeographic and palaeoceanographic interpretation for the "Australian-Indonesia gateway" based on larger foraminiferids
59%1996Chaproniere, G. C.: A palaeogeographic and palaeoceanographic interpretation for the "Australian-Indonesian Gateway" based on larger foraminiferids
59%1996Naidu, Pothuri Divakar; Malmgren, Bjorn A.: A high-resolution record of late Quaternary upwelling along the Oman Margin, Arabian Sea based on planktonic Foraminiferadownload
59%1991Engel, Elke R.: Palynologische Evidenz klimarelevanter Ereignisse in miozaenen Sedimenten des Nordatlantiks Palynological evidence of climatically relevant events from Miocene sediments from the North Atlantic
59%1991Kheradyar, T.; Ingle, James C., Jr.: Pleistocene surface temperature and circulation within the Sea of Japan
59%1992Duncan, Robert A. (ed.); Rea, David K. (ed.) et al.: Synthesis of results from scientific drilling in the Indian Ocean
59%1990Brunner, Charlotte A.; Rahman, A. et al.: Major climatic changes in surface waters of the Japan Sea since the early middle Miocene
59%1980Ladd, J. W.; Watkins, J. S.: Seismic stratigraphy of the western Venezuela Basin
59%1993Ushakova, Maola; Blyum, Natalia: Reformation of the surface oceanic circulation during the Palaeogene; calcareous nannoplankton and oxygen isotope evidence
59%1993Denison, R. E.; Koepnick, R. B. et al.: Reevaluation of early Oligocene, Eocene, and Paleocene seawater strontium isotope ratios using outcrop samples from the U.S. Gulf Coastdownload
59%1987Casey, Richard E.; Perez-Guzman, Ana Maria et al.: Radiolarian evidence bearing on the oceanographic history of the Gulf of California, and the Gulf's possible role in radiolarian evolutionary history
59%1997Widmark, Joen G. V.; Speijer, Robert P.: Benthic foraminiferal ecomarker species of the terminal Cretaceous (late Maastrichtian) deep-sea Tethys
59%1977Davies, T. A.; Kidd, R. B.: Sedimentation in the Indian Ocean through time
59%1980Southam, J. R.; Brass, G. W. et al.: Sources of ancient warm bottom water
59%2003Kurtz, A. C.; Kump, L. R. et al.: Early Cenozoic decoupling of the global carbon and sulfur cyclesdownload
59%2003Lazarus, David: Evolution of Cenozoic Antarctic plankton biotas
59%1987Moullade, M.; Maalouleh, K.: Crises climatiques et fluctuations sedimentaires sur la marge nord-americaine de l'Atlantique au Neogene-Quaternaire, d'apres les donnees microfaunistiques de recents forages du DSDP Climatic crises and sedimentary fluctuations on the North American margin of the Atlantic during the Neogene-Quaternary from microfaunal data from recent DSDP boreholes
59%1995Glenn, C. R.; Burnett, W. C. et al.: Peru margin phosphorites and paleoceanography
59%1999Sachs, Julian P.; Repeta, Daniel J.: Oligotrophy and nitrogen fixation during eastern Mediterranean sapropel events
59%1989Hermelin, J. Otto R.: Pliocene benthic foraminifera from the Ontong-Java Plateau (western Equatorial Pacific Ocean); faunal response to changing paleoenvironment
59%1988Behrmann, J. H.: Projekte geowissenschaftlicher Forschung in der Karibik in den neunziger Jahren im Rahmen des Ocean Drilling Program Geological research projects in the Caribbean region in the 90's within the framework of the Ocean Drilling Program
59%1989Boersma, Anne; Premoli Silva, Isabella: Atlantic Paleogene biserial heterohelicid foraminifera and oxygen minimadownload
59%1989Kassens, H.; Wetzel, A.: Das Alter des Himalaya; geologische Dokumente aus dem Indischen Ozean The age of the Himalayas; evidence from the Indian Ocean
59%1983Kennett, James P.; Wei, K. Y. et al.: Neogene planktonic foraminifera; evolution at high resolution
59%1988Berger, W. H.; Spitzy, A.: History of atmospheric CO (sub 2) ; constraints from the deep-sea recorddownload

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