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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
1995Haslett, Simon K.; Kennington, Kevin et al.: Pliocene-Pleistocene radiolarian and diatom biostratigraphy of ODP Hole 709C (Equatorial Indian Ocean)
1995Brereton, N. R.; Chroston, P. N. et al.: Pore pressure as an explanation of complex anelastic strain recovery results
1995Tobin, Harold James: Prediction and effects of fluid pressure in active accretionary prism fault systems
31%1995Tamaki, Kensaku; Fukimoto, Hiromi: Preface
1980Brumsack, H. J.: Geochemistry of Cretaceous black shales from the Atlantic Ocean (DSDP legs 11, 14, 36 and 41)
1980Lancelot, Y.: Geological setting and results of Legs 41, 47a and 50 off Northwest Africa
31%1980Ludwig, W. J.; Rabinowitz, P. D.: Geophysical characteristics of ocean crust; IPOD candidate site PAC 5, central eastern Pacific Ocean basin
31%1980Rabinowitz, P. D.; Ludwig, W. J.: Geophysical measurements at candidate drill sites along an east-west flow line in the central Atlantic Ocean
31%1980Hinz, K.: Geophysical reconnaissance surveys in the Norwegian Sea
31%1980Biddle, K. B.: Glacial marine sedimentation in the Ross Sea, DSDP sites 270-273
1980Matthews, J. E.: Heuristic physical property model for marine sediments
1980Gardner, J. V.: Hydraulic piston coring in equatorial Pacific; preliminary results from DSDP Site 503 (Leg 68) indicate continuous section of undisturbed late Neogene and Quaternary sediment
1980Lonsdale, Peter: Hydrothermal plumes and baritic sulfide mounds at a Gulf of California spreading center
1980Warnke, D. A.: Initiation and evolution of Northern Hemisphere glaciations as indicated by sediments from sites 336 and 344, D.S.D.P. Leg 38, Norwegian-Greenland seas
31%1980Bibee, L. D.; Shor, G. G., Jr. et al.: Inter-arc spreading in the Mariana Trough
1980D'Agostino, A.; Webb, P. N.: Interpretation of mid-Miocene to Recent lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy at DSDP site 273, Ross Sea
1980Wrolstad, Keith: Interval velocity and attenuation measurements in sediments from marine seismic reflection data
31%641980Gieskes, J.: Intrusion of basaltic sills into highly porous sediments; resulting hydrothermal activity; Guaymas Basin--Gulf of California
31%601980Horai, K.: IPOD Leg 60 thermal conductivity measurements
31%701980Honnorez, J.; Von Herzen, R. P.: IPOD Leg 70; comparison between open and closed hydrothermal regimes in young and not so young oceanic crust
31%371980Ryall, P. J. C.; Hall, J. M.: Iron loss in titanomagnetites during low temperature oxidation
31%1980Nagumo, S.; Kasahara, J. et al.: Large Poisson's ratio and low S-wave velocity within the Japan Trench inner wall toe
31%1980Styzen, M. J.; Webb, P. N.: Late Eocene foraminifera from DSDP Site 267B, Southeast Indian Ocean
1980Styzen, Michael J.: Late Eocene foraminiferal systematics, biostratigraphy and paleoecology of DSDP Hole 267B, Southeast Indian Ocean
1980Englehardt, N. L.; Webb, P. N.: Late Miocene foraminiferal biostratigraphy and paleoecology at DSDP site 265, Southeast Indian Ocean
1980Siesser, W. G.: Late Miocene origin of the Benguela upwelling system off northern Namibia
1980Echols, Dorothy: Late Neogene foraminiferal zonation, Daito-Ridge-and-Basin Province (DSDP Site 445), North Philippine Sea
31%1980Chow, Tsaihwa; Earl, John L. et al.: Lead isotopes in Atlantic DSDP sediment cores
31%941985Hill, Philip R.; Kidd, Robert B.: Mid-ocean sediment drifts; sediment waves in a pelagic regime
31%2007Shipilov, E. V.; Raznitsyn, Yu. N. et al.: New geodynamic model of the evolution of the northern Norwegian-Greenland Basin
1980De, Reena; Kaul, I. K.: Thermoluminescence studies on carbonate oozes from Site 220 (DSDP)
1980Hertogen, J.; Janssens, M. J. et al.: Trace elements in ocean ridge basalt glasses; implications for fractionations during mantle evolution and petrogenesis
31%1941999Isern, Alexandra; Pigram, Chris: Ocean drilling scheduled for the Marion Plateau, Northeast Australia
31%1999Sachs, Julian P.; Repeta, Daniel J.: Oligotrophy and nitrogen fixation during eastern Mediterranean sapropel events
31%1999Bruns, P.; Hass, H. C.: On sediment accumulation rates and their determination; introduction
1999Bouloubassi, Ioanna; Rullkoetter, Juergen et al.: Origin and transformation of organic matter in Pliocene-Pleistocene Mediterranean sapropels; organic geochemical evidence reviewed
31%171B1999Wilson, Paul A.; Lear, Carrie H. et al.: Palaeoceanographic responses to Mid-Cretaceous greenhouse forcing in the tropical western Atlantic
31%1999Abdeldayem, A. L.: Palaeomagnetism of some Cenozoic sediments, Cairo-Fayum area, Egypt
31%1999Larson, Roger L.; Erba, Elisabetta: Onset of the Mid-Cretaceous greenhouse in the Barremian-Aptian; igneous events and the biological, sedimentary, and geochemical responsesdownload
31%1781999Taylor, F.; Domack, E. W. et al.: Palaeoproductivity signals from an ultra-high resolution record; results from the Palmer Deep, Antarctic Peninsula (ODP Leg 178)
31%1191999La Macchia, C.; De Santis, L.: Paleo-bathymetric and paleo-environmental reconstruction throughout the Cenozoic in the Prydz Bay area (East Antarctica)
1999Burke, Benjamin C.: Paleoclimactic cyclicity in seismic reflection profiles at ODP Site 1063, northern Bermuda Rise sediment drift
31%1781999Sperling, M. R.: Paleoclimatic changes in the Bellinghausen Sea during the Holocene as recorded by benthic foraminifers from ODP Leg 178
1999Schuffert, Jeffrey D.; Herbert, Timothy D.: Paleotemperature and productivity variations at ODP Site 1002, Cariaco Basin
31%1521999Revillon, S.; Arndt, N. T. et al.: Petrogenesis of picrites from the Caribbean Plateau and the North Atlantic magmatic province
1999Soto, J. I.; Platt, J. P.: Petrological and structural evolution of high-grade metamorphic rocks from the floor of the Alboran Sea Basin, Western Mediterranean
1999Meyers, Greg; Goldberg, Dave et al.: Petrophysical applications of new seismic-while-drilling technology in deep water
31%1999Guyodo, Yohan; Richter, Carl et al.: Paleointensity record from Pleistocene sediments (1.4-0 Ma) off the California Margindownload
31%1771999Zielinski, Ulrich; Gersonde, Rainer: Plio-Pleistocene diatom stratigraphy and its significance for Southern Ocean paleoceanography (ODP Leg 177)
1999Fothergill, P. A.; Brewer, T. S. et al.: Plio-Pleistocene environmental change in southern New Zealand; combined log and core analyses from ODP Hole 1119C
31%1671999Kucera, Michal; Kennett, James P.: Plio-Pleistocene neogloboquadrinids (planktonic Foraminifera) in the California current system; 3 Myr of evolution and immigration
31%1999Pillans, B. J.; Alloway, B. V. et al.: Plio-Pleistocene tephrochronology of Wanganui Basin
1978Rao, C. M.; Veerayya, M. et al.: Partition studies in the sediments of Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 220 in the southeastern Arabian Sea
1977Boersma, A.; Shackleton, N. J.: Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary and Paleocene carbon and oxygen isotopic variations; DSDP Site 384, western North Atlantic
31%371977Aumento, F.: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 37, 1974
31%291977Kroopnick, P. M.; Margolis, S. V. et al.: delta >13) C variations in marine carbonate sediments as indicators of the CO<2) balance between the atmosphere and oceans
1977Moore, Gary Lance: Diagenesis of deep marine carbonates; Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites
31%1977Muller, C.: Distribution of calcareous nannoplankton in Oligocene to Holocene sediments of the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean reflecting paleoenvironment
1977Seidemann, D. E.: Effects of submarine alteration on K-Ar dating of deep-sea igneous rocks
31%1977Scheidegger, K. F.; Corliss, J. B. et al.: Evidence for the compositional uniformity of a crustal segment of the Nazca Plate
31%1977Manheim, F. T.; Bothner, M. H. et al.: Geochemical aspects of pore fluids from U.S.G.S. drill holes on the Atlantic continental shelf
1977Dymond, J.; Corliss, J. B. et al.: History of metalliferous sedimentation at Deep Sea Drilling Site 319, in the South eastern Pacific
31%1977Mountain, G.; Tucholke, B. E.: Horizon beta ; acoustic character and distribution in the western North Atlantic
31%1987Salvador, Amos; Rosencrantz, Eric J.: Caribbean deep seismic reflection
31%1987Speed, Robert C.: Caribbean scientific drilling targets (in priority)
31%1987Burkart, B.: Cayman Ridge SW of Rosario Bank
1989Locker, S.; Martini, E.: Phytoliths at DSDP Site 591 in the Southwest Pacific and the aridification of Australia
31%1989Hermelin, J. Otto R.: Pliocene benthic foraminifera from the Ontong-Java Plateau (western Equatorial Pacific Ocean); faunal response to changing paleoenvironment
31%1181989Dick, H. J. B.; Gallo, D. G. et al.: Pop-up tectonics and formation of transverse ridges; tectonic model for evolution of half kilometer section of Layer 3 drilled near Atlantis II fracture zone
31%1101989Brueckmann, W.: Porosity modeling and stress evaluation in the Barbados Ridge Accretionary Complex
1989Laguros, George A.; Shipley, Thomas H.: Quantitative estimate of resedimentation in the pelagic sequence of the Equatorial Pacific
1989Dudley, Walter C.; Nelson, Campbell S.: Quaternary surface-water stable isotope signal from calcareous nannofossils at DSDP Site 593, southern Tasman Sea
1989Olafsson, G.: Reliability of sphenoliths as zonal markers in Oligocene sediments from the Atlantic and Indian Oceans
31%1988Kobayashi, Kazuo (ed.): Preliminary report of the Hakuho Maru Cruise KH86-2; Geophysical and geological investigation of the northeastern part of the Sea of Japan and Japan Trench (ODP site survey) with an annex for preliminary report of the Tansei Maru Cruise KT 87-6; Investigation on the sea-floor spreading tectonics in the northeastern part of Japan Basin (ODP site survey)
1988Krissek, Lawrence A.: Provenance history of detrital sediments at ODP sites 642 & 643, Norwegian Sea
1988Schaaf, A.: Quantitative morphology and the tempo of evolution of some Calocycletta
31%1988Palmer, Amanda A.: Radiolarians from the Miocene Pungo River Formation of Onslow Bay, North Carolina continental shelf
1988Olivarez, A. M.; Owen, Robert M.: Rare earth element scavenging by hydrothermal precipitates
1988Sheridan, Robert E.: Recent drilling results document pulsation tectonics as the control of breakup and paleoceanography between Africa and North America
31%1988Staudacher, Thomas; Allegre, Claude J.: Recycling of oceanic crust and sediments; the noble gas subduction barrier
31%1191988Keating, Barbara H.; Sakai, Hideo: Red beds of Antarctica; ODP Leg 119
31%1031988Barg, E.; Tauxe, L. et al.: Reliability of sediments for geomagnetic transition study; based on multiple records from deep-sea sediments
31%1191988Larsen, B.; Barron, J. A. et al.: Results from high-latitude scientific drilling on the Kerguelen Plateau and Prydz Bay, East Antarctica; preliminary results for ODP Leg 119
31%1221988Haq, Bilal U.; von Rad, Ulrich: Results of Joides Resolution drilling on Exmouth Plateau, ODP Leg 122
1988Finley, Patrick D.; Krason, Jan: Review of proposed massive gas hydrate formation processes
31%851988Worm, Horst-Ulrich; Weinreich, Norbert: Rock magnetism of pelagic sediments from the Equatorial Pacific
31%1988Worthington, Paul F.; Anderson, Roger N. et al.: Scientific applications of downhole measurements in the ocean basins
31%1511995Stax, R.; Stein, R.: Organic carbon and biomarker at North Atlantic gateways sites (ODP-Leg 151); a 25 million years old record of paleoenvironment in high northern latitudes
31%1571995Lindblom, S.; Weaver, P. E.: Organic geochemistry of turbidites on the Madeira abyssal plain; implications for source areas in time and space
1995Yamamoto, Koshi; Asahara, Yoshihiro et al.: Origin of blueschist-facies clasts in the Mariana forearc, Western Pacific
31%1995Martin, Jonathan B.; Kastner, Miriam et al.: Origins of saline fluids at convergent margins
1996Erba, E.; Larson, R. L.: Death in the tropics; Cretaceous and Paleogene atolls in the Pacific Ocean
1996Mallik, T. K.: Deccan Traps in relation to western continental margin of India
31%1996Austin, J. A., Jr.; Mountain, G. S. et al.: Deciphering the sea-level history of the icehouse; continuation of the New Jersey transect
31%1561996Ogawa, Y.; Takizawa, S.: Decollement zone of the Barbados accretionary prism; SEM, TEM and thin section study of the scaly cleaved radiolarian-rich clayey sediments
31%1541996Franz, S. O.; Tiedemann, Ralf: Deep water circulation, chemistry and terrigenous sediment supply in the West Equatorial Atlantic during the Pliocene, 2.6-3.3 Ma and 4.5.-5 Ma (ODP Leg 154, Ceara Rise)
31%1996Lagoe, Martin B.; Zellers, Sarah D.: Depositional and microfaunal response to Pliocene climate change and tectonics in the eastern Gulf of Alaska
1996Fitzgerald, Paul G.; Baldwin, Suzanne L.: Detachment fault model for the evolution of the Ross Embayment, Antarctica
31%1491996Krawczyk, C. M.; Reston, T. J. et al.: Detachment tectonics in the Iberia abyssal plain; seismic reflection and drilling constraints
31%1121996von Huene, R.; Pecher, I. A. et al.: Development of the accretionary prism along Peru and material flux after subduction of Nazca Ridgedownload

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