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ScoreExp/Site/HoleYear Author/TitleFull text
31%1980Bada, Jeffrey L.; Man, Eugene H.: Amino acid diagenesis in Deep Sea Drilling Project cores; kinetics and mechanisms of some reactions and their applications in geochronology and in paleotemperature and heat flow determinations
1980Edwards, A. R.; Hornibrook, N. de B.: An integrated bio- and magnetostratigraphy of the late Miocene to Pleistocene of the New Zealand region
31%1980Kyte, F. T.; Zhou, Zhiming: Analyses of noble metals at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary
1980Lalou, C.; Brichet, E.: Anomalously high uranium contents in the sediment under Galapagos hydrothermal mounds
31%661980McMillen, K. J.: Bathymetric and vertical tectonic history of the southern Mexico active margin; DSDP Leg 66
1980Mohan, Madan; Kumar, P.: Biostratigraphy of Kerala offshore
31%571980Burch, T. K.; von Huene, R.: Borehole temperature measurements near the Japan Trench on IPOD-DSDP Leg 57
31%741980Chave, Alan D.: Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene magnetic stratigraphy, DSDP Leg 74
31%541980Rosendahl, B.; Warren, N.: Velocity-density systematics of basalts from the East Pacific; correlation to iron content, and comparison to Mid-Atlantic Ridge basalts
31%1980Lewis, B. T. R. (ed.); Rabinowitz, P. D. (ed.): Regional geophysical studies associated with IPOD site surveys
31%1980Donn, W. L.; Ninkovich, D.: Rate of Cenozoic explosive volcanism in the North Atlantic Ocean inferred from deep sea coresdownload
31%481980Mann, D. W.: Scientific aspects of well logging in deep ocean drill sites on Leg 48 - Biscay and Rockall areas
31%661980Watkins, Joel S.; Moore, J. Casey: Sediment budget in the vicinity of the DSDP Leg 66 transect, Middle America Trench, southern Mexico
31%1980Winterer, E. L.: Sedimentary facies on the rises and slopes of passive continental margins
31%1980Huerta, Raul: Seismic stratigraphic and structural analysis of Northest Campeche Escarpment, Gulf of Mexico
31%1980Ladd, J. W.; Watkins, J. S.: Seismic stratigraphy of the western Venezuela Basin
31%1980Nagumo, S.; Ouchi, T. et al.: Seismic velocity structure near the extinct spreading center in the Shikoku Basin, North Philippine Sea
31%341980Seyfried, W. E.; Janecky, D. R.: Serpentinites, spilites and the geochemical cycle of boron
1980Kyte, Frank T.; Zhou Zhiming et al.: Siderophile-enriched sediments from the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary
31%451980Varentsov, I. M.: The metalliferous sediments of North Atlantic; geochemistry, features of formation
1980Vincent, Edith; Killingley, John S. et al.: The Magnetic Epoch-6 carbon shift; a change in the ocean's (super 13) C/ (super 12) C ratio 6.2 million years ago
1980Fleet, A. J.; Coleman, M.: The nature and genesis for deep-sea carbonate nodules from DSDP Site 503, eastern Equatorial Pacific
31%1980Schmincke, H. U.: The ocean crust
1980Cape, C. D.; Gordon, R. G.: The resolving power of DSDP equatorial crossings in determining past motions of the Pacific Plate
31%1980Matthews, R. K.; Poore, R. Z.: The Tertiary delta (super 18) O record; estimation of amplitude of high frequency signal by replicate sampling
1980Goldflam, P.; Hinz, K. et al.: Some features of the Northwest African margin and magnetic quiet zone
31%1980Southam, J. R.; Brass, G. W. et al.: Sources of ancient warm bottom water
31%661980Lundberg, N.; Moore, J. C.: Structural features of sediment cored landward of the Middle America Trench, Leg 66, DSDP
31%1980Matsuzawa, A.; Tamano, T. et al.: Structure of the Japan Trench subduction zone, from multi-channel seismic-reflection records
31%1980Ludwig, W. J.; Rabinowitz, P. D.: Structure of Vema fracture zone
1980von Huene, R.; Aubouin, J.: Summary of Deep Sea Drilling Project; Leg 67, The Mid-America Trench transect off Guatemala
31%431980Okada, Hisatake; Bukry, David: Supplementary modification and introduction of code numbers to the low-latitude coccolith biostratigraphic zonation (Bukry, 1973; 1975)
31%131980Cita, Maria Bianca: Symposium on biodynamic effects of the Messinian salinity crisis on the evolution of marine Neogene microfauna of the Tethys-Mediterranean early Pliocene paleoenvironment after the Messinian salinity crisis
31%601980Fryer, P.; Hussong, D.: Tectonic control of magma genesis in the Mariana Trough
31%1980Kent, Peter; Laughton, A. S. et al.: The evolution of passive continental margins in the light of recent deep drilling results
1980Brumsack, H. J.: Geochemistry of Cretaceous black shales from the Atlantic Ocean (DSDP legs 11, 14, 36 and 41)
1980Lancelot, Y.: Geological setting and results of Legs 41, 47a and 50 off Northwest Africa
31%1980Ludwig, W. J.; Rabinowitz, P. D.: Geophysical characteristics of ocean crust; IPOD candidate site PAC 5, central eastern Pacific Ocean basin
31%1980Rabinowitz, P. D.; Ludwig, W. J.: Geophysical measurements at candidate drill sites along an east-west flow line in the central Atlantic Ocean
31%1980Hinz, K.: Geophysical reconnaissance surveys in the Norwegian Sea
31%1980Biddle, K. B.: Glacial marine sedimentation in the Ross Sea, DSDP sites 270-273
1980Matthews, J. E.: Heuristic physical property model for marine sediments
1980Gardner, J. V.: Hydraulic piston coring in equatorial Pacific; preliminary results from DSDP Site 503 (Leg 68) indicate continuous section of undisturbed late Neogene and Quaternary sediment
1980Lonsdale, Peter: Hydrothermal plumes and baritic sulfide mounds at a Gulf of California spreading center
1980Warnke, D. A.: Initiation and evolution of Northern Hemisphere glaciations as indicated by sediments from sites 336 and 344, D.S.D.P. Leg 38, Norwegian-Greenland seas
31%1980Bibee, L. D.; Shor, G. G., Jr. et al.: Inter-arc spreading in the Mariana Trough
1980D'Agostino, A.; Webb, P. N.: Interpretation of mid-Miocene to Recent lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy at DSDP site 273, Ross Sea
1980Wrolstad, Keith: Interval velocity and attenuation measurements in sediments from marine seismic reflection data
31%641980Gieskes, J.: Intrusion of basaltic sills into highly porous sediments; resulting hydrothermal activity; Guaymas Basin--Gulf of California
31%601980Horai, K.: IPOD Leg 60 thermal conductivity measurements
31%701980Honnorez, J.; Von Herzen, R. P.: IPOD Leg 70; comparison between open and closed hydrothermal regimes in young and not so young oceanic crust
31%371980Ryall, P. J. C.; Hall, J. M.: Iron loss in titanomagnetites during low temperature oxidation
31%1980Nagumo, S.; Kasahara, J. et al.: Large Poisson's ratio and low S-wave velocity within the Japan Trench inner wall toe
31%1980Styzen, M. J.; Webb, P. N.: Late Eocene foraminifera from DSDP Site 267B, Southeast Indian Ocean
1980Styzen, Michael J.: Late Eocene foraminiferal systematics, biostratigraphy and paleoecology of DSDP Hole 267B, Southeast Indian Ocean
1980Englehardt, N. L.; Webb, P. N.: Late Miocene foraminiferal biostratigraphy and paleoecology at DSDP site 265, Southeast Indian Ocean
1980Siesser, W. G.: Late Miocene origin of the Benguela upwelling system off northern Namibia
1980Echols, Dorothy: Late Neogene foraminiferal zonation, Daito-Ridge-and-Basin Province (DSDP Site 445), North Philippine Sea
31%1980Chow, Tsaihwa; Earl, John L. et al.: Lead isotopes in Atlantic DSDP sediment cores
1980De, Reena; Kaul, I. K.: Thermoluminescence studies on carbonate oozes from Site 220 (DSDP)
1980Hertogen, J.; Janssens, M. J. et al.: Trace elements in ocean ridge basalt glasses; implications for fractionations during mantle evolution and petrogenesis
1980Caratini, C.; Tissot, C.: Palynological study of Site 362 (DSDP, Leg 40); Walvis Ridge, Pleistocene
31%451980Ohnenstetter, M.; Ohnenstetter, D. et al.: Partial fusion event and recrystallization processes in oceanic peridotites
31%1980Dmitriyev, Yu. I.; Solovova, I. P. et al.: Petrology of basic rocks of the Philippine Sea based on deep-sea drilling data
1980Malmgren, B.; Kennett, J. P.: Phyletic gradualism in a late Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal bioseries; DSDP, Southwest Pacific
31%51980Lee, H. J.: Physical properties of Northeast Pacific sediments related to sedimentary environment and geologic history
31%641980Einsele, Gerhard; Kelts, K.: Physical properties of unconsolidated mud turbidities, and their significance for diagenetic processes (results from Leg 64, DSDP, Gulf of California)
1980Kuo, Lung-Chuan; Kirkpatrick, R. James: Pre-eruption history of phyric basalts from DSDP Legs 45 and 46; evidence from morphology and zoning patterns in plagioclase
1980Hornibrook, N. de B.: Progress in late Miocene to early Pleistocene foraminiferal biostratigraphy, East Coast Basin and DSDP Site 284
31%661980Moore, J. C.; Watkins, J. S.: Progressive accretion, tectonic truncation, and subduction, Middle America Trench, southern Mexico; results from Leg 66 DSDP
1980Corliss, Bruce H.: Deep-sea benthonic foraminiferal response to the development of the psychrosphere near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary
31%681980Gardner, J. V.; Prell, W. L.: Detailed carbonate stratigraphies for the late Neogene from the Caribbean and eastern Equatorial Pacific; DSDP LEG 68 - HPC
1980Keller, Gerta: Early to middle Miocene planktonic foraminiferal datum levels of the equatorial and subtropical Pacific
31%91980Orr, W. N.; Jenkins, D. Graham: Eastern equatorial Pacific Pliocene-Pleistocene biostratigraphy
31%1980Scott, R. B.; Kroenke, L. W. et al.: Episodic and nonsynchronous back-arc spreading and arc volcanism of Philippine Plate evolution
31%1980Jacobi, R. D.; Damuth, J. E. et al.: Evaluation of the North Pacific subseabed for disposal of high-level nuclear waste; II, Analysis of geologic data in the PAC 1 area, Northwest Pacific to locate potential candidate disposal sites
31%1980Frey, F. A.; Dickey, J. S., Jr. et al.: Evidence for heterogeneous primary MORB and mantle sources, NW Indian Ocean
31%591980Scott, Robert; Kroenke, Loren W.: Evolution of back arc spreading and arc volcanism in the Philippine Sea; interpretation of Leg 59 DSDP results
31%411980Timofeev, P. P.; Eremeev, V. V. et al.: Facies-genetic types of palygorskites in Mesozoic sediments near West Africa (by data of Leg 41 of "Glomar Challenger")
1980Leckie, R. M.; Webb, P. N.: Foraminifera of DSDP site 270 as indicators of the evolving Ross Sea in the late Oligocene/early Miocene
1980D'Agostino, Anthony: Foraminiferal biostratigraphy, paleoecology, and systematics of DSDP Site 273, Ross Sea, Antarctica
31%641980Kelts, Kerry; McKenzie, Judy: Formation of deep sea dolomite in anoxic diatomaceous oozes
1980Hesse, Reinhard: Gas-hydrates (clathrates) as a cause of pore-water freshening and possible retardation of diagenetic reactions in deep-water sedimentary sections of the continental margins
31%501980Kodina, L. A.; Galimov, E. M.: Genesis and geochemical evolution of organic matter in the oceanic deposits of Morocco Basin in the Atlantic Ocean (Leg 50 "Glomar Challenger")
31%501980Kodina, L. A.; Generalova, V. N. et al.: Geochemical evolution of organic matter in the oceanic sediments (Leg 50 "Glomar Challenger")
31%1980Jansa, L. F.; Remane, J. et al.: Calpionellid and foraminiferal-ostracod biostratigraphy at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary, offshore eastern Canada
1980Brewster, N. A.: Cenozoic biogenic silica sedimentation in the Antarctic Ocean
1980Konishi, Kenji,: Cenozoic reefs and island-arc tectonics
1980Colombo, M. R.; Cita, M. B.: Changes in size and test porosity of Orbulina universa d'Orbigny in the Pleistocene record of Cape Bojador (DSDP Site 397, eastern North Atlantic)
1980Chiou, W. A.; Shephard, L. E. et al.: Clay fabric and geotechnical properties of trench sediments
31%601980Fryer, Patricia: Composition and petrogenesis of basalt in the Mariana Trough, an active back-arc basin
31%501980Brassell, Simon C.; Gowar, Ann P. et al.: Computerised gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in analyses of sediments from the Deep Sea Drilling Project
1980Hornibrook, N. de B.: Correlation of Pliocene biostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy and O (super 18) fluctuations in New Zealand and DSDP Site 284
31%1980Vallier, Tracy L.; Rea, David K.: Cretaceous volcanic episodes in the western Pacific Ocean; a synthesis of Deep Sea Drilling results
31%1980Keigwin, Lloyd D., Jr.: Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) evidence for the closing of the Central American Seaway
1980von Rad, U.; Einsele, G.: Mesozoic-Cainozoic subsidence history and palaeobathymetry of the Northwest African continental margin (Aaiun Basin to D.S.D.P. Site 397)
1980Barker, S. E.; Kudo, A. M. et al.: Mineral chemistry and chemical modelling of basalts from Holes 483, 483B, 485A, DSDP Leg 65, East Pacific Rise, Gulf of California
1980Zimmerman, Herman B.; Prell, Warren L. et al.: Mineral stratigraphy of the western Caribbean and eastern Equatorial Pacific, DSDP Leg 68
25%1980Lee, C. S.; Shor, G. G., Jr. et al.: Okinawa Trough; origin of a back-arc basin
25%591980Martini, Erlend: Oligocene to Recent calcareous nannoplankton from the Philippine Sea, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 59

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