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ScoreExp/Site/Hole YearAuthor/TitleFull text
8%2012Wallace, Laura M.; Silver, Eli A. et al.: IODP workshop on using ocean drilling to unlock the secrets of slow slip eventsdownload
8%2012Gallagher, Stephen J.; Exon, Neville et al.: New frontiers in scientific drilling of the Indian Oceandownload
8%1970Sayles, Fred L.: Preliminary geochemistry, Chapter 26download
8%1984Butt, Arif; Stets, Johannes et al.: Micropaleontological and sedimentological aspects of High Atlas Cretaceous onhore sediments (Atlas-Gulf, Morocco)download
7%1976Bastien, T. W.; Lehmann, E. K. et al.: The geology of Peter I Islanddownload
7%2010Takai, Ken; Mottl, Michael et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 331 scientific prospectus; Deep hot biospheredownload
6%1983Lopez, Cynthia M.: Early diagenesis of sands and sandstones from Middle America Trench and trench slope, offshore Mexico and Guatemaladownload
6%1981Woodruff, Fay; Douglas, Robert: Miocene deep-sea benthic foraminiferal faunal changes in Pacificdownload
6%1985O'Connell, Suzanne; Anderson, John B.: Channel sand bodies in lower Mississippi Fandownload
6%1985Lumsden, David N.: Distribution of dolomite in deep marine sediments as function of timedownload
6%1985Buffler, Richard T.; Sawyer, Dale S.: Distribution of oceanic versus transitional crust in deep Gulf of Mexico basin; implications for early historydownload
6%1988Ingle, James C., Jr.: Paleo-oceanographic controls on lithofacies and biofacies patterns in Neogene basins of Californiadownload
6%1979Roberts, D. G.; Montadert, L.: Objectives of passive margin drillingdownload
6%1979Thiede, J.: Oceans and climate during Cenozoicdownload
6%1979Kvenvolden, K. A.: Organic geochemistry of sediments recovered by DSDP/IPODdownload
6%1979Tissot, B.; Demaison, G. J. et al.: Paleoenvironment and petroleum potential of Mid-Cretaceous black shales in Atlantic basinsdownload
6%1969Opdyke, N. D.; Phillips, J. D.: Paleomagnetic stratigraphy of sites 1-7 (leg 1) - preliminary reportdownload
6%1970Vallier, Tracy L.: Carbon carbonate results, Chapter 15download
6%1970Bukry, David; Bramlette, M. N.: Coccolith age determinations leg 5, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Chapter 18download
6%1970Manheim, F. T.; Chan, K. M. et al.: Chemical composition of oceanic water during Tertiary time; evidence from pore-water studies on JOIDES drill coresdownload
6%1970Pimm, A. C.: Carbon carbonate results, leg 4, Chapter 13download
6%1973Simoneit, B. R.: Identification of isoprenoidal ketones in Deep Sea Drilling Project core samples and their geochemical significancedownload
6%1986Larson, R. L.; Rabinowitz, P. D.: Plans for ocean drilling in Pacific Oceandownload
6%1986Silver, Eli A.; Taylor, Brian: Proposed program for scientific drilling in western Pacificdownload
6%1971Peterson, M. N. A.; Edgar, N. Terence: Influence of deep sea drilling project on concepts of global tectonicsdownload
6%1987Cooper, Alan K.; Davey, Frederick J.: Structural framework and hydrocarbon potential of Ross Sea, Antarcticadownload
6%1987Marsaglia, Kathleen M.; Ingersoll, Raymond V. et al.: Synthesis of arc-derived DSDP (ODP) modal sand compositions using multivariate analysesdownload
6%1990Reimers, David D.: Graphic correlation and sequence resolutiondownload
6%1990Martin, R. E.; Neff, E. et al.: Graphic correlation of Quaternary bio-, magneto-, and chemostratigraphic datums of the tropical Atlantic and American Mediterranean; resolution of faunal and stable isotope signalsdownload
6%1985Lowrie, Allen: Seismic stratigraphy, Pleistocene climate, and Tertiary sea level changesdownload
6%1980Shih, Tai-chang: Magnetic lineations in the Shikoku Basindownload
6%1971Presley, Bob J.: Appendix; Techniques for analyzing interstitial water samples; Part I, Determination of selected minor and major inorganic constituentsdownload
6%1971Broennimann, Paul; Martini, Erlend et al.: Biostratigraphic synthesis; late Oligocene and Neogene of the western tropical Pacificdownload
6%2000Matsumoto, Ryo: Exploration of gas hydrate deposits offshore Japan islandsdownload
6%1985Smith, Guy M.; Banerjee, Subir K.: Magnetic properties of plutonic rocks from the central North Atlantic Oceandownload
6%1990Burkle, Lloyd H.: Late Neogene paleoceanography of the Sea of Japan based upon diatomsdownload
6%1979Talwani, M.: Deep-sea drilling and global tectonicsdownload
6%1979Berger, W. H.: Deep-sea drilling and major themes of ocean evolutiondownload
6%1979Lancelot, Y.: Deep-sea drilling; new dimension in our approach to oceanic sedimentsdownload
6%1973Anderson, Thomas F.: Oxygen isotope composition of recrystallized carbonates associated with submarine volcanic rocksdownload
6%1979Hay, W. W.: Impact of Deep Sea Drilling Project on paleo-oceanographydownload
6%1979Moore, T. C., Jr.; Romine, K.: In search of resolutiondownload
6%1979von Huene, R.: IPOD drilling on convergent ocean marginsdownload
6%1979Winterer, E. L.: Biogenous sediments recovered by deep-sea drillingdownload
6%1990Baum, Joan S.; Humphrey, John D. et al.: Geochemical and mineralogical evidence for relative and eustatic sea level changes in Eocene to Oligocene carbonates in Alabamadownload
6%1991Joyce, J. Edward; Tjalsma, Leonard R. C. et al.: High-resolution stable isotope and microfossil record from the Gulf of Mexicodownload
6%1970Edgar, N. Terence: Deep-sea drilling project; future programdownload
6%1970Pimm, Anthony C.; Boyce, Robert E. et al.: Deep-sea drilling in northwest Pacific and Philippine Sea, lithology and physical propertiesdownload
6%1970Vallier, Tracy L.: Grain size analysis, Chapter 14download
6%1974Luyendyk, B. P.: Gondwanaland dispersal and the early formation of the Indian Oceandownload
6%1979Jansa, L. F.: Mesozoic-Cenozoic sedimentary formations of North American Basin, western North Atlanticdownload
6%1985Niebuhr, Randy; Hsin Yi Ling: Mesozoic (Early Cretaceous) radiolarians from Northwest Atlantic, DSDP Hole 534Adownload
6%1985Cousminer, Harold L.; Steinkraus, William E. et al.: Mesozoic biostratigraphic framework of U.S. Atlantic outer continental shelfdownload
6%1985Casey, Richard E.; Wigley, Cynthia R.: Neogene deep-living radiolarian zonation and its usesdownload
6%1973Forristall, George Z.: A model of sedimentation on a moving plate, with an application to the history of the North Pacificdownload
6%1981Tjalsma, R. C.: Distribution of Paleocene-Eocene benthic foraminifera in Atlanticdownload
6%1984Klein, George deVries: Role of depositional-depth and source-terrain uplift rates on sedimentation patterns in back-arc basins of western Pacificdownload
6%1979Behrendt, J. C.: Speculations on petroleum resource potential of Antarcticadownload
6%1989Schultheiss, Peter J.; McPhail, S. D.: An automated P-wave logger for recording fine-scale compressional wave velocity structures in sedimentsdownload
6%1972Pimm, A. C.: Physical propertiesdownload
6%1991Jaroslow, Gary E.: Sedimentation in the Kane fracture zone, western North Atlanticdownload
6%1973Edgar, N. T.: What Has Deep-Sea Drilling Project Found Out about Deep Oceans?download
6%1973Claypool, G. E.; Presley, B. J.: Generation of light hydrocarbon gases in deep-sea sedimentsdownload
6%1991Jacquin, Thierry; De Graciansky, P. C. et al.: The Cretaceous oceanic events (anoxia and hiatus) within a sequence stratigraphic frameworkdownload
6%1992Coffin, Millard F.; Colwell, James B.: Tasman Sea plate reconstructions and passive margin formationdownload
6%1992Tsuji, Kohsuke: Tectonic framework and hydrocarbon potential of the back-arc basins in northwestern Japandownload
6%1978Muratov, M. V.; Neprochnov, Y. P. et al.: Basic features of the Black Sea late Cenozoic history based on results of deep-sea drilling, Leg 42Bdownload
6%1978Ekdale, A. A.; Bryant, P. F.: Bathymetric control of deep-sea ichnofaciesdownload
6%1978Ross, D. A.; Stoffers, P. et al.: Black Sea sedimentary frameworkdownload
6%1980Huerta, R.; Buffler, R. T.: Seismic, stratigraphic, and structural analysis of Northeast Campeche Escarpment, Gulf of Mexicodownload
6%1987Lord, Jacques P.: Seismic stratigraphic investigation of West Florida basindownload
6%1995Gerling, Peter; Hinz, Karl: Hydrocarbon research activities of the German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources in cooperation with industrydownload
6%1981Barnard, Leo A.; Kvenvolden, Keith A. et al.: Geochemistry of a marine gas hydrate associated with a bottom simulating reflectordownload
6%1990Hinz, Karl: The Argentine eastern continental margin; structure and geological developmentdownload
6%1979Larson, R. L.: Late Mesozoic plate tectonicsdownload
6%1970Presley, B. J.; Goldhaber, M. B. et al.: Interstitial water chemistry, Deep Sea Drilling Project, leg 5, Chapter 21download
6%1970Pimm, A. C.: Leg 4 grain size results, Chapter 12download
6%1978Roth, P. H.; Bowdler, J. L.: Paleobiogeography and preservation of Middle Cretaceous calcareous nannofossil assemblages in Atlantic Ocean; paleo-oceanographic implicationsdownload
6%1990Floyd, Keith: Review of the diamond coring systemdownload
6%1990Taylor, Brian: Rifting of the Izu-Bonin Arc in the Quaternary and mid-Oligocenedownload
6%1990Lundberg, Neil: Sedimentation and syndepositional deformation in modern convergent settingsdownload
6%1990Pevear, D. R.; O'Day, P. A. et al.: Petrogenetic significance of expanded mica fabricsdownload
6%1986Trainor, Dwight M.; Williams, Douglas F.: High-resolution chronostratigraphy of offshore wells within Pleistocene through upper Miocene of Gulf of Mexicodownload
6%1990Bralower, Timothy J.; Leckie, M. et al.: Oceanwide anoxia in the early Aptiandownload
6%1990Sandvik, Karl Oscar; Skinner, Alexander C.: Offshore diamond coring systems; a review of known systems and a comparison with the ODP diamond coring systemdownload
6%1999Spencer-Cervato, Cinzia: The Cenozoic deep sea microfossil record; explorations of the DSDP/ODP sample set using the Neptune databasedownload
6%1984Fontas, Pascale; Valery, Pierre et al.: Multibeam bathymetric survey of the Leg 78A drilling area and comparison with the southern part of the Barbados Ridge deformation frontdownload
6%1984Nierenberg, W. A.; Peterson, M. N. A.: Operational technical achievementsdownload
6%1977Blechschmidt, G.; Worsley, T. R.: Oligocene calcareous nannofossil distribution in deep seadownload
6%1986Kagami, Hideo: The accretionary prism of the Nankai Trough off Shikoku, southwestern Japandownload
6%1986Carson, T. L.: Zoogeography, paleozoogeography, and evolution of radiolarian genus Spongaster in the North Pacificdownload
6%1991Fletcher, Ruth R.; Wehmiller, J. F. et al.: Comparative planktonic foraminiferal aminostratigraphy of the Colombia Basin and the Northeast Gulf of Mexicodownload
6%2006Scher, Howie D.; Martin, Ellen E.: Timing and climatic consequences of the opening of Drake Passagedownload
6%1972McIver, R. D.: Evidence of Migrating Hydrocarbons in Deep Sea Drilling Project Coresdownload
6%1972Peterson, M. N. A.: Future Plans for Deep Sea Drilling Projectdownload
6%1990Huey, David P.: Engineering report on the navidrill core barrel (NCB-124E)download
6%1984Wise, Sherwood W., Jr.: Lower Cretaceous deep-sea fan complex beneath the lower continental rise off North Carolinadownload
6%1987Rabinowitz, Philip D.; Meyer, Audrey W. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program with 15 cruises completeddownload
6%1973Bulingame, A. L.; Simoneit, Bernd R.: Comparative compositional studies of organic matter in various Deep-Sea Drilling Project coresdownload
6%1997Grimm, Kurt A.; Chang, Alice S. et al.: What laminated sediments mean; illustrations from ODP cores and the Miocene Monterey Formationdownload

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