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ScoreExp/Site/Hole YearAuthor/TitleFull text
1981Nazarova, Ye. A.: Magnitnyye svoystva bazal'tov okeanskogo lozha Magnetic properties of basalts on the ocean floor
1990Coles, Graham; Ayress, Michael A. et al.: A comparison of North Atlantic and Pacific Cainozoic deep-sea Ostracoda
1973Heezen, Bruce C.; Matthews, J. L. et al.: Western Pacific guyotsdownload
1970Bader, Richard G.; Gerard, Robert D. et al.: Site 28download
1995Aubry, Marie-Pierre: From chronology to stratigraphy; interpreting the lower and middle Eocene stratigraphic record in the Atlantic Ocean
100%1999Liu Guangding; Li Qingmou et al.: Application of geophysical well-logging in global change analysis
98%1991Barker, P. F.; Pudsey, C. J. et al.: The record of global change in circum-Antarctic marine sediments
82%1996Dowsett, Harry J.; Barron, John A. et al.: Middle Pliocene sea surface temperatures: a global reconstruction
82%1998Anonymous: Massive ocean current may provide clues to global warming
81%1990Benson, Richard H.: Ostracoda and the discovery of global Cainozoic palaeoceanographical events
81%1985Levi, S.: Quaternary geomagnetic fluctuations; ocean drilling affords opportunities for global data
73%1995Jiang Yanwen; Zhu Zhongde et al.: Achievements and profound impressions of scientific ocean drilling
71%1994Sliter, William V.: Late Cretaceous hiatuses and global change
71%1992Leinen, Margaret S.; Arthur, Michael A. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; progress in procuring records of past global change and understanding of major paleoceanographic trends and events
71%2006Ravelo, Ana Christina: Walker circulation and global warming; lessons from the geologic past
71%1992Raymo, Maureen E.: Late Cenozoic evolution of global climate
71%2002Levy, Richard H.; Harwood, David M. et al.: The development of an integrated timescale to connect Antarctic glacial and climatic history with global proxy records
71%2002Mueller, R. D.; Gaina, C. et al.: The evolution of global oceanic crust from Jurassic to present day; a global data integration
71%2002Barrett, Peter J.: Antarctic climate evolution; the next step
71%2001Boulton, Geoffrey S.: The Earth system and the challenge of global change
70%1999Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Potential effects of gas hydrate on human welfare
69%1975Van Andel, T. H.: Mesozoic/Cenozoic calcite compensation depth and the global distribution of calcareous sediments
69%1985Carlson, R. L.; Gangi, A. F. et al.: Global traveltime and velocity vs. depth functions for the deep sea sediment column
69%1987Keller, G.; Herbert, T. et al.: Global distribution of late Paleogene hiatuses; with Suppl. Data 87-12
69%1984Benson, R. H.; Chapman, R. E. et al.: Identification of global paleoceanographic events using the Ostracoda
69%2000Wright, James D.: Global climate change in marine stable isotope records
69%1990Rea, David K.; Zachos, James C. et al.: Global change at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary; climatic and evolutionary consequences of tectonic events
69%1975Kennett, James P.; Thunell, Robert C.: Global Increase in Quaternary Explosive Volcanism
69%2003Lear, Carrie; Elderfield, Harry et al.: Fossil thermometers for Earth's climate
69%2003Ravelo, Ana C.: Ocean Drilling Program records of the last five million years; a view of the ocean and climate system during a warm period and a major climate transition
69%1999Dickens, Gerald R.: The blast in the past
69%2010Fox, Douglas: Could East Antarctica be headed for big melt?
69%2004Josef, J. A.; Storrie-Lombardi, M. C. et al.: Global distribution of microbial alteration of the ocean crust
69%1999Kerr, Richard A.: A smoking gun for an ancient methane discharge
69%1999Flower, Benjamin P.: Warming without high CO (sub 2) ?
69%1998Weart, Spencer R.: Climate change, since 1940
69%2001Smoot, N. Christian: Ocean Survey Program (OSP) bathymetry history; jousting with tectonic windmills
69%1997Zhou Zuyi; Lao Qiuyuan: Scientific ocean drilling and the research on global climate change
69%1999Kyte, Frank T.: Cretaceous-Tertiary impact ejecta; distribution, composition, and implications for impact and extinction mechanisms
69%2009Kallmeyer, J.; Pockalny, R. et al.: Quantifying global subseafloor microbial abundance; method and implications
69%2008Ravelo, A. C.: Lessons from the Pliocene Warm Period and the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation
69%1998Alverson, Keith: Focus on international geoscience initiatives PAGES; past global changes
69%1993Krumenaker, Larry: Works in progress; under the boardwalk
69%2011Welsh, Kevin: From greenhouse to icehouse
65%1971Briggs, Peter: 200,000,000 years beneath the sea
65%1983Science Services
65%1980Topography of the oceans with Deep Sea Drilling Project sites through Leg 71
64%1996Vakarcs, Gabor A.; Abreu, Vitor S. et al.: Are the Oligocene-middle Miocene global stages depositional sequences? A correlation study from the Pannonian Basin, Hungary
58%1988Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Methane hydrates and global climatedownload
58%1988Kirillova, G. L.: Pereryvy i nesoglasiya v razreze dna Filippinskogo morya i prilegayushchikh ostrovov Breaks and unconformities in section of the ocean floor of the Philippine Sea and adjoining islands
58%1985Keller, Gordon; Chi, W. R. et al.: Global sedimentation and distribution of deep-sea hiatuses; late Eocene - Oligocene
58%1986Hodell, David A.; Elmstrom, Kristin M. et al.: Latest Miocene benthic delta (super 18) O changes, global ice volume, sea level and the "Messinian salinity crisis"
58%1996Barron, John A.; Cronin, Thomas M. et al.: Middle Pliocene paleoenvironments of the Northern Hemisphere
58%1994Widmark, Joen G. V.: Global biogeographic patterns among benthic Foraminifera in the Late Cretaceous deep-sea environment; a pilot study
58%1993Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Gas hydrates, geological perspective and global changedownload
58%1991Dixon, T. H.; Tralli, D. M. et al.: Geodetic baselines across the Gulf of California using the Global Positioning System
58%1991Winterer, Jerry; McLean, Dewey et al.: Global paleoceanography, paleoclimate, and paleoenvironment; disciplinary working group report
58%2004Bickle, Mike; Elderfield, Harry: Hydrothermal fluxes in a global context
58%2008Chattopadhyay, Balaram: Selected advances in geology and the Indian scenario
58%1981Schlanger, Seymour O.; Jenkyns, Hugh C. et al.: Volcanism and vertical tectonics in the Pacific Basin related to global Cretaceous transgressions
58%1992Barker, Peter F.: The sedimentary record of Antarctic climate change
58%2006Sternbach, Linda; Osten, Bill et al.: Deep sea sediment cores reveal geological evidence of long-term global climate change
58%2004Smolka, Peter Paul: Warm climates; origin of the ice-ages
58%1998Abreu, Vitor dos Santos: Geologic evolution of conjugate volcanic passive margins; Pelotas Basin (Brazil) and offshore Namibia (Africa); implication for global sea level changes
58%2001Kuijpers, Marcel Martinus Maria: Mechanisms and biogeochemical implications of the Mid-Cretaceous global organic carbon burial events
58%1996Rea, David K.; Ruff, Larry J.: Composition and mass flux of sediment entering the world's subduction zones; implications for global sediment budgets, great earthquakes, and volcanism
58%1997Liu Guangding; Li Qingmou: The Ocean Drilling Program and logging geology
58%2006Filippelli, Gabriel M.; Souch, Catherine: Rapid climate change and climate surprises; a look back and ahead
58%1999Borowski, Walter S.; Paull, Charles K. et al.: Global and local variations of interstitial sulfate gradients in deep-water, continental margin sediments; sensitivity to underlying methane and gas hydrates
58%2002Suess, Erwin: The evolution of an idea; from avoiding gas hydrates to actively drilling for them
58%1997Choi, Dong R.: Geology of the oceans around Australia; Part III, Deep sea drilling results
58%2004Habib, Daniel; Saeedi, Farnosh: The Manumiella global spike; cooling and regression at the close of the Maastrichtian
58%2001Hayward, Bruce W.: Global deep-sea extinctions during the Pleistocene ice-ages
58%2009Hodell, D. A.; Minth, E. K. et al.: Coupled surface and deep water changes in the subpolar North Atlantic during the last interglacial
58%2005Fehn, Udo; Snyder, G. T. et al.: The marine iodine system as a proxy for global deposition of organic carbon
58%2000Kvenvolden, Keith A.; Lorenson, Thomas D.: The global occurrence of natural gas hydrates
58%2000Katz, Miriam E.; Pak, Dorothy K. et al.: The LPTM gas hydrate dissociation hypothesis; new evidence from the western North Atlantic
57%1976Schlanger, S. O.; Jenkyns, H. C.: Cretaceous oceanic anoxic events; causes and consequences
57%1991Delaney, John R.: Mid-ocean ridges
57%1998Stephen, Ralph A.: Ocean seismic network seafloor observatories
57%1997Suyehiro, Kiyoshi: Borehole observatories; global networking and 4-D monitoring
57%1998Moran, Kate: Entering the 30-something years
57%2001Malfait, Bruce: International earth science
57%1980Kennett, J. P.: Cenozoic climate history
57%2004Hilding-Kronforst, Shari; Firth, John V. et al.: Teaching biostratigraphy; using real cores and IODP data to test for planktonic extinction at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary
57%1980Jenkyns, H. C.: Cretaceous anoxic events; from continents to oceans
57%1993Hagelberg, Teresa King: Variability of late Neogene eastern Equatorial Pacific carbonate sedimentation and global ice volume on timescales from 10,000 years to 1 million years
57%1998Chondrogianni, Christina: Through the Labyrinth of ODP's proposal cycle
57%2001Jacob, Klaus: Nachrichten aus der Unterwelt News from the underworld
57%1994Zachos, James C.: From the greenhouse to the icehouse; a Southern Ocean perspective of Paleogene climate
57%1991Kaiho, Kunio: Global changes of Paleogene aerobic/anaerobic benthic foraminifera and deep-sea circulation
55%2000Scott, Robert W.: Which Paleogene sequence boundaries record global events?
55%2001Spence, George D.; Hyndman, Roy D.: The challenge of deep ocean drilling for natural gas hydrate
50%1999Acton, Gary D.: Apparent polar wander of India since the Cretaceous with implications for regional tectonics and true polar wandering
49%2000Abreu, Vitor S.; Hardenbol, Jan et al.: Oxygen isotope synthesis; a Cretaceous ice-house?
49%2009Liu, Zhonghui; Pagani, Mark et al.: Global cooling during the Eocene-Oligocene climate transitiondownload
49%2007Cohen, Anthony S.; Coe, Angela L. et al.: The late Palaeocene-early Eocene and Toarcian (Early Jurassic) carbon isotope excursions; a comparison of their time scales, associated environmental changes, causes and consequences
49%2010Liow, Lee Hsiang; Skaug, Hans Julius et al.: Global occurrence trajectories of microfossils; environmental volatility and the rise and fall of individual species
49%2001MacLeod, Kenneth G.; Huber, Brian T.: The Maastrichtian record to Blake Nose (western North Atlantic) and implications for global palaeoceanographic and biotic changes
49%2006Schneider, Birgit; Schmittner, Andreas: Simulating the impact of the Panamanian Seaway closure on ocean circulation, marine productivity and nutrient cycling

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