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ScoreExp/Site/Hole YearAuthor/TitleFull text
5%1531997Werner, Carl-Dietrich: Data report; Geochemistry of rocks and minerals of the gabbro complex from the MARK areadownload
5%1531997Gaggero, Laura; Cortesogno, Luciano: Data report; Metamorphic mineralogy of Leg 153 gabbrosdownload
5%1531997Hurst, Stephen D.; Gee, Jeffrey S. et al.: Data report; Reorientation of structural features at sites 920 to 924 using remanent magnetization and magnetic characteristicsdownload
4%1531997Casey, John F.: Comparison of major- and trace-element geochemistry of abyssal peridotites and mafic plutonic rocks with basalts from the MARK region of the Mid-Atlantic Ridgedownload
4%1531997Kempton, Pamela D.; Hunter, Arlene G.: A Sr-, Nd-, Pb-, O-isotope study of plutonic rocks from MARK, Leg 153; implications for mantle heterogeneity and magma chamber processes?download
4%1531997Dilek, Yildirim; Kempton, Pamela D. et al.: Structure and petrology of hydrothermal veins in gabbroic rocks from Sites 921-924, MARK area (Leg 153); alteration history of slow-spread lower oceanic crustdownload
4%1531997Agar, Susan M.; Casey, John F. et al.: Textural, geochemical, and isotopic variations in gabbroic shear zones from the MARK areadownload
4%1531997Miller, D. Jay; Christensen, Nikolas I.: Seismic velocities of lower crustal and upper mantle rocks from the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge, south of the Kane transform zone (MARK)download
4%1531997Werner, Carl-Dietrich; Pilot, Joachim: Data report; Geochemistry and mineral chemistry of ultramafic rocks from the Kane area (MARK)download
4%1531997Karson, Jeffrey A.; Cannat, Mathilde et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; scientific results; Mid-Atlantic Ridge; covering Leg 153 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, St. John's Harbor, Newfoundland, to Bridgetown, Barbados, sites 920-924, 22 November 1993-20 January 1994download
1997Ceuleneer, Georges; Cannat, Mathilde: High-temperature ductile deformation of Site 920 peridotitesdownload
1997Lawrence, Roisin May; Gee, Jeffrey S. et al.: Magnetic anisotropy in serpentinized peridotites from Site 920; its origin and relationship to deformation fabricsdownload
1997Gaggero, Laura; Cortesogno, Luciano et al.: Data report; Oxides, sulfides, and associated phases in veins and hydrothermally altered peridotitic rocksdownload
1997Niida, Kiyoaki: Mineralogy of MARK peridotites; replacement through magma channeling examined from Hole 920D, MARK areadownload
1997Fletcher, John M.; Stephens, Christopher J. et al.: Greenschist facies hydrothermal alteration of oceanic gabbros; a case study of element mobility and reaction pathsdownload
1997Karson, Jeffrey A.; Lawrence, Roisin May: Tectonic setting of serpentinite exposures on the western Median Valley wall of the MARK area in the vicinity of Site 920download
1997Cannat, Mathilde; Chatin, Fabienne et al.: Gabbroic rocks trapped in the upper mantle in the Mid-Atlantic Ridgedownload
1997Kempton, Pamela D.; Casey, John F.: Petrology and geochemistry of crosscutting diabase dikes, Sites 920 and 921download
1997Kempton, Pamela D.; Stephens, Christopher J.: Petrology and geochemistry of nodular websterite inclusions in harzburgite, Hole 920Ddownload
1995Cannat, Mathilde; Karson, Jeffrey A. et al.: Site 920download
1997Dilek, Yildirim; Coulton, Angela et al.: Serpentinization and hydrothermal veining in peridotites at Site 920 in the MARK areadownload
1997Stephens, Christopher J.: Heterogeneity of oceanic peridotite from the western canyon wall at MARK; results from Site 920download
1997Burgath, Klaus-Peter; Marchig, Vesna et al.: Data report; Mineralogic, structural, and chemical variability of mantle sections from Holes 920B and 920Ddownload
1997Fujibayashi, Norie; Kagami, Hiroo et al.: Data report; Mineralogy and Sr- and Nd-isotopic composition of gabbroic oceanic crust recovered from Holes 923A and 921E in the MARK areadownload
1997Karson, Jeffrey A.; Lawrence, Roisin May: Tectonic window into gabbroic rocks of the middle oceanic crust in the MARK area near sites 921-924download
1997Barling, Jane; Hertogen, Jan et al.: Whole-rock geochemistry and Sr-, Nd-, and Pb-isotopic characteristics of undeformed, deformed, and recrystallized gabbros from Sites 921, 922, and 923 in the MARK areadownload
1997Kelley, Deborah S.: Fluid evolution in slow-spreading environmentsdownload
1995Cannat, Mathilde; Karson, Jeffrey A. et al.: Site 921download
1995Cannat, Mathilde; Karson, Jeffrey A. et al.: Site 922download
1995Cannat, Mathilde; Karson, Jeffrey A. et al.: Site 923download
1995Cannat, Mathilde; Karson, Jeffrey A. et al.: Site 924download
41%1541994Curry, William B.; Shackleton, Nicholas J. et al.: Ceara Rise
33%1541997Murray, D. W.; Peterson, L. C.: Biogenic carbonate production and preservation changes between 5 and 10 Ma from the Ceara Rise, western Equatorial Atlantic
33%1541997Curry, William B.; Cullen, James L.: Carbonate production and dissolution in the western Equatorial Atlantic during the last 1 M.Y.
33%1541997Dobson, David M.; Dickens, Gerald R. et al.: Terrigenous sedimentation at Ceara Rise
33%1541997Hampt, Gretchen; Delaney, Margaret L.: Influences on calcite Sr/Ca records from Ceara Rise and other regions; distinguishing ocean history and calcite recrystallization
33%1541997Mikkelsen, Naja; Barron, John A.: Early Oligocene diatoms on the Ceara Rise and the Cenozoic evolution of biogenic silica accumulation in the low-latitude Atlantic
33%1541997King, Teresa A.; Ellis, William G., Jr.: Development of a high-quality natural gamma data set from the Ceara Rise; critical groundwork for core and log data integration
33%1541997Delaney, Margaret L.; Anderson, Linda D.: Phosphorus geochemistry in Ceara Rise sediments
33%1541997Moran, Kate: Elastic property corrections applied to Leg 154 sediment, Ceara Rise
29%1541997Harris, Sara E.; Mix, Alan C. et al.: Biogenic and terrigenous sedimentation at Ceara Rise, western tropical Atlantic, supports Pliocene-Pleistocene deep-water linkage between hemispheres
29%1541997Schrag, Daniel P.; Hampt, Gretchen et al.: Oxygen isotopic composition of interstitial waters from Leg 154; determination of the temperature and isotopic composition of the glacial ocean
29%1541999Shackleton, Nicholas J.; Crowhurst, S. J. et al.: Astronomical calibration of Oligocene-Miocene time
29%1541997Gruetzner, Jens; Bassinot, Franck C. et al.: High-resolution compressional-wave velocity measurements in Pleistocene sediments of the Ceara Rise (western Equatorial Atlantic); implications for orbital driven sedimentary cycles
29%1541997Bickert, Torsten; Curry, William B. et al.: Late Pliocene to Holocene (2.6-0 MA) western Equatorial Atlantic deep-water circulation; inferences from benthic stable isotopes
29%1541997Herbert, Timothy D.; DiDonna, Steven et al.: Life cycle(s) of sediment physical properties, Ceara Rise
29%1541997Billups, Katharina; Ravelo, A. Christina et al.: Early Pliocene deep-water circulations; stable isotope evidence for enhanced northern component deep water
29%1541997Flower, Benjamin P.; Zachos, James C. et al.: Milankovitch-scale climate variability recorded near the Oligocene/Miocene boundary
29%1541997King, Teresa A.; Ellis, W. G., Jr. et al.: Miocene evolution of carbonate sedimentation at the Ceara Rise; a multivariate data/proxy approach
29%1541997deMenocal, Peter; Archer, David et al.: Pleistocene variations in deep Atlantic circulation and calcite burial between 1.2 and 0.6 Ma; a combined data-model approach
29%1541997Tiedemann, Ralf; Franz, S. O.: Deep-water circulation, chemistry, and terrigenous sediment supply in the Equatorial Atlantic during the Pliocene, 3.3-2.6 Ma and 5-4.5 Ma
27%1541997Shackleton, Nicholas J.; Curry, William B. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; Scientific results, Ceara Rise; covering Leg 154 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Bridgetown, Barbados, to Bridgetown, Barbados, sites 925-929, 24 January-25 March, 1994download
6%1541997Weedon, Graham P.; Shackleton, Nicholas J. et al.: The Oligocene time scale and cyclostratigraphy on the Ceara Rise, western Equatorial Atlanticdownload
4%1541997Pearson, Paul N.; Chaisson, William P.: Late Paleocene to middle Miocene planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphydownload
4%1541997Bassinot, Franck C.; Beaufort, L. et al.: Changes in the dynamics of western Equatorial Atlantic surface currents and biogenic productivity at the "mid-Pleistocene revolution" ( approximately 930 Ka)download
4%1541997Yasuda, Hisato: Late Miocene-Holocene paleooceanography of the western Equatorial Atlantic; evidence from deep-sea benthic foraminifersdownload
1997Weedon, Graham P.: Data report; Measurements of magnetic susceptibility for the Oligocene and lower Miocene of Site 925
1997Solheid, Peter A.; Banerjee, Subir K. et al.: High-resolution rock-magnetic study of Ceara Rise sediments at Site 925
1997Ohkouchi, Naohiko; Wada, Eitaro: Secular variations in sedimentary organic delta (super 13) C during the last 35 M.Y. in the tropical Atlantic, Site 925
1997Murayama, Masafumi; Nagai, H. et al.: (super 10) Be and (super 9) Be concentrations in the deep sea sediments at Site 925, Ceara Rise, in the western Equatorial Atlantic; implication of (super 10) Be flux change
1997Bickert, Torsten; Cordes, R. et al.: Late Pliocene to mid-Pleistocene (2.6-1.0 M.Y.) carbonate dissolution in the western Equatorial Atlantic; results of Leg 154, Ceara Risedownload
1997Chaisson, William P.; Pearson, Paul N.: Planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy at Site 925; middle Miocene-Pleistocenedownload
1997Shackleton, Nicholas J.; Hall, M. A: The late Miocene stable isotope record, Site 926
1997Weedon, Graham P.; Shackleton, Nicholas J.: Inorganic geochemical composition of Oligocene to Miocene sediments and productivity variations in the western Equatorial Atlantic; results from sites 926 and 929
1997Flower, Benjamin P.; Zachos, James C. et al.: Latest Oligocene through early Miocene isotopic stratigraphy and deep-water paleoceanography of the western Equatorial Atlantic; sites 926 and 929
1997Pearson, Paul N.; Shackleton, Nicholas J. et al.: Multispecies planktonic foraminifer stable isotope stratigraphy through Oligocene/Miocene boundary climatic cycles, Site 926
1997Backman, Jan; Raffi, Isabella: Calibration of Miocene nannofossil events to orbitally tuned cyclostratigraphies from Ceara Risedownload
1997Shackleton, Nicholas J.; Crowhurst, S.: Sediment fluxes based on an orbitally tuned time scale 5 Ma to 14 Ma, Site 926download
1995Curry, William B.; Shackleton, Nicholas J. et al.: Site 926download
1997Cullen, James L.; Curry, William B.: Variations in planktonic foraminifer faunas and carbonate preservation at Site 927; evidence for changing surface water conditions in the western tropical Atlantic Ocean during the middle Pleistocene
1997Richter, Carl; Valet, Jean-Pierre et al.: Rock magnetic properties of sediments from Ceara Rise (Site 929); implications for the origin of the magnetic susceptibility signal
41%1551994Flood, Roger D.; Piper, David J. W. et al.: Amazon deep-sea fan
33%1551997Piper, David J. W.; Flood, Roger D.: Preface; Depth below seafloor conventions
26%1551995Flood, Roger D.; Piper, David J. W. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, initial reports; Amazon Fan; covering Leg 155 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Bridgetown, Barbados, to Bridgetown, Barbados, sites 930-946, 25 March-24 May 1994download
16%1551995Flood, Roger D.; Piper, David J. W. et al.: Underway geophysicsdownload
15%1551997Balsam, William L.; Damuth, John E. et al.: Comparison of shipboard vs. shore-based spectral data from Amazon Fan cores; implications for interpreting sediment compositiondownload
15%1551995Schneider, Ralph R.; Cramp, Adrian et al.: Color-reflectance measurements obtained from Leg 155 coresdownload
12%1551995Cisowski, Stanley M.: Synthesis of magnetic resonance correlation, Leg 155download
12%1551997Mikkelsen, Naja: Upper Quaternary diatoms in the Amazon Fan of the Western Atlanticdownload
11%1551995Flood, Roger D.; Piper, David J. W. et al.: Explanatory notesdownload
10%1551995Flood, Roger D.; Piper, David J. W. et al.: Leg synthesisdownload
10%1551997Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe; Rullkoetter, Juergen: Terrigenous and marine lipids in Amazon Fan sediments; implications for sedimentological reconstructionsdownload
10%1551997Hall, Frank R.; Cisowski, Stanley M. et al.: Magnetic hysteresis properties of fine-grained magnetic iron sulfide nodules and crusts on the Amazon Fandownload
10%1551997Hall, Frank R.: Data report; Between-hole correlations of sites drilled during Leg 155 on the Amazon Fandownload
10%1551997Hall, Frank R.; Cisowski, Stanley M. et al.: Data report; Environmental rock-magnetic evidence of authigenic-magnetic mineral formation/preservation (Amazon Fan)download
9%1551997Burns, Stephen J.: Early diagenesis in Amazon Fan sedimentsdownload
9%1551997Busch, William H.; Brister, Michael R.: Fabric of fine-grained Amazon Fan sediments; influence of depositional processes and burial transformationdownload
9%1551997McDaniel, Diane K.; McLennan, Scott M. et al.: Provenance of Amazon Fan muds; constraints from Nd and Pb isotopesdownload
8%1551997Wehmiller, John F.; Hall, Frank R.: Amino acid racemization geochronological studies of selected Leg 155 samplesdownload
7%1551997Piper, David J. W.; Flood, Roger D. et al.: Synthesis of stratigraphic correlations of the Amazon Fandownload
7%1551997Kronen, John D., Jr.: Microstructure and physical properties of Amazon Fan sites 940 and 946 from wireline, laboratory, and sedimentological datadownload
7%1551997Hiscott, Richard N.; Hall, Frank R. et al.: Turbidity-current overspill from the Amazon Channel; texture of the silt/sand load, paleoflow from anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and implications for flow processesdownload
7%1551997Cramp, Adrian; Lee, S. V. et al.: Interlaboratory comparison of sediment grain-sizing techniques; data from Amazon Fan upper levee complex sedimentsdownload
7%1551997Piperno, Dolores R.: Phytoliths and microscopic charcoal from Leg 155; a vegetational and fire history of the Amazon Basin during the last 75
7%1551997Pirmez, Carlos; Hiscott, Richard N. et al.: Sandy turbidite successions at the base of channel-levee systems of the Amazon Fan revealed by FMS logs and cores; unraveling the facies architecture of large submarine fansdownload
6%1551995Flood, Roger D.; Piper, David J. W. et al.: Introductiondownload
6%1551997Vilela, Claudia Gutterres; Maslin, Mark A.: Benthic and planktonic foraminifers, and stable isotopic analysis of mass-flow sediments in the Amazon Fandownload
6%1551997Flood, Roger D.; Pirmez, Carlos et al.: The compressional-wave velocity of Amazon Fan sediments; calculation from index properties and variation with clay contentdownload
6%1551997Piper, David J. W.; Pirmez, Carlos et al.: Mass-transport deposits of the Amazon Fandownload
5%1551997Mikkelsen, Naja; Maslin, Mark A. et al.: Biostratigraphy and sedimentation rates of the Amazon Fandownload

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