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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
1977Dow, R. L.: Test porosity in Neogloboquadrina pachyderma in late Miocene to Recent, DSDP Site 284, South Pacific
42%1977Tucholke, B. E.; Mountain, G.: The Horizon-A complex; lithostratigraphic correlation and paleoceanographic significance of reflectors in the western North Atlantic
1977Cita, Maria Bianca: The response of the North Atlantic to the Mediterranean salinity crisis, as recorded on the North-west African margin
42%1822002Bone, Yvonne; James, Noel P.: Bryozoans from Pleistocene high-energy, cool-water, continental-slope mounds, Great Australian Bight, southern Australia
42%1992002Raffi, Isabella; Backman, Jan: Calcareous nannofossils at the Paleocene/Eocene transition in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean (ODP Leg 199)
42%1722002Yokokawa, Miwa; Franz, Sven-Oliver: Changes in grain size and magnetic fabric at Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge during the late Pleistocene (marine isotope stages 8-10)
2002Ruikka, Mattiina; Strand, Kari: Clay minerals in response to the Pleistocene climate change on the Yermak Plateau, Arctic Ocean (ODP, Site 911)
2002Kronborg, Mai-Britt; Huber, Matthew: Climate of the early Paleogene tropics; the "forecast" from a coupled climate model
42%1722002Rio, Domenico (ed.); Arnold, Eve (ed.): Climatic variability recorded in sediment drifts from the western North Atlantic Ocean (ODP Leg 172)
2002Carter, R. M.; Gammon, P. R. et al.: Climatic yo-yo-ing of the subtropical front, 0-0.38 Ma; ODP Site 1119, Southwest Pacific Ocean
2002Liu Chuanlian: Coccolithophores from the Nansha area (southern South China Sea); response to Quaternary upper ocean-water variability
42%1662002Bergman, Kelly L.; Eberli, Gregor P.: Covariance of Neogene sea-surface temperatures and thermohaline circulation as revealed in paleocurrent features in the Straits of Florida
42%2002Groeger, Matthias: Deep-water circulation in the western Equatorial Atlantic; inferences from carbonate preservation studies and silt grain-size analysis
1995Diester-Haass, L.: Middle Eocene to early Oligocene paleoceanography of the Antarctic Ocean (Maud Rise, ODP Leg 113, Site 689): change from a low to a high productivity ocean
42%1331995Alpay, S.; Dix, G. R.: Mixed sediment lithology; an impediment to rapid burial diagenesis? Evidence from deep ocean drilling, Northeast Australia
1995Dmitrenko, O. B.: Nannoplankton neogen-chetvertichnoy chasti razreza skvazhiny 362 (Yuzhnaya Atlantika) Nannoplankton of the Neogene and Quaternary section of DSDP Site 362, South Atlantic
1995Zhang, Jijun; Scott, David B.: New planktonic foraminiferal genus and species from the upper Oligocene, DSDP Hole 366A, Leg 41
42%1621995Jansen, Eystein; Raymo, Maureen et al.: North Atlantic Arctic Gateways II
42%1451995Rea, David K.; Basov, Ivan A.: North Pacific paleoceanography; results of ODP Leg 145
42%1995Schafer, C. T.; Thibaudeau, S. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program proposal; Northwest Atlantic Margin Project; high resolution record of sediment fluxes to the Northwest Atlantic Ocean basin
2005Robinson, R. S.; Mix, A. et al.: Southern Ocean controls on the extent of denitrification in the Southeast Pacific (ODP Site 1234)
42%2005Inoue, H.; Coffin, M. F. et al.: Stratigraphic and structural development of the Ontong Java Plateau
42%1992004Coxall, Helen K.; Wilson, Paul A. et al.: Link between rapid stepwise Antarctic glaciation and ocean chemistry
42%1702004Hawkins, L. K.; Burmester, R. F. et al.: Magnetic properties and paleointensity of a mid-Miocene gabbro from the Costa Rica accretionary wedge, ODP Leg 170
2006Maiorano, Patrizia: Reticulofenestra circus var. lata n. var.; a large reticulofenestrid (Coccolithophoridae) from the early Oligocene
2006Jiang, Shijun; Wise, Sherwood W., Jr.: Taxonomic note; Discoaster stellulus Gartner, 1967, emended
2006Paquay, F.; Ravizza, G.: Testing organic-rich sediments as recorders of the seawater Os isotope record
42%2000Katz, Miriam E.; Pak, Dorothy K. et al.: The LPTM gas hydrate dissociation hypothesis; new evidence from the western North Atlantic
2000Majewski, W.: The Miocene oceanographic history of the southern Kerguelen Plateau; planktonic foraminiferal data, ODP Site 744
42%1602004Bartole, Roberto; Grando, Gianluca et al.: Structural and seismic stratigraphic analysis of the northern Eratosthenes Basin between the Cyprus continental margin and the Eratosthenes Seamount, Eastern Mediterranean Sea
2004Nilsen, Elena Brennan: Studies of carbon cycling, nutrient dynamics and climate change in pelagic and coastal ecosystems using sediment geochemical techniques
2004Cacho, I.; Pena, L. D. et al.: Surface and thermocline variability of the eastern Equatorial Pacific during the last 80,000 yr; results from ODP Site 1240
1987Tesson, M.; Gensous, B. et al.: Seismic analysis of the southern margin of the Alboran Sea
42%1141988Mwenifumbo, C. J.; Blangy, J.: Geochemical logging on ODP Leg 114
42%741988Pflaumann, U.: Stratigraphy and paleoecology of the Quaternary in the eastern South Atlantic; the record by planktonic Foraminifera from sediments of the central Walvis Ridge, DSDP Leg 74
1992Docherty, J. I. C.; Banda, E.: A note on the subsidence history of the northern margin of the Alboran Basin
1996Maslin, M.; Sarnthein, M. et al.: Subtropical eastern Atlantic climate during the Eemian
42%1997Lueckge, Andreas: Ablagerung und Fruehdiagenese organischen Materials in marinen Hochproduktivitaetsgebieten Deposit and early diagenesis of organic materials in highly productive marine environments
1997Caschetto, S. (ed.): Belgian Research Programme on the Antarctic; scientific results of Phase III (1992-1996); Volume II
42%1651997Sigurdsson, H.; Carey, S.: Explosive volcanic episodes in Central America; deep-sea evidence from drilling of ODP Leg 165
42%1331997Andres, M. S.; McKenzie, J. A. et al.: Influence of late-Quaternary paleoclimatology on the evolution of the Great Barrier Reef, north east Australia
42%1571997Sumita, M.; Schmincke, H. U.: Submarine transportation and deposition of "syn-ignimbrite" tephra sediment flows resulting from sea-bound hot ash flows
1997Straub, S. M.; Schmincke, H. U.: Volatile output from explosive eruptions in the Izu-Bonin arc/backarc system
42%1701998Barckhausen, Udo; Meschede, Martin et al.: A new understanding of the plate tectonic evolution of the Cocos Plate; results from a multidisciplinary study in the eastern Panama Basin of Costa Rica
1998Karner, Daniel B.; Asaro, Frank et al.: The Pleistocene-Holocene transition; the role of extraterrestrial accretion
1999Murdock, James N.: Oceanward propagation of the blind decollement beneath the Kodiak Shelf, offshore of Kodiak Island, Alaska, Part III
42%1752000Schneider, Ralph R.: Neogene surface ocean variability in the eastern South Atlantic and linkages to African climate
2002Cooke, P. J.: Aspects of Neogene palaeoceanography in the southern Tasman Sea (DSDP Site 593)
2003von Dobeneck, Tilo; Frederichs, Thomas et al.: Low-temperature antiferromagnetism of siderite, rhodochrosite, and vivianite
2003Fuller, Mike D.: On the magnetostratigraphy of ODP carbonate Legs 182, 189 and 194 around southern and eastern Australia
2003Gupta, Anil K.; Melice, Jean-Luc: Orbital forcing of the Plio-Pleistocene Indian monsoons; benthic foraminiferal proxies from ODP Site 758
42%1192003Barrett, Peter: Paleoclimatology; cooling a continent
42%2003Fujoka, Kantaro; Matsuoka, Hiromi: Sedimentation rate curves as a key to understand the evolution of oceanic arc and backarc basin; arc and basin types sedimentation curves deduced from DSDP/IPOD/ODP cores
2003Nohda, Susumu; Kani, Tomomi et al.: Structural change of the crust/mantle related with the opening of the Japan Sea; evidence of Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes observed in the Tertiary volcanic rocks of NE-Japan
42%1992003Nunes, Flavia; Norris, Richard D.: The Paleocene-Eocene carbon isotope excursion and associated foraminiferal excursion fauna
42%2006Lee, Gwang H.; Lee, Young J. et al.: Climatic and tectonic evolution of eastern Asia; evidence from the Ulleung Basin, southwestern East Sea/Japan Sea
42%2006Stattegger, Karl: Late Quaternary evolution of the Sunda Shelf and outlook for IODP activities
42%2006Tada, Ryuji: Outline of IODP Proposal 5Full2 "Onset and evolution of millennial-scale variability of Asian monsoon and its possible relation with Himalaya and Tibetan uplift"
2006Kuhnt, Wolfgang; Holbourn, Ann: The east Asian record of Miocene climate and tectonics
2007Leckie, R.; Nathan, S. A.: Closure of the Indonesian Seaway during the middle to late Miocene (13.2-5.8 Ma); early history of the Western Pacific Warm Pool
42%1892007McGonigal Roessig, Kristeen Lynn: Miocene climate transitions in the Southwest Pacific, Tasmania; interpretations based on calcareous nannofossils
42%3022007Stein, Ruediger; Backman, Jan et al.: The Arctic Coring Expedition; a breakthrough in Arctic Ocean geoscientific research
42%3102007Heindel, Katrin; Wisshak, Max et al.: Timing of microbial encrustation on corals during the last deglacial sea-level rise, IODP Expedition # 310 off Tahiti
2008Wilson, D. S.; Luyendyk, B. P.: Antarctic paleotopography estimates at the Eocene-Oligocene climate transition; implications for climate ice models
42%2008Hiruta, Akihiro; Tomaru, Hitoshi et al.: Chloride anomaly in interstitial waters at gas hydrate zone, eastern margin of Japan Sea
2008Vautravers, M. J.; Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter: Deposition of planktonic Foraminifera on the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula (ODP Site 1101) during the last 1 Myr
42%3072008Kano, Akihiro: Early evolution of coral reefs inferred from the results of drilling study of a deep-sea carbonate mound
42%2008Cooper, Christopher J.; Kusznir, N. J. et al.: Evidence for lateral variation in density along the ocean-continent transition of the Iberia-Newfoundland conjugate rifted margins
42%3022008Thompson, B.; Nilsson, J. et al.: Model study on the Arctic Ocean circulation during early Miocene
2008Westerhold, T.; Roehl, U.: The early Paleogene astronomic time scale; new insights into biological, climatic and tectonic events
2008Maiorano, P.; Marino, M.: The warm interglacial marine isotope stage 31; evidences from the calcareous nannofossil assemblages at ODP Site 1090 (Southern Ocean)
42%3072008Thierens, Mieke; Titschack, J. et al.: Unraveling depositional signals throughout a cold-water coral carbonate mound; implications for the environmental controls on Challenger Mound development (IODP Exp. 307)
42%2008Vali, Hojatollah; Schumann, Dirk et al.: Why is magnetite a reliable biomarker for the recognition of biological activity in ancient terrestrial and extraterrestrial environments?
42%2009Cornet, Francois; Boulhaia, W. et al.: Aigion Fault seismogenic behaviour and future drilling plans
2009Fietz, Susanne; Rosell-Mele, Antoni et al.: Air and water temperature changes for the last two glacial/interglacial transitions in Lake Baikal (Siberia)
42%3102009Seard, C.; Camoin, G. et al.: Architecture and growth patterns of last deglacial reefs; IODP Expedition #310, Tahiti (French Polynesia)
2009Robinson, Stuart A.: Carbon isotope stratigraphy of a Paleogene Pacific Ocean guyot and the response of the shallow-water carbonate factory to the PETM
2009Swann, G.: Changes in the North Pacific Ocean biological pump from MIS 5e to MIS 3
2009Vazquez Riveiros, N.; Waelbroeck, C. et al.: Constraints on the evolution of climate during marine isotope stage 11
42%3022009Stickley, Catherine E.; Koc, N. et al.: Do biosiliceous laminated sediments reveal sea ice seasonality in the middle Eocene Arctic Ocean?
42%3132009Inwood, J.; Lofi, Johanna: Downhole logging measurements from IODP Expedition 313; an overview and future directions
2009Rueggeberg, A.; Liebetrau, V. et al.: Environmental control on cold-water carbonate mounds development
2009Ma, Z.; Paytan, A.: Export production fluctuations in the eastern Equatorial Pacific during the late Neogene; reconstruction using barite accumulation rates
42%3132009Mountain, G. S.; Proust, Jean et al.: Links between eustatic history, sequence architecture, and lithofacies associations put to the test; IODP Exp313 drilling on the NJ margin
42%2009Zhang, Z.; Zhang, J. et al.: Link west China and N Pacific Ocean; Miocene dust event in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China
2009Wojcieszek, D. E.; Dekens, P. S.: Links between South Atlantic subtropical gyre and tropical upwelling region during the Pliocene and Pleistocene
2009Kashintsev, G. L.; Levchenko, O. V.: Miocene volcanism of the Ninetyeast Ridge
2009Venti, N. L.; Billups, Katharina: New records from the subtropical North Pacific over the Pliocene climate transition
42%2009Cope, Jesse T.; Winguth, A. M.: On the sensitivity of ocean circulation to Arctic fresh water input during the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum
42%3072009Raddatz, J.; Rueggeberg, A. et al.: Paleo-environment of cold-water coral initiation in the NE Atlantic; implications from a deep-water carbonate mound drilling core
42%3072009Raddatz, J.; Rueggeberg, A. et al.: Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of deep-water carbonate mound initiation in the Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic
42%2009Falkena, L. B.; Peate, D. et al.: Petrogenesis of silicic magmas in the Afro-Arabian flood volcanic province in Yemen; a melt inclusion study
2009Husum, Katrine; Knies, Jochen et al.: Pliocene paleoceanographic change in the Arctic; foraminifers and stable isotope evidence from ODP 910
2009Kanamatsu, Toshiyaki: Pleistocene tephrostratigraphy in NanTroSEIZE coring sites, Kumano Trough; implications for the shallow sedimentary and tectonic evolutions of Kumano Trough
42%3022009Gleason, J. D.; Thomas, D. J. et al.: Seawater exchange and freshwater input to the Eocene Arctic Ocean from Nd-Sr isotope proxies in fossil fish debris
42%1752009Rommerskirchen, F.; Condon, T. et al.: Southeast Atlantic upwelling intensity changes influencing late Miocene C4 plant expansion?
42%2009Deschamps, P.; Durand, N. et al.: Synchroneity of meltwater pulse 1A and the Bolling onset; new evidence from the IODP "Tahiti Sea-Level" expedition
42%3232009Takahashi, Kozo; Ravelo, C. et al.: The Bering Sea Drilling, IODP Expedition 323 in 2009; Pliocene-Pleistocene climate change with high sedimentation rates
42%2009Rabineau, M.: The GOLD IODP Project; global climate changes, extreme events, margins formation and the limits of life in the Gulf of Lion
42%1982009Woodard, S. C.; Herridge, J. D. et al.: The impact of orbitally-driven changes in solar insolation on "greenhouse" climates

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