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ScoreExp/Site/HoleYear Author/TitleFull text
1997Ceuleneer, Georges; Cannat, Mathilde: High-temperature ductile deformation of Site 920 peridotitesdownload
7%1551997Piperno, Dolores R.: Phytoliths and microscopic charcoal from Leg 155; a vegetational and fire history of the Amazon Basin during the last 75
1997Eberli, Gregor P.; Swart, Peter K. et al.: Site 1003download
6%1541997Pearson, Paul N.; Chaisson, William P.: Late Paleocene to middle Miocene planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphydownload
1997Davis, Earl E.; Fisher, Andrew T. et al.: Hydrothermal transition transect (sites 1023, 1024, and 1025)download
6%1551997Flood, Roger D.; Piper, David J. W.: Amazon Fan sedimentation; the relationship to equatorial climate change, continental denudation, and sea-level fluctuationsdownload
1997Dilek, Yildirim; Coulton, Angela et al.: Serpentinization and hydrothermal veining in peridotites at Site 920 in the MARK areadownload
6%1551997Haberle, Simon G.: Upper Quaternary vegetation and climate history of the Amazon Basin; correlating marine and terrestrial pollen recordsdownload
1997Eberli, Gregor P.; Swart, Peter K. et al.: Site 1007download
1997Kelley, Deborah S.: Fluid evolution in slow-spreading environmentsdownload
6%1781997Barker, Peter F.; Camerlenghi, Angelo et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 178 scientific prospectus; Antarctic Peninsula; Antarctic glacial history and sea-level changedownload
1997Davis, Earl E.; Fisher, Andrew T. et al.: Rough basement transect (sites 1026 and 1027)download
6%1551997Hall, Frank R.: Data report; Between-hole correlations of sites drilled during Leg 155 on the Amazon Fandownload
1997Hoorn, Carina: Palynology of the Pleistocene glacial/interglacial cycles of the Amazon Fan (holes 940A, 944A, and 946A)download
1997Backman, Jan; Raffi, Isabella: Calibration of Miocene nannofossil events to orbitally tuned cyclostratigraphies from Ceara Risedownload
6%1551997Mikkelsen, Naja: Upper Quaternary diatoms in the Amazon Fan of the Western Atlanticdownload
1997Cannat, Mathilde; Chatin, Fabienne et al.: Gabbroic rocks trapped in the upper mantle in the Mid-Atlantic Ridgedownload
6%1531997Miller, D. Jay; Christensen, Nikolas I.: Seismic velocities of lower crustal and upper mantle rocks from the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge, south of the Kane transform zone (MARK)download
6%1561997Kastner, Miriam; Zheng, Yan: Data report; Chemical and isotopic compositions of pore fluids in accreted and underthrust sediments of the northern Barbados Ridgedownload
6%1561997Meyer, Audrey; Fisher, Andrew T.: Data report; Grain-size analysis of sediments from the northern Barbados accretionary prismdownload
6%1551997Wehmiller, John F.; Hall, Frank R.: Amino acid racemization geochronological studies of selected Leg 155 samplesdownload
1997Fletcher, John M.; Stephens, Christopher J. et al.: Greenschist facies hydrothermal alteration of oceanic gabbros; a case study of element mobility and reaction pathsdownload
1997Goni, Miguel A.: Record of terrestrial organic matter composition in Amazon Fan sedimentsdownload
6%1551997Nanayama, Futoshi: An electron microprobe study of the Amazon Fandownload
1997Burgath, Klaus-Peter; Marchig, Vesna et al.: Data report; Mineralogic, structural, and chemical variability of mantle sections from Holes 920B and 920Ddownload
6%1997Szabo, Zoltan; Pucci, A. A., Jr. et al.: Sr-isotopic evidence for leakage of pore water from clay-silt confining units to the Atlantic City 800-foot sand, Atlantic City, New Jerseydownload
6%174A1997Austin, James A., Jr.; Christie-Blick, Nicholas et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; scientific prospectus; continuing the New Jersey Mid-Atlantic sea-level transectdownload
5%1531997Dilek, Yildirim; Kempton, Pamela D. et al.: Structure and petrology of hydrothermal veins in gabbroic rocks from Sites 921-924, MARK area (Leg 153); alteration history of slow-spread lower oceanic crustdownload
1997Bickert, Torsten; Cordes, R. et al.: Late Pliocene to mid-Pleistocene (2.6-1.0 M.Y.) carbonate dissolution in the western Equatorial Atlantic; results of Leg 154, Ceara Risedownload
5%1551997Hiscott, Richard N.; Hall, Frank R. et al.: Turbidity-current overspill from the Amazon Channel; texture of the silt/sand load, paleoflow from anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and implications for flow processesdownload
5%1531997Casey, John F.: Comparison of major- and trace-element geochemistry of abyssal peridotites and mafic plutonic rocks with basalts from the MARK region of the Mid-Atlantic Ridgedownload
1997Davis, Earl E.; Fisher, Andrew T. et al.: Buried basement transect (sites 1028, 1029, 1030, 1031, and 1032)download
5%1661997Eberli, Gregor P.; Swart, Peter K. et al.: Introductiondownload
5%1551997Pirmez, Carlos; Hiscott, Richard N. et al.: Sandy turbidite successions at the base of channel-levee systems of the Amazon Fan revealed by FMS logs and cores; unraveling the facies architecture of large submarine fansdownload
5%1681997Davis, Earl E.; Fisher, Andrew T. et al.: Introduction and summary; Hydrothermal circulation in the oceanic crust and its consequences on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridgedownload
4%1541997Yasuda, Hisato: Late Miocene-Holocene paleooceanography of the western Equatorial Atlantic; evidence from deep-sea benthic foraminifersdownload
4%1531997Werner, Carl-Dietrich; Pilot, Joachim: Data report; Geochemistry and mineral chemistry of ultramafic rocks from the Kane area (MARK)download
1997Chaisson, William P.; Pearson, Paul N.: Planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy at Site 925; middle Miocene-Pleistocenedownload
4%1551997Flood, Roger D.; Pirmez, Carlos et al.: The compressional-wave velocity of Amazon Fan sediments; calculation from index properties and variation with clay contentdownload
4%1551997Burns, Stephen J.: Early diagenesis in Amazon Fan sedimentsdownload
4%1671997Lyle, Mitchell; Koizumi, Itaru et al.: Leg 167 introductiondownload
4%1681997Davis, Earl E.; Chapman, D. S. et al.: Seafloor heat flow on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge; data from "flankflux" studies through 1995download
1997Niida, Kiyoaki: Mineralogy of MARK peridotites; replacement through magma channeling examined from Hole 920D, MARK areadownload
4%1551997Hall, Frank R.; Cisowski, Stanley M. et al.: Magnetic hysteresis properties of fine-grained magnetic iron sulfide nodules and crusts on the Amazon Fandownload
4%1531997Werner, Carl-Dietrich: Data report; Geochemistry of rocks and minerals of the gabbro complex from the MARK areadownload
4%1751997Berger, Wolfgang; Wefer, Gerold et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 175 scientific prospectus; Benguela Currentdownload
1997Kempton, Pamela D.; Casey, John F.: Petrology and geochemistry of crosscutting diabase dikes, Sites 920 and 921download
4%1997Pucci, Amleto A., Jr.; Szabo, Zoltan et al.: Variations in pore-water quality, mineralogy, and sedimentary texture of clay-silts in the lower Miocene Kirkwood Formation, Atlantic City, New Jerseydownload
4%1551997Schneider, Ralph R.; Mueller, P. J. et al.: Upper Quaternary western Atlantic paleoceanography and terrigenous sedimentation on the Amazon Fan; a view from stable isotopes of planktonic foraminifers and bulk organic matterdownload
4%1551997Manley, Patricia L.; Pirmez, Carlos et al.: Grain-size characterization of Amazon Fan deposits and comparison to seismic facies unitsdownload
1997Stephens, Christopher J.: Heterogeneity of oceanic peridotite from the western canyon wall at MARK; results from Site 920download
4%1531997Ross, Daniel Kent; Elthon, Don: Cumulus and postcumulus crystallization in the oceanic crust; major and trace-element geochemistry of Leg 153 gabbroic rocksdownload
1997Sigurdsson, Haraldur; Leckie, R. Mark et al.: Site 1002download
4%1531997Agar, Susan M.; Lloyd, Geoffrey E.: Deformation of Fe-Ti oxides in gabbroic shear zones from the MARK areadownload
4%1551997Kronen, John D., Jr.: Microstructure and physical properties of Amazon Fan sites 940 and 946 from wireline, laboratory, and sedimentological datadownload
4%1531997Hurst, Stephen D.; Gee, Jeffrey S. et al.: Data report; Reorientation of structural features at sites 920 to 924 using remanent magnetization and magnetic characteristicsdownload
4%1541997Bassinot, Franck C.; Beaufort, L. et al.: Changes in the dynamics of western Equatorial Atlantic surface currents and biogenic productivity at the "mid-Pleistocene revolution" ( approximately 930 Ka)download
4%1551997Busch, William H.; Brister, Michael R.: Fabric of fine-grained Amazon Fan sediments; influence of depositional processes and burial transformationdownload
4%1551997McDaniel, Diane K.; McLennan, Scott M. et al.: Provenance of Amazon Fan muds; constraints from Nd and Pb isotopesdownload
4%1531997Fletcher, John M.; Ceuleneer, Georges et al.: Microfabrics and patterns of dynamic recrystallization in gabbroic rocks from the MARK area, Mid-Atlantic Ridgedownload
3%174B1997Becker, Keir; Malone, Mitchell J.: Ocean Drilling Program; scientific prospectus; CORK Hole 395Adownload
3%1551997Normark, William R.; Damuth, John E. et al.: Sedimentary facies and associated depositional elements of the Amazon Fandownload
1997Gaggero, Laura; Cortesogno, Luciano et al.: Data report; Oxides, sulfides, and associated phases in veins and hydrothermally altered peridotitic rocksdownload
3%1551997Balsam, William L.; Damuth, John E. et al.: Comparison of shipboard vs. shore-based spectral data from Amazon Fan cores; implications for interpreting sediment compositiondownload
2%1531997Ross, Daniel Kent; Elthon, Don: Extreme incompatible trace-element depletion of diopside in residual mantle from south of the Kane fracture zonedownload
1997Keil, Richard G.; Tsamakis, Elizabeth et al.: Relationships between organic carbon preservation and mineral surface area in Amazon Fan sediments (Holes 932A and 942A)download
2%1531997Gaggero, Laura; Cortesogno, Luciano: Data report; Metamorphic mineralogy of Leg 153 gabbrosdownload
1996Firth, John V.: Upper middle Eocene to Oligocene dinoflagellate biostratigraphy and assemblage variations in Hole 913B, Greenland Seadownload
27%1996Rebesco, M.; Camerlenghi, A. et al.: Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin; antarctic glacial history and sea-level changes (ODP proposal 452-Rev)
1996Kuhnt, Wolfgang; Collins, Eric S.: Cretaceous to Paleogene benthic foraminifers from the Iberia abyssal plaindownload
1996Collins, Eric S.; Scott, David B. et al.: Quaternary and Neogene benthic foraminifers from sites 898 and 900, Iberia abyssal plaindownload
1996Collins, Eric S.; Kuhnt, Wolfgang et al.: Tithonian benthic foraminifers from Hole 901Adownload
24%1581996Petersen, S.; Herzig, P. M. et al.: Fluid temperature history of the TAG hydrothermal mound, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 26 degrees N
24%1996Castillo, P. R.; Janney, P. R.: Isotopic evolution of Pacific MORB; implications for the isotopic diversity of modern MORB
24%1591996Mascle, J.; Lohmann, P. et al.: Leg ODP 159 on the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana margin; transform margin evolution
24%1996Exon, N.; Chaproniere, G. C. et al.: The "Southern Gateway" between Australia and Antarctica: a proposal for ODP palaeoclimatic and palaeo-oceanographic drilling
24%1996Exon, N. F.; Kennett, J. P. et al.: The "Southern Gateway" between Australia and Antarctica: a proposal for ODP palaeoclimatic, palaeoceanographic and transform margin drilling. ODP proposal 485, revision of June 1996
24%1996Barker, Peter F.; Larter, Robert D. et al.: Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin; Antarctic glacial history and sea-level changes (Proposal 452-REV)
24%1996Feary, D.; James, N. P. et al.: Cenozoic cool-water carbonates of the Great Australian Bight: an ODP proposal to decipher the record of Southern Ocean evolution, sealevel, paleoclimate, and biogenic production
1996Vella, P.: Comments on "Palynological zones at DSDP Site 594, Chatham Rise, New Zealand"; discussion
23%1511996Locker, Sigurd: Cenozoic siliceous flagellates from the Fram Strait and the East Greenland margin; biostratigraphic and paleoceanographic resultsdownload
1996Koc, Nalan; Scherer, Reed P.: Neogene diatom biostratigraphy of the Iceland Sea Site 907download
23%1501996Burckle, Lloyd H.: Diatom biostratigraphy, Leg 150download
1996Nigrini, Catherine: Radiolarian biostratigraphy of Sites 902, 903, and 904download
1996Allerton, Simon; Worm, Horst-Ulrich et al.: Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic properties of Hole 896Adownload
20%1996Smolka, Peter P.: Stratabs; a new method for worldwide correlation
20%1996Lovell, M. A.; Harvey, P. K. et al.: Strategies for the interpretation of core and log data in the Ocean Drilling Program
1996Lohmann, G. P.; Wagner, Thomas: Plio-Pleistocene variations in benthic foraminifer O18 and C13 at 2km water depth, eastern Equatorial Atlantic (ODP site 959C)
20%1996Baker, P. E.; Condliffe, E.: Compositional variations in submarine volcanic ashes from the vicinity of the Vanuatu island arc; a response to ridge-arc collision?
20%1511996Hull, Donna Meyerhoff: Paleoceanography and biostratigraphy of Paleogene radiolarians from the Norwegian-Greenland Seadownload
1996Charlou, Jean L.; Donval, Jean P. et al.: Gases and helium isotopes in high temperature solutions sampled before and after ODP Leg 158 drilling at TAG hydrothermal field (26 degrees N, MAR)download
19%1581996Kinoshita, M.; Matsubayashi, O. et al.: Sub-bottom temperature anomalies detected by long-term temperature monitoring at the TAG hydrothermal mounddownload
19%1581996Schultz, A.; Dickson, P. et al.: Temporal variations in diffuse hydrothermal flow at TAGdownload
1996Richards, P. C.; Gatliff, R. W. et al.: The geological evolution of Falkland Islands continental shelf
1996Skilbeck, C. Gregory; Soto, Juan I. et al.: Continental basement of the Alboran Basin (western Mediterranean Sea); composition and tectonic implications
1996Pilot, J.; Werner, C. D. et al.: Further oxygen isotope investigation from an ultramafic profile, Hole 920 D; alterations by seawater
17%1996Christie, D.; Pyle, D. et al.: ODP proposal 426: mantle reservoirs and mantle migration associated with Australian-Antarctic rifting
17%1581996Bruegmann, G. E.; Hofmann, A. W. et al.: Os isotopic composition and Os distribution in the active mound of the TAG-hydrothermal system, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
17%1591996Giresse, P.; Gadel, F. et al.: Paleoclimatic significance of mineralogical and geochemical variations in Quaternary sedimentary evolution (Leg ODP 159 on the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana margin)
17%1581996Zhao, X.; Housen, B. et al.: Magnetic property variations in Leg 158 cores and their relation to alteration of the TAG mound

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