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ScoreExp/Site/Hole YearAuthor/TitleFull text
25%2011Litchfield, N. J.; Nicol, A. et al.: IODP workshop on using ocean drilling to unlock the secrets of slow slip events; workshop field trip guide
25%2011Slotnick, Benjamin S.; Dickens, Gerald R. et al.: Large amplitude variations in carbon cycling and terrestrial weathering during the latest Paleocene and earliest Eocene
25%2011Peters, Shanan E.; Heim, Noel A.: Macrostratigraphy and macroevolution in marine environments; testing the common-cause hypothesis
25%2011Showstack, Randy: Ocean drilling science plan to be released soon
25%2011van der Wal, Stefan; Taylor, Kyle et al.: Orbital forcing and carbon cycle variations in relation to changes in climate and ecosystem in late Paleocene
25%2012Hanada, Masaaki; Hoshino, Michihei: Submersion at the ocean floor from the perspective of DSDP data
25%2012Moe, Kyaw; Gaillot, Philippe et al.: Value of X-ray computed tomography in the scientific ocean drilling
25%2013Fisk, Martin; McLoughlin, Nicola: Atlas of alteration textures in volcanic glass from the ocean basins
22%1982Valent, P. J.; Altschaeffl, A. G. et al.: Geotechnical properties of two calcareous oozes
22%1981Hornibrook, N. de B.: Globorotalia (planktic Foraminiferida) in the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene of New Zealand
22%2000Abreu, Vitor S.; Hardenbol, Jan et al.: Oxygen isotope synthesis; a Cretaceous ice-house?
22%2000Farrer, Bruce J.; Cole, Gary A. et al.: Petroleum systems of the deep water Kwanza Basin; pre- and post salt source rocks
22%1988Wright, I. C.; Vella, P. P.: A New Zealand late Miocene magnetostratigraphy; glacioeustatic and biostratigraphic correlations
22%1996Abbott, A. E.; Abreu, V. S. et al.: Oxygen isotopic evidence for glacial eustatic sea level changes during the Late Cretaceous and early Tertiary
22%1982Baker, Paul A.; Gieskes, Joris M. et al.: Diagenesis of carbonates in deep-sea sediments; evidence from Sr/Ca ratios and interstitial dissolved Sr (super 2+) data
22%1980Willcox, J. B.; Symonds, P. A. et al.: Lord Howe Rise, Tasman Sea, preliminary geophysical results and petroleum prospects
22%1999Gruetzner, J.; Mienert, J.: Lateral changes of mass accumulation rates derived from seismic reflection profiles; an example from the Western Atlantic
22%1999Ayress, Michael; Barrows, Timothy et al.: Neogene to Recent species of Krithe (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from the Tasman Sea and off southern Australia with description of five new species
22%1990Einsele, Gerhard: Deep-reaching liquefaction potential of marine slope sediments as a prerequisite for gravity mass flows? (results from the DSDP)
22%2006Tauxe, Lisa: Long term trends in paleointensity; the contribution of DSDP/ODP submarine basaltic glass collectionsdownload
22%1996Saffer, Demian M.; Bekins, Barbara A.: Hydrogeologic modeling of a low chloride anomaly in the Nankai accretionary complex; evidence for transient fluid flow along a decollement fault
22%1996Wells, Barrie; Duller, Paul: Improving the quality of our information resource
22%1996MacLeod, C. J.; Manning, C. E.: Influence of axial segmentation on hydrothermal circulation at fast-spreading ridges; insights from Hess Deep
22%2006Heuer, Verena; Elvert, Marcus et al.: Online delta (super 13) C analysis of volatile fatty acids in sediment/porewater systems by liquid chromatography-isotope ratio-mass spectrometry
22%2005Pares, Josep M.; Moore, T. C.: New evidence for the Hawaiian Hot Spot plume motion since the Eocenedownload
22%2002Tobin, Harold J.: Multi-disciplinary solid earth science below the waterline; the Nankai Trough seismogenic zone borehole observatory as an EarthScope analog
22%1979Gordon, Richard G.; Cockerham, Robert S. et al.: Apparent polar wander of the Pacific Plate since the Early Cretaceous
22%1987Rutledge, James T.; Winkler, Hugh: Attenuation measurements in basalt using vertical seismic profile data from the eastern Norwegian Sea
22%1987Cooley, Ulysses, Jr.: Biostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy of the Jackson-Vicksburg contact (Eocene-Oligocene boundary) across Mississippi and Southwest Alabama
22%1995Lee, Yir-Der Eddy: A statistical study of the geological limits to advanced piston coring; ODP Legs 101-149
22%1983Waples, Douglas W.: Reappraisal of anoxia and organic richness, with emphasis on Cretaceous of North Atlantic
22%1986Harwood, David M.: Diatoms
22%1989Stelting, Charles Edward: Sedimentologic interpretation of seismic characteristics of the youngest fanlobe, Mississippi Fan, Gulf of Mexico
22%1990Suydam, Karen Andrea: A paleointensity and magnetic modeling study of the Jurassic magnetic quiet zone
22%1984Empson-Morin, Karen M.: Depth and latitude distribution of Radiolaria in Campanian (Late Cretaceous) tropical and subtropical oceans
22%1976Hamilton, E. L.: Variations of density and porosity with depth in deep-sea sediments
22%1991Cox, Keith G.; Dick, Henry J. B. et al.: Petrology, geochemistry, and dating of large igneous provinces; disciplinary working group report
22%1990Hill, Peter J.; Coulbourn, William T. et al.: Manihiki Plateau; results of recent resource-oriented shipboard investigations and discovery of a major ?mud volcano complex
22%1993Grammer, G. Michael; Ginsburg, Robert N. et al.: Rapid growth rates of syndepositional marine aragonite cements in steep marginal slope deposits, Bahamas and Belize
22%1989Albertin, Martin Leopold: Interpretations and analysis of Guaymas Basin multi-channel seismic reflection profiles; implications for tectonic history
22%1998Sakai, Hideo; Kikawa, Eiichi et al.: Paleomagnetic study of marine sediments from Antarctic Sea; central Wilkes Land margin, Dumon d'Urville Sea and Victoria Land basin
22%2000Klaus, Ann D.: Migrating ODP "proceedings" from print to cross-media publication formats
22%2000Klaus, Ann D.: Migrating ODP proceedings from print to cross-media publication formats
22%2004Ingle, Stephanie; Coffin, Millard F.: Impact origin for the greater Ontong Java Plateau?download
22%1999Gruetzner, Jens; Mienert, Juergen: Physical property changes as a monitor of pelagic carbonate diagenesis; an empirically derived diagenetic model for Atlantic Ocean basins
22%1999Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Potential effects of gas hydrate on human welfare
22%1990Beggs, J. M.; Challis, G. A. et al.: Basement geology of the Campbell Plateau; implications for correlation of the Campbell magnetic anomaly system
22%1996Azambuja Filho, N. C.; Azevedo, R. L. M.: Cyclostratigraphy and stable isotopes in the Oligocene-Miocene succession of the Campos Basin, Brazil
22%1996Wright, James D.; Miller, Kenneth G.: Control of North Atlantic deep water circulation by the Greenland-Scotland Ridgedownload
22%1983Benson, Richard H.: Biomechanical stability and sudden change in the evolution of the deep-sea ostracode Poseidonamicus
22%1986Webb, Peter N.; Leckie, R. Mark et al.: Foraminifera (late Oligocene)
22%2002Cope, Michael J.: Prospectivity of ultra-deep offshore Kwanza Basin, Angola
22%2003Kopf, A.; Brown, K. M.: Friction experiments on saturated sediments and their implications for the stress state of the Nankai and Barbados subduction thrustsdownload
22%2003Zhong Guangfa; Geng Jianhua et al.: Late Cenozoic history of sea level changes documented from high-resolution seismic data on the northern Sunda Shelf, South China Sea
22%2003Petrizzo, Maria Rose: Late Cretaceous planktonic foraminiferal bioevents in the Tethys and in the Southern Ocean record; an overview
22%2004Egli, R.: Characterization of individual rock magnetic components by analysis of remanence curves; 1, Unmixing natural sediments
22%2010Sugarman, Peter J.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: New Jersey coastal plain; covering onshore boreholes as part of the New Jersey Sea-Level Transect; Medford site
22%2008Kuiper, K. F.; Deino, A. et al.: Synchronizing rock clocks of Earth historydownload
22%2004Stewart, Duncan R. M.; Pearson, Paul N. et al.: Miocene tropical Indian Ocean temperatures; evidence from three exceptionally preserved foraminiferal assemblages from Tanzaniadownload
22%2004Banner, Jay L.: Radiogenic isotopes; systematics and applications to earth surface processes and chemical stratigraphydownload
22%2004Raiswell, R.; Fisher, Q. J.: Rates of carbonate cementation associated with sulphate reduction in DSDP/ODP sediments; implications for the formation of concretionsdownload
22%1999Chang, Alice S.; Grimm, Kurt A.: Speckled beds; distinctive gravity-flow deposits in finely laminated diatomaceous sediments, Miocene Monterey Formation, California
22%1999Neprochnov, Yu. P.; Grin'ko, B. N. et al.: Structure of the Earth's crust in the East Mariana Basin from the data of detailed seismic studies
22%1999Malone, Mitchell J.; Baker, Paul A.: Temperature dependence of the strontium distribution coefficient in calcite; an experimental study from 408 degrees to 2008 degrees C and application to natural diagenetic calcites
22%1999McCarthy, Francine M. G.; Gostlin, Kevin E. et al.: Terrestrial and marine palynomorphs as sea-level proxies
22%1999Griffin, David L.: The late Miocene climate of northeastern Africa; unravelling the signals in the sedimentary succession
22%2008Hinnov, Linda; Locklair, Robert et al.: Construction of the Cretaceous astronomical time Scale; Part 1, Early Cretaceous
22%2008Kruglikova, Svetlana: High rank taxa of Radiolaria-Polycystina and bioindication of paleoenvironment
22%2008Musial, Geoffray: Ichnofabric analysis and classification in the deltaic depositional environment of the Eocene Roda Sandstone Formation, Spain
22%2000Crane, Nicole L.; Sullivan, Deidre E. et al.: Marine Advanced Technology Education Center; education and preparation for careers in ocean science and technology
22%2003Hart, M.; Swiecicki, T.: Stratigraphy of Maastrichtian Foraminiferida from the United Kingdom; the Maastrichtian of Norfolk
22%2009Peron-Pinvidic, Gwenn; Manatschal, Gianreto: The final rifting evolution at deep magma-poor passive margins from Iberia-Newfoundland; a new point of view
22%2010DiCaprio, Lydia; Mueller, R. Dietmar et al.: A dynamic process for drowning carbonate reefs on the northeastern Australian margin
22%2005Milkov, Alexei V.; Xu, Wenyue: Gas hydrate growth, methane transport, and chloride enrichment at the southern summit of Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia margin off Oregon; discussiondownload
22%2005Hay, William W.; Floegel, Sascha et al.: Is the initiation of glaciation on Antarctica related to a change in the structure of the ocean?download
22%2004Segall, Marylin P.; Sawyer, Robert K. et al.: GIS applications of DSDP-ODP data for hydrocarbon exploration
22%2004Aloisi, Giovanni; Drews, Manuela et al.: Fluid expulsion from the Dvurechenskii mud volcano (Black Sea); Part I, Fluid sources and relevances to Li, B, Sr, I and dissolved inorganic nitrogen cyclesdownload
22%2005McNeill, Donald F.: Accumulation rates from well-dated late Neogene carbonate platforms and marginsdownload
22%1999Piper, David J. W.; Normark, William R.: Amazon and Hueneme turbidite systems; insights from comparing architectural elements between large and small sandy submarine fans
22%2005Villa, Guiliana; Palandri, Silvia et al.: Quaternary calcareous nannofossils from Periantarctic basins; paleoecological and paleoclimatic implicationsdownload
22%2005Ferre, Bruno; Walter, Simone et al.: Roveacrinids in mid-Cretaceous biostratigraphy of the Sergipe Basin, northeastern Brazildownload
22%1994Pillans, Brad: New Zealand Quaternary stratigraphy; integrating marine and terrestrial records of environmental changes
22%1987Barker, Peter F.; Kennett, James P. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; glacial history of Antarctica
22%1999Larsen, Lotte M.; Waagstein, Regin et al.: Trans-Atlantic correlation of the Palaeogene volcanic successions in the Faeroe Islands and East Greenland
22%2000Ussler, W., III; Paull, C. et al.: A new approach for estimating in situ sediment gas concentrations in ODP boreholes while coring
22%2000Eldholm, Olav; Gladczenko, Tadeusz P. et al.: Atlantic volcanic margins; a comparative study
22%2000Moran, K.: Deepwater technology in the International Ocean Drilling Program
22%2009Liu, Zhonghui; Pagani, Mark et al.: Global cooling during the Eocene-Oligocene climate transitiondownload
22%2009Dowsett, Harry J.; Robinson, Marci M.: Mid-Pliocene Equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature reconstruction; a multi-proxy perspective
22%2007Cohen, Anthony S.; Coe, Angela L. et al.: The late Palaeocene-early Eocene and Toarcian (Early Jurassic) carbon isotope excursions; a comparison of their time scales, associated environmental changes, causes and consequences
22%2007Habib, Daniel; Saeedi, Farnosh: The Manumiella seelandica global spike; cooling during regression at the close of the Maastrichtiandownload
22%2002Colette Moretti, Isabelle; Gaumet, Fabrice et al.: Petroleum system of offshore Cuba; a revaluation
22%2002Fabricius, Ida Lykke: Porosity loss in chalk facies sediments by physical compaction or by cementation; consequences for P-wave modulus
22%1998Robertson, A. H. F.; Emeis, K. C. et al.: Collision-related break-up of a carbonate platform (Eratosthenes Seamount) and mud volcanism on the Mediterranean Ridge; preliminary synthesis and implications of tectonic results of ODP Leg 160 in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
22%1999Hilgen, F. J.; Abdul Aziz, H. et al.: Present status of the astronomical (polarity) time-scale for the Mediterranean late Neogene
22%1999Riedesel, Mark A.; Orcutt, John A. et al.: Seismic signals and noise recorded on seafloor vertical hydrophone array and a colocated OBS during the LFASE experiment
22%1996Vakarcs, Gabor A.; Abreu, Vitor S. et al.: Are the Oligocene-middle Miocene global stages depositional sequences? A correlation study from the Pannonian Basin, Hungary
22%2001Pletsch, Thomas: Palaeoenvironmental implications of palygorskite clays in Eocene deep-water sediments from the western central Atlantic
22%2003Manzer, Dominic; Abbott, Dallas H.: A large K/T crater in the Gulf of Maine?
22%2003Clemens, Steven C.; Prell, Warren L.: A 350,000 year summer-monsoon multi-proxy stack from the Owen Ridge, northern Arabian Seadownload

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