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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
36%1991Legg, Mark R.: Sea beam evidence of Recent tectonic activity in the California continental borderland
36%1161991Aoki, Saburo; Kohyama, Norihiko et al.: Sedimentary history and chemical characteristics of clay minerals in cores from the distal part of the Bengal Fan (ODP 116)
36%1602010Gallego-Torres, David; Martinez-Ruiz, F. et al.: Trace-elemental derived paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic conditions for Pleistocene eastern Mediterranean sapropels
36%2005Peterson, Larry C.; Haug, Gerald H.: Climate and the collapse of Maya civilization; a series of multi-year droughts helped to doom an ancient culture
2005Mertens, Kenneth: Coccolithophores as indicators of dissolution in the Cariaco Basin, ODP Site 1002
2005Hall, I. R.; Bianchi, G. G. et al.: Comparative reconstruction of North Atlantic deep water variability during MIS 12-10
2008Zhang Lili; Chen Muhong et al.: Late Neogene radiolarian absence event in the southern South China Sea and its paleoceanographic implication
2008Lourens, L. J.; Becker, J. et al.: Late Pliocene ice-age cycles untangled
36%2008de Lange, G. J.; Robert, B. et al.: Multidisciplinary study of continental/ocean climate dynamics using high-resolution records from the eastern Mediterranean (MOCCHA)
2008Knies, Jochen; Gaina, Carmen: Middle Miocene ice sheet expansion in the Arctic; views from the Barents Seadownload
36%2008Robert, B.; Jilbert, T. et al.: Preliminary geochemical assessment of the suitability of near-coastal Mediterranean sediments for detailed climate reconstruction (MOCCHA project)
2008Cronin, Thomas M.; O'Regan, Matthew et al.: Quaternary foraminifers from IODP ACEX Core 4C and Arctic sea-ice history
2007Yamamoto, M.; Polyak, L.: Late Pleistocene biomarker records from the central Arctic Ocean (ACEX Hole M0004C and HOTRAX HLY0503-08JPC)
1994Le, Jianning; Mix, A. C. et al.: East-West temperature gradient in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean during the late Pleistocene
1994Lovell, M. A.; Harvey, P. K. et al.: Electrical resistivity of core; a possible route to core-log integration
1997Zhao, Zhiyong; Moore, G. F.: Physical properties of the decollement zone under the northern Barbados accretionary prism; insights from seismic inversion
36%1801998Taylor, Brian; Huchon, Philippe et al.: Active continental extension in the western Woodlark Basin, PNG; ODP Leg 180 initial results
36%1998Rossignol-Strick, Martine; Paterne, M. et al.: An unusual mid-Pleistocene monsoon period over Africa and Asia
1998Hannay, D. E.; Walia, R.: Analysis of high-resolution deep-tow multichannel data from Vancouver Island hydrate sites
36%1998Lovell, M. A.; Harvey, P. K. et al.: Application of FMS images in the Ocean Drilling Program; an overview
2001Mielke, Koreen Michelle: Reconstructing surface carbonate chemistry and temperature in paleoceans; geochemical results from laboratory experiments and the fossil record
36%2001Blais-Stevens, A.; Clague, John J. et al.: Record of large, late Pleistocene outburst floods preserved in Saanich Inlet sediments
36%1997Pike, Jennifer; Kemp, Alan E. S.: Early Holocene decadal-scale ocean variability recorded in Gulf of California laminated sedimentsdownload
1995Schrag, Daniel P.; DePaolo, Donald J. et al.: Reconstructing past sea surface temperatures; correcting for diagenesis of bulk marine carbon
36%1331995Betzler, C.; Brachert, T. C. et al.: Record of climatic change in neritic carbonates; examples of turnovers in Cenozoic depositional systems
36%1995Kobayashi, K.: Role of subducted lithospheric slab in uplift and subsidence of the northwestern Pacific margins
36%1501995Hoppie, Bryce W.: Sea-level records from sequence stratigraphic data on continental slopes; use caution (and multi-disciplinary data)
1995Chaubey, A. K.; Bhattacharya, G. C. et al.: Seafloor spreading magnetic anomalies in the southeastern Arabian Sea
36%1701998Meschede, Martin; Barckhausen, Udo et al.: Extinct spreading on the Cocos Ridge
36%1998Stow, Dorrik A. V.; Faugeres, Jean-Claude et al.: Fossil contourites; a critical review
1998Bralower, Timothy J.: From the Paleocene to today's El Nino and beyond; selling ancient warming in the 21st century
36%1971Bader, Richard G.; Gerard, Robert D. et al.: Leg 4 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project
36%1461994Cochrane, Guy R.; Moore, J. Casey et al.: Fault control of dewatering of sediments at the toe of the Cascadia accretionary prism from seismic velocities
36%1983Moorby, S. Anthony: The geochemistry of transitional sediments recovered from the Galapagos Hydrothermal Mounds Field during DSDP Leg 70; implications for mounds formation
1983Janecek, Thomas Raphael: The history of eolian sedimentation and atmospheric circulation during the late Cenozoic
2005Crudeli, D.; Kinkel, H.: Surprising but predicted; Pliocene biodiversity burst in coccolithophore evolution
36%3112005Riedel, M.; Collett, T. S. et al.: Tectonic discrimination with classification trees
2005Cannariato, K. G.; Kennett, J. P.: The end of the penultimate interglacial recorded in Santa Barbara Basin, California
36%3022005Darby, D. A.; Jakobsson, M. et al.: Trans-Arctic coring expedition results
36%2005Gabdullin, R. R.: Upper Cretaceous cyclostratigraphic scale for the Russian Plate and its southern framework; Paper 1, Prerequisites and principles of scale construction
2005Cacho, I.; Ferretti, P. et al.: Variability in surface and thermocline temperatures of the eastern Equatorial Pacific during the last glacial period
36%2012006Skilbeck, C. Gregory; Gagan, M. K. et al.: A 25,000 year interannual record of the Peru-Chile Current and implications for ENSO variation during deglaciation and high stand
2006Tipple, B. J.; Pagani, M.: A Neogene higher plant N-alkane carbon and hydrogen isotope record from the Gulf of Mexico
36%2006Thomas, Ellen; Brinkhuis, Henk et al.: An ocean view of the early Cenozoic greenhouse world
36%2072006Beckmann, B.; Hofmann, P. et al.: Biomarker evidence from Demerara Rise for surface and deep water redox conditions in the Mid Cretaceous western Equatorial Atlantic
36%1782000Brachfeld, Stefanie A.; Banerjee, Subir K.: Rock-magnetic carriers of century-scale susceptibility cycles in glacial-marine sediments from the Palmer Deep, Antarctic Peninsula
36%2000Winterer, Edward L.: Scientific ocean drilling, from AMSOC to COMPOST
36%1552000Maslin, M. A.; Vilela, C. G.: Sea-level and gas hydrate controlled catastrophic sediment failures of the Amazon Fan
36%1332000Brachert, T. C.; Dullo, W. C.: Shallow burial diagenesis of skeletal carbonates; selective loss of aragonite shell material (Miocene to Recent, Queensland Plateau and Queensland Trough, NE Australia); implications for shallow cool-water carbonates
2000Willoughby, E. C.; Edwards, R. N.: Shear velocities in Cascadia from seafloor compliance data
2000Zeldenrust, Irene; Stephen, Ralph A.: Shear wave resonances in sediments on the deep sea floor
1993Coltorti, M.; Galassi, B. et al.: The igneous floor of the Marsili deep basin (South Tyrrhenian Sea); mode and magmatic characters of the oceanization
36%1071993van Dijk, J. P.: Three-dimensional quantitative restoration of central Mediterranean Neogene basins; the dynamic geohistory approach
36%1411993Strand, Kari: Valtamerikairaus aktiiviseen subduktio-kompleksiin Chilen kolmoispisteessa; Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 141 Ocean drilling at the active subduction complex at the Chile triple junction; Ocean Drilling Program Leg 141
1993Zahn, R.: Variability of Antarctic Intermediate Water during the past 600,000 years; stable carbon isotopes at DSDP Site 594, Chatham Rise, SW Pacific
36%641994McHargue, Lanny Ray: A 50,000 year (super 10) Be record from Gulf of California sediments
36%1161994France-Lanord, C.; Derry, L. A.: A Neogene record of delta (super 13) C of terrigenous organic carbon buried in the Bengal Fan; impact on carbon cycling
1994Mudelsee, Manfred; Stattegger, Karl: Application of the Grassberger-Procaccia algorithm to the delta (super 18) O record from ODP Site 659; selected methodical aspects
36%1994Cambray, H.; Cadet, J. P.: Ash layers in deep-sea sediments as tracers of a global synchronism of arc volcanic activity around Pacific Ocean
36%1381994Meynadier, Laure; Valet, Jean-Pierre et al.: Asymmetrical saw-tooth pattern of the geomagnetic field intensity from equatorial sediments in the Pacific and Indian oceans
36%1994Haddad, Geoffrey Allen: Calcium carbonate dissolution patterns at intermediate water depths of the tropical oceans during the Quaternary
36%1994Deng, Xinhua: Canyon evolution in active continental margins; potential sea level change control
36%1994Makishima, Akio; Masuda, Akimasa: Ce isotope ratios of N-type MORB
36%1551998Maslin, Mark; Mikkelsen, Naja: Timing of the late Quaternary Amazon fan complex mass-transport deposits
2002Godfrey, L. V.: Temporal changes in the lead isotopic composition of red clays; comparison with ferromanganese crust records
36%2002Parente, Aurea; Cachao, Mario et al.: Testing palaeotemperature through the statistical morphometry of Coccolithus pelagicus; preliminary data
1977Baker, Earl W.; Palmer, S. E. et al.: Tetrapyrrole geochemistry of Cretaceous black shales of marine origin
36%1822002Bone, Yvonne; James, Noel P.: Bryozoans from Pleistocene high-energy, cool-water, continental-slope mounds, Great Australian Bight, southern Australia
36%1662002Reijmer, John J. G. (ed.): Carbonate margin development (Bahama Transect, ODP Leg 166)
36%1722002Yokokawa, Miwa; Franz, Sven-Oliver: Changes in grain size and magnetic fabric at Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge during the late Pleistocene (marine isotope stages 8-10)
36%2002Groeger, Matthias: Deep-water circulation in the western Equatorial Atlantic; inferences from carbonate preservation studies and silt grain-size analysis
36%1995Widmark, Joen G. V.: Multiple deep-water sources and trophic regimes in the latest Cretaceous deep sea; evidence from benthic foraminifera
36%1621995Jansen, Eystein; Raymo, Maureen et al.: North Atlantic Arctic Gateways II
36%1451995Rea, David K.; Basov, Ivan A.: North Pacific paleoceanography; results of ODP Leg 145
36%1995Schafer, C. T.; Thibaudeau, S. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program proposal; Northwest Atlantic Margin Project; high resolution record of sediment fluxes to the Northwest Atlantic Ocean basin
36%1992004Coxall, Helen K.; Wilson, Paul A. et al.: Link between rapid stepwise Antarctic glaciation and ocean chemistry
36%1702004Hawkins, L. K.; Burmester, R. F. et al.: Magnetic properties and paleointensity of a mid-Miocene gabbro from the Costa Rica accretionary wedge, ODP Leg 170
2006O'Regan, Matthew: Temperature and fluid flow at Nankai
2006Paquay, F.; Ravizza, G.: Testing organic-rich sediments as recorders of the seawater Os isotope record
36%2042004Weinberger, J. L.; Brown, K. M.: Structural controls on hydrate distribution and morphology at Hydrate Ridge, Oregon
2004Cacho, I.; Pena, L. D. et al.: Surface and thermocline variability of the eastern Equatorial Pacific during the last 80,000 yr; results from ODP Site 1240
36%741988Pflaumann, U.: Stratigraphy and paleoecology of the Quaternary in the eastern South Atlantic; the record by planktonic Foraminifera from sediments of the central Walvis Ridge, DSDP Leg 74
1992Docherty, J. I. C.; Banda, E.: A note on the subsidence history of the northern margin of the Alboran Basin
1996Maslin, M.; Sarnthein, M. et al.: Subtropical eastern Atlantic climate during the Eemian
1997Caschetto, S. (ed.): Belgian Research Programme on the Antarctic; scientific results of Phase III (1992-1996); Volume II
36%1997Sapp, Kimberly; Gillis, Kathryn: Distribution of porosity in a section of upper oceanic crust exposed in the Troodos Ophiolite
36%1331997Andres, M. S.; McKenzie, J. A. et al.: Influence of late-Quaternary paleoclimatology on the evolution of the Great Barrier Reef, north east Australia
1998Lin, Jo C.; DePaolo, Donald J.: Postdepositional migration of U isotopes in marine sediment; a look from the U isotopic contents of porewaters and authigenic phases of the sediment
1998Karner, Daniel B.; Asaro, Frank et al.: The Pleistocene-Holocene transition; the role of extraterrestrial accretion
36%1572002Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich; Sumita, Mari et al.: Destructive events during the evolution of oceanic islands
36%2003Kimura, Gaku; Ikesawa, Eisei et al.: A comparative study on exhumed seismogenic faults and modern Nankai seimogenic megathrust, and targets of the IODP Nankai Trough seismogenic zone drilling
36%2003Kuramoto, Shin'ichi; Taira, Asahiko et al.: A new scientific challenge through the "Chikyu"
36%2003Von Huene, Roland: Discoveries of convergent margin processes from drilling of the Middle America convergent margin
2003Gupta, Anil K.; Melice, Jean-Luc: Orbital forcing of the Plio-Pleistocene Indian monsoons; benthic foraminiferal proxies from ODP Site 758
36%1192003Barrett, Peter: Paleoclimatology; cooling a continent
36%2003Tobin, Harold J.; Kimura, Gaku: Structure, physical properties, and geophysical sensing of convergent margin decollement zones; the past decade of ocean drilling and the IODP future
36%2006Stattegger, Karl: Late Quaternary evolution of the Sunda Shelf and outlook for IODP activities
2006Sorensen, Ketil B.; Teske, Andreas: Stratified communities of active Archaea in deep marine subsurface sediments
36%3022007Stein, Ruediger; Backman, Jan et al.: The Arctic Coring Expedition; a breakthrough in Arctic Ocean geoscientific research
36%3102007Heindel, Katrin; Wisshak, Max et al.: Timing of microbial encrustation on corals during the last deglacial sea-level rise, IODP Expedition # 310 off Tahiti

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