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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
36%1752006Weigelt, Estella; Uenzelmann-Neben, Gabriele: IODP; orbital forced cyclicity in the depositional environment in the Cape Basin? An integrated study of borehole and seismic data
36%3022006Boucsein, B.: IODP; organic petrography on Cenozoic sediments from Hole 302 (Lomonosov Ridge); a classical approach for estimations of organic carbon fluxes
36%2006Huebscher, Christian: IODP; perspectives for scientific drilling in the Levantine Basin (IODP)
36%1662004Swart, P. K.; Eberli, G. P. et al.: The nature of the delta (super 13) C of periplatform sediments; implications for stratigraphy
2004Warnke, Detlef; Richter, Carl et al.: The Pliocene-Pleistocene portion of ODP drillsite 188-1165, Prydz Bay, Antarctica
2001Warnke, D. A.: Drilling on the Antarctic continental margin; ODP Site 188-1165; preliminary results
36%1782001Basov, I. A.: Evolyutsiya ledovogo shchita Antarktidy (178-y reys "DZHOIDES Rezolyushn") Evolution of the Antarctic ice sheet; Leg 178 of the "JOIDES Resolution"
2001Lourens, Lucas J.; Wehausen, Rolf et al.: Geological constraints on tidal dissipation and dynamical ellipticity of the Earth over the past three million years
36%2001Hayward, Bruce W.: Global deep-sea extinctions during the Pleistocene ice-ages
36%1572001Krastel, Sebastian; Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich: Growth processes and destructive events during the evolution of the Canary Islands
2001Wara, Michael: Influences on boron concentration and isotopic composition of planktonic Foraminifera
36%1652009Fero, Julie Ann: Simulating widespread tephra dispersal from explosive volcanic eruptions
36%1532006Moeller, A.; Hellebrand, Eric et al.: Trace elements in young oceanic zircons
1995Nuernberg, Dirk: Magnesium in tests of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral from high northern and southern latitudes
1992Anstey, Carolyn E.; Norris, Geoffrey: Upper Miocene to lower Pleistocene dinoflagellate cyst and acritarch biostratigraphy of Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 105, Site 645; Baffin Bay
36%1171992Hermelin, J. O. R.: Variations in the benthic foraminiferal fauna of the Arabian Sea; a response to changes in upwelling intensity?
36%1311992Venec-Peyre, Marie-Therese; Boulegue, Jacques et al.: Vent activity in a subduction area (Nankai Wedge); the foraminiferal test records
36%1992Kotlinski, R.: Wyniki badan geologiczno-poszukiwawczych zloz konkrecji polimetalicznych, w stredie Klarion-Klipperton na Oceanie Spokojnym Results of geologic exploration research on polymetallic concretions in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, Pacific Ocean
1997Motoyama, Isao: Origin and evolution of Cycladophora davisiana Ehrenberg (Radiolaria) in DSDP Site 192, Northwest Pacific
36%1751998Wefer, G.; Berger, W. H. et al.: Sedimentology and geochemistry of upwelling deposits off SW Africa; highlight of Leg 175
36%1691998Mosher, David C.; Walia, Rakesh et al.: Seismic stratigraphy of Saanich Inlet
1980Konishi, Kenji,: Cenozoic reefs and island-arc tectonics
1980Colombo, M. R.; Cita, M. B.: Changes in size and test porosity of Orbulina universa d'Orbigny in the Pleistocene record of Cape Bojador (DSDP Site 397, eastern North Atlantic)
36%1990Kohnen, Mathieu E. L.; Peakman, T. M. et al.: Identification and occurrence of novel C (sub 36) -C (sub 54) 3,4-dialkylthiophenes with an unusual carbon skeleton in immature sediments
36%2003Mitlehner, A. G.; Simmons, M. D.: Siliceous microfossils in integrated biostratigraphy; stratigraphic and ecological implications
36%1812003Briggs, R. M.; Krippner, S. et al.: Silicic calderas and volcanic centres in Coromandel volcanic zone
1997Clemens, Steven C.; Tiedemann, Ralf: Eccentricity forcing of Pliocene-early Pleistocene climate revealed in a marine oxygen-isotope record
36%1611997Tribble, J. S.; Wilkens, R. H.: Digital image analysis of sediments from the western Mediterranean Sea; integration with physical properties
1996Urbat, Michael; Schlicht, P. et al.: Rock magnetic characteristics of sedimentary unconformities; ODP Hole 902 D
36%1996Juarez, Maria Teresa; Pick, Thomas et al.: Rock magnetism on Cretaceous, Oligocene and Holocene submarine basaltic glasses
36%1996Davey, F. J.; Brancolini, Giuliano et al.: Ross Sea continental shelf; Antarctic glacial history and sea-level change
36%1996Davey, F. J.; Brancolini, G. et al.: Ross Sea continental shelf; Antarctic glacial history and sea-level change (ODP proposal 489)
1996Emeis, Kay-Christian; Zahn, Rainer: Sapropels, Mediterranean climate, and oceanography since the Miocene
36%1979Stanley, D. J.; Sheng, H. et al.: Sand on the southern Mediterranean Ridge; proximal basement and distal African-Nile provenance
1980Hornibrook, N. de B.: Correlation of Pliocene biostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy and O (super 18) fluctuations in New Zealand and DSDP Site 284
1991Morley, Joseph J.; Dworetky, Beth A.: Evolving Pliocene-Pleistocene climate; a North Pacific perspective
1997Rendle, Rebecca; Reijmer, John J. G.: Mineralogy and sedimentology of the Pliocene/Pleistocene at Site 1003 (ODP Leg 166, Bahama transect)
36%1211988Weissel, J. K.: Tectonic history of Broken Ridge from ODP Leg 121 drilling and marine geophysical data
36%1988Prentice, Michael Lanman: The deep sea oxygen isotopic record; significance for Tertiary global ice volume history, with emphasis on the latest Miocene/early Pliocene
1988ten Haven, H. L.; Rullkoetter, J.: The diagenetic fate of taraxer-14-ene and oleanene isomers
2006Bauska, T.; Sommerfield, C. et al.: Sub-millennial scale hydrographic variation on the New Jersey margin
1984Hooper, K.: Miocene-Pleistocene microfaunal of the Coral Sea
36%1501996Hoppie, Bryce William: The sequence stratigraphy of fine-grained sediments and transform margin basins
36%1591996Holmes, Mary Anne: Thermal alteration of sediments in the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana Basin
36%1551997Hiscott, Richard N.; Pirmez, Carlos et al.: Amazon submarine fan drilling; a big step forward for deep-sea fan models
36%1978Hein, J. R.; Scholl, D. W. et al.: Episodes of Aleutian Ridge explosive volcanism
36%1591996Strand, K.: Sedimentary processes in response to development of a transform continental margin (ODP, Leg 159)
36%1982von Huene, Roland; Arthur, Michael A.: Sedimentation across the Japan Trench off northern Honshu Island
1992Pujos, Annick: Calcareous nannofossils of Plio-Pleistocene sediments from the northwestern margin of tropical Africa
1992Murray, David W.; Farrell, John W.: Calcium carbonate and opal sedimentation in the eastern Equatorial Pacific during the past 3 million years
2004Gallego-Torres, David; Martinez-Ruiz, F. et al.: Evaluation of geochemical proxies preserved in the sapropel record from the Eastern Mediterranean within the Pliocene-Holocene time interval
36%2004Jordahl, K. A.; Paull, C. K. et al.: Geology of Smooth Ridge; MARS-IODP cabled observatory site
36%1121991Emeis, Kay Christian; Whelan, Jean K. et al.: Sedimentary and geochemical expressions of oxic and anoxic conditions on the Peru shelf
1991Krawczyk, C.; Theilen, F.: Sedimentary structures of the northern flank of the Iceland-Faeroer Ridge
36%1702004Ercegovac, M.: Microscopical characteristics of organic facies and palynofacies of active upwelling systems of the continental margin of Costa Rica (ODP Leg 170)
2005Maslin, Mark A.; Vilela, Claudia et al.: Causes of catastrophic sediment failures of the Amazon Fandownload
2008Zhang Lili; Chen Muhong et al.: Late Neogene radiolarian absence event in the southern South China Sea and its paleoceanographic implication
36%3162008Sakaguchi, Arito; Curewitz, Daniel: Lithostratigraphy of NanTroSEIZE Exp. 316download
1997Gladenkov, A. Y.: Environmental changes in the north western Pacific during the latest Pliocene-early Pleistocene according to diatom analysis (material from ODP Hole 881 B)
36%1501995Hoppie, Bryce W.: Sea-level records from sequence stratigraphic data on continental slopes; use caution (and multi-disciplinary data)
1998Reed, Allen H.; Brenner, Charlotte A.: Foraminiferida membranes, a possible thermal alteration indicator which can be used to infer paleotemperatures of marine sediments
36%2005Grimes, C. B.; John, B. E. et al.: Widespread occurrence of zircon in slow- and ultraslow spreading ocean crust; a tool for studying ocean lithospheric processes
2006Hefter, J.; Stein, R.: Biomarker compositions as source indicators of Heinrich layers in the northern North Atlantic (IODP Exp. 303/306, Site 1305)
36%1782000Moerz, T.; Domack, E. W. et al.: Seismostratigraphy and core seismic correlations on the Holocene basinfill of Palmer Deep, Antarctic Peninsula (ODP Leg 178)
36%1332000Brachert, T. C.; Dullo, W. C.: Shallow burial diagenesis of skeletal carbonates; selective loss of aragonite shell material (Miocene to Recent, Queensland Plateau and Queensland Trough, NE Australia); implications for shallow cool-water carbonates
36%1161994Derry, Louis A.; France-Lanord, Christian: A Neogene record of delta (super 13) C of terrigenous organic carbon buried in the Bengal Fan; environmental changes in the Himalaya-Indogangetic system
36%1161994France-Lanord, C.; Derry, L. A.: A Neogene record of delta (super 13) C of terrigenous organic carbon buried in the Bengal Fan; impact on carbon cycling
36%1551994Flood, Roger D.; Piper, David J. W. et al.: Amazon deep-sea fan
36%1111994Haslett, Simon K.; Funnell, Brian M. et al.: Calcite preservation, palaeoproductivity and the radiolarian Lamprocyrtis neoheteroporos Kling in Plio-Pleistocene sediments from the eastern equatorial Pacific
36%2002Huang, Chi-Yue: Stratigraphic records of Taiwan arc-continent collision and targets of IODP drilling
36%2002Parente, Aurea; Cachao, Mario et al.: Testing palaeotemperature through the statistical morphometry of Coccolithus pelagicus; preliminary data
1977Dow, R. L.: Test porosity in Neogloboquadrina pachyderma in late Miocene to Recent, DSDP Site 284, South Pacific
36%281977Hayes, D. E.; Frakes, L. et al.: The results of the Leg 28 Deep Sea Drilling Project and the late Cenozoic history of Antarctica
36%1822002Bone, Yvonne; James, Noel P.: Bryozoans from Pleistocene high-energy, cool-water, continental-slope mounds, Great Australian Bight, southern Australia
36%1995Schafer, C. T.; Thibaudeau, S. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program proposal; Northwest Atlantic Margin Project; high resolution record of sediment fluxes to the Northwest Atlantic Ocean basin
2006Jiang, Shijun; Wise, Sherwood W., Jr.: Taxonomic note; Discoaster stellulus Gartner, 1967, emended
2004Nilsen, Elena Brennan: Studies of carbon cycling, nutrient dynamics and climate change in pelagic and coastal ecosystems using sediment geochemical techniques
1987Tesson, M.; Gensous, B. et al.: Seismic analysis of the southern margin of the Alboran Sea
1988Thiede, J.; Spielhagen, R. F. et al.: Cenozoic Northern Hemisphere paleoclimate; An enigma of correlation of oceanic and continental stratigraphic sequences
1992Jurado, M. J.; Comas, M. C.: Well log interpretation and seismic character of the Cenozoic sequence in the northern Alboran Sea
36%1041994Hoelemann, Jens A.: Akkumulation von autochthonem und allochthonem organischem Material in den kaenozoischen Sedimenten der Norwegischen See (ODP Leg 104) Accumulation of autochthonous and allochthonous organic material in the Cenozoic sediments of the Norwegian Sea (ODP Leg 104)
36%1997Lueckge, Andreas: Ablagerung und Fruehdiagenese organischen Materials in marinen Hochproduktivitaetsgebieten Deposit and early diagenesis of organic materials in highly productive marine environments
36%1701998Barckhausen, Udo; Meschede, Martin et al.: A new understanding of the plate tectonic evolution of the Cocos Plate; results from a multidisciplinary study in the eastern Panama Basin of Costa Rica
1999Murdock, James N.: Oceanward propagation of the blind decollement beneath the Kodiak Shelf, offshore of Kodiak Island, Alaska, Part III
36%1752000Schneider, Ralph R.: Neogene surface ocean variability in the eastern South Atlantic and linkages to African climate
36%1572002Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich; Sumita, Mari et al.: Destructive events during the evolution of oceanic islands
2003Fuller, Mike D.: On the magnetostratigraphy of ODP carbonate Legs 182, 189 and 194 around southern and eastern Australia
2003Gupta, Anil K.; Melice, Jean-Luc: Orbital forcing of the Plio-Pleistocene Indian monsoons; benthic foraminiferal proxies from ODP Site 758
36%2003Fujoka, Kantaro; Matsuoka, Hiromi: Sedimentation rate curves as a key to understand the evolution of oceanic arc and backarc basin; arc and basin types sedimentation curves deduced from DSDP/IPOD/ODP cores
36%2006Lee, Gwang H.; Lee, Young J. et al.: Climatic and tectonic evolution of eastern Asia; evidence from the Ulleung Basin, southwestern East Sea/Japan Sea
36%3022007Stein, Ruediger; Backman, Jan et al.: The Arctic Coring Expedition; a breakthrough in Arctic Ocean geoscientific research
36%3072008Kano, Akihiro: Early evolution of coral reefs inferred from the results of drilling study of a deep-sea carbonate mound
36%2008Cooper, Christopher J.; Kusznir, N. J. et al.: Evidence for lateral variation in density along the ocean-continent transition of the Iberia-Newfoundland conjugate rifted margins
2008McCave, I. N.; Carter, L. et al.: Glacial-interglacial changes in water mass structure and flow in the SW Pacific Ocean
36%3022008Sakamoto, T.; Iijima, K. et al.: High-resolution sea-ice and ocean circulation history during 18 Ma; upper 200 m core section obtained by IODP Expedition 302 (ACEX)
36%3072008Thierens, Mieke; Titschack, J. et al.: Unraveling depositional signals throughout a cold-water coral carbonate mound; implications for the environmental controls on Challenger Mound development (IODP Exp. 307)
2008Kennett, D. J.; Kennett, J. P. et al.: Wildfire and abrupt ecosystem disruption on California's northern Channel Islands at the Allerod-Younger Dryas boundary (13.0-12.9 ka)
2009Ma, Z.; Paytan, A.: Export production fluctuations in the eastern Equatorial Pacific during the late Neogene; reconstruction using barite accumulation rates
2009Wojcieszek, D. E.; Dekens, P. S.: Links between South Atlantic subtropical gyre and tropical upwelling region during the Pliocene and Pleistocene
2009Kashintsev, G. L.; Levchenko, O. V.: Miocene volcanism of the Ninetyeast Ridge

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