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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
36%1511994Myhre, Annik M.; Thiede, Jorn et al.: North Atlantic Arctic gateways
36%1994Bristow, J. F.; Harvey, P. K. et al.: Nuclear geochemical logging; lithological and mineralogical characterization in the Ocean Drilling Program
36%101975Lindsay, J. F.; Shipley, Thomas H. et al.: Role of canyons in the growth of the Campeche Escarpment
36%2010Sugisaki, Saiko; Sakamoto, T. et al.: Is optically simulated luminescence dating useful in our IODP sediment cores? An interim report from IODP Expedition 323 and 318
2001Heider, Franz; Bock, Juliane M. et al.: Latest Quaternary rock magnetic record of climatic and oceanic change, Tanner Basin, California borderland
36%1952001Dean, Simon: Leg 195; Mariana convergent margin/West Philippine Sea Seismic Observatory/Kuroshio Current
2001Kucera, M.; Kennett, J. P.: Mid-Pleistocene origin of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral
36%1381994Shackleton, Nick; Crowhurst, Simon: Details that make the difference
1994Leroy, Suzanne; Dupont, Lydie: Development of vegetation and continental aridity in northwestern Africa during the late Pliocene: the pollen record of ODP Site 658
36%1990Horrell, Mark A.: Energy balance constraints on (super 18) O based paleo-sea surface temperature estimatesdownload
36%1151990Cullen, James L.: Variations in carbonate production and preservation in the Equatorial Indian Ocean; late Pliocene to Recent
36%1581998You, C. F.; Bickle, M. J.: Evolution of an active sea-floor massive sulphide deposit
1987Golovchenko, Xenia: Milankovitch cycles detected from wireline logs; results from ODP Site 693, Antarctic continental margin
36%1601999Warning, Birgit; Wehausen, Rolf et al.: Trace element signatures of eastern Mediterranean sapropels; implications for the sapropel formation scenario
2000Austin, W. E. N.; Evans, J. R.: Benthic Foraminifera and sediment grain size variability at intermediate water depths in the Northeast Atlantic during the late Pliocene-early Pleistocene
36%2000Lear, C. H.; Elderfield, H. et al.: Cenozoic deep-sea temperatures and global ice volumes from Mg/Ca in benthic foraminiferal calcite
36%2000Aoki, Saburo; Kohyama, Norihiko: Clay mineralogy and geochemistry of the DSDP and ODP cores from the Arabian Sea, the Bengal Fan, and the Gulf of Mexico
36%1462000Greinert, Jens; Nadler, Thomas: Cold vents and carbonate chemoherms in the Yaquina Basin, Peruvian continental margin; visual, mineralogical and isotopic investigations
36%1542000Palike, Heiko; Shackleton, Nicholas J.: Constraints on astronomical parameters from the geological record for the last 25 Myr
2003Alloway, Brent V.; Carter, Lionel et al.: Offshore-onshore correlation of Pleistocene rhyolitic eruptions from New Zealand; implications for TVZ eruptive history and paleoenvironmental construction
36%3022007Haley, B. A.; Frank, M. et al.: The Pb isotope evolution of Arctic Ocean Intermediate Water over the past 16 million years
2008de Schepper, Stijn; Head, Martin J.: Age calibration of dinoflagellate cyst and acritarch events in the Pliocene-Pleistocene of the eastern North Atlantic (DSDP Hole 610A)
2002Touchard, Y.; Fuller, M.: On the magnetostratigraphy of Leg 189 and the opening of the Tasmanian Gateway
2002Hmelo, Laura R.; Sylva, Sean P. et al.: Past variations of methanotrophy and ecosystem response recorded by molecular biomarkers
36%1772002Kuhn, G.; Gersonde, R.: Plio-Pleistocene biogenic opal deposition in the Southern Ocean
2005Gaiger, F. J.; Swanson, K.: Mid-Pleistocene extinction of deep-sea Ostracoda?
1991Martin, R. E.; Fletcher, R. R. et al.: Biostratigraphic expression of Plio-Pleistocene sequence boundaries; the Ericson and Wollin zonation revisited
1985Patterson, R. Timothy: Abditodendrix, a new foraminiferal genus in the family Bolivinitidae
1998Nijenhuis, I. A.: Comparison of single sapropels in ODP sites and land sections
36%1811999Hayward, B.: Probing the depths for climate clues
36%1671999Leonhardt, R.; Heider, F. et al.: Relative geomagnetic field intensity across the Jaramillo Subchron in sediments from the California margin; Ocean Drilling Program Leg 167download
36%1991Baba, Jumpei; Peterson, Curt D. et al.: Modern fine-grained sediments in the Gulf of California
36%1996Barker, Peter F.; Larter, Robert D. et al.: Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin; Antarctic glacial history and sea-level changes (Proposal 452-REV)
36%681996Knappertsbusch, M.: Are the morphological evolutions of the planktic Foraminifera Globorotalia menardii different in the Caribbean Sea and in the equatorial eastern Pacific? A study in progress
1996Cachao, Mario: Calcareous nannofossils (ODP 653) nonlinear couplings with Milankovitch cycles; implications for the orbital tuning method
36%1601996Robertson, A. H. F.: Collision-related crustal processes in the E Mediterranean Sea
1997Duncan, David Scott: The geologic and paleoceanographic evolution of the Serranilla Basin; northern Nicaragua Rise, Caribbean Sea
36%1997Rebesco, Michele; Larter, Robert D. et al.: The history of sedimentation on the continental rise west of the Antarctic Peninsula
1997Versteegh, Gerard J. M.: The onset of major Northern Hemisphere glaciations and their impact on dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs from the Singa section, Calabria (southern Italy) and DSDP Holes 607/607A (North Atlantic)
1997Koizumi, Itaru; Ikeda, Akihiro: The Plio-Pleistocene diatom record from ODP Site 797 of the Japan Sea
36%1997Mackensen, Andreas: Zur Palaeoozeanographie hoher Breiten; Stellvertreterdaten aus Foraminiferen The use of Foraminifera substitutes in the paleo-oceanography of the higher latitudes
36%1541998Spiess, Volkhard; Breitzke, Monika: A high-resolution seismic survey on the Ceara Rise; imaging the terrigeneous input during the Neogene by different marine seismic systems
36%1902001Fergusson, Christopher L.: ODP Leg 190 Nankai Trough; stratigraphic/structural results and implications for the tectonostratigraphic development of accretionary prisms
36%2002Foellmi, K. B.; Tamburini, F. et al.: The phosphorus burial curve revisited
2005Prange, M.; Schulz, M.: An upwelling seesaw in the Atlantic Ocean; model results and paleoceanographic evidence
2005Gilhooly, W. P.; Macko, S. A. et al.: Application of rhizon porewater samplers to shipboard operations, IODP Expedition 308, northeast Gulf of Mexico
36%3072005Henriet, J. P.; Ferdelman, T. et al.: Atlantic carbonate mound drilling; challenges ahead
2005Carter, R. M.: Canterbury Drifts, SW Pacific Ocean; record of Antarctic Intermediate Water flow since 24 Ma
1992Vincent, E.; Beaufort, L.: Extension de la haute resolution evenementielle oceanique du Quaternaire au Neogene Extension of high-resolution oceanic events from Quaternary to Neogene
36%1992Cusminsky, G. C.: Foraminiferos bentonicos provenientes de testigos del oceano Atlantico sudoccidental austral Benthonic foraminifera from cores of the southwestern Atlantic Ocean
36%1992Duan, W.; Raiswell, R. et al.: Geochemical characteristic of organic C, pyrite S and reactive Fe and environmental control on sediment in North Japan Sea basin
36%1281992Stax, Rainer; Dersch, Michaela et al.: Late Cenozoic cyclic changes in organic carbon and terrigenous sediment supply in the Japan Sea and their paleoenvironmental significance (ODP-Leg 128)
1992Self-Trail, Jean M.; Martin, Ronald E.: Late Pleistocene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and paleoclimatology of DSDP Site 606, Mid-Atlantic Ocean
1992Buccheri, G.; Bertoldo, M.: Le associazioni a pteropodi del Pleistocene mediterraneo; II, Analisi paleoclimatica delle carotte NN.1, 2 e 3 del pozzo DSDP 132 (Leg 13) Pteropod assemblages in the Mediterranean Pleistocene; II, Paleoclimatic analysis of cores 1, 2 and 3 from DSDP Site 132, Leg 13
1998Gersonde, R.; Barcena, M. A.: Revision of the upper Pliocene-Pleistocene diatom biostratigraphy for the northern belt of the Southern Ocean
1999Agusti i Ballester, Jordi: El problema de les tendencies en l'evolucio The problem of evolutionary trends
1999Balsam, William L.; Deaton, Bobby C. et al.: Evaluating optical lightness as a proxy for carbonate content in marine sediment cores
1999Shackleton, Nicholas J.; Palike, Heiko et al.: Improved astronomically tuned timescales for the late Neogene
1999Metzger, John Marshall: Integration of seismic, log, and core data for late Miocene to Pleistocene sequences at the New Jersey outer continental shelf (ODP Leg 174A, sites 1071 and 1072)
1999Ocampo, Ruben; Sachs, Julian P. et al.: Isolation and structure determination of the unstable 13 (super 2) , 17 (super 3) -cyclopheophorbide a enol from Recent sediments
36%291975Srinivasan, M. S.; Kennett, J. P.: Paleoceanographically controlled ultrastructural variation in Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (Ehrenberg) at DSDP Site 284, South Pacific
1980D'Agostino, Anthony: Foraminiferal biostratigraphy, paleoecology, and systematics of DSDP Site 273, Ross Sea, Antarctica
1983Gardner, James V.; Dean, Walter E.: Upper Cenozoic carbonate cycles and the history of upwelling on Walvis Ridge, South Atlantic Ocean
36%1611998Alvarez-Marron, J.; Comas, M. C. et al.: Structure of the Alboran Basin, tectonics at the Iberia-Africa plate boundary from Neogene times
36%169S1998Bornhold, Brian D.: The Ocean Drilling Program Leg 169S in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia; overview
36%1992002Lyle, Mitchell W.; Wilson, Paul A.: The Eocene and Oligocene Pacific equatorial region from ODP Leg 199 drilling
36%1997Corradi, Nicola; Ferrari, Marco et al.: First results of sedimentological and geotechnical determinations on JOIDES basin cores in relation to the Pleistocene grounding line
36%1997Miller, Kenneth G.; Browning, James V. et al.: Glacio- and tectono-eustatic changes over the past 80 m.y.; comparisons with NJ Upper Cretaceous-Recent sequences
36%1997McIntyre, K.; Ravelo, A. C. et al.: Ground truthing the Cd/Ca-carbon isotope relationship in foraminifera of the Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian seas
36%3082007Urgeles, R.; Locat, J. et al.: Recursive failure of the Gulf of Mexico continental slope; timing and causes
36%3022007Darby, D. A.: The Arctic perennial ice cover over the last 14 million years
36%1984Lalou, C.; Brichet, E. et al.: The Galapagos hydrothermal mounds; history from about 600,000 years to present
36%1984Polyakov, A. C.; Kolomenskiy, Ye. N.: Zakonomernosti formirovaniya strukturnykh osobennostey i fiziko-mekhanicheskikh svoystv glinistykh otlozheniy Chernogo morya; po dannym glubokovodnogo bureniya Relationship between formation structures and physico-mechanical characteristics of clay sediments from the Black Sea; from deep sea drilling data
36%1997Lourens, L. J.; Hilgen, F. J.: Long-periodic variations in the Earth's obliquity and their relation to third-order eustatic cycles and late Neogene glaciations
1997Prueher, Libby M.; Rea, David K.: Mass accumulation rates of volcanic ash from ODP Site 882
36%1994Herbert, Timothy D.; Premoli Silva, I. et al.: Cyclostratigraphy; is it ready to do something?
36%1601995Robertson, Alistair; Emeis, Kay-Christian et al.: Mediterranean Sea Leg I
36%1071991Boccaletti, M.; Cello, G. et al.: Structural framework of the southern segment of the central Mediterranean
1988Celaya, Michael Augustine: Time series analysis of paleomagnetic polarity transition zones
1989Oglesby, R. J.: A GCM study of Antarctic glaciation
36%1991Cambray, Herve: Etude des tephra des sediments marins; comparaison entre les episodes d'activite volcanique des arcs et l'evolution tectonique Tephra among marine sediments; a comparison between episodes of arc volcanic activity and tectonic evolution
1994Haslett, S. K.: Plio-Pleistocene radiolarian biostratigraphy and palaeoceanography of the mid-latitude North Atlantic (DSDP Site 609)
1994Ravelo, A. C.; Chaisson, W. P.: Plio-Pleistocene thermocline variations at western tropical Atlantic ODP Site 925
1994Robertson, A. H. F.; Kidd, R. B. et al.: Probing continental collision in the Mediterranean Sea
36%1551994Pratson, E. Lewis; Pirmez, C. et al.: Refining lithologic interpretation through mineral inversion on the Amazon Fan
1993Pearson, P. N.; Shackleton, N. J. et al.: Stable isotope paleoecology of middle Eocene planktonic foraminifera and multi-species isotope stratigraphy, DSDP Site 523, South Atlantic
1998Pearson, Paul N.: Stable isotopes and the study of evolution in planktonic Foraminifera
36%1998Stoll, Heather Marie: Strontium geochemistry in the ocean; records of past climate and sea level changes
36%2000Kawamura, Daisaku: The resistivity characteristic of the clayey beds in Osaka Plain, Japan
36%1682000Inoue, Atsuyuki: Two-dimensional variations of exchangeable cation composition in the terrigenous sediment, eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
36%1852000Pletsch, T.; Urbat, M. et al.: Veraenderung globaler Umweltfaktoren und Zyklizitaet in Tiefsee-Sedimenten des westlichen Pazifik von der Kreide bis heute Changes in global environmental factors and cyclicity of deep-sea sedimentation of the West Pacific from the Cretaceous to the present
36%1582001Al-Hanbali, Hakam S.; Sowerby, Stephen J. et al.: Biogenicity of silicified microbes from a hydrothermal system; relevance to the search for evidence of life on Earth and other planets
36%1991Baba, Jumpei; Peterson, Curt D. et al.: Fine-grained terrigenous sediment supply and dispersal in the Gulf of California during the last century
36%3022005Matthiessen, Jens; Stein, Ruediger: Die Palaeoumweltgeschichte des Nordpolarmeeres seit dem Miozaen; neu Ergebnisse aus ODP/IODP Bohrungen The paleoenvironmental history of the Arctic Ocean since the Miocene; new results form ODP/IODP boreholes
36%2010Escutia, C.; Brinkhuis, H. et al.: Insights into the East Antarctic ice sheet history from sediments recoveredd from the Wilkes Land margin during IODP Expedition 318
2002St. John, Kristen E. K.; Krissek, Lawrence A.: The late Miocene to Pleistocene ice-rafting history of Southeast Greenland
36%1572001Weaver, P. P. E.: The NW African continental margin; history of sediment accumulation, landslide deposits and hiatuses as revealed by drilling the Madeira abyssal plain
2007LaRiviere, Jonathan: California margin sea surface temperature and paleoproductivity records at Ocean Drilling Program Site 1012
36%3022006Vogt, Christoph; Stein, Ruediger et al.: IODP; bulk mineral assemblage of IODP Leg 302-Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX) cores; implications on paleoceanography and early diagenesis
36%2006Lueckge, A.; Zachariasse, W. J. et al.: IODP; monsoonal variability and oxygen minimum zone intensity in the northern Arabian Sea; status of a mature IODP drilling proposal

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