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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
16%171B1997Norris, R.; Kroon, D. et al.: Records of extreme Paleogene-Cretaceous climates and extraterrestrial events; results of ODP Leg 171B, western North Atlantic
16%1641998Hesse, R.; Frape, S. K. et al.: Solute transport mechanisms in Blake-Ridge submarine gas-hydrate zone; halogens, chlorine, oxygen and hydrogen isotopes (ODP Leg 164)
16%1991Baba, Jumpei; Peterson, Curt D. et al.: Fine-grained terrigenous sediment supply and dispersal in the Gulf of California during the last century
2005Thomas, D. J.; Via, R. K.: Early Oligocene onset of deep-water production in the North Atlantic
16%1902007Skarbek, R. M.; Saffer, D. M.: Pore pressure development in sub-decollement sediments in subduction zones; insights from laboratory data and numerical modeling
16%2010Escutia, C.; Brinkhuis, H. et al.: Insights into the East Antarctic ice sheet history from sediments recoveredd from the Wilkes Land margin during IODP Expedition 318
16%2010Craddock, Paul R.; Bach, Wolfgang: Insights to magmatic-hydrothermal processes in the Manus back-arc basin as recorded by anhydrite
16%2001Dobson, David M.; Dickens, Gerald R. et al.: Terrigenous sediment on Ceara Rise; a Cenozoic record of South American orogeny and erosion
2007Angori, Eugenia; Bernaola, Gilen et al.: Calcareous nannofossil assemblages and their response to the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum event at different latitudes; ODP Site 690 and Tethyan sections
16%2003Banerjee, Neil R.; Furnes, Harald et al.: Extending the deep biosphere through ocean drilling; bioalteration of volcanic glass in the oceanic crust
16%2006Krastel, Sebastian; Andren, T. et al.: IODP; towards a Baltic IODP; new results from a seismic pre-site survey in the Kattegat area and the southern Baltic Sea
16%1782004Volpi, Valentina; Camerlenghi, Angelo et al.: The role of biogenic silica on sediment compaction and slope instability
16%2010Takata, H.; Khim, B. et al.: Faunal change of benthic Foraminifera in CAE-3 (middle Eocene) in the eastern Equatorial Pacific (IODP Exp 320)
2001Robertson, Alastair H. F.; Awadallah, S. A. M. et al.: Evolution of the Miocene; recent Woodlark rift basin, southwestern Pacific, inferred from sediments drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 180
16%1122001Wolf, A.: Holozaene Klimarekonstruktion an laminierten Sedimenten aus dem Auftriebsgebiet vor Peru Holocene climate reconstruction based on laminated sediments from the upwelling area off Peru
16%1751998Hermelin, J.; Otto, R.: Benthic Foraminifera and oceanographic evolution in the southeastern Atlantic Ocean; initial results from ODP Leg 175
16%1995Feary, D. A.: Proposal for an Ocean Drilling Program site survey cruise by the R/V Rig Seismic in the western Great Australian Bight
16%3022006Weller, P.; Stein, R.: The Paleocene-Eocene "greenhouse" Arctic Ocean paleoenvironment; implications from biomarker results from IODP Expedition 302 (ACEX)
16%2006Kinoshita, Masataka; Moore, Gregory et al.: The Seismogenic Zone Experiment
16%1171992Hermelin, J. O. R.: Variations in the benthic foraminiferal fauna of the Arabian Sea; a response to changes in upwelling intensity?
16%1992Kotlinski, R.: Wyniki badan geologiczno-poszukiwawczych zloz konkrecji polimetalicznych, w stredie Klarion-Klipperton na Oceanie Spokojnym Results of geologic exploration research on polymetallic concretions in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, Pacific Ocean
16%1993Lazarus, Dave; Beckmann, Jean-Pierre et al.: A global database of Neogene DSDP/ODP marine microfossil plankton and its use in geographic, stratigraphic and evolutionary syntheses
16%1997Isern, A. R.; Pigram, C. J. et al.: ODP drilling in the Coral Sea: sealevel variation, fluid flow, and paleoceanography; Proposal 510-Rev 1
16%1997Isern, A. R.; Pigram, C. J. et al.: ODP drilling in the Coral Sea; sealevel variation, palaeoceanography, and fluid flow
16%1997Muehe, R.; Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B. et al.: On the redistribution of Pb in the oceanic crust during hydrothermal alteration
1998Hopper, John R.; Lizarralde, Dan et al.: Seismic investigations offshore South-East Greenland
1984Sarnthein, Michael; Erlenkeuser, Helmut et al.: Stable-isotope stratigraphy for the last 750,000 years; "Meteor" core 13519 from the eastern equatorial Atlantic
16%1984Bennett, Richard H.; Nastav, Frances L. et al.: Strength measurements
1980Colombo, M. R.; Cita, M. B.: Changes in size and test porosity of Orbulina universa d'Orbigny in the Pleistocene record of Cape Bojador (DSDP Site 397, eastern North Atlantic)
1980Chiou, W. A.; Shephard, L. E. et al.: Clay fabric and geotechnical properties of trench sediments
16%1984Anderson, R. N.; O'Malley, H. et al.: A new technique for the quantitative determination of degree of fracturing and alteration in fast formations
16%1984Klein, George de Vries; Lee, Y. I.: A preliminary assessment of geodynamic controls on depositional systems and sandstone diagenesis in back-arc basins, western Pacific Ocean
16%1311990Moran, K.; Campanella, R. G.: In situ stress measurements from ODP Leg 131; Nankai Trough
16%861990Lu, R.; Banerjee, S. K. et al.: Influence of clay mineral type and composition on relative paleointensity determination from ocean sediments
16%1997Bralower, Timothy J.; Paull, Charles K. et al.: Massive sediment gravity flows in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean during the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary event
16%1611997Tribble, J. S.; Wilkens, R. H.: Digital image analysis of sediments from the western Mediterranean Sea; integration with physical properties
2004Araki, E.; Stephen, R. A. et al.: T-phase observed at deep seafloor boreholes
16%1491996Reston, T. J.; Beslier, M. O. et al.: Rift-to-drift processes within the ocean-continent transition West of Iberia (a planned sequel to Leg 149 studies of a non-volcanic rifted margin)
16%1996Davey, F. J.; Brancolini, Giuliano et al.: Ross Sea continental shelf; Antarctic glacial history and sea-level change
16%1996Davey, F. J.; Brancolini, G. et al.: Ross Sea continental shelf; Antarctic glacial history and sea-level change (ODP proposal 489)
1979Blakely, R. J.: Random crustal magnetization and its effect on coherence of short-wavelength marine magnetic anomalies
16%501980Brassell, Simon C.; Gowar, Ann P. et al.: Computerised gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in analyses of sediments from the Deep Sea Drilling Project
16%1980Keigwin, Lloyd D., Jr.: Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) evidence for the closing of the Central American Seaway
16%2009Hodell, D. A.; Minth, E. K. et al.: Coupled surface and deep water changes in the subpolar North Atlantic during the last interglacial
1991Thierstein, H. R.; Spencer-Cervato, C. et al.: Evolutionary origin and morphological differentiation of the extant planktonic foraminifer Globorotalia truncatulinoides
16%2010Schulte, Peter; Alegret, Laia et al.: The Chicxulub asteroid impact and mass extinction at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundarydownload
16%1971Hayes, Dennis E.; Pimm, Anthony C. et al.: Preliminary results from Leg 14 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project
16%771988Dallmeyer, R. D.: Tectonic implications of (super 40) Ar/ (super 39) Ar ages from a pre-Mesozoic metamorphic basement penetrated on Leg 77 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project in the southeastern Gulf of Mexico
16%1979Hyndman, R. D.; Christensen, N. I. et al.: Seismic velocities, densities, electrical resistivities, porosities and thermal conductivities of core samples from boreholes into the islands of Bermuda and the Azores
16%1984Sval'nov, V. I.; Ushakova, M. G. et al.: New data on the geology of submerged mountains of the Pacific
16%1981Lawrence, J. R.; Gieskes, Joris M.: Constraints on water transport and alteration in the oceanic crust from the isotopic composition of pore water
16%1996Isern, A. R.; McKenzie, J. A. et al.: The role of sea-surface temperature as a control on carbonate platform development in the western Coral Sea
16%1996Larsen, H. C.; Duncan, R. A. et al.: The SE Greenland continent-ocean transition; a record of plume impact, lithosphere thinning and final breakup
16%1997Hinrichs, K. U.; Rinna, J. et al.: A 160-kyr record of alkenone-derived sea-surface temperatures from Santa Barbara Basin sediments
1997Isern, A. R.; McKenzie, J. A. et al.: An early Pliocene drift deposit adjacent to the Great Bahama Bank; high resolution record of climatic and eustatic change
16%1978Hein, J. R.; Scholl, D. W. et al.: Episodes of Aleutian Ridge explosive volcanism
16%1291995Salimullah, A. R. M.: Context in sedimentological applications of FMS images; examples from ODP Leg 129
16%1631995Larsen, H. C.; Brooks, C. K. et al.: Continental extension and Tertiary opening of the North Atlantic; multi-disciplinary investigations of the east margin of Greenland
16%2004Storrie-Lombardi, M. C.; Fisk, M. R.: Elemental abundance distributions in suboceanic basalt glass; evidence of biogenic alterationdownload
16%2082004Via, R. K.; Thomas, D. J.: Evolution of North Atlantic thermohaline circulation; from the greenhouse to the icehouse
16%1271991Murray, Richard W.; Buchholtz-ten Brink, Marilyn R. et al.: Rare earth elements in Japan Sea sediments and diagenetic behavior of Ce/Ce*; results from ODP Leg 127
16%1121991Emeis, Kay Christian; Whelan, Jean K. et al.: Sedimentary and geochemical expressions of oxic and anoxic conditions on the Peru shelf
16%1261991Hiscott, R. N.; Colella, Albina et al.: Sedimentology of deep-water volcaniclastics, Oligocene Izu-Bonin forearcbBasin (ODP Leg 126), based on formation microscanner images
16%2002004Bromirski, P. D.; Duennebier, F. K. et al.: Mid-ocean microseisms; coastal source areas and historical wave climate implications
2005Hall, I. R.; Bianchi, G. G. et al.: Comparative reconstruction of North Atlantic deep water variability during MIS 12-10
16%1994Rullkoetter, Juergen; Peakman, Torren M. et al.: Early diagenesis of terrigenous triterpenoids and its implications for petroleum geochemistry
1994Le, Jianning; Mix, A. C. et al.: East-West temperature gradient in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean during the late Pleistocene
1998Hannay, D. E.; Walia, R.: Analysis of high-resolution deep-tow multichannel data from Vancouver Island hydrate sites
1998Carlson, R. L.: Average seismic structure of Pacific oceanic crust
16%1998Stow, Dorrik A. V.; Faugeres, Jean-Claude et al.: Fossil contourites; a critical review
16%1791998Flueh, Ernst R. (ed.); Reichert, Christian (ed.): FS SONNE cruise report SO131, SINUS; seismic investigations at the Ninety East Ridge Observatory using SONNE and JOIDES resolution during ODP Leg 179, Karachi to Singapore, May 4-June 16, 1998
16%1998Boissonnas, R.; Goldberg, D. et al.: Gas hydrates education using downhole electromagnetic measurements on the Costa Rican margin
16%1971Bader, Richard G.; Gerard, Robert D. et al.: Leg 4 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project
16%1461994Cochrane, Guy R.; Moore, J. Casey et al.: Fault control of dewatering of sediments at the toe of the Cascadia accretionary prism from seismic velocities
16%1983Bratt, S. R.; Purdy, G. Michael: Structure and variability of the layer 2 - layer 3 transition zone on the flanks of the East Pacific Rise in the ROSE area
16%1983Benson, Richard H.; Chapman, R. E. et al.: The history of the deep-sea ostracode fauna and the origin of the psychrosphere
1999Murray, R. W.; Carey, S. et al.: Dispersed volcanic ash in marine sediments
16%2005Fehn, Udo; Snyder, G. T. et al.: The marine iodine system as a proxy for global deposition of organic carbon
16%1972005Shafer, John T.; Neal, Clive R. et al.: The platinum group element and Re-Os isotopic composition of the Emperor Seamount Chain
2005Kendrick, G. H.; Thunell, R. C.: Upper ocean thermal gradients in the eastern Equatorial Atlantic; implications for interhemispheric heat transport since 150 ka
2006Hefter, J.; Stein, R.: Biomarker compositions as source indicators of Heinrich layers in the northern North Atlantic (IODP Exp. 303/306, Site 1305)
2000Willoughby, E. C.; Edwards, R. N.: Shear velocities in Cascadia from seafloor compliance data
16%1161993Cochran, James R.: Two-phase uplift of higher Himalayas since 17 Ma: Comment
16%1161993Amano, Kazuo; Taira, Asahiko: Two-phase uplift of higher Himalayas since 17 Ma: Reply
1993Zahn, R.: Variability of Antarctic Intermediate Water during the past 600,000 years; stable carbon isotopes at DSDP Site 594, Chatham Rise, SW Pacific
1994Athanassopoulos, J.; Cisowski, S. et al.: A Matuyama-Brunhes polarity reversal record from the North Pacific
16%1121994Burnett, W. C.; Yeh, C. C. et al.: Ages of Quaternary phosphorites from ODP Leg 112 cores on the Peru Shelf
16%1381994King, Stephen C.; Kemp, A. E. S. et al.: Benthic Foraminifera assemblages in Neogene laminated diatom ooze deposits in the eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean (ODP Leg 138)
1977Dow, R. L.: Test porosity in Neogloboquadrina pachyderma in late Miocene to Recent, DSDP Site 284, South Pacific
16%281977Hayes, D. E.; Frakes, L. et al.: The results of the Leg 28 Deep Sea Drilling Project and the late Cenozoic history of Antarctica
16%1331995Alpay, S.; Dix, G. R.: Mixed sediment lithology; an impediment to rapid burial diagenesis? Evidence from deep ocean drilling, Northeast Australia
16%1995Cousens, B. L.; Allan, J. F. et al.: Mixing of magmas from enriched and depleted mantle sources in the Northeast Pacific; West Valley segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
16%1995Widmark, Joen G. V.: Multiple deep-water sources and trophic regimes in the latest Cretaceous deep sea; evidence from benthic foraminifera
16%1995Kim, J.; Sager, W. W. et al.: New bathymetry chart of Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific Ocean
2005Robinson, R. S.; Mix, A. et al.: Southern Ocean controls on the extent of denitrification in the Southeast Pacific (ODP Site 1234)
16%1702004Hawkins, L. K.; Burmester, R. F. et al.: Magnetic properties and paleointensity of a mid-Miocene gabbro from the Costa Rica accretionary wedge, ODP Leg 170
16%2000Katz, Miriam E.; Pak, Dorothy K. et al.: The LPTM gas hydrate dissociation hypothesis; new evidence from the western North Atlantic
1988Thiede, J.; Spielhagen, R. F. et al.: Cenozoic Northern Hemisphere paleoclimate; An enigma of correlation of oceanic and continental stratigraphic sequences
16%1752000Schneider, Ralph R.: Neogene surface ocean variability in the eastern South Atlantic and linkages to African climate
2007Leckie, R.; Nathan, S. A.: Closure of the Indonesian Seaway during the middle to late Miocene (13.2-5.8 Ma); early history of the Western Pacific Warm Pool

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