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ScoreExp/Site/Hole YearAuthor/TitleFull text
71%2005Gabdullin, R. R.: Upper Cretaceous cyclostratigraphic scale for the Russian Plate and its southern framework; Paper 1, Prerequisites and principles of scale construction
71%2003Hart, M.; Swiecicki, T.: Stratigraphy of Maastrichtian Foraminiferida from the United Kingdom; the Maastrichtian of Norfolk
61%1983Kyte, Frank T.; Wasson, John T.: On the nature of the materials accreted at the end of the Cretaceous
61%1986Kyte, Frank T.; Smit, Jan: Regional variations in spinel compositions; an important key to the Cretaceous/Tertiary event
61%1982Doyle, P. S.: Distribution of ichthyolith taxa across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary
61%1982Wright, Audrey; Heath, Ross et al.: Glomar Challenger at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary
61%2000Biswas, S. K.; Ramesh, P. et al.: Phanerozoic stratigraphy
61%1994MacLeod, K. G.; Huber, B. T. et al.: The biostratigraphy and paleogeography of Maastrichtian inoceramids
61%1971Cita, M. B.; Gartner, S., Jr.: Deep Sea Upper Cretaceous from the western North Atlantic
61%1982Kitchell, Jennifer A.; Clark, David L.: Late Cretaceous-Paleogene paleogeography and paleocirculation; evidence of north polar upwelling
61%1984Benson, R. H.; Chapman, R. E. et al.: Identification of global paleoceanographic events using the Ostracoda
61%1980Savostin, L. A.; Volokitina, L. P. et al.: Paleobathymetry of the world ocean in the Late Cretaceous
61%1974Vallier, T. L.; Schlich, Roland: Volcanic Activity in the Western Indian Ocean Region and its Relationship to Sea Floor Spreading
61%1975Veevers, J. J.: Wharton Basin; review
61%1986Bralower, Timothy James: Part A; An integrated Mesozoic biochronology and magnetochronology; Part B, Studies of Cretaceous black shales
61%1986Oberhaensli, Hedi: Latest Cretaceous-early Neogene oxygen and carbon isotopic record at DSDP sites in the Indian Ocean
61%1989Kuhnt, Wolfgang; Kaminski, M. A. et al.: Late Cretaceous deep-water agglutinated foraminiferal assemblages from the North Atlantic and its marginal seas
61%1984Olsson, R. K.: Paleoslope models of foraminifera
61%2002Lees, Jackie A.: Nannofloral biogeographic patterns illustrate long-term climate change; warming/cooling trends in the Late Cretaceous Indian and Pacific oceans
61%1993Burnett, Jackie A.: Palaeoceanographical significance of Late Cretaceous nannofloras from the Indian Ocean
61%1995D'Hondt, Steven; Zachos, James C.: 75 million years of photosymbiosis in planktic foraminifera
61%1993Firth, John V.: Dinoflagellate assemblages and sea-level fluctuations in the Maastrichtian of Southwest Georgia
61%1985Storetvedt, K. M.: The pre-drift central Atlantic; a model based on tectonomagmatic and sedimentological evidence
61%1995Jacobs, David K.; Lindberg, David L.: Episodic anoxic events in the Mesozoic, on shore-offshore patterns, and deep-sea refugia
61%1996MacLeod, Norman: Stratigraphical completeness and planktonic foraminiferal survivorship across the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary
61%1972Anderson, Thomas F.; Schneidermann, Nahum: Isotope Relationships in Pelagic Limestones from the Central Caribbean, Leg 15, Deep Sea Drilling Project
61%1984Nyong, Eyo E.: Campanian to lower Maastrichtian paleobiogeography of the Western North Atlantic region
61%1989Gorbunova, Z. N.: Authigenic-diagenetic minerals in the sediments of the oceans (according to the deep-sea drilling data)
61%1970Sclater, John G.; Cox, Allan: Palaeolatitudes from JOIDES deep sea sediment cores
61%1978Melguen, M.; Le Pichon, X. et al.: Paleoenvironnement de l'Atlantique sud Paleoenvironment of the South Atlantic
61%1986Colwell, Jim; Coffin, Mike et al.: French expeditions to the southern Kerguelen Plateau
61%1999Smit, J.: The global stratigraphy of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary impact ejecta
61%2008Locklair, Robert; Hinnov, Linda et al.: Construction of the Cretaceous astronomical time scale; Part 2, Late Cretaceous
61%1999Petronotis, Katerina E.; Gordon, Richard G.: A Maastrichtian palaeomagnetic pole for the Pacific Plate from a skewness analysis of marine magnetic anomaly 32
61%2000Moran, Kate: Climate history research in the Ocean Drilling Program
61%1997Abreu, Vitor S.; Droxler, A. W. et al.: Towards a pre-Pleistocene sea-level calibration; sequence stratigraphy and oxygen isotope stratigraphy of Pelotas Basin, offshore Southeast Brazil
61%2001Basov, I. A.: Novyy etap bureniya v yugo-zapadnoy chasti Tikhogo okeana; 181-y reys "DZhOIDES Rezolyushn" A new stage of drilling in Southwest Pacific; 181st cruise of "JOIDES Resolution"
61%1973Quilty, Patrick G.: Cenomanian-Turonian and Neogene sediments from northeast of Kerguelen Ridge, Indian Ocean
61%1999Vaas, Ruediger: Fragment einer kosmischen Bombe Fragment of a cosmic bomb
61%2001Sugarman, Peter J.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: Late Cretaceous sequences in the New Jersey coastal plain
61%2001Skinner, Ethan Smith: The upper Campanian Marshalltown Sequence of the New Jersey Coastal Plain, Bass River and Ancora Boreholes
61%2002Otto-Bliesner, Bette L.; Brady, Esther C. et al.: Late Cretaceous ocean; coupled simulations with the National Center for Atmospheric Research climate system
61%1993MacLeod, Norman: The Maastrichtian-Danian radiation of triserial and biserial planktic foraminifera; testing phylogenetic and adaptational hypotheses in the (micro)fossil record
57%1968Ewing, Maurice; Worzel, J. Lamar: Geophysical oceanographic studies at Lamont Geological Observatory
51%1998D'Hondt, Steven: Isotopic proxies for ecological collapse and recovery from mass extinctions
51%1985Barron, John A.: Diatom biostratigraphy of the CESAR 6 core, Alpha Ridge
51%1988Damotte, R.: Ostracodes cretaces du forage 95, Campagne JOIDES 10, Golfe du Mexique Cretaceous ostracods from Well 95, JOIDES 10, Gulf of Mexico
51%1988Wrenn, John H.; Hart, George F.: Paleogene dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy of Seymour Island, Antarctica
51%1990MacLeod, Kenneth G.; Ward, Peter D.: Evidence for a late Maastrichtian, but not terminal Cretaceous, extinction of Inoceramus (Bivalvia)
51%1990MacLeod, Kenneth G.; Ward, Peter D.: Extinction pattern of Inoceramus (Bivalvia) based on shell fragment biostratigraphy
51%1994Droxler, Andre W.: Shallow carbonates drilled by DSDP and ODP; oceanic benchmarks and dipsticks for continental margins and volcanic aseismic ridges
51%1970Maxwell, Arthur E.; Von Herzen, Richard P. et al.: Deep sea drilling in the south Atlantic
51%1992Kaiho, Kunio: Dissolved oxygen changes in intermediate and deep waters during the past 100 million years on foraminiferal morphology
51%1982Kyte, Frank T.; Wasson, John T.: Geochemical constraints on the nature of large accretionary events
51%1985Miskell, K. J.; Brass, G. W. et al.: Global patterns in opal deposition from Late Cretaceous to late Miocene
51%1980Suarez, Gerardo; Molnar, Peter: Paleomagnetic data and pelagic sediment facies and the motion of the Pacific Plate relative to the spin axis since the Late Cretaceousdownload
51%1986Stein, Ruediger; Rullkoetter, Juergen et al.: Accumulation of organic-carbon-rich sediments in the Late Jurassic and Cretaceous Atlantic Ocean; a synthesis
51%1982Haggerty, Janet A.; Schlanger, Seymour O. et al.: Late Cretaceous and Eocene volcanism in the southern Line Islands and implications for hotspot theory
51%1982Meyers, Philip A.; Kawka, Orest E. et al.: Organic geochemical comparison of Cretaceous green claystones and black shales from the South Atlantic seabed
51%1982Masran, Theodora C.: Particulate organic matter of Jurassic-Cretaceous "black shales" in deep North Atlantic Ocean
51%1986Slatt, Roger M.; Robinson, John C. et al.: Cardium Formation; 1, Seismic reflection character analysis of thin strat trap; Cretaceous Cardium Formation
51%1982Saltzman, E. S.; Barron, Eric J.: Deep circulation in the Late Cretaceous; oxygen isotope paleotemperatures from Inoceramus remains in D.S.D.P. cores
51%1980Enos, Paul: Lower Cretaceous reefs and sea-level changes in the Atlantic and Gulf coasts
51%1980Tissot, B.; Demaison, G. et al.: Paleoenvironment and petroleum potential of Middle Cretaceous black shales in Atlantic basins
51%1974Kolodny, Yehoshua; Epstein, Samuel: The Stable Isotope Record of DSDP Cherts
51%1975Davies, Thomas A.; Weser, Oscar E. et al.: Unconformities in the sediments of the Indian Ocean
51%1976Peirce, J. W.: Assessing the reliability of DSDP paleolatitudesdownload
51%1976Duncan, R. A.: Geochronology of DSDP basalts from the Ninety-East Ridge; evidence for the northward passage of the Indian Plate over the Kerguelen Hotspot
51%1986Stein, Ruediger: Organic carbon and sedimentation rate; further evidence for anoxic deep-water conditions in the Cenomanian/Turonian Atlantic Ocean
51%1986Herbin, J. P.; Montadert, L. et al.: Organic-rich sedimentation at the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary in oceanic and coastal basins in the North Atlantic and Tethys
51%1986Joyce, Rosanne M.; Van Vleet, Edward S.: Origin of organic matter in North American Basin Cretaceous black shales
51%1986Shackleton, Nicholas J.: Paleogene stable isotopes events
51%1986Zachos, J. C.; Arthur, M. A.: Paleoceanography of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary event; inferences from stable isotopic and other datadownload
51%1990Macleod, Norman; Keller, Gerta: Chronostratigraphy of K/T boundary sequences
51%1992Meyers, Philip A.: Changes in organic carbon stable isotope ratios across the K/T boundary; global or local control?
51%1985Monechi, Simonetta; Thierstein, Hans R.: Late Cretaceous-Eocene nannofossil and magnetostratigraphic correlations near Gubbio, Italy
51%1996D'Hondt, Steven; Arthur, Michael A.: Late Cretaceous oceans and the cool tropic paradox
51%1984Cousminer, H. L.; Habib, D.: Palynological evidence for long term (9.6 m.y.) sea level periodicity; cyclic sedimentation in North Atlantic deep sea sediments, mid-Callovian to Cenomanian
51%2006Jenkyns, H. C.: Oceanic anoxic events; 30 years on
51%1979Roth, P. H.; Krumbach, K. R.: Black shales and coccoliths in the Atlantic and Indian oceans
51%1978Hofker, Jan: Analysis of a large succession of samples through the Maastrichtian and the lower Tertiary of Drill Hole 47.2, Shatsky Rise, Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project
51%1993Hollis, Christopher J.: Latest Cretaceous to late Paleocene radiolarian biostratigraphy; a new zonation from the New Zealand region
51%1993Herbert, Timothy D.; Premoli-Silva, Isabella et al.: Orbital chronometry of Cretaceous and early Paleogene strata
51%1993D'Hondt, Steven; Zachos, James C.: On stable isotopic variation and earliest Paleocene planktonic foraminiferadownload
51%1993Frank, Gabriela: Paleobiological changes and the influence of geochemical and extraterrestrial aspects concerning black shale developments
51%1995Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B.; Ravizza, G. et al.: The marine (super 187) Os/ (super 186) Os record of the past 80 million years
51%1995D'Hondt, Steven; Donaghay, Percy: Carbon isotopic recovery from mass extinctions; no Strangelove oceans on geologic timescales?
51%1991D'Hondt, Steven; Herbert, Timothy D.: Marking time at the South Atlantic Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary
51%1983Arthur, Michael A.; Dean, Walter E.: Paleoceanographic models for Cretaceous organic carbon deposition
51%1994Widmark, Joen G. V.: Global biogeographic patterns among benthic Foraminifera in the Late Cretaceous deep-sea environment; a pilot study
51%1994Sliter, William V.: Late Cretaceous hiatuses and global change
51%1979Wind, F. H.: Maestrichtian-Campanian nannofloral provinces of the southern Atlantic and Indian oceans
51%1985Cepek, P.; Koethe, A. et al.: Paleogeographic evolution of the Atlantic Ocean during the Late Cretaceous; a synthesis of micropaleontological and lithological data from the Deep Sea Drilling Project and from adjacent continental areas
51%1991Winterer, Jerry; McLean, Dewey et al.: Global paleoceanography, paleoclimate, and paleoenvironment; disciplinary working group report
51%1984Smit, Jan; Kyte, Frank T. et al.: Quenched magnetite in Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary microtektite-like spheroids
51%1984Vernier, E.; Froget, C.: Sedimentation argileuse dans le Sud-Ouest du bassin de Somalie depuis le Cretace superieur (sites D.S.D.P. 240 et 241) Clay sedimentation in the southwestern Somali Basin during the Upper Cretaceous; DSDP sites 240 and 241
51%1984Smit, Jan; Kyte, Frank T.: Siderophile-rich magnetic spheroids from the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in Umbria, Italy
51%1980Kyte, F. T.; Zhou, Zhiming: Analyses of noble metals at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary
51%1996Konnecke, L. K.; Coffin, M. F.: Terrigenous sediment and subaerial lava flows on the Cretaceous Kerguelen Plateau; implications from ocean bottom seismometer and multichannel seismic data
51%1996Bleil, U.; Spiess, V. et al.: The Neogene evolution of the Benguela Current System drill site proposals in the Cape Basin based on the ODP pre site survey M34/1 with R/V Meteor

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