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ScoreExp/Site/Hole YearAuthor/TitleFull text
71%1999Kemp, Alan E. S.; Pearce, Richard B. et al.: The role of mat-forming diatoms in the formation of Mediterranean sapropels
71%2008Mollenhauer, Gesine; Eglinton, Timothy I. et al.: A radiocarbon-based assessment of the preservation characteristics of crenarchaeol and alkenones from continental margin sediments
71%1998Thiry, Medard; Sinha, Ashish et al.: Chemostratigraphy
71%1997Jung, M.; Ilmberger, J. et al.: Why some Mediterranean sapropels survived burn-down (and others did not)
71%1998Sinninghe Damste, Jaap S.; Koester, Juergen: A euxinic southern North Atlantic Ocean during the Cenomanian/Turonian oceanic anoxic event
71%2003Hollamby, J. A.; Musgrave, R. J.: A rock-magnetic study of bacterially mediated iron sulfide diagenesis associated with gas hydrate-bearing sediments
71%1992Kotarba, M.; Piela, J. et al.: Geneza gazu zimnego akumulowanego w Permsko-Karbonskich puapkach litologicznych zloza "Paproc" w swietle badan izotopowych Origin of natural gas in Permo-Carboniferous lithological traps of the Paproc Field, western Poland, in light of isotope studies
71%1992Duan, W.; Raiswell, R. et al.: Geochemical characteristic of organic C, pyrite S and reactive Fe and environmental control on sediment in North Japan Sea basin
71%1992Brumsack, H. J.: Geochemistry of Cretaceous black shale from the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary event; paleoenvironment of deposition and time limitations
71%1999Sloan, E. D.; Brewer, P. G. et al.: Future of gas hydrate research
71%1999Borowski, Walter S.; Paull, Charles K. et al.: Global and local variations of interstitial sulfate gradients in deep-water, continental margin sediments; sensitivity to underlying methane and gas hydrates
71%1998Passier, Hilde Francoise: Sulphur geochemistry and sapropel formation; syngenetic and diagenetic signals in eastern Mediterranean sediments
71%2002Suess, Erwin: The evolution of an idea; from avoiding gas hydrates to actively drilling for them
71%1984Bogolyubova, L. I.; Stukalova, I. Ye.: Iskhodnyy rastitel'nyy material sapropelevogo veshchestva melovykh "chernykh slantsev" Atlanticheskogo okeana Initial plant material of the sapropelic matter of the Cretaceous "black shales" of the Atlantic Ocean
71%2007Parkes, R. John; Wellsbury, Peter et al.: Temperature activation of organic matter and minerals during burial has the potential to sustain the deep biosphere over geological timescales
71%1984Terashima, Minako: The distribution of amino acids and monosaccharides in deep sea sediments from the Japan Trench and slope area
71%1988Meyer, William M.; Brown, Patricia et al.: The practical management of a shipboard data collection system
71%1994D'Hondt, S.; King, J. et al.: Planktic foraminifera and asteroids; death and recovery at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary
71%1997Hofmann, P.; Ricken, Werner et al.: Processes controlling the accumulation of organic matter in high frequency sedimentary cycles of Albian age in the North Atlantic Ocean
71%1998Ito, Takashi; Usui, Akira et al.: Strontium isotopic compositions and paleoceanographic implication of fossil manganese nodules in DSDP/ODP cores, Leg 1-126
71%2006Heuer, V.; Elvert, Marcus et al.: IODP; carbon isotopic compositions of volatile fatty acids as proxies for biogeochemical processes in the deep marine biosphere
71%2006Huebscher, Christian: IODP; perspectives for scientific drilling in the Levantine Basin (IODP)
71%2002D'Hondt, Steven; Smith, David C. et al.: Exploration of the marine subsurface biosphere
71%2009Slomp, C. P.; Kraal, P. et al.: Reconstructing phosphorus and carbon cycling during Cretaceous oceanic anoxic events; why we need modern analogues
71%1990Kohnen, Mathieu E. L.; Peakman, T. M. et al.: Identification and occurrence of novel C (sub 36) -C (sub 54) 3,4-dialkylthiophenes with an unusual carbon skeleton in immature sediments
71%1990Heinze, P. M.: Kohlenstoffisotopen-Verhaeltnisse benthischer Foraminiferen aus der Sauerstoffminimum-Zone vor Peru (ODP Leg 112) Carbon isotope relationships of the benthonic foraminifers from the oxygen minimum zone of Peru, ODP Leg 112
71%1996Musgrave, Robert J.; Housen, Bernard A.: Rock-magnetic signature of methane migration and hydrate formation in marine sediments
71%1979Katz, B. J.; Harrison, C. G. A. et al.: Potential organic indicators of diagenesis and early catagenesis
71%1979Schrader, H. J.: Quaternary paleoclimatology of the Black Sea basin
71%1995Dickens, Gerald R.; O'Neil, James R. et al.: Dissociation of oceanic methane hydrate as a cause of the carbon isotope excursion at the end of the Paleocenedownload
71%1997Hinrichs, K. U.; Rinna, J. et al.: A 160-kyr record of alkenone-derived sea-surface temperatures from Santa Barbara Basin sediments
71%1984de Graciansky, P. C.; Deroo, G. et al.: Ocean-wide stagnation episode in the Late Cretaceous
71%1982Habib, Daniel: Sedimentation rate origin of organic facies in the North Atlantic Mesozoic
71%1982Cool, Thomas E.: Sedimentological evidence concerning the paleoceanography of the Cretaceous western North Atlantic Ocean
71%1994Rullkoetter, Juergen; Peakman, Torren M. et al.: Early diagenesis of terrigenous triterpenoids and its implications for petroleum geochemistry
71%1998Firth, John V.; Clark, David L.: An early Maastrichtian organic-walled phytoplankton cyst assemblage from an organic-rich black mud in core Fl-533, Alpha Ridge; evidence for upwelling conditions in the Cretaceous Arctic Ocean
71%1998Rossignol-Strick, Martine; Paterne, M. et al.: An unusual mid-Pleistocene monsoon period over Africa and Asia
71%2005Nakagawa, S.; Inagaki, F. et al.: Unique thermophiles supported by the ocean crustal fluids exiting from a borehole in the eastern flank of Juan de Fuca Ridge
71%1994Lichtfouse, Eric; Rullkoetter, Juergen: Accelerated transformation of organic matter below the silica transition zone in immature sediments from the Japan Sea
71%2000Kvenvolden, Keith A.; Lorenson, Thomas D.: The global occurrence of natural gas hydrates
71%1997Hyndman, Roy D.: Deep sea gas hydrates; the energy of the future? Deep sea studies off Vancouver Island
71%2008Hiruta, Akihiro; Tomaru, Hitoshi et al.: Chloride anomaly in interstitial waters at gas hydrate zone, eastern margin of Japan Sea
71%2010Hensen, C.; Marquardt, M. et al.: Prediction of sub-seafloor gas hydrate inventories using a general transfer function
71%2011Kluesner, Jared W.: Marine geophysical study of cyclic sedimentation and shallow sill intrusion in the floor of the central Gulf of California
70%2006Heuer, Verena; Elvert, Marcus et al.: Online delta (super 13) C analysis of volatile fatty acids in sediment/porewater systems by liquid chromatography-isotope ratio-mass spectrometry
57%1969Bray, E. E.; Evans, E. D.: Organic extracts from JOIDES cores off northeastern Florida
57%1988Otsuka, Keni'ichi; Guo, Xiaoli: Facies difference between the axis floor and the slope basin sediments around the Nankai Trough off Shikoku region and possibility of dispersive gas hydrate occurrence
57%1988Dunbar, R. B.; Baker, P. A. et al.: Geologic setting, stratigraphy, and biogenic sediments of the Pisco Basin, Peru
57%1990Kuhnt, Wolfgang; Herbin, Jean Paul et al.: Distribution of Cenomanian-Turonian organic facies in the western Mediterranean and along the adjacent Atlantic margin
57%2000Saeedi, Farnosh; Habib, Daniel: Dinoflagellate and organic detritus study of the Maastrichtian-Danian interval at the Bass River site, ODP 174X
57%1998Matsubayashi, Osamu: Heat flow measurement as an exploration tool for subbottom methane hydrates
57%1998Bains, Santo; Corfield, Richard M. et al.: Investigating late Palaeocene/early Eocene climate variations and primary productivity reconstructions
57%2004Turchyn, Alexandra V.; Schrag, Daniel P.: Oxygen isotope constraints on the sulfur cycle over the past 10 million yearsdownload
57%1995Summerhayes, C. P.; Kroon, D. et al.: Variability in the Benguela current upwelling system over the past 70,000 years
57%1994Martinez R., J. Ignacio: Late Pleistocene carbonate dissolution patterns in the Tasman Sea
57%1974Lyon, Graeme L.: Isotopic analysis of gas from the Cariaco Trench sediments
57%1986Dean, Walter E.; Arthur, Michael A. et al.: Depletion of (super 13) C in Cretaceous marine organic matter; source, diagenetic, or environmental signal?
57%1979Hathaway, J. C.; Poag, C. W. et al.: U. S. Geological Survey core drilling on the Atlantic shelf
57%1986Rullkoetter, J.; Mukhopadhyay, P. K. et al.: Facies and diagenesis of organic matter in deep sea sediments from the Blake Outer Ridge and the Blake Bahama Basin, western North Atlantic
57%2010Beltran, Catherine; Rousselle, Gaby et al.: Miocene-Pliocene alkenone and cocolithophorid stable isotopic data for sea surface condition reconstructions in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific (IODP Site U1338)
57%2001Bijma, J.; Altabet, M. et al.: Primary signal; ecological and environmental factors; report from Working Group 2
57%2004Kastner, Miriam; Rudnicki, Mark D.: Ridge flank sediment-fluid interactions
57%2008Mohtadi, Mahyar; Rossel, Pamela et al.: Deglacial pattern of circulation and marine productivity in the upwelling region off central-south Chile
57%1994Moers, M. E. C.; de Leeuw, J. W. et al.: Origin and diagenesis of carbohydrates in ancient sediments
57%2002D'Hondt, Steven; Rutherford, Scott et al.: Metabolic activity of subsurface life in deep-sea sedimentsdownload
57%2003Rommerskirchen, Florian; Eglinton, Geoffrey et al.: A north to south transect of Holocene southeast Atlantic continental margin sediments; relationship between aerosol transport and compound-specific delta (super 13) C land plant biomarker and pollen recordsdownload
57%1984Cook, R. A.; Davey, F. J.: The hydrocarbon exploration of the basins of the Ross Sea, Antarctica, from modelling of the geophysical data
57%1988Soh, Wonn; Ishizuka, T. et al.: Where does the organic material of the deep-sea Nankai Trough sediments come from?
57%2006Trehu, Anne M.; Ruppel, Carolyn et al.: Gas hydrates in marine sediments; lessons from scientific ocean drilling
57%2000Emeis, Kay-Christian; Struck, Ulrich et al.: Temperature and salinity variations of Mediterranean Sea surface waters over the last 16,000 years from records of planktonic stable oxygen isotopes and alkenone unsaturation ratios
57%2001Pecher, Ingo A.; Kukowski, Nina et al.: The link between bottom-simulating reflections and methane flux into the gas hydrate stability zone; new evidence from Lima Basin, Peru margin
57%2006Hensen, Christian; Brueckmann, Warner et al.: IODP; modes of fluid expulsion and its significance for forearc dewatering; IODP drilling proposal 633 to decipher deep fluid processes at an erosive convergent margin
57%2005Pagani, Mark; Zachos, James C. et al.: Marked decline in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations during the Paleogenedownload
57%2010Dugan, B.; Torres, M. E. et al.: Flow zone isolation in sedimentary inputs to the Nankai Trough subduction zone, IODP Expedition 322
57%2006Johnson, Arthur H.; Max, Michael D.: The path to commercial hydrate gas production
57%2005Skelton, A.; Whitmarsh, R. et al.: Constraining the rate and extent of mantle serpentinization from seismic petrological data; implications for chemosynthesis and tectonic processes
57%2001Baudin, Francois; Combourieu-Nebout, Nathalie et al.: Signatures organiques des changements climatiques rapides en mer d'Alboran depuis 50 000 ans Organic record of fast climate changes in the Alboran Sea over the last 50,000 years
57%1995Torres, Marta E.; Marsaglia, Kathleen M. et al.: Sediment diagenesis in western Pacific basins
57%2008Matsumoto, Ryo: Gas hydrates of the marginal seas of the Western Pacific; Bering Sea, Okhotsk Sea, Japan Sea, and South China Sea
57%2009Sanchez Goni, Maria F.; Fletcher, W. J. et al.: Climatic variability in the Mediterranean region over the last 130 ka, sapropel formation and teleconnection with the North Atlantic and monsoon systems
49%1983Waples, Douglas W.: Reappraisal of anoxia and organic richness, with emphasis on Cretaceous of North Atlantic
49%1999Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Potential effects of gas hydrate on human welfare
49%2005Milkov, Alexei V.; Xu, Wenyue: Gas hydrate growth, methane transport, and chloride enrichment at the southern summit of Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia margin off Oregon; discussiondownload
49%2004Aloisi, Giovanni; Drews, Manuela et al.: Fluid expulsion from the Dvurechenskii mud volcano (Black Sea); Part I, Fluid sources and relevances to Li, B, Sr, I and dissolved inorganic nitrogen cyclesdownload
49%2000Ussler, W., III; Paull, C. et al.: A new approach for estimating in situ sediment gas concentrations in ODP boreholes while coring
49%2009Dowsett, Harry J.; Robinson, Marci M.: Mid-Pliocene Equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature reconstruction; a multi-proxy perspective
49%2007Cohen, Anthony S.; Coe, Angela L. et al.: The late Palaeocene-early Eocene and Toarcian (Early Jurassic) carbon isotope excursions; a comparison of their time scales, associated environmental changes, causes and consequences
49%2002Magnier, Caroline C.; Lopez, Jose O. et al.: Biodegradation vs. thermal maturity in type IIS crude oils of northern Cuba
49%2008Schacht, Ulrike; Wallmann, K. et al.: Volcanogenic sediment-sea water interactions and the geochemistry of pore watersdownload
49%2002Holbrook, W. S.; Lizarralde, D. et al.: Escape of methane gas through sediment waves in a large methane hydrate province
49%2002Swart, Peter: Recrystallization and carbon isotopic composition of pore waters associated with the diagenesis of periplatform sediments
49%2007Gieskes, Joris M.; Mahn, Chris: Halide systematics in interstitial waters of ocean drilling sediment coresdownload
49%1994Soloviev, V.; Ginsburg, G. D.: Formation of submarine gas hydrates
49%2002Mukhopadhyay, Prasanta K.; Wade, John A. et al.: Deepwater petroleum system of Jurassic-Tertiary sediments of the Scotian Basin, offshore Nova Scotia, Eastern Canada
49%2004Ghosh, Prosenjit; Padia, J. T. et al.: Stable isotopic studies of Palaeosol sediment from upper Siwalik of Himachal Himalaya; evidence for high monsoonal intensity during late Miocene?download
42%2004Meyers, Stephen Richard; Sageman, Bradley: Cenomanian/Turonian orbital chronologies and burial flux estimates; calibrating the biogeochemical reconstruction of oceanic anoxic event II
42%2003Horst, Peter A.; Maurrasse, Florentin J. M. R.: Astronomical tuning of Cenomanian sediments in the Atlantic section of the Tethys
42%2001Spence, George D.; Hyndman, Roy D.: The challenge of deep ocean drilling for natural gas hydrate
42%2000Olsson, Richard K.; Wright, James D. et al.: Recovery of planktonic Foraminifera following the Cretaceous/Tertiary mass extinction
42%2005Amend, Jan P.; Teske, Andreas: Expanding frontiers in deep subsurface microbiology

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