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ScoreExp/Site/Hole YearAuthor/TitleFull text
4%61971Pimm, Anthony C.; Garrison, Robert E. et al.: Sedimentology synthesis; lithology, chemistry and physical properties of sediments in the northwestern Pacific Oceandownload
1983Benson, Richard H.; Peypouquet, Jean-Pierre: The upper and mid-bathyal Cenozoic ostracode faunas of the Rio Grande Rise found on Leg 72 Deep Sea Drilling Projectdownload
2009Spezzaferri, Silvia; Pearson, Paul N.: Distribution and ecology of Catapsydrax indianus, a new planktonic foraminifer index species for the late Oligocene-early Miocene
71%31986Cande, Steven C.: Systematic variations in basement morphology in the South Atlantic
2003Katz, Miriam E.; Tjalsma, R. C. et al.: Oligocene bathyal to abyssal benthic Foraminifera of the Atlantic Ocean
59%21972Marks, P.: Remarks on Globotruncana calcarata Cushman
59%21973Smali, Marina: Foraminiferi campaniano-maastrichtiani della Dorsale Medio-Atlantica Campanian-Maestrichtian foraminifera of Mid-Atlantic Ridge
1969Beall, Arthur O.; Fischer, Alfred G.: Sedimentologydownload
1974Parker, F. L.: Late Cenozoic biostratigraphy (planktonic foraminifera) of tropical Atlantic deep-sea sections
100%1984Blueford, Joyce R.: Defining radiolarian species; in search of solutions
83%1980Tochilina, S. V.; Shastina, V. V.: Rezul'taty izucheniya kaynozoyskikh radiolyariy Yaponskogo i Beringova morey (s primeneniyem UZD-1 i "Stereoskan") Results of studies on Cenozoic Radiolaria in the Japan and Bering seas using UZD-1 and "stereoscan"
82%1988Tabachnick, Rachel: Evolving entities in fossil populations; a morphometric analysis of Miocene planktonic foraminifera (Globorotalia)
82%1971Riedel, William R.; Sanfilippo, Annika: Cenozoic radiolarian evolution and biogeography
82%1988Boltovskoy, E.: Size change in the phylogeny of foraminifera
82%1986Young, Jeremy: Size variation in reticulofenestrid coccoliths
71%1975Poore, Richard Zell: Late Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and paleoclimatology of the North Atlantic Ocean; DSDP Leg 12
71%1988de Verteuil, Laurent: Paleogene Spiniferites cysts from the southern Labrador Sea (ODP Leg 105) taxonomy and interpretation
71%1994Gmur, D.: Wykorzystanie kalpionelli w biostratygrafii pelagicznych facji weglanowich prowincji tetydzkiej Using calpionellids in biostratigraphy of pelagic carbonate facies of the Tethyan Province
71%1980Schnitker, Detmar; Tjalsma, Leonard R. C.: New genera and species of benthic foraminifers from Paleocene and Eocene deep-water deposits
71%1982Zeppieri, James Benjamin: Synchronous parallel evolution among three early Oligocene lineages of trissocyclid Radiolaria from the equatorial Pacific Ocean
71%1996Moguilevsky, Alicia (ed.); Whatley, Robin C. (ed.): Microfossils and oceanic environments
71%1996Smart, C. W.; Murray, J. W. et al.: New observations on Seabrookia rugosa Watanabe, 1989 (Foraminifera)
71%1995D'Hondt, Steven; Zachos, James C.: 75 million years of photosymbiosis in planktic foraminifera
71%1974Olsson, Richard K.: Pleistocene paleoceanography and Globigerina pachyderma (Ehrenberg) in site 36, DSDP, northeastern Pacific
71%1996Whatley, Robin C.: The bonds unloosed; the contribution of Ostracoda to our understanding of deep sea events and processes
71%1996van Harten, Dick: The case against Krithe as a tool to estimate the depth and oxygenation of ancient oceans
71%1991Norris, Richard D.: Parallel evolution in the keel structure of planktonic foraminifera
71%1977Mikkelsen, N.: Silica dissolution and overgrowth of fossil diatoms
71%1987Damassa, Sarah P.; Goodman, David K. et al.: Deep sea Hystrichokolpoma Project
71%1989Tabachnick, R. Elena: Evolving entities in populations of Miocene planktonic foraminifera (Globorotalia)
71%1989Young, J. R.; Steinmetz, J.: Coccolithus pelagicus in the late Miocene to Recent, taxonomy, size variation and development of the bridged form
71%1998Gladenkov, A. Yu.: Zonal'naya stratigrafiya oligotsena i nizhnego miotsena Severotikhookeanskogo regiona po diatomeyam Oligocene and lower Miocene diatom zonation of North Pacific
71%1994Li, Qianyu; Radford, Sally: Notes on the topotype and deep-sea specimens of the planktonic foraminifer Cassigerinelloita amekiensis Stolk
71%1996Young, Jeremy R.; Kucera, Michal et al.: Automated biometrics on captured light microscope images of coccoliths of Emiliania huxleyi
71%1988Hills, Scott Jean: The analysis of microfossil shape; experiments using planktonic foraminifera
71%1993MacLeod, Norman: The Maastrichtian-Danian radiation of triserial and biserial planktic foraminifera; testing phylogenetic and adaptational hypotheses in the (micro)fossil record
71%1995Peleo-Alampay, Alyssa: Morphometric and biochronologic study of Coccolithus miopelagicus
67%1991Kaiho, Kunio: Global changes of Paleogene aerobic/anaerobic benthic foraminifera and deep-sea circulation
67%2011Knappertsbusch, Michael: Evolution im marinen Plankton Evolution of marine plankton
59%1988Pockalny, Robert A.; Detrick, Robert S. et al.: Morphology and tectonics of the Kane Transform from Sea Beam bathymetry datadownload
59%1988Abrams, Lewis J.; Detrick, Robert S. et al.: Morphology and crustal structure of the Kane fracture zone transverse ridgedownload
59%1992Kaiho, Kunio: Dissolved oxygen changes in intermediate and deep waters during the past 100 million years on foraminiferal morphology
59%1988Partridge, Alan D.; Marshall, Neil G.: A new Eocene acritarch and its importance for age dating of submarine canyons, sea-level changes, and DSDP sections in the Australasian region
59%1982Saidova, Kh. M.; Belyayeva, N. V. et al.: K stratigrafii chetvertichnykh osadkov rayona o. Islandii po foraminiferam Stratigraphy of the Quaternary sediments in the Iceland area according to foraminifera
59%1982Malmgren, B. A.; Corliss, B. H.: Microevolutionary analysis of Eocene-Oligocene deep-sea benthonic foraminifera
59%1982Malmgren, B. A.; Berggren, William A.: Microevolutionary patterns in some late Neogene planktonic foraminiferal lineages
59%2002Concheyro, Andrea; Angelozzi, Gladys N.: Nanofosiles calcareos Calcareous nannofossils
59%1991Jaiprakash, B. C.: Late Pleistocene planktonic Foraminifera from northern Indian Ocean
59%1972Cita, M. B.; Ciaranfi, N.: Studi sul Pliocene e sugli strati di passaggio dal Miocene al Pliocene [Studies on the Pliocene and on the strata from the Miocene-Pliocene passage]; II, A new species of Sphaeroidinella from late Neogene deep-sea Mediterranean sediments (DSDP Leg XIII)
59%1998Coxall, Helen K.; Pearson, Paul N. et al.: Morphological evolution and stable isotopic evidence for habitat change in the Eocene Hantkeninidae
59%1993Ushakova, Maola; Blyum, Natalia: Reformation of the surface oceanic circulation during the Palaeogene; calcareous nannoplankton and oxygen isotope evidence
59%1984Benson, Richard H.: Estimating greater paleodepths with ostracodes, especially in past thermospheric oceans
59%1987McCartney, Kevin: Silicoflagellates, ebridians, and archaeomonads
59%1995Londeix, L.: Les kystes de dinoflagelles du Golfe de Hammamet (Tunisie); contribution a la reconstitution paleoenvironnementale du Pliocene mediterraneen Dinoflagellate cysts from the Gulf of Hammamet (Tunisia); a paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Mediterranean Pliocene
59%1994D'Hondt, Steven; Zachos, James C. et al.: Stable isotopic signals and photosymbiosis in late Paleocene planktic foraminifera
59%1984Minoura, Koji; Nakaya, Shu: Origin of radiolarian bedded cherts; Part I
59%1994Reicherter, K.; Pletsch, T. et al.: Mid-Cretaceous paleogeography and paleoceanography of the Betic Seaway (Betic Cordillera, Spain)
59%1994Liu, Chengjie; Olsson, Richard K.: On the origin of Danian normal perforate planktonic foraminifera from Hedbergella
59%2006Fisk, M.; Storrie-Lombardi, M. et al.: Variety of microbial borings in oceanic basalt
59%1994Dromart, G.; Gaillard, C. et al.: Deep-marine microbial structures in the Upper Jurassic of western Tethys
59%1984Maruyama, Toshiaki: Miocene diatom biostratigraphy of onshore sequences on the Pacific side of Northeast Japan with reference to DSDP Hole 438A; (Part I)
59%2000Quillevere, Frederic; Norris, Richard D. et al.: 59.2 Ma and 56.5 Ma; two significant moments in the evolution of acarininids (planktonic Foraminifera)
59%1993D'Hondt, Steven; Zachos, James C. et al.: Stable isotopes and photosymbiosis in late Paleocene planktic foraminifera
59%1993D'Hondt, Steven; Zachos, James C.: Stable isotopic signals and the evolutionary radiation of earliest Paleocene planktic foraminifera
59%1998Firth, John V.; Clark, David L.: An early Maastrichtian organic-walled phytoplankton cyst assemblage from an organic-rich black mud in core Fl-533, Alpha Ridge; evidence for upwelling conditions in the Cretaceous Arctic Ocean
59%2002Parente, Aurea; Cachao, Mario et al.: Testing palaeotemperature through the statistical morphometry of Coccolithus pelagicus; preliminary data
59%1995Kim, J.; Sager, W. W. et al.: New bathymetry chart of Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific Ocean
50%2003Goodfellow, Wayne David: Massive sulfide deposits at modern sedimented oceanic rifts; geological setting and genetic processes
47%1988Fujioka, Kantaro; Ashi, Juichiro et al.: Morphology of Sumisu Rift
47%1984Gottfried, M. D.; Doyle, P. S. et al.: Advances in ichthyolith stratigraphy of the Pacific Neogene and Oligocene
47%1999Droz, L.; Auffret, G. A. et al.: L'Eventail profond de la marge celtique; stratigraphie et evolution sedimentaire The Celtic deep-sea fan; stratigraphic and sedimentary evolution
47%1989Kayen, R. E.; Schwab, William C. et al.: Morphology of sea-floor landslides on Horizon Guyot; application of steady-state geotechnical analysis
47%1995Thomas, F. C.: A Paleogene radiolarian event of the South Mara Unit, Banquereau Formation, Jeanne d'Arc Basin, offshore Newfoundland, and its implications
47%1986Huber, Brian T.; Webb, Peter-Noel: Distribution of Frondicularia rakauroana (Finlay) in the southern high latitudes
47%1998Wei, Wuchang: New calcareous nannofossil species and stratigraphic markers from the upper Paleocene
47%2004Schmidt, Daniela N.; Thierstein, Hans R. et al.: Abiotic forcing of plankton evolution in the Cenozoicdownload
47%2008Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Jaime; Morgan, J. et al.: Future integrated ICDP-IODP drilling of the Chicxulub impact crater; scientific targets
47%2007Srinivasan, M. S.: A journey through morphological micropaleontology to molecular micropaleontology
47%1984Emmel, F. J.; Curray, Joseph R.: The Bengal submarine fan, northeastern Indian Ocean
47%2007Tanimura, Yoshihiro; Shimada, Chieko et al.: Modern distribution of Thalassionema species (Bacillariophyceae) in the Pacific Ocean
47%1997Burnett, Jackie A.: New species and conjectured evolutionary trends of Ceratolithoides Bramlette & Martini, 1964 from the Campanian and Maastrichtian of the Indian Ocean
47%2007Sharma, V.; Daneshian, J. et al.: Miocene Radiolaria from Inglis Island, Andaman Sea
47%2013Fisk, Martin; McLoughlin, Nicola: Atlas of alteration textures in volcanic glass from the ocean basins
41%1999Ayress, Michael; Barrows, Timothy et al.: Neogene to Recent species of Krithe (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from the Tasman Sea and off southern Australia with description of five new species
41%1983Benson, Richard H.: Biomechanical stability and sudden change in the evolution of the deep-sea ostracode Poseidonamicus
41%2007Hannisdal, Bjarte: Inferring phenotypic evolution in the fossil record by Bayesian inversion
39%2006Ivarsson, Magnus: Advantages of doubly polished thin sections for the study of microfossils in volcanic rockdownload
35%1998Harris, Lisa C.; Whiting, Brian M.: Determination of sequence-stratigraphic significance of glauconite-rich layers, ODP Leg 174
35%2007Weisenburger, Chad Matthew: Salt tectonics, sedimentation, and basin development in Safi Haute Mer, offshore Morocco
35%1998Cawley, S. J.; Pepper, A. S. et al.: Source rocks of the South Atlantic margins
35%2001Piper, David J. W.; Normark, William R.: Sandy fans; from Amazon to Hueneme and beyond
33%1973Shor, George; Grow, John et al.: Appendix I, Part C; Site survey on the Tufts abyssal plaindownload
29%1997Naehr, Thomas: Authigener klinoptilolith in marinen sedimenten; mineralchemie, genese und moegliche anwendung als geothermometer Authigenic clinoptilolite in marine sediments; crystal chemistry, genesis and possible application in geologic thermometry
29%2008Eidvin, Tor; Rasmussen, Erik Skovbjerg et al.: Oligocene to Lower Pliocene deposits of the Norwegian continental shelf, with correlations to the Norwegian Sea, Greenland, Svalbard, Denmark and Fennoscandia morphology
27%1990Faugeres, Jean Claude; Gonthier, Eliane et al.: Morphology, microphysiography, sedimentary, and biology patterns of surficial deposits in the South Barbados prism; record of Recent and present active tectonicsdownload
26%1984Fontas, Pascale; Valery, Pierre et al.: Multibeam bathymetric survey of the Leg 78A drilling area and comparison with the southern part of the Barbados Ridge deformation frontdownload
25%1976Vanney, J. R.; Johnson, G. L.: Geomorphology of the Pacific continental margin of the Antarctic Peninsuladownload
25%1976Herron, E. M.; Tucholke, B. E.: Sea-floor magnetic patterns and basement structure in the southeastern Pacificdownload
23%1970Olson, R. K.; Goll, R.: Biostratigraphy, Chapter 29download
17%1978Ross, D. A.; Stoffers, P. et al.: Black Sea sedimentary frameworkdownload

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