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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
51%1990ten Haven, H. L.; Rullkotter, Jurgen et al.: Distribution of organic sulfur compounds in Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and the Gulf of California
51%1990Bristow, James F.; deMenocal, Peter: Downhole measurements and the generation of modal mineralogy logs in ODP Hole 798B
51%1301990Berger, W. H.; Kroenke, L. W. et al.: Drilling on Ontong Java Plateau, Leg 130; the Neogene carbonate paradox
51%1702000Gettemy, Glen L.; Tobin, Harold J.: Elastodynamic and physical properties of subduction zone sediments; a case study of the Costa Rica convergent margin
51%1532000Meurer, William P.; Gee, Jeff: Evidence for the protracted construction of the lower oceanic crust at the MARK area by emplacement of small magma bodies
51%1842000Wang Pinxian; Prell, Warren et al.: Exploring the Asian monsoon through drilling in the South China Sea
51%1462000Hyndman, R. D.; Spence, G. D. et al.: Geophysical studies of marine gas hydrate in northern Cascadia
51%1842000Wang, P.; Prell, W. L. et al.: History of the South China Sea in sediment record
2000Guerin, Gilles; Goldberg, David et al.: Initial evaluation of drilling dynamics on the JOIDES resolution; measurements of downhole bit motion while coring
51%1831998Coffin, Millard F.: Heard on the Kerguelen Plateau
51%1781998Camerlenghi, A.; Rebesco, M. et al.: High resolution seismic stratigraphy of Palmer Deep; a fault bounded late Quaternary sediment trap on inner continental shelf, Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin
51%1691998Karlin, Robert E.; Verosub, Kenneth L. et al.: High-resolution correlation and paleoclimate analysis of varved Holocene sediments from ODP Leg 169S, Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, Canada
51%1992Meyers, Philip A.: Changes in organic carbon stable isotope ratios across the K/T boundary; global or local control?
51%1985Kennett, James P.; Murphy, Margaret G.: Late Eocene-middle Miocene paleoclimates of the South-west Pacific; oxygen isotopic evidence
1985Mathews, Mark: Logging characteristics of methane hydrate
1992Karlin, R.: A 250 kyr secular variation record from rapidly deposited marine sediments at Gulf of California DSDP Site 480
1992Goldberg, David; Badri, Mohammed et al.: Acoustic attenuation in oceanic gabbro
1992Ciesielski, Paul F.; Bjorklund, Kjell R.: An integrated siliceous and calcareous microfossil biostratigraphy of the northern North Atlantic calibrated to oxygen isotope stages I-114 of DSDP Site 609
51%371979Hall, J. M.; Robinson, P. T.: Deep crustal drilling in the North Atlantic Ocean
51%641979Moore, D. G.; Curray, J. R.: Deep sea drilling in the Gulf of California, a new ocean basin
51%1241990Silver, Eli A.; Rangin, Claude: Leg 124 of the Ocean Drilling Programdownload
51%1979Bryan, Wilfred B.: Episodic extrusion and collapse; a model for crustal accretion at a slow-spreading ridge
51%1996Dowsett, Harry J.; Barron, John A. et al.: Middle Pliocene sea surface temperatures: a global reconstruction
51%1996Qayyum, Mazhar; Lawrence, Robert D. et al.: Missing Paleogene Himalayan siliciclastic sediments found in the Katawaz Basin, Pakistan
1996Lyle, Mitchell W.: Neogene evolution of the California Current system; initial results from ODP Leg 167
51%1996Wright, Dawn J.; Bloomer, Sherman H.: New Sea Beam 2000 bathymetry and sidescan data on the Tonga Forearc and Trench; results from Boomerang Leg 8, an ODP site survey
51%1691996Ross, Stephanie L.; Klitgord, Kim D. et al.: New sidescan imagery of NESCA Site at Escanaba Trough, southern Gorda Ridge
51%1996Clemens, Steven C.; Murray, David W. et al.: Nonstationary phase of the Plio-Pleistocene Asian monsoon
51%1991Alvarez-Borrego, Saul; Lara-Lara, Jose Ruben: The physical environment and primary productivity of the Gulf of California
1989MacLeod, Norman: Is punctuated anagenesis a stratigraphic artifact?
1989Obradovich, John D.; Snee, Lawrence W. et al.: Is there more than one glassy impact layer in the late Eocene?
51%1141989Ciesielski, P. F.; Hodell, D. A. et al.: Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic paleoenvironment of Subantarctic South Atlantic
51%1989Swift, Stephen A.; Stephen, Ralph A.: Lateral heterogeneity in the seismic structure of upper oceanic crust, western North Atlanticdownload
51%1989Friedman, Gerald M.: Messinian (Miocene) evaporites of the Mediterranean Basin; a new approach to an old bandwagon
51%1989Stecher, Ole; Ngo, H. H. et al.: Nd and Sr isotopic evidence for the origin of tektite material from DSDP Site 612 off the New Jersey coast
1989Stott, Lowell D.; Kennett, James P.: New constraints on early Tertiary palaeoproductivity from carbon isotopes in foraminifera
51%2011Lewis, K. W.; Keeler, T. L. et al.: New software for plotting and analyzing stratigraphic data
2004Garces, M.; Gee, J. S. et al.: Paleomagnetic constrains to the evolution of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from 14 degrees to 16 degrees N
2004Hays, T. D.; Screaton, E. J. et al.: Permeability measurements of Ocean Drilling Program samples collected from the Costa Rican subduction zone
2004Chun, C. O.; Delaney, M. L.: Phosphorus and barium tracers of productivity, Nazca Ridge ODP Site 1237, Southeast Pacific paleoceanographic transects
2004Foote, J. R.; Christensen, B. A. et al.: Pleistocene North Atlantic Deep Water production; a Southern Hemisphere perspective
51%2052004Chavagnac, V.; Font, L. et al.: Plume-ridge interaction on the Cocos Plate (ODP Leg 205, Costa Rica); implication for fluid circulation
2004McKiernan, A. W.; Saffer, D. M.: Pore-water freshening in the Nankai Trough, Japan; implications for lateral fluid flow
51%2012004Gettemy, G. L.; Cikoski, C. et al.: Poroelastic parameters of Peru margin sediments; implications for flow and transport at multiple scales in the marine biosphere
51%1831997Koennecke, L. K.; Coffin, M. F. et al.: Crustal structure of Elan Bank, Kerguelen Plateau
51%1591997Hoffmeister, A. P.; Oboh-Ikuenobe, F. E.: Cyclic patterns in Tertiary dinocysts from ODP Leg 159, Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin; preliminary results
51%1181990Ozawa, K.; Meyer, P. S.: Magma chamber beneath slow-spreading ridge; petrology of Fe-Ti oxide gabbros from ODP Leg 118, Hole 735B, south west Indian Ridge
51%1181990Kikawa, E.; McCabe, Robert et al.: Magnetic properties of Leg 118 gabbros as a function of the degree of metamorphism/alteration
51%1996Karson, J. A.; Curewitz, D. et al.: Geometry and kinematics of faulting on the Tertiary East Greenland volcanic rifted margin
51%1996Goodfellow, Wayne D.; Zierenberg, R. A. et al.: Hydrothermal alteration associated with modern sediment-covered rifts; application to the exploration for ancient sulphide deposits
51%1331996McKenzie, J. A.; Isern, A.: Influence of late Neogene paleoceanography on carbonate platform development; the NE Australian margin archetype
51%1996Castillo, P. R.; Janney, P. R.: Isotopic evolution of Pacific MORB; implications for the isotopic diversity of modern MORB
1986Loubere, Paul; Moss, Kevin: Late Pliocene climatic change and the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation as recorded in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean
1986Andrews, J. T.: Late Quaternary continental margin marine sediment flux adjacent to ODP Leg 105, Site 645, Baffin Bay
1979Ziemianski, P. W.: Clay mineral changes during intensification of glaciation in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea
51%1411992Behrmann, Jan H.; Lewis, Stephen D. et al.: Deep drilling in the hanging wall of a subducting active oceanic spreading ridge at the Chile triple junction; objectives and achievements of Leg 141 of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP)
51%1381992Kemp, A. E. S.; Baldauf, J. G.: Deep sea laminated diatom ooze in the eastern Equatorial Pacific; a record of peak Neogene paleoproductivity
1992Chen, J. J.; Farrell, J. W. et al.: Deep-water temperature variations in the Bay of Bengal over the last 2.5 Ma; reconstruction from ODP Site 758
51%1992Rea, David K.: Delivery of Himalayan sediment to the northern Indian Ocean and its relation to global climate, sea level, uplift, and seawater strontium
51%341976Blank, R. G.; Worsley, T. R.: Quantitative correlation of Cenozoic deep-sea sediments of the Pacific Ocean
1976Barron, J. A.: Revised Miocene and Pliocene diatom biostratigraphy of upper Newport Bay, Newport Beach, California
1976Shanks, W. C., III; Seyfried, W. E.: Secondary mineral paragenesis in Leg 34 basalts
51%1979Atwater, T.: Constraints from the FAMOUS area concerning the structure of the oceanic section
51%1979Bryan, W. B.; Dick, H. J. B.: Contrasted liquidus variation trends in sea floor basalt glasses
51%1979Bence, A. E.; Baylis, D. M. et al.: Controls on the major and minor element chemistry of mid-ocean ridge basalts and glasses
51%1979von Rad, U.; Arthur, M. A.: Geodynamic, sedimentary and volcanic evolution of the Cape Bojador continental margin; Northwest Africa
51%1979Drever, J. I.; Lawrence, J. R. et al.: Gypsum and halite from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, DSDP Site 395
1979Sinton, John M.; Byerly, Gary R.: High Na/K silicic differentiates of oceanic spreading center magmas; evidence from DSDP Legs 51-52 dolerites
1979Manheim, P. T.; Shishkina, O. V. et al.: Hydrochemistry and paleohydrochemistry of the Black Sea Basin based on results from the Deep Sea Drilling Project
51%1979Parker, R. L.; Daniell, G. J.: Interpretation of borehole magnetometer datadownload
51%1984Bair, John; Hart, George F.: Palynology of some Lower Cretaceous sediments from the Malvinas area, South Atlantic
1984Winfrey, E. C.; Doyle, P. S.: Preliminary ichthyolith biostratigraphy, Southwest Pacific, DSDP sites 595 and 596
2006Warner, J. J.; Schellenberg, S. A.: North Atlantic glacial-interglacial ostracode faunas during the mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT)
2005Doubrovine, P. V.; Tarduno, J. A.: On the conditions for self-reversal of remanent magnetization in titanomaghemite; constraints from DSDP Site 307 basalts
51%1992005Moore, T. C.: Opal accumulation in the Equatorial Pacific
2002Tomer, Brad: Methane hydrate research effort accelerates
2002Hirth, G.: Microstructural constraints on the rheology of the lower crust
51%2002Davis, E.; Wang, K. et al.: Monitoring transient plate strain with deep-ocean borehole hydrologic observatories
51%1972002Steinberger, Bernhard M.; Tarduno, John A.: Motion of the Hawaiian hotspot inferred from mantle flow models based on detailed Pacific Plate reconstructions
1978Coish, R. A.; Taylor, L. A.: The effects of cooling rate on the chemistry of pyroxenes from DSDP Leg 34 basalt
51%1978Kennett, J. P.: The Kapitean (latest Miocene) paleoclimatic event in the South Pacific
51%1978Macdougall, J. D.; Finkel, R. et al.: Uranium isotope disequilibria in altering marine basalts; evidence for exchange processes
51%611978Steiner, M. B.; Larson, R. L.: Western Pacific deep-sea drilling (Leg 61)
51%1979Melson, W. G.; O'Hearn, T.: Basaltic glass erupted along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between 0-37 degrees N; relationships between composition and latitude
51%1979Roth, P. H.; Krumbach, K. R.: Black shales and coccoliths in the Atlantic and Indian oceans
51%1979Scott, M. R.; Salter, P. F. et al.: Chemistry of ridge-crest sediments from the North Atlantic Ocean
51%861987Houston, Sandra L.; Lin, Horn-Da: A thermal consolidation model for pelagic clays
51%1987Mahoney, John J.: An isotopic survey of Pacific oceanic plateaus; implications for their nature and origin
51%1987Boersma, Anne; Premoli Silva, Isabella et al.: Atlantic Eocene planktonic foraminiferal paleohydrographic indicators and stable isotope paleoceanographydownload
51%1211988Driscoll, N. W.; Weissel, J. K. et al.: Seismic stratigraphic and ODP Leg 121 drilling evidence for the tectonic evolution of Broken Ridge
51%801988Macurda, D. B., Jr.: Seismic stratigraphic features of the Porcupine Basin, offshore Ireland
51%1191988Cooper, Alan K.; Stagg, H. M. J.: Seismic stratigraphy of Prydz Bay, Antarctica
51%1978Hayes, D. E.; Mrozowski, C. L. et al.: A geophysical/structural section across the IDOE/IPOD Philippine-Mariana transect zone
1978Scholl, D. W.; Buffington, E. C. et al.: A tectonic interpretation of the Kamchatka terrace based on DSDP Legs 56 and 57
1995Lee, Myung W.: Application of heat flow equation to analyses of bottom simulation reflections
1995Ogg, James G.: Aptian-Albian sequences in Pacific guyot carbonate systems and implications for Mid-Cretaceous time scale
1995Grover, Rochelle; O'Connell, Suzanne: Arctic-Atlantic Miocene sediment history from Fram Strait; ODP Site 909
1993Manning, C. E.: High-temperature gabbro metamorphism at Hess Deep and the root zones of EPR hydrothermal systems
51%1471993Gillis, K. M.: Hydrothermal evolution of EPR lower crust exposed at Hess Deep
51%1993Wells, Neil A.: Implications of long-term soil weathering and geomorphology for Madagascar's Cenozoic climate and rainforest cover

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