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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
1993Weaver, P. P. E.: High resolution stratigraphy of marine Quaternary sequences
1986Underwood, Michael B.; Norville, Charles R.: Deposition of sand in a trench-slope basin by unconfined turbidity currents
16%1986Pittman, Edward D.; Prezbindowski, Dennis R.: Diagenetic alteration of Lower Cretaceous turbidite sandstone deposits from DSDP Hole 603B; implications for the origin of secondary porosity
16%1061986Honnorez, J.; Detrick, R. S. et al.: Drilling in the Snake-Pit hydrothermal area in Mid-Atlantic Ridge rift valley south of the Kane fracture zone; highlights from ODP Leg 106
1986Simoneit, Bernd R. T.: Effects of igneous intrusions on sedimentary organic matter; Cretaceous black shales in the Atlantic Ocean (DSDP Site 368)
1978Williams, G. L.: Palynological biostratigraphy, Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 367 and 370download
16%61971Fischer, Alfred G.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, volume VI
16%1571998Thomson, John; Jarvis, Ian et al.: Mobility and immobility of redox-sensitive elements in deep-sea turbidites during shallow burial
16%1998Nikolaev, S. D.; Oskina, N. S. et al.: Neogene-Quaternary variations of the "pole-equator" temperature gradient of the surface oceanic waters in the North Atlantic and North Pacific
16%1981Rea, David K.; Janecek, Thomas R.: Eolian deposition in the eastern Equatorial Pacific, a 450,000 record of the trade winds
1981Dyer, R.: Equatorial Pacific Ocean palaeotemperature variations during the middle and late Miocene
16%481981Pastouret, L.; Auffret, G. A. et al.: Geodynamic evolution of the Shamrock Canyon area, Armorican continental margin
16%1991Larter, R. D.; Barker, P. F.: Neogene interaction of tectonic and glacial processes at the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula
16%1991Storms, M. A.; Harding, B. W. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program: deep water drilling technology
16%1141991Heatherington, A. L.; Mueller, P. A. et al.: Geochemistry of igneous rocks recovered from ODP Leg 114 and evidence for continental source components within the sub-Antarctic South Atlantic Ocean
16%1991Dixon, T. H.; Tralli, D. M. et al.: Geodetic baselines across the Gulf of California using the Global Positioning System
16%1991Winterer, Jerry; McLean, Dewey et al.: Global paleoceanography, paleoclimate, and paleoenvironment; disciplinary working group report
16%1991Couch, Richard W.; Ness, Gordon E. et al.: Gravity anomalies and crustal structure of the Gulf and Peninsular Province of the Californias
1995Haug, G. H.; Maslin, M. A. et al.: Evolution of Northwest Pacific paleotemperature and sedimentation patterns since 6 Ma; ODP Site 882, Leg 145
1995Diester-Haass, L.; Thomas, E. et al.: Evolution of paleoproductivity and water mass chemistry in the Southern Ocean; Eocene-Oligocene record of benthic fauna and stable isotopes at ODP Site 689
16%1972Lloyd, R. M.; Hsu, K. J.: Stable-isotope investigations of sediments from the DSDP III cruise to South Atlantic
16%1991Ortlieb, Luc: Quaternary vertical movements along the coasts of Baja California and Sonora
16%1979Sheridan, R. E.; Enos, P.: Stratigraphic evolution of the Blake Plateau after a decade of scientific drilling
16%1979Drury, M. J.; Hyndman, R. D.: The electrical resistivity of oceanic basaltsdownload
1979Goll, R. M.: The Neogene evolution of Zygocircus, Neosemantis and Callimitra; their bearing on nassellarian classification; a revision of the Plagiacanthoidea
16%1979Hall, J. M.: The oceanic crust; investigations by Canadian groups on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge crest and other areas
1979Puchelt, Harald R.; Emmermann, Rolf: Trace elements in ocean floor basalts and their development
1979Baylis, D. M.; Bence, A. E. et al.: Transitional basalts from the Cape Verde Rise
1979Barbieri, R.; Colalongo, M. L.: Two new species of planktonic foraminifera from the lower Pleistocene
1979Schroeder, R.; Cherchi, A.: Upper Barremian-lowermost Aptian orbitolinid foraminifers from the Grand Banks continental rise, northwestern Atlantic (DSDP Leg 43, Site 384)download
16%1980Kasahara, J.; Hussong, D. M. et al.: A seismic study using ocean-bottom seismometers near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 23 degrees N
1980Edwards, A. R.; Hornibrook, N. de B.: An integrated bio- and magnetostratigraphy of the late Miocene to Pleistocene of the New Zealand region
16%571980Burch, T. K.; von Huene, R.: Borehole temperature measurements near the Japan Trench on IPOD-DSDP Leg 57
16%131972Lloyd, R. Michael; Hsu, Jinghwa K.: Preliminary Isotopic Investigations of Samples from Deep-Sea Drilling Cruise to the Mediterranean
16%1972Simoneit, Bernd R.; Burlingame, A. L.: Preliminary Organic Analyses of the DSDP (JOIDES) Cores, Legs V-IX
16%1191991Cranston, Ray E.: Sedimentation rate estimates from sulfate and ammonia gradientsdownload
16%1221991Bralower, Timothy J.; Brown, Paul R. et al.: Significance of Upper Triassic nannofossils from the Southern Hemisphere (ODP Leg 122, Wombat Plateau, N.W. Australia)
16%1011989Dix, George R.: Shallow-burial diagenesis of Neogene deep-water periplatform carbonates, Bahamas; providing a new prospective for petroleum-prospective ancient carbonate slopes
1990Clark, Fred E.: Notes on the benthic foraminiferal genus Heteromorphina R. W. Jones, and Heteromorphina amptivestibulata sp.nov.
16%1251990Arculus, R. J.: Ocean Drilling Program Leg 125, Mariana and Bonin Forearcs
16%1161989Stow, Dorrik A. V.; Cochran, James R.: The Bengal Fan; some preliminary results from ODP drilling
1996Hall, Frank R.: The composite correlation of cores and revised oxygen-isotope stratigraphy based on the whole-core magnetic susceptibility logs (ODP Site 645, Baffin Bay)
16%1996Bleil, U.; Spiess, V. et al.: The Neogene evolution of the Benguela Current System drill site proposals in the Cape Basin based on the ODP pre site survey M34/1 with R/V Meteor
16%1989Curray, Joseph R.; Munasinghe, Tissa: Timing of intraplate deformation, northeastern Indian Ocean
16%1171990Shimmield, Graham B.; Mowbray, Stephen R. et al.: A 350 ka history of the Indian southwest monsoon; evidence from the deep-sea cores, Northwest Arabian Sea
16%1990Weinrebe, W.; Flueh, E. R. et al.: A deep reflection line across the Middle-American Trench, offshore Guatemala
1990Brereton, R.; McCann, D.: A fresh look at predictive equations for compressional wave velocity-porosity
1990Farrell, J. W.; Janecek, T. R.: An overview of late Neogene paleoceanography, paleoclimatology and tephrochronology in the NE Indian Ocean (ODP Site 758)
16%1441992Larson, R. L.; Bergersen, D. D.: Thermal reset ages and subsidence curves for guyots sampled by ODP Leg 144; preliminary estimates
1996Rack, Frank R.; Bloemendal, Jan: A rock magnetic study of sediment from the low oxygen environment of the Santa Barbara Basin at ODP Site 893
1976Stewart, R. J.; Creager, J. S.: Turbidites of late Pliocene and Pleistocene age from the western Aleutian Basin, Bering Sea
16%371976Hyndman, R. D.; Drury, M. J.: The physical properties of oceanic basement rocks from deep drilling on the Mid-Atlantic Ridgedownload
1976Holland, J. G.; Lambert, R. St. J.: Zirconium, yttrium and other trace elements in basalts from DSDP 37
16%1977Henshaw, P. C., Jr.; Merrill, R. T.: A mechanism for CRM acquisition in pelagic sediments
1977Wright, Ramil C.; Wright, Cynthia R.: Benthonic foraminiferal repopulation of the eastern Mediterranean after the Messinian salinity crisis
16%1977Kominz, M.; Heath, G. R. et al.: Bulk density of pelagic sediments from the equatorial Pacific estimated from carbonate content, age, and subbottom depth
16%261973Hyndman, R. D.; Ade-Hall, J. M.: Electrical resistivity of basalts from D.S.D.P. Leg 26
16%1991Dauphin, J. Paul (ed.); Simoneit, Bernd R. T. (ed.): The Gulf and Peninsular Province of the Californias
16%1991Engel, Elke R.: Palynologische Evidenz klimarelevanter Ereignisse in miozaenen Sedimenten des Nordatlantiks Palynological evidence of climatically relevant events from Miocene sediments from the North Atlantic
16%1991Bray, N. A.; Robles, J. M.: Physical oceanography of the Gulf of California
16%1101991Tribble, Jane Schoonmaker; Mackenzie, Fred T. et al.: Physical property changes accompanying deep burial of clay-rich sediments, Barbados convergent margin
16%1171991Hermelin, J. Otto R.: Pleurostomella concava; a new benthic foraminifer in Oligocene and Miocene sediments from the Pacific and Indian oceans
1991Sprovieri, R.: Plio-Pleistocene paleoclimatic evolution at ODP Leg 107 Site 653 (Tyrrhenian Sea - western Mediterranean)
1991Cachao, Mario; Rio, Domenico: Pliocene Mediterranean palaeoceanographic evolution based on calcareous nannofossils (preliminary data)
16%1980Kuptsov, V. M.; Ivanova, T. R. et al.: Yestestvennyye radioaktivnyye elementy i ikh izotopy v glubokovodnykh osadkakh Chernogo morya Natural radioactive elements and their isotopes in deep-sea sediments of the Black Sea
16%1981Staudigel, H.; Muehlenbachs, K. et al.: Agents of low temperature ocean crust alteration
16%571981von Huene, Roland; Arthur, M. et al.: Ambiguity in interpretation of seismic data from modern convergent margins; an example from the IPOD Japan Trench transect
1981Martinez-Pardo, R.: An unknown upper Miocene-lower Pliocene regional hiatus along the marginal Northeast Pacific?
16%1980Lewis, B. T. R. (ed.); Rabinowitz, P. D. (ed.): Regional geophysical studies associated with IPOD site surveys
1993Lu, G.; Keller, G. et al.: Shell delta (super 13) C as a niche proxy of planktic foraminifers
16%1980Ladd, J. W.; Watkins, J. S.: Seismic stratigraphy of the western Venezuela Basin
16%1980Nagumo, S.; Ouchi, T. et al.: Seismic velocity structure near the extinct spreading center in the Shikoku Basin, North Philippine Sea
16%341980Seyfried, W. E.; Janecky, D. R.: Serpentinites, spilites and the geochemical cycle of boron
16%1341993Johnson, D. P.; Maillet, P. C. et al.: Regional setting of a complex backarc; New Hebrides Arc, northern Vanatu-eastern Solomon Islands
1989Peirce, John W.; Weissel, Jeffrey K. et al.: Ninetyeast Ridge underway geophysics
16%1261989Fujioka, Kantaro; Taylor, Brian et al.: Ocean Drilling Program Leg 126 preliminary report; Bonin arc-trench system
16%1131987Burckle, L. H.; Abrams, N.: Pliocene paleoenvironments in the Circum-Antarctic region
16%1987Parfit, M. R.: Potential ODP Caribbean drilling sites
1987Pokras, Edward M.: Preliminary evidence for early Pliocene aridification of north tropical-Africa
16%1131987Pereira, C. P. G.; Macko, S. A. et al.: Preliminary organic isotopic geochemistry and sedimentological results from ODP Leg 113 cores from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica
16%1987Casey, Richard E.; Perez-Guzman, Ana Maria et al.: Radiolarian evidence bearing on the oceanographic history of the Gulf of California, and the Gulf's possible role in radiolarian evolutionary history
16%1131987Lawver, Lawrence A.; Lonsdale, Malcolm et al.: Results from underway geophysics of ODP Leg 113
1980Cape, C. D.; Gordon, R. G.: The resolving power of DSDP equatorial crossings in determining past motions of the Pacific Plate
16%1984Wilks, K. R.; Turk, B. L. et al.: Experimental deformation of DSDP basalts from Site 483B
1995Demant, A.; Cambray, H. et al.: Lithostratigraphy of the volcanic sequences at Hole 917A, Leg 152, SE Greenland margin
16%1991Christodoulidis, D. C.; Smith, D. E. et al.: Tectonic motion in Western USA from satellite laser ranging
16%1991Jacquin, T.; de Graciansky, P. C. et al.: The Cretaceous oceanic anoxic events; anoxia and hiatus within a sequence stratigraphic framework
16%1641997MacDonald, Ian R.: Bottom line for hydrocarbons
1997Dickens, G. R.: Catastrophic dissociation of gas hydrate and deep sea methane oxidation at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary
16%1997Larter, R. D.; Rebesco, M. et al.: Cenozoic tectonic, sedimentary and glacial history of the continental shelf west of Graham Land, Antarctic Peninsula
1990Maurrasse, Florentin J. M. R.: The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary impact site in the Caribbean
1993Tappin, D. R.: Sedimentation, volcanism and tectonism during rifting and backarc basin formation; the evidence from Site 840 on the southern Tonga Ridge
16%1441994Larson, R. L.; Erba, E. et al.: Stratigraphic, vertical subsidence, and paleolatitude histories of ODP Leg 144 guyots
16%171B1998Wilson, P. A.; Norris, R. D. et al.: Low latitude Cretaceous sea surface temperatures from Blake Nose
16%1998Soding, E.; Bruckmann, W. et al.: Making DSDP and ODP paleontologic and sedimentologic data more useful
1989Schlich, Roland; Wise, Sherwood W., Jr. et al.: Site 749
1991Wei, Wuchang; Pospichal, James J. et al.: Paleogene calcareous nannofossil magnetobiochronology of the Southern Ocean
16%1991Lund, Steve P.; Bottjer, David J.: Paleomagnetic evidence for microplate tectonic development of Southern and Baja California
1977Bizon, G.; Taugourdeau-Lantz J. et al.: Presence d'Algues enkystees: Pachysphaera et de microfossiles d'affinites incertaines: Bolboforma dans le Miocene de Mediterranee Occurrence of algal cysts, Pachysphaera, and microfossils of uncertain affinities, Bolboforma, in the Miocene of the Mediterranean
16%1977Donaldson, C. H.; Brown, R. W.: Refractory megacrysts and magnesium-rich melt inclusions within spinel in oceanic tholeiites; indicators of magma mixing and parental magma composition

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