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ScoreExp/Site/Hole YearAuthor/TitleFull text
1973Fontes, J. C.; Letolle, R. et al.: Stable isotope investigations of the Miocene evaporites and Pliocene and Pleistocene sedimentary rocks and oozes; oxygen, carbon, sulfur, and hydrogen stable isotopes in carbonate and sulfate mineral phases of Neogene evaporites, sediments, and in interstitial watersdownload
1973Ryan, William B. F.; Hsue, Kenneth J. et al.: Western Alboran Basin; Site 121download
25%131973Lloyd, R. Michael; Hsue, Kenneth J.: Stable isotope investigations of the Miocene evaporites and Pliocene and Pleistocene sedimentary rocks and oozes; Preliminary isotopic investigations of samples from deep-sea drilling in the Mediterranean Seadownload
1972Hollister, Charles D.; Ewing, John I. et al.: Site 100; Cat Gapdownload
1971Broennimann, Paul; Resig, Johanna M.: A Neogene Globigerinacean biochronologic time-scale of the southwestern Pacificdownload
25%61971Karig, D.: Site surveys in the mariana area Scan ivdownload
20%61971Shor, G. G.; Einsohn, S. D. et al.: Site surveys from honolulu to tokyo (scan iii) and tokyo to guam (scan iv), leg 6download
42%21970Peterson, Melvin N. A.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, covering leg 2 of cruises of the drilling vessel "Glomar Challenger", Hoboken, N.J. to Dakar, Senegal, Oct.-Nov. 1968download
20%1973Clauson, Georges: The eustatic hypothesis and the pre-Pliocene cutting of the Rhone Valleydownload
18%1973Barr, F. T.; Walker, B. R.: Late Tertiary channel system in northern Libya and its implications on Mediterranean sea level changesdownload
17%2012Schmidt-Schierhorn, Friederike; Kaul, Norbert et al.: Geophysical site survey results from North Pond (Mid-Atlantic Ridge)download
15%1976Herron, E. M.; Tucholke, B. E.: Sea-floor magnetic patterns and basement structure in the southeastern Pacificdownload
10%1978Gvirtzman, G.; Buchbinder, B.: The late Tertiary of the coastal plain and continental shelf of Israel and its bearing on the history of the eastern Mediterraneandownload
10%2010Edwards, Katrina J.; Bach, Wolfgang et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 336 scientific prospectus; Mid-Atlantic Ridge flank microbiology; initiation of long-term coupled microbiological, geochemical, and hydrological experimentation within the seafloor at North Pond, western flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridgedownload
9%2008Lazarus, David; Cervato, Cinzia et al.: Neptune; developing a digital information infrastructure for micropaleontology in the 21 (super st) centurydownload
9%1970Weser, Oscar E.: Lithologic summary, Chapter 30download
4%2011Brandl, P. A.; Regelous, M. et al.: Chemical evolution of MORB; new insights from old crustdownload

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