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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
42%961986Marzi, R.; Rullkoetter, J.: Organic matter accumulation and migrated hydrocarbons in deep sea sediments of the Mississippi Fan and adjacent intraslope basins, northern Gulf of Mexico
1986Head, Martin J.; Norris, Geoffrey: Paleocene palynology of ODP Site 647, Leg 105, Labrador Sea; preliminary results
42%1986Premoli-Silva, Isabella; Boersma, Anne: Paleogene biofacies of the western North Atlantic Ocean
42%1986Shackleton, Nicholas J.: Paleogene stable isotopes events
42%1986Tucholke, Brian E.; McCoy, Floyd W.: Paleogeographic and paleobathymetric evolution of the North Atlantic Ocean
42%1986Verosub, Kenneth L.; Steiner, Maureen et al.: Paleomagnetic objectives for the Ocean Drilling Program
42%1011986Sager, William W.: Paleomagnetism of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 101 sediments
42%1986Renard, Maurice: Pelagic carbonate chemostratigraphy (Sr, Mg, (super 18) O, (super 13) C)
42%1986Gergen, Leslie Dickson; Ingersoll, Raymond V.: Petrology and provenance of Deep Sea Drilling Project sand and sandstone from the North Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea
42%961986Thayer, Paul A.; Roberts, Harry H.: Petrology and reservoir rocks potential of Mississippi Fan sands, DSDP Leg 96
1986Moody, Judith B.; Chaboudy, Louis R. et al.: Phosphorus flux, glaciation, and shelf-deep sea partitioning of nutrients for the last 10 MA
42%1986Zachos, J. C.; Arthur, M. A.: Paleoceanography of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary event; inferences from stable isotopic and other datadownload
42%1986Capo, Rosemary C.; DePaolo, Donald J.: Pleistocene Sr isotope stratigraphy and paleoeanography
42%1011986Droxler, Andre W.; Watkins, David K.: Plio-Pleistocene evolution of climatically-induced aragonite cycles in the Bahamas Periplatform carbonate ooze
1986de Vernal, A.; Mudie, P. J. et al.: Plio-Pleistocene palynostratigraphy of ODP Site 645, Baffin Bay; preliminary results
42%1986Hodell, David A.; Elmstrom, Kristin M. et al.: Latest Miocene benthic delta (super 18) O changes, global ice volume, sea level and the "Messinian salinity crisis"
1986Hodell, David Arnold: Major events in Neogene paleoceanography; faunal and isotopic evidence
42%1011986Watkins, D. K.; Leckie, R. Mark et al.: Micropaleontological results from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 101 on carbonate platform growth and sea level changes
1986Jarrard, R. D.: Milankovich cycles in downhole logs from ODP Site 646, Labrador Sea
1986Whynot, John David: Mineralogy and early diagenesis of deep Gulf of Mexico basin sediments
42%1982Deregnaucourt, D.; Boillot, G.: Structure geologique du golfe de Gascogne Geologic structure of Bay of Biscay
1982Shepley, Susan I.: Taxonomy and biostratigraphy of Paleogene age sediments from cores in the Northwest Atlantic and Caribbean using diatoms
42%1982Kharin, G. S.; Udintsev, G. B.: Tektonicheskaya struktura i osadochnyye porody khrebta Yan-Mayen The tectonic structure and sedimentary rocks of Jan Mayen Ridge
1982Malmgren, Bjorn A.; Lohmann, G. P. et al.: Ten million years of evolution in the planktonic foraminiferal Globorotalia tumida group
1982Papavassiliou, C. T.; Cosgrove, M. E.: The geochemistry of DSDP sediments from Site 223, Indian Ocean
42%131982Cita, Maria Bianca: The Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediterranean; a review
1982Biolzi, M.: The Oligocene/Miocene boundary in the equatorial Atlantic DSDP Site 354, results of studies on planktic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils
1999Haberle, Simon G.; Maslin, Mark A.: Late Quaternary vegetation and climate change in the Amazon Basin based on a 50,000 year pollen record from the Amazon Fan, ODP Site 932
1999Gupta, Anil K.: Latest Pliocene through Holocene paleoceanography of the Eastern Indian Ocean; benthic foraminiferal evidence
42%1999Cotillon, P.; Huchon, A.: Les Cycles sedimentaires a haute frequence et leur message dans les sediments pelagiques; exemples dans quelques series du Cretace inferieur a l'actuel High-frequency pelagic sedimentary cycles; examples from the Lower Cretaceous to modern times
42%1999Turner, S. P.; Platt, J. P. et al.: Magmatism associated with orogenic collapse of the Betic-Alboran Domain, SE Spain
1999Hayashida, Akira; Verosub, Kenneth L. et al.: Magnetostratigraphy and relative palaeointensity of late Neogene sediments at ODP Leg 167 Site 1010 off Baja California
42%1781999Barker, P. F.; Camerlenghi, A.: Major results of ODP Leg 178; the Holocene record from Palmer Deep, Antarctic Peninsula inner shelf
1999Bethoux, Jean-Pierre; Pierre, Catherine: Mediterranean functioning and sapropel formation; respective influences of climate and hydrological changes in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean
1999Ashley, Gail M.: Methods, potential and limitations for tracing abrupt climate change in clastic environments
42%1661999Rendle, R. H.; Reijmer, J. J. G. et al.: Mineralogy and sedimentology of the Pleistocene to Recent on the leeward margin of Great Bahama Bank (ODP-Leg 166)
42%1811999McCave, Nick; Hall, Ian et al.: Mud, ash and water
42%1601999Cramp, Adrian; O'Sullivan, Gerard: Neogene sapropels in the Mediterranean; a review
1999Joseph, Sudheer; Kumar Gupta, Anil: New species of benthic Foraminifera from the Neogene sequence of ODP sites 757B and 758A, northeastern Indian Ocean
42%1999Musgrave, Robert J.; Firth, John V.: Magnitude and timing of New Hebrides Arc rotation; paleomagnetic evidence from Nendo, Solomon Islandsdownload
42%1261990Lovell, M. A.; Harvey, P. K. et al.: Chemostratigraphy of a forearc; preliminary results from insitu downhole nuclear measurements in the Izu-Bonin Arc region
42%1990Macleod, Norman; Keller, Gerta: Chronostratigraphy of K/T boundary sequences
1990Pokras, Edward M.: Climatic change in South Saharan and Sahelian Africa, 0-660,000 yr BP; an eolian record based on continentally-derived microfossils
42%1211990Gee, J.; Klootwijk, Chris T. et al.: Compaction related inclination shallowing in sediments from Broken Ridge, eastern Indian Ocean
1990Gard, G.; Crux, Jason A.: Comparisons of late Quaternary climatic development between the Arctic and Antarctic through calcareous nannofossils
42%1990Raymo, M. E.; Rind, D. et al.: Climatic effects of reduced Arctic sea ice limits in the GISS II general circulation modeldownload
42%1990Damassa, Sarah Pierce; Goodman, David K. et al.: Correlation of Paleogene dinoflagellate assemblages to standard nannofossil zonation in North Atlantic DSDP sites
1990Keigwin, Lloyd D.: Deglacial climatic oscillations in the Gulf of California
1990Fourtanier, Elisabeth: Diatom biostratigraphy of the eastern Indian Ocean ODP Leg 121
1990Kaczmarska, Irena: Diatoms at Site 717, Leg 116
42%1301990Berger, W. H.; Kroenke, L. W. et al.: Drilling on Ontong Java Plateau, Leg 130; the Neogene carbonate paradox
42%1301990Kroenke, L. W.; Berger, W. H. et al.: Drilling on the Ontong Java Plateau; ODP Leg 130 preliminary results
2000Southcott, Helen V. C.; Teagle, Damon A. H.: Dolomitization of calcareous Eocene sediments, northern Kerguelen Plateau (ODP Site 1140); implications for dolomite formation
42%2000Okuyama, Takao; Kanzaki, Yutaka et al.: Early to middle Miocene palaeoceanography around Japanese Islands based on the analysis of calcareous nannofossil assemblages
42%2000Kindler, Pascal; Hearty, Paul J.: Elevated marine terraces from Eleuthera (Bahamas) and Bermuda; sedimentological, petrographic and geochronological evidence for important deglaciation events during the middle Pleistocene
42%1842000Wang Pinxian; Prell, Warren et al.: Exploring the Asian monsoon through drilling in the South China Sea
42%2000Murray, R. W.; Knowlton, C. et al.: Export production and terrigenous matter in the central Equatorial Pacific Ocean during interglacial oxygen isotope stage 11
42%1162000Gopala Rao, D.; Krishna, K. S. et al.: Geophysical studies of the intraplate deformation zone, central Indian Ocean
42%2000Anonymous: Glaciomarine studies
42%1602000Becker, J.; Hilgen, F. J. et al.: High-resolution climatic proxy records of oxygen isotope stages 100-99 from the Mediterranean
42%2000Brachfeld, Stefanie A.; Guyodo, Yohan et al.: High-resolution Holocene paleomagnetic records from the western Antarctic Peninsula
42%1842000Wang, P.; Prell, W. L. et al.: History of the South China Sea in sediment record
42%1782000Domack, E.; Leventer, A. et al.: Holocene climate variability in the Antarctic Peninsula
42%2000Hilgen, Frederik J.; Krijgsman, Wout et al.: Integrated stratigraphy and astronomical calibration of the Serravallian/Tortonian boundary section at Monte Gibliscemi (Sicily, Italy)
42%1781998Camerlenghi, A.; Rebesco, M. et al.: High resolution seismic stratigraphy of Palmer Deep; a fault bounded late Quaternary sediment trap on inner continental shelf, Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin
1998Kucera, M.: High-resolution anatomy of the mid-Pliocene Sphaeroidinella transition
42%1691998Karlin, Robert E.; Verosub, Kenneth L. et al.: High-resolution correlation and paleoclimate analysis of varved Holocene sediments from ODP Leg 169S, Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, Canada
1998Mudie, Peta J.: Holocene record of dinoflagellate paleoproductivity and red tides; ODP Site 1034B, Saanich Inlet, British Columbia
1998Mudie, Peta J.: Holocene records of dinoflagellates, red tides and climate change in varved sediments of ODP Hole 1034B, Saanich Inlet
42%1998Blais-Stevens, Andree; Clague, John J. et al.: Holocene sedimentation in Saanich Inlet, B.C.; implications for prehistoric earthquake history
42%1992Meyers, Philip A.: Changes in organic carbon stable isotope ratios across the K/T boundary; global or local control?
42%1291992Behl, Richard Jay: Chertification in the Monterey Formation of California and deep-sea sediments of the West Pacific
1992Shackleton, N. J.: Chronostratigraphy of the Pliocene based on Leg 138 sequences
1992Schrader, Hans: Coastal upwelling and atmospheric CO (sub 2) changes over the last 400,000 years; Peru
42%1992Kirillova, Galina L.: Comparative characteristics of Cenozoic sedimentary basins of the East Asia-Pacific Ocean junction zone
42%1985Monechi, Simonetta; Thierstein, Hans R.: Late Cretaceous-Eocene nannofossil and magnetostratigraphic correlations near Gubbio, Italy
42%1985Kennett, James P.; Murphy, Margaret G.: Late Eocene-middle Miocene paleoclimates of the South-west Pacific; oxygen isotopic evidence
42%131985Mueller, Carla: Late Miocene to Recent Mediterranean biostratigraphy and paleoenvironments based on calcareous nannoplankton
1985Stein, Ruediger: Late Neogene changes of paleoclimate and paleoproductivity off Northwest Africa
1985Melillo, Allan Joseph: Late Oligocene to Pliocene sea-level cycle events in the Baltimore Canyon trough and western North Atlantic Basin
1985Niemitz, J. W.; Karlin, R. et al.: Late Quaternary history of an oxygen minimum zone, Gulf of California; a chemostratigraphic approach
42%751985Diester-Haass, L.: Late Quaternary upwelling history off Southwest Africa (DSDP Leg 75, HPC 532)
42%1985Vergnaud Grazzini, C.; Saliege, J. F.: Les evenements isotopiques en milieu oceanique a la transition Eocene-Oligocene dans le Pacifique et l'Atlantique; paleocirculations profondes en Atlantique sud Isotope occurrences in oceanic environment at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary in the Pacific and Atlantic; deep-seated paleocirculation in the southern Atlantic
42%1985Weinreich, N.: Magnetische Untersuchungen neogener pelagischer Sedimente des zentralen Aequatorialpazifik Magnetic investigations of Neogene pelagic sediments of the central-equatorial Pacific Ocean
1992Dehn, J.; Schmincke, H. U.: 40 Ma tephrochronology of Ninetyeast Ridge and Broken Ridge, eastern Indian Ocean
1992Karlin, R.: A 250 kyr secular variation record from rapidly deposited marine sediments at Gulf of California DSDP Site 480
42%381992van Hinte, Jan E.: A Mediterranean moisture motor of global climate change
42%1992Berggren, William A.: A revised Neogene magnetobiochronology; framework for improved global marine-terrestrial correlations
1992Ciesielski, Paul F.; Bjorklund, Kjell R.: An integrated siliceous and calcareous microfossil biostratigraphy of the northern North Atlantic calibrated to oxygen isotope stages I-114 of DSDP Site 609
42%1131990Pereira, Christopher P. G.; Macko, S. A. et al.: Late Tertiary sedimentology, palaeoenvironments and climate of the Weddell Sea region; synthesis based on sediment, clay mineralogy and organic isotope geochemistry data
1979Woodruff, Fay: Deep sea benthic foraminiferal changes associated with the middle Miocene oxygen isotopic event, DSDP Site 289, equatorial Pacific
1979Koizumi, I.: DSDP Site 299, the Sea of Japan
1979Koizumi, I.: DSDP Site 301, the Sea of Japan
1979Koizumi, I.: DSDP Site 302, the Sea of Japan
42%1973Karig, D.: Origin of the West Philippine Basin
42%1973Anderson, Thomas F.: Oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of altered carbonates from the western Pacific, core 53.0, Deep Sea Drilling Project
42%131973Nesteroff, W. D.: Petrographie des evaporties messiniennes de la Mediterranee; comparaison des forages JOIDES-DSDP et des deposts du Bassin de Sicile Petrography of Messinian evaporites of the Mediterranean; comparisons with the JOIDES-DSDP cores and deposits in the Sicily Basin
42%211973Kennett, J. P.: Preliminary Biostratigraphic and Paleo-oceanographic Results of Cruise XXI D/V Glomar Challenger in the South-west Pacific
42%1973Ross, David A.: Red Sea Drillings
42%131973Anonymous: Regional distribution and stratigraphy of late Miocene evaporites and evidence of major depressions in the Mediterranean sea level

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