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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
44%1551996Maslin, Mark; Mikkelsen, Naja: Sea level controlled catastrophic failures of the Amazon Fan
44%1979Edmond, J.; Corliss, J. et al.: Ridge crest-hydrothermal metamorphism at the Galapagos spreading center and reverse weathering
44%2010Davis, Marcy B.; Ellins, K. K.: The University of Texas Institute for Geophysics Teachers in the Field Project; digital liaison between science educators and teacher field research programs
44%2010Moore, J. C.: Tectonics, fluids, and the seismogenic zone; four decades of drilling at convergent margins
44%2010Mitchell, Neil C.; Tominaga, M. et al.: The Equatorial Pacific pelagic sedimentary system
44%2010Kington, J. D.; Tobin, H. J.: The impact of subducting basement topography on piggyback slope basins within the outer wedge of the Nankai Trough accretionary prism, southwest Japanankai Trough accretionary prism, southwest Japan
1995Hisada, K.; Ishii, T. et al.: Detrital chrome spinels in Hole 960A, CIGMR
1995Cisowski, S. M.: Did the period from 30 to 45 k.y. BP represent a failed reversal?
44%1995Clift, Peter D.; Turner, Jonathan: Dynamic support by the Icelandic Plume and vertical tectonics of the Northeast Atlantic continental margins
44%1995Dickens, Gerald R.; O'Neil, James R. et al.: Dissociation of oceanic methane hydrate as a cause of the carbon isotope excursion at the end of the Paleocenedownload
44%1211988Weissel, J. K.: Tectonic history of Broken Ridge from ODP Leg 121 drilling and marine geophysical data
44%1979Watkins, J. S.; Hoppe, K. W.: Seismic reflection reconnaissance of the Atlantic margin of Morocco
44%1979Tucholke, B. E.; Mountain, G. S.: Seismic stratigraphy, lithostratigraphy and paleosedimentation patterns in the North American Basin
44%1979Hyndman, R. D.; Christensen, N. I. et al.: Seismic velocities, densities, electrical resistivities, porosities and thermal conductivities of core samples from boreholes into the islands of Bermuda and the Azores
44%1979Riech, V.; von Rad, U.: Silica diagenesis in the Atlantic Ocean; diagenetic potential and transformations
2006Carpentier, M.; Chauvel, C. et al.: Strong relationship between Hf-Nd-Pb isotopes in Atlantic sediments and the Lesser Antilles Arc composition
2006Bauska, T.; Sommerfield, C. et al.: Sub-millennial scale hydrographic variation on the New Jersey margin
44%1932003Lee, Sang-Mook: Rock magnetic investigation of felsic hydrothermal vent system; results from ODP Leg 193 to eastern Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea
1984Glass, B. P.: Multiple late Eocene and early Oligocene tektite events?
44%1984Kong, Laura; Brocher, Thomas M. et al.: No spreading rate dependence on upper oceanic crustal elastic wave velocities
2004Lamy, F.; Hebbeln, D. et al.: Late Quaternary paleoenvironmental history of the Peru-Chile current system and adjacent continental Chile
44%2004Bailey, D. M.; Stevens, J. et al.: Learning activities developed at the University of Texas at Austin Institute for Geophysics using ocean drilling science, technology and data
44%1981Lawrence, J. R.; Gieskes, Joris M.: Constraints on water transport and alteration in the oceanic crust from the isotopic composition of pore water
2003Abe, Natsue: Petrological insights of the first recovered chromitites from Site 1271, ODP Leg 209, MAR 15 degrees N
44%1972003Kerr, Bryan C.; Scholl, David W. et al.: Post-hotspot collapse feature and shield-building volcanism on Detroit Seamount
44%2062003Tartarotti, Paola; Crispini, Laura: Preliminary results on the structure of ocean crust from new holes drilled in fast-spread crust during ODP Leg 206
1978Demidenko, Ye. L.; Popov, V. P.: Some features of deep-sea sedimentation in the western part of the Indian Ocean central basin
44%1996Larsen, H. C.; Duncan, R. A. et al.: The SE Greenland continent-ocean transition; a record of plume impact, lithosphere thinning and final breakup
44%1621997Jansen, Eystein; Fronval, Torben et al.: A continuous record of Northern Hemisphere glaciation from ODP Leg 162
44%1691997Schultheiss, P. J.: Advances in fluid flow determinations for marine hydrogeology using pore pressure measurements
1997Isern, A. R.; McKenzie, J. A. et al.: An early Pliocene drift deposit adjacent to the Great Bahama Bank; high resolution record of climatic and eustatic change
44%1461997Sample, James C.; Coath, Christopher D. et al.: An ion microprobe study of variations of oxygen isotopes in carbonate veins from the Cascadia accretionary wedge
44%1997Tighe, Stacey; Pockalny, Robert A. et al.: Axial volcanoes and their eruptive centers; fundamental units of accretion along the East Pacific Rise
44%1997Screaton, Elizabeth; Ge, Shermin: An assessment of along-strike fluid and heat transport within the Barbados Ridge accretionary complex; results of preliminary modelingdownload
1984Hawkins, James; Volpe, Alan et al.: Ophiolite series rocks of the Mariana forearc seamounts
44%1581995Kinoshita, M.; Goto, S. et al.: Correlation between transient changes observed by long-term heat flow monitoring system and ODP Leg 158 drillings at TAG hydrothermal mound
44%1591995O'Brien, W. P.; Pontoise, B.: Crustal structure of the Ivory Coast Basin adjacent to a transform margin
44%801982Masson, Douglas G.: Regional aspects of IPOD Leg 80 drilling
1992Murray, David W.; Farrell, John W.: Calcium carbonate and opal sedimentation in the eastern Equatorial Pacific during the past 3 million years
2004Haraguchi, S.; Ishii, T.: Enriched MORB in the northeastern Pacific, petrological and geochemical features of igneous basement at Site 1224, ODP Leg 200
44%2004Brown, B. J.; Warnaar, J. et al.: Eocene-Oligocene Southern Ocean paleo-bathymetry maps generated with geophysical, sedimentological and microfossil data
44%2042004Xun, H.; Bangs, N. L. et al.: Estimation of free gas saturation using AVO analysis on 3D seismic data at south Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia accretionary complex
44%2004Storrie-Lombardi, M. C.; Fisk, M. R.: Elemental abundance distributions in suboceanic basalt glass; evidence of biogenic alterationdownload
2004Gallego-Torres, David; Martinez-Ruiz, F. et al.: Evaluation of geochemical proxies preserved in the sapropel record from the Eastern Mediterranean within the Pliocene-Holocene time interval
44%1682004Hutnak, M.; Fisher, A. T. et al.: Evidence for along-strike hydrothermal circulation within young oceanic crust on the eastern flank of the Endeavour axis, Juan de Fuca Ridge
2004Thomas, D. J.: Evidence for deep-water production in the North Pacific during the early Cenozoic
44%2082004Via, R. K.; Thomas, D. J.: Evolution of North Atlantic thermohaline circulation; from the greenhouse to the icehouse
44%3012004Rice, J.; Iturrino, G. J. et al.: Experiences and results from the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Teacher at Sea Program, Expedition 301
44%2004Jordahl, K. A.; Paull, C. K. et al.: Geology of Smooth Ridge; MARS-IODP cabled observatory site
44%1991Hampt, G.; Perry, J. T. et al.: Scientific ocean drilling; results of the seventh year of field operations and future drilling plans
2004Liu, X.; Flemings, P.: Mechanism for free gas migration through south Hydrate Ridge hydrate system
44%2004Schultz, A.; Flynn, M. et al.: Medusa-Isosampler; a modular, network-based observatory system for combined physical, chemical and microbiological monitoring, sampling and incubation of hydrothermal and cold seep fluids
44%2052004Cardace, D.; Morris, J. D. et al.: Methane production in forearc sediments at the Costa Rican convergent margin
44%2002004Bromirski, P. D.; Duennebier, F. K. et al.: Mid-ocean microseisms; coastal source areas and historical wave climate implications
2005Wei, W.; Kastner, M. et al.: Chlorine stable isotopes in three subduction zones, with inferences for serpentinization and fluid flow
2005Hall, I. R.; Bianchi, G. G. et al.: Comparative reconstruction of North Atlantic deep water variability during MIS 12-10
44%2005Tripati, A. K.; Elderfield, H. H. et al.: Constraints on Paleocene and Eocene tropical sea-surface temperatures and meridional temperature gradients from Mg/Ca and oxygen isotope ratios of Foraminifera in sediments recovered by the Ocean Drilling Program
2005Coogan, L. A.: Cooling rate constraints on accretion of the lower oceanic crust
2008Knies, Jochen; Gaina, Carmen: Middle Miocene ice sheet expansion in the Arctic; views from the Barents Seadownload
44%3022008Palike, Heiko; Spofforth, David J. A. et al.: Orbital scale variations and timescales from the Arctic Oceandownload
44%3102007Inwood, J.; Braaksma, H. et al.: Improving the accuracy of core location and recovery estimates through the integration of core data, wireline logs and drilling parameters; an example from IODP Expedition 310, Tahiti sea level
2007Yamamoto, M.; Polyak, L.: Late Pleistocene biomarker records from the central Arctic Ocean (ACEX Hole M0004C and HOTRAX HLY0503-08JPC)
44%2082007Ridgwell, Andy: Interpreting transient carbonate compensation depth changes by marine sediment core modelingdownload
1994Le, Jianning; Mix, A. C. et al.: East-West temperature gradient in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean during the late Pleistocene
44%1491994Pratson, E. L.; Goldberg, D. S. et al.: Electrical (FMS) imaging of the oceanic-continental crust transition
1994Lovell, M. A.; Harvey, P. K. et al.: Electrical resistivity of core; a possible route to core-log integration
44%1561994Moore, J. Casey; Shipley, T. H. et al.: Elevated fluid pressures and fault-zone dilation; logging while drilling results from the northern Barbados Ridge, Leg 156 ODP
44%1101994Stauffer, P.; Bekins, B. A. et al.: Elevated fluid pressures and possible hydrofractures
1994Tarduno, J. A.: Enhanced superparamagnetism accompanying reduction diagenesis in pelagic sediments
1997Zhao, Zhiyong; Moore, G. F.: Physical properties of the decollement zone under the northern Barbados accretionary prism; insights from seismic inversion
44%1681997Zuehlsdorff, Lars; Spiess, Volkhard et al.: Possible seismic evidences for fluid migration at the eastern Juan de Fuca Ridge flank
44%1801998Taylor, Brian; Huchon, Philippe et al.: Active continental extension in the western Woodlark Basin, PNG; ODP Leg 180 initial results
1998Carlson, R. L.: Average seismic structure of Pacific oceanic crust
44%1997Pike, Jennifer; Kemp, Alan E. S.: Early Holocene decadal-scale ocean variability recorded in Gulf of California laminated sedimentsdownload
44%2072007Junium, Christopher K.; Arthur, Michael A.: Nitrogen cycling during the Cretaceous, Cenomanian-Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event IIdownload
44%2007Holbourn, A.; Kuhnt, W. et al.: Pacific circulation during the middle Miocene climate transition (12-17 Ma)
44%3022007Ashmankas, C. E.; O'Regan, M. et al.: Paleo-currents and -ice, using grain size analyses in the ACEX and ARCTIC '91 cores
44%1998Boissonnas, R.; Goldberg, D. et al.: Gas hydrates education using downhole electromagnetic measurements on the Costa Rican margin
44%1481994Kelemen, P. B.; Shimizu, N. et al.: Extraction of MORB in dunite channels; evidence from Oman
1994Jurado, M. J.: First results on the interpretation of ODP Leg 156 LWD data; evidence of faulting in uncored sections of the northern Barbados accretionary prism
44%1994Tobin, H.: Fluid pressure and fault zone dilation in the decollement, Barbados accretionary prism; experimental results
44%1983Ozima, M.; Kaneoka, I. et al.: Summary of geochronological studies of submarine rocks from the western Pacific Ocean
44%1999Johnson, Marie C.; Plank, Terry: Dehydration and melting experiments constrain the fate of subducted sediments
1999Murray, R. W.; Carey, S. et al.: Dispersed volcanic ash in marine sediments
44%1761999Snow, Jonathan E.; Jochum, Klaus Peter et al.: Does the "gabbroic" component in hawaiian lavas come from oceanic lower crust?
44%3112005Riedel, M.; Collett, T. S. et al.: Tectonic discrimination with classification trees
2005Weinberger, J. L.; Brown, K. M.: The application of borehole resistivity measurements to fluid flow processes at Hydrate Ridge, Oregon
2005Cannariato, K. G.; Kennett, J. P.: The end of the penultimate interglacial recorded in Santa Barbara Basin, California
44%3022005Darby, D. A.; Jakobsson, M. et al.: Trans-Arctic coring expedition results
44%2005Nakagawa, S.; Inagaki, F. et al.: Unique thermophiles supported by the ocean crustal fluids exiting from a borehole in the eastern flank of Juan de Fuca Ridge
2005Kendrick, G. H.; Thunell, R. C.: Upper ocean thermal gradients in the eastern Equatorial Atlantic; implications for interhemispheric heat transport since 150 ka
2005Cacho, I.; Ferretti, P. et al.: Variability in surface and thermocline temperatures of the eastern Equatorial Pacific during the last glacial period
2005Teitler, L.; Warnke, D. A. et al.: Warm interglacial MIS 31 in the subpolar South Atlantic; evidence from ODP Site 177-1090
2005Dekens, P.; Ravelo, A. C. et al.: Warm upwelling regions during a period of global warmth
44%2005Grimes, C. B.; John, B. E. et al.: Widespread occurrence of zircon in slow- and ultraslow spreading ocean crust; a tool for studying ocean lithospheric processes
44%2006Bangs, N. L.; Moore, G. F. et al.: 3-D seismic images of thrust systems along the NanTroSEIZE Kumano Basin transect, southwestern Japan
2006Tipple, B. J.; Pagani, M.: A Neogene higher plant N-alkane carbon and hydrogen isotope record from the Gulf of Mexico
44%3022006Stein, Ruediger; Boucsein, Bettina et al.: Anoxia and high primary production in the Paleogene central Arctic Ocean; first detailed records from Lomonosov Ridgedownload
2006Hefter, J.; Stein, R.: Biomarker compositions as source indicators of Heinrich layers in the northern North Atlantic (IODP Exp. 303/306, Site 1305)
44%2072006Beckmann, B.; Hofmann, P. et al.: Biomarker evidence from Demerara Rise for surface and deep water redox conditions in the Mid Cretaceous western Equatorial Atlantic

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