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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
32%2001Elkibbi, Maya; Rial, Jose A.: An outsider's review of the astronomical theory of the climate; is the eccentricity-driven insolation the main driver of the ice ages?
32%2000Kemp, Alan E. S.; Pike, Jennifer et al.: The "Fall dump"; a new perspective on the role of a "shade flora" in the annual cycle of diatom production and export flux
32%1902007Skarbek, R. M.; Saffer, D. M.: Pore pressure development in sub-decollement sediments in subduction zones; insights from laboratory data and numerical modeling
32%1122001Broser, A.; Baialas, J. et al.: Subduction processes along the Peruvian margin from wide angle seismic data
2007Acton, Gary D.; Roth, Alex et al.: Analyzing micromagnetic properties with FORCIT software
32%3022006Vogt, Christoph; Stein, Ruediger et al.: IODP; bulk mineral assemblage of IODP Leg 302-Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX) cores; implications on paleoceanography and early diagenesis
32%1782006Guennewig, Petra; Huhn, Katrin et al.: IODP; investigation of current conditions and sediment transport pattern along the Antarctic Peninsula using a numerical ocean circulation model
32%1752006Weigelt, Estella; Uenzelmann-Neben, Gabriele: IODP; orbital forced cyclicity in the depositional environment in the Cape Basin? An integrated study of borehole and seismic data
2002Sacks, I. Selwyn; Suyehiro, Kiyoshi: Effects of subduction angle changes on tectonics and volcanism
2002Fairhurst, Robert Jason: Inferring magmatic sources in gabbroic rocks from hole 735B of the Ocean Drilling Program and EBSD analysis of YBCO thin films
2002Price, G. D.; Hart, M. B.: Isotopic evidence for Early to Mid-Cretaceous ocean temperature variability
32%2082005Westerhold, Thomas; Roehl, Ursula et al.: New high-resolution chronology from the first complete late Paleocene-early Eocene marine records from Walvis Ridge; duration of Chron C24R and new constraints on the timing of early Eocene global warming events
32%1642001Davie, Matthew K.; Buffett, Bruce A.: A numerical model for the formation of gas hydrate below the seafloordownload
1995Nuernberg, Dirk: Magnesium in tests of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral from high northern and southern latitudes
32%1311992Venec-Peyre, Marie-Therese; Boulegue, Jacques et al.: Vent activity in a subduction area (Nankai Wedge); the foraminiferal test records
32%1992Arana, V.; Bustillo, M. A.: Volcanologic concerns of the siliceous metasedimentary xenoliths included in historic lava-flows of Lanzarote (Canary Islands)
32%1992Berge, Patricia A.; Fryer, Gerard J. et al.: Velocity-porosity relationships in the upper oceanic crust; theoretical considerationsdownload
32%1984Zolotarev, B. P.: Sravnitel'naya petrokhimicheskaya kharakteristika bazal'tov Sredinno-Atlanticheskogo khrebta i Vostochno-Tikhookeanskogo podnyatiya Petrochemical comparison of basalts from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the East Pacific Rise
32%1984Watermann, Lee S.; Deuser, Werner G.: Stable-isotope data
32%861990Lu, R.; Banerjee, S. K. et al.: Influence of clay mineral type and composition on relative paleointensity determination from ocean sediments
32%1611997Tribble, J. S.; Wilkens, R. H.: Digital image analysis of sediments from the western Mediterranean Sea; integration with physical properties
32%1641996Guerin, Gilles; Meltser, Alex et al.: Results of acoustic and shear wave logging in gas hydrates; preliminary data from ODP Leg 164
32%1979Schrader, H. J.: Quaternary paleoclimatology of the Black Sea basin
32%1979Stanley, D. J.; Sheng, H. et al.: Sand on the southern Mediterranean Ridge; proximal basement and distal African-Nile provenance
32%501980Brassell, Simon C.; Gowar, Ann P. et al.: Computerised gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in analyses of sediments from the Deep Sea Drilling Project
32%3012009Futagami, Taiki; Morono, Yuki et al.: Dehalogenation activities and distribution of reductive dehalogenase homologous genes in marine subsurface sediments
2011Grimes, Craig B.; Ushikubo, Takayuki et al.: Uniformly mantle-like delta (super 18) O in zircons from oceanic plagiogranites and gabbros
2009Linnert, Christian; Mutterlose, Joerg: Biometry of the Late Cretaceous Arkhangelskiella group; ecophenotypes controlled by nutrient flux
32%3022009Roberts, Christopher D.; LeGrande, Allegra N. et al.: Climate sensitivity to Arctic seaway restriction during the early Paleogene
2009Krissek, Lawrence; McKee, Margaret Haack et al.: Coarse fraction abundances and the Pleistocene record of iceberg-rafting at IODP Ssites 1304, 1305, and 1308, North Atlantic Ocean
32%1991Nechaev, Victor P.: Evolution of the Philippine and Japan seas from the clastic sediment record
1991Thierstein, H. R.; Spencer-Cervato, C. et al.: Evolutionary origin and morphological differentiation of the extant planktonic foraminifer Globorotalia truncatulinoides
1997Richards, Adrian F.; Chaney, Ronald C.: Nondestructive measurement of the existing state of consolidation in marine soils
1995Tarduno, John A.; Sager, William W. et al.: Early Cretaceous magnetostratigraphy and paleolatitudes from the Mid-Pacific Mountains; preliminary results bearing on guyot formation and Pacific Plate translationdownload
32%1041988Mudie, Peta J.; Saunders, K. et al.: TAS; a versatile computerized microscope system for automated image analysis and statistical study of palynomorphs
32%1211988Weissel, J. K.: Tectonic history of Broken Ridge from ODP Leg 121 drilling and marine geophysical data
32%1952006Komor, Stephen C.; Mottl, Michael J.: Stable isotope compositions of dissolved inorganic carbon, methane, sulfate, and sulfide in pore water from the South Chamorro serpentinite mud volcano, Mariana subduction complexdownload
32%1984Sval'nov, V. I.; Ushakova, M. G. et al.: New data on the geology of submerged mountains of the Pacific
32%2004Bailey, D. M.; Stevens, J. et al.: Learning activities developed at the University of Texas at Austin Institute for Geophysics using ocean drilling science, technology and data
32%1981Lawrence, J. R.; Gieskes, Joris M.: Constraints on water transport and alteration in the oceanic crust from the isotopic composition of pore water
2003Sager, William W.; Horner-Johnson, Benjamin C.: Paleomagnetism of basaltic rocks cored at ODP Site 1179; implications for Mid-Cretaceous Pacific Plate paleolatitude and paleomagnetic poledownload
1997Kaminski, Michael; Holbourn, Ann et al.: "Neaguammina n. gen.", a new agglutinated foraminiferal genus from the Lower Cretaceous of DSDP Site 263 (Indian Ocean)
32%1461997Sample, James C.; Coath, Christopher D. et al.: An ion microprobe study of variations of oxygen isotopes in carbonate veins from the Cascadia accretionary wedge
32%1997Naehr, Thomas: Authigener klinoptilolith in marinen sedimenten; mineralchemie, genese und moegliche anwendung als geothermometer Authigenic clinoptilolite in marine sediments; crystal chemistry, genesis and possible application in geologic thermometry
1978Fleet, A. J.; McKelvey, B. C.: Eocene explosive submarine volcanism, Ninetyeast Ridge, Indian Ocean
32%1978Hein, J. R.; Scholl, D. W. et al.: Episodes of Aleutian Ridge explosive volcanism
1995Fitzgerald, P. G.: Cretaceous and Cenozoic exhumation of the Transantarctic Mountains; evidence from the Kukri Hills of southern Victoria Land compared to fission track data from gneiss at DSDP Site 270
32%2004Brown, B. J.; Warnaar, J. et al.: Eocene-Oligocene Southern Ocean paleo-bathymetry maps generated with geophysical, sedimentological and microfossil data
32%2042004Xun, H.; Bangs, N. L. et al.: Estimation of free gas saturation using AVO analysis on 3D seismic data at south Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia accretionary complex
32%2004Storrie-Lombardi, M. C.; Fisk, M. R.: Elemental abundance distributions in suboceanic basalt glass; evidence of biogenic alterationdownload
32%2008Moe, Kyaw Thu; Sanada, Yoshinori et al.: Introduction of CDEX logging services; planning, support in data processing, interpretation and core-log-seismic integrationdownload
2008Zhang Lili; Chen Muhong et al.: Late Neogene radiolarian absence event in the southern South China Sea and its paleoceanographic implication
2008de Schepper, Stijn; Head, Martin J.: New dinoflagellate cyst and acritarch taxa from the Pliocene and Pleistocene of the eastern North Atlantic (DSDP Site 610)
32%3022008Palike, Heiko; Spofforth, David J. A. et al.: Orbital scale variations and timescales from the Arctic Oceandownload
2008Junttila, Juho; Lahtinen, Taija et al.: Provenance and sea-ice transportation of mid-Pliocene and Quaternary sediments, Yermak Plateau, Arctic Ocean (ODP Site 911)
32%3102007Inwood, J.; Braaksma, H. et al.: Improving the accuracy of core location and recovery estimates through the integration of core data, wireline logs and drilling parameters; an example from IODP Expedition 310, Tahiti sea level
32%2007Christie-Blick, Nicholas; Pekar, Stephen F. et al.: Is there a role for sequence stratigraphy in chronostratigraphy?
32%2082007Ridgwell, Andy: Interpreting transient carbonate compensation depth changes by marine sediment core modelingdownload
32%1491994Pratson, E. L.; Goldberg, D. S. et al.: Electrical (FMS) imaging of the oceanic-continental crust transition
1997Zhao, Zhiyong; Moore, G. F.: Physical properties of the decollement zone under the northern Barbados accretionary prism; insights from seismic inversion
32%1791998Flueh, Ernst R.: Agenda of the SONNE cruise SO131
32%1691998Verosub, Kenneth L.; Karlin, Robert: An ultrahigh resolution record of Holocene paleosecular variation from Saanich Inlet, Vancouver Island, British Columbia; initial results
1998Hannay, D. E.; Walia, R.: Analysis of high-resolution deep-tow multichannel data from Vancouver Island hydrate sites
32%1998Lovell, M. A.; Harvey, P. K. et al.: Application of FMS images in the Ocean Drilling Program; an overview
32%1997Pike, Jennifer; Kemp, Alan E. S.: Early Holocene decadal-scale ocean variability recorded in Gulf of California laminated sedimentsdownload
32%2007Barker, Peter F.; Filippelli, Gabriel M. et al.: Onset and role of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
1994Jurado, M. J.: First results on the interpretation of ODP Leg 156 LWD data; evidence of faulting in uncored sections of the northern Barbados accretionary prism
32%1983Cole, T. G.; Shaw, H. F.: The nature and origin of authigenic smectites in some Recent marine sediments
2005Pellaton, Caroline; Gorin, Georges E.: The Miocene New Jersey passive margin as a model for the distribution of sedimentary organic matter in siliciclastic deposits
32%2005Nakagawa, S.; Inagaki, F. et al.: Unique thermophiles supported by the ocean crustal fluids exiting from a borehole in the eastern flank of Juan de Fuca Ridge
2006Bube, Kenneth P.; Klenke, Thomas et al.: An algorithm for detecting layer boundaries in sedimentsdownload
32%2000Suyehiro, Kiyoshi: Seismogenic zone drilling and monitoring of OD21/IODP
2000Willoughby, E. C.; Edwards, R. N.: Shear velocities in Cascadia from seafloor compliance data
32%1071993van Dijk, J. P.: Three-dimensional quantitative restoration of central Mediterranean Neogene basins; the dynamic geohistory approach
32%1461993Singh, Satish C.; Minshull, Timothy A. et al.: Velocity structure of a gas hydrate reflector
1994Burggraf, D.; Cable, G. et al.: Basin modelling improves prospectivity of Northland Basin, New Zealand
32%2002Parente, Aurea; Cachao, Mario et al.: Testing palaeotemperature through the statistical morphometry of Coccolithus pelagicus; preliminary data
32%1902002Sunderland, E. Blanche; Morgan, Julia K.: Changes in clay mineral preferred orientations during progressive sediment accretion in the Nankai accretionary prism
32%1722002Yokokawa, Miwa; Franz, Sven-Oliver: Changes in grain size and magnetic fabric at Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge during the late Pleistocene (marine isotope stages 8-10)
32%1932002Bennett, A. J.; Benning, L. G. et al.: Concentration and distribution of gold in pyrite grains from the Pacmanus hydrothermal system, Papua New Guinea (ODP Leg 193, initial reports)
32%2002Suyehiro, Kiyoshi; Araki, Eiichiro et al.: Deep sea borehole observatories ready and capturing seismic waves in the western Pacific
32%1251995Nowell, G.; Pearce, J. et al.: New Hf-isotope data on boninites from the Marianas, ODP Leg 125; constraints on origin of HFSE anomalies
2006Jiang, Shijun; Wise, Sherwood W., Jr.: Taxonomic note; Discoaster stellulus Gartner, 1967, emended
2000Majewski, W.: The Miocene oceanographic history of the southern Kerguelen Plateau; planktonic foraminiferal data, ODP Site 744
32%2007Balsam, William; Damuth, John E. et al.: Marine sediment components; identification and dispersal assessed by diffuse reflectance spectrophotometry
2008Duggen, S.; Hoernle, K. et al.: Pb (double spike)-Nd-isotopic variation of approximately 15 Ma oceanic crust basalts drilled at IODP Site 1256 in the Eastern Pacific; constraints on mantle processes during a phase of superfast spreading at the East Pacific Rise and the timing of subsequent alterationdownload
32%3022008Immonen, N.; Strand, K.: Quartz grain surface textures of the Lomonosov Ridge sediments characterizing Cenozoic glaciations (IODP Arctic Coring EXpedition 302)
32%2008Vali, Hojatollah; Schumann, Dirk et al.: Why is magnetite a reliable biomarker for the recognition of biological activity in ancient terrestrial and extraterrestrial environments?
32%2012010Sahlberg, M.; Engelhardt, T. et al.: Diversity of phages from deep-biosphere population of Rhizobium radiobacter
32%2010Planert, L.; Klaeschen, D. et al.: Fluid flow systems offshore Costa Rica revealed by 2-D seismic MCS data (IODP Proposal 633)
32%3102010Westphal, H.; Heindel, K. et al.: Genesis of microbialites as contemporaneous framework components of deglacial coral reefs, Tahiti (IODP 310)
32%2010Sinclair, Iain K.: Reconcilation? Oil industry data in light of revised Iberia-Newfoundland rift models
2011De Schepper, Stijn; Fischer, Eva I. et al.: Deciphering the palaeoecology of late Pliocene and early Pleistocene dinoflagellate cysts
2011Kyo, N.; Saruhashi, T. et al.: Deployment operation of NanTroSEIZE C0002 riserless LTBMS
2011Roach, L. A.; Edwards, R. N.: Seafloor compliance analysis reveals an apparent temporal trend in the mass of gas hydrate system near Bullseye Vent, Cascadia margin
2012Shackford, Julia K.; Lyle, Mitchell: Eastern Equatorial Pacific CaCO (sub 3) dissolution during the mid-Miocene; a study using IODP peat cores
32%2012012Lomstein, Bente A.; Langerhuus, Alice T. et al.: Endospore abundance, microbial growth and necromass turnover in deep sub-seafloor sediment
32%2012Lenton, Timothy M.; Crouch, Michael et al.: First plants cooled the Ordovician
32%2012Kodolanyi, Janos; Pettke, Thomas et al.: Geochemistry of ocean floor and fore-arc serpentinites; constraints on the ultramafic input to subduction zones
2012Granot, Roi; Dyment, Jerome et al.: Geomagnetic field variability during the Cretaceous Normal Superchron

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