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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
1999Kalbas, James L.; Christensen, Beth A.: Geochemical variations in Pliocene sediments from the Cape Basin, ODP Leg 175
31%681980Gardner, J. V.; Prell, W. L.: Detailed carbonate stratigraphies for the late Neogene from the Caribbean and eastern Equatorial Pacific; DSDP LEG 68 - HPC
31%91980Orr, W. N.; Jenkins, D. Graham: Eastern equatorial Pacific Pliocene-Pleistocene biostratigraphy
31%1980Scott, R. B.; Kroenke, L. W. et al.: Episodic and nonsynchronous back-arc spreading and arc volcanism of Philippine Plate evolution
31%1980Frey, F. A.; Dickey, J. S., Jr. et al.: Evidence for heterogeneous primary MORB and mantle sources, NW Indian Ocean
31%501980Kodina, L. A.; Galimov, E. M.: Genesis and geochemical evolution of organic matter in the oceanic deposits of Morocco Basin in the Atlantic Ocean (Leg 50 "Glomar Challenger")
31%501980Kodina, L. A.; Generalova, V. N. et al.: Geochemical evolution of organic matter in the oceanic sediments (Leg 50 "Glomar Challenger")
31%1983Rea, David K.; Vallier, Tracy L.: Two Cretaceous volcanic episodes in the western Pacific Ocean
1998Oppo, D. W.; McManus, J. F. et al.: Subpolar North Atlantic millennial climate oscillations during Marine Isotope Stage 8 and the associated termination
31%1998Mackensen, A.: Taxonomy and paleoecology of late Neogene benthic Foraminifera from the Caribbean Sea and eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean; book review
31%1998Balsam, William L.; Deaton, Bobby C. et al.: The effects of water content on diffuse reflectance spectrophotometry studies of deep-sea sediment cores
31%1811998Carter, R. M.; Carter, L. et al.: The palaeohydrography of the Pacific Deep Western Boundary Current system
31%1984Bogolyubova, L. I.; Stukalova, I. Ye.: Iskhodnyy rastitel'nyy material sapropelevogo veshchestva melovykh "chernykh slantsev" Atlanticheskogo okeana Initial plant material of the sapropelic matter of the Cretaceous "black shales" of the Atlantic Ocean
31%1984Masure, E.: L'indice de diversite et les dominances des "communautes" de kystes de Dinoflagelles; marqueurs bathymetriques; forage 398 D, croisiere 47 B Indication of diversity and dominances of communities of dinoflagellate cysts; bathymetric markers; Borehole 398D, diving program 47B
31%1332000Mueller, R. Dietmar; Lim, Vanessa S. L. et al.: Late Tertiary tectonic subsidence on the northeast Australian passive margin; response to dynamic topography?
1997Kennett, J. P.; Cannariato, K. G. et al.: Foraminifera as indicators of naturally stressed environments; a Santa Barbara Basin perspective
31%1811997Carter, L.; Carter, B.: Holes in the bottom of the sea; Leg 181 of the Ocean Drilling Programme comes to New Zealand
2007Fabricius, Ida L.; Borre, Mai K.: Stylolites, porosity, depositional texture, and silicates in chalk facies sediments; Ontong Java Plateau; Gorm and Tyra Fields, North Sea
1997Frazer, L. Neil; Sun, Xinhua et al.: Inversion of sonic waveforms with unknown source and receiver functions
31%1997Lourens, L. J.; Hilgen, F. J.: Long-periodic variations in the Earth's obliquity and their relation to third-order eustatic cycles and late Neogene glaciations
31%2003Karson, Jeffrey A.; Christeson, Gail L.: Comparison of geologic and seismic structure of uppermost fast-spreading oceanic crust; insights from a crustal cross-section at the Hess Deep rift
31%1973Leclaire, L.; Alcayde, G. et al.: La silicification des craies; role des spherules de cristobalite-tridymite observees dans les craies des bassins oceaniques et dans celles du Bassin de Paris The silicification of chalk; the role of cristobalite-tridymite spherules observed in the chalks of ocean basins and Paris Basin
31%1994Herbert, Timothy D.; D'Hondt, S. L. et al.: Cyclic sedimentation in Cretaceous pelagic sediments
31%1994Herbert, T. D.; Fischer, A. G. et al.: Cyclochronologic approaches to KT events
31%1994Herbert, Timothy D.; Premoli Silva, I. et al.: Cyclostratigraphy; is it ready to do something?
31%1071991Boccaletti, M.; Cello, G. et al.: Structural framework of the southern segment of the central Mediterranean
31%1171988Prell, W. L.: The evolution of monsoonal upwelling; Arabian Sea; results from ODP Leg 117
31%1141988LaBrecque, J. L.; Kristoffersen, Y. et al.: The Malvinas Plate; did it exist and how big was it?
31%1141988LaBrecque, J. L.; Kristoffersen, Yngve et al.: The Malvinas Plate; microplate or megaplate?
1988Winkler, H.; Phillips, J. D. et al.: Vertical seismic profile experiment; ODP Site 642, seaward dipping reflectors, interpretations and seismic correlations
31%1241989Merrill, D. L.; Shibuya, H. et al.: A short normal subchron within the Matuyama, paleomagnetic results from ODP Leg 124 (Southeast Asia basins)
31%1991Sarti, M.; Gradstein, F. M. et al.: Eastern Tethys; evidence for Gondwana drift from ocean drilling results and Himalaya's studies
1994Robertson, A. H. F.; Kidd, R. B. et al.: Probing continental collision in the Mediterranean Sea
31%1421991Purdy, G. M.; Christeson, G. L. et al.: Upper crustal structure of the East-Pacific Rise from ocean bottom refraction experiments; interpretation and placement of a deep drill hole
1993Clemens, Steven C.; Farrell, John W. et al.: Synchronous changes in seawater strontium isotope composition and global climate
31%1091987Greenberg, M. L.; Anderson, R. N. et al.: Interpretation, precision, and accuracy of the geochemical wireline log data acquired in the basalts of Hole 395A, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 109
31%1997Hofmann, P.; Ricken, Werner et al.: Processes controlling the accumulation of organic matter in high frequency sedimentary cycles of Albian age in the North Atlantic Ocean
1998Pearson, Paul N.: Stable isotopes and the study of evolution in planktonic Foraminifera
2006Weigelt, E.; Uenzelmann-Neben, G. et al.: Extending terrestrial climate information into the marine realm; palynological information as a key to seismic interpretation
31%1461991Carson, Bobb; Holmes, Mark L.: Fluid expulsion sites imaged on Cascadia margin
31%1991Clemens, Steven; Prell, Warren L. et al.: Forcing mechanisms of the Indian Ocean monsoon
2005Fatale, M. A.; Joseph, L. H.: Depositional trends of a glacial/interglacial transition from the Chilean margin, ODP Site 1233
2005Vannucchi, P.; Leoni, L. et al.: Dynamic interaction between pore fluids and faulting along the Costa Rica decollement (ODP Legs 170 and 205)
2007Acton, Gary D.; Roth, Alex et al.: Analyzing micromagnetic properties with FORCIT software
31%2006Lueckge, A.; Zachariasse, W. J. et al.: IODP; monsoonal variability and oxygen minimum zone intensity in the northern Arabian Sea; status of a mature IODP drilling proposal
2005Anderson, L. D.: Multiproxy evidence of the role of the vertical structure of the Southern Ocean in global climate change
1998Constable, Catherine G.; Tauxe, Lisa et al.: Analysis of 11 Myr of geomagnetic intensity variationdownload
31%1171992Hermelin, J. O. R.: Variations in the benthic foraminiferal fauna of the Arabian Sea; a response to changes in upwelling intensity?
31%1984Bennett, Richard H.; Nastav, Frances L. et al.: Strength measurements
31%1980Jansa, L. F.; Remane, J. et al.: Calpionellid and foraminiferal-ostracod biostratigraphy at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary, offshore eastern Canada
1980Galimov, E. M.; Bannikova, L. A. et al.: Carbon and oxygen isotopes of carbonates from deposits of the Moroccan Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 415 and 416download
1980Chiou, W. A.; Shephard, L. E. et al.: Clay fabric and geotechnical properties of trench sediments
31%1984Anderson, R. N.; O'Malley, H. et al.: A new technique for the quantitative determination of degree of fracturing and alteration in fast formations
31%1984Klein, George de Vries; Lee, Y. I.: A preliminary assessment of geodynamic controls on depositional systems and sandstone diagenesis in back-arc basins, western Pacific Ocean
1989Kaminski, Michael A.: The use of Cenozoic deep-water agglutinated foraminifera for constraining the onset of thermohaline deep circulation; oceanic gateways in the North Atlantic
1990Kimball, K. L.; Evans, C. A.: Iberian margin peridotites; interpreting alteration and emplacement history from hydrothermal mineral chemistry
31%1990Kohnen, Mathieu E. L.; Peakman, T. M. et al.: Identification and occurrence of novel C (sub 36) -C (sub 54) 3,4-dialkylthiophenes with an unusual carbon skeleton in immature sediments
31%2004Hilding-Kronforst, S. L.; Olszewski, T. et al.: Teaching biostratigraphy using real cores and IODP data; the use of information technology on spatial visualization skills, motivation and transfer of undergraduate science majors
31%411996Hofmann, P. M.; Schwark, L. et al.: Processes controlling the accumulation of organic matter-rich sedimentary sequences of Albian age in the North Atlantic
31%1996Davey, F. J.; Brancolini, Giuliano et al.: Ross Sea continental shelf; Antarctic glacial history and sea-level change
31%1491996Milkert, D.; Alonso, B. et al.: Sedimentary facies and depositional history of the Iberia Abyssal Plain (ODP Leg 149)
1979Bogolyubova, L. I.; Timofeyev, P. P.: Rastitel'noye organicheskoye veshchestvo v osadkakh skvazhiny 336 Distribution of organic materials in sediments at Site 336
31%1979Subbarao, K. V.; Kempe, D. R. C. et al.: Review of the geochemistry of Indian and other oceanic rocks
31%1979Edmond, J.; Corliss, J. et al.: Ridge crest-hydrothermal metamorphism at the Galapagos spreading center and reverse weathering
31%1980Vallier, Tracy L.; Rea, David K.: Cretaceous volcanic episodes in the western Pacific Ocean; a synthesis of Deep Sea Drilling results
31%801988Ravenne, C.; Muller, C. et al.: Tertiary hiatuses in Western Approaches
1988ten Haven, H. L.; Rullkoetter, J.: The diagenetic fate of taraxer-14-ene and oleanene isomers
31%731981LaBrecque, John L.; Hsue, Kenneth J.: Contributions of DSDP Leg 73 to Paleogene correlation
31%1972003Kerr, Bryan C.; Scholl, David W. et al.: Post-hotspot collapse feature and shield-building volcanism on Detroit Seamount
1978Demidenko, Ye. L.; Popov, V. P.: Some features of deep-sea sedimentation in the western part of the Indian Ocean central basin
31%1301997Berger, W. H.; Lind, I. L.: Abundance of color bands in Neogene carbonate sediments on Ontong Java Plateau; a proxy for sedimentation rate?
31%1978Cipriani, N.; Coradossi, N. et al.: Geochemical features and depositional environments of Messinian clay sediments from the Periadriatic Basin
31%421975Montadert, L.; Letouzey, J.: Structure de la marge mediterraneenne d'apres des etudes de detail effectuees pour le Leg 42 du Glomar Challenger Structure of the Mediterranean margin from detailed studies from Leg 42 of the Glomar Challenger
31%1984de Graciansky, P. C.; Deroo, G. et al.: Ocean-wide stagnation episode in the Late Cretaceous
1992Pujos, Annick: Calcareous nannofossils of Plio-Pleistocene sediments from the northwestern margin of tropical Africa
31%1682004Hutnak, M.; Fisher, A. T. et al.: Evidence for along-strike hydrothermal circulation within young oceanic crust on the eastern flank of the Endeavour axis, Juan de Fuca Ridge
1991Droz, L.; Bellaiche, G.: Seismic facies and geologic evolution of the central portion of the Indus Fan
31%2005Tripati, A. K.; Elderfield, H. H. et al.: Constraints on Paleocene and Eocene tropical sea-surface temperatures and meridional temperature gradients from Mg/Ca and oxygen isotope ratios of Foraminifera in sediments recovered by the Ocean Drilling Program
2005Coogan, L. A.: Cooling rate constraints on accretion of the lower oceanic crust
2008Lourens, L. J.; Becker, J. et al.: Late Pliocene ice-age cycles untangled
2007Yamamoto, M.; Polyak, L.: Late Pleistocene biomarker records from the central Arctic Ocean (ACEX Hole M0004C and HOTRAX HLY0503-08JPC)
31%1491994Pratson, E. L.; Goldberg, D. S. et al.: Electrical (FMS) imaging of the oceanic-continental crust transition
31%1998Firth, John V.; Clark, David L.: An early Maastrichtian organic-walled phytoplankton cyst assemblage from an organic-rich black mud in core Fl-533, Alpha Ridge; evidence for upwelling conditions in the Cretaceous Arctic Ocean
31%1691998Verosub, Kenneth L.; Karlin, Robert: An ultrahigh resolution record of Holocene paleosecular variation from Saanich Inlet, Vancouver Island, British Columbia; initial results
1998Carlson, R. L.: Average seismic structure of Pacific oceanic crust
31%1611998Revil, A.; Cathles, L. M. et al.: Fluid overpressures in western Mediterranean sediments
31%1971Bader, Richard G.; Gerard, Robert D. et al.: Leg 4 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project
31%1983Officer, Charles B.; Drake, Charles L.: The Cretaceous-Tertiary transition
31%91983Chukhrov, F. V.; Shterenberg, L. E. et al.: The nature of 10-Aa manganese minerals of Fe-Mn oceanic nodules
2005Weinberger, J. L.; Brown, K. M.: The application of borehole resistivity measurements to fluid flow processes at Hydrate Ridge, Oregon
31%2012005Lee, Yong-Jin; Wagner, Isaac D. et al.: Thermosediminibacter oceani gen. nov., sp. nov. and Thermosediminibacter litoriperuensis sp. nov., new anaerobic thermophilic bacteria isolated from Peru Margin
31%3022005Darby, D. A.; Jakobsson, M. et al.: Trans-Arctic coring expedition results
2005Cacho, I.; Ferretti, P. et al.: Variability in surface and thermocline temperatures of the eastern Equatorial Pacific during the last glacial period
2005Teitler, L.; Warnke, D. A. et al.: Warm interglacial MIS 31 in the subpolar South Atlantic; evidence from ODP Site 177-1090
31%2006Bangs, N. L.; Moore, G. F. et al.: 3-D seismic images of thrust systems along the NanTroSEIZE Kumano Basin transect, southwestern Japan
31%2000Winterer, Edward L.: Scientific ocean drilling, from AMSOC to COMPOST
31%1161994France-Lanord, C.; Derry, L. A.: A Neogene record of delta (super 13) C of terrigenous organic carbon buried in the Bengal Fan; impact on carbon cycling
31%1994Cambray, H.; Pubellier, M. et al.: Arc volcanism recorded in deep-sea sediments as indicators of key periods of the western Pacific geodynamic evolution
31%1111994Haslett, Simon K.; Funnell, Brian M. et al.: Calcite preservation, palaeoproductivity and the radiolarian Lamprocyrtis neoheteroporos Kling in Plio-Pleistocene sediments from the eastern equatorial Pacific
2002Godfrey, L. V.: Temporal changes in the lead isotopic composition of red clays; comparison with ferromanganese crust records

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