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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
1988Celaya, M. A.; Clement, B. M.: Time series analysis of two geomagnetic polarity transition records
1988Winkler, H.; Phillips, J. D. et al.: Vertical seismic profile experiment; ODP Site 642, seaward dipping reflectors, interpretations and seismic correlations
44%1988Stephen, R. A.; Legrand, J. et al.: Wireline re-entry of DSDP hole 396B using the NADIA System
44%1241989Merrill, D. L.; Shibuya, H. et al.: A short normal subchron within the Matuyama, paleomagnetic results from ODP Leg 124 (Southeast Asia basins)
44%1991Larter, Robert D.; Barker, Peter F.: Effects of ridge crest-trench interaction on Antarctic-Phoenix spreading; forces on a young subducting platedownload
44%1301994Wilkens, R. H.; Urmos, J.: Physical properties and microstructure of pelagic carbonates
1994Ravelo, A. C.; Chaisson, W. P.: Plio-Pleistocene thermocline variations at western tropical Atlantic ODP Site 925
44%1551994Burns, S. J.: Pore-water geochemistry and early diagenesis of Amazon Fan sediments, Leg 155 ODP
44%1551994Pirmez, C.; Kronen, J. D., Jr. et al.: Preliminary results of core-log-seismic data integration; ODP Leg 155, Amazon Fan
1994Koc, N.: Primary productivity and sea-surface temperature variations in the North Atlantic during the last 120 ka
44%1491994Whitmarsh, R. B.; Miles, P. R.: Propagating rift model for the West Iberia rifted margin based on magnetic anomalies and ODP drilling
1994Bickert, T.; Berger, W. H. et al.: Quaternary carbonate dissolution in the western Equatorial Pacific in relation to benthic stable isotopes of ODP Site 806, Ontong Java Plateau
1994Dickens, G. R.; Owen, R. M.: Rare earth element variations in Cenomanian-Turonian pelagic sediment; impact of oxygen deficiency on Fe-Mn oxhydroxide trace element scavenging
44%1551994Pratson, E. Lewis; Pirmez, C. et al.: Refining lithologic interpretation through mineral inversion on the Amazon Fan
44%1641994Ruppel, C.; Von Herzen, R. P. et al.: Regional variations in thermal regimes on the Carolina passive margin, site of future ODP Leg 164
44%1421991Purdy, G. M.; Christeson, G. L. et al.: Upper crustal structure of the East-Pacific Rise from ocean bottom refraction experiments; interpretation and placement of a deep drill hole
44%1121993Kukowski, Nina; Pecher, Ingo A. et al.: Tectonic structure, fluid transport, and development of the accretionary wedge along the Peruvian continental margin
1993Tarduno, John A.: Temporal change of magnetic dissolution in the pelagic realm; gauging paleoproductivity
1993Dick, H. J. B.; Snow, J.: Temporal variability in mantle melting and uplift at ridge transform intersections
44%1091987Greenberg, M. L.; Anderson, R. N. et al.: Interpretation, precision, and accuracy of the geochemical wireline log data acquired in the basalts of Hole 395A, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 109
1987Intraplate deformation and Himalayan Uplift, ODP Leg 116
2004Kirkwood, G.; Domack, E. et al.: Solar vs. tidal forcing of centennial to decadal scale variability in marine sedimentary records from the western Antarctic Peninsula
44%2092004Kikawa, E.; Garces, M. et al.: Magnetization of gabbroic rocks and peridotites recovered from Mid Atlantic Ridge 14N-16N, ODP Leg 209
44%171B1997Norris, R.; Kroon, D. et al.: Records of extreme Paleogene-Cretaceous climates and extraterrestrial events; results of ODP Leg 171B, western North Atlantic
44%1998Sugarman, Peter J.; Miller, K. G. et al.: Stratigraphic architecture of onshore sequences, New Jersey coastal plain
44%1998Brown, Kevin M.; Fitts, Tina G.: Stress induced smectite dehydration; ramifications for patterns of freshening and fluid expulsion in N. Barbados and other accretionary wedges
2006Weigelt, E.; Uenzelmann-Neben, G. et al.: Extending terrestrial climate information into the marine realm; palynological information as a key to seismic interpretation
44%171A2000Tokunaga, Tomochika: The role of turbidites on compaction and dewatering of underthrust sediments at the toe of the northern Barbados accretionary prism; evidence from logging-while-drilling, ODP Leg 171A
44%2000Scholl, David William; von Huene, Roland: The tectonic process of subduction erosion and the selective removal of middle and lower crustal rocks at convergent margins
44%2001Gee, Jeffrey S.; Webb, Spahr C. et al.: A deep tow magnetic survey of Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge
44%2001Furnes, Harald; Staudigel, Hubert et al.: Bioalteration of basaltic glass in the oceanic crust
44%1642001Davie, Matthew K.; Buffett, Bruce A.: A numerical model for the formation of gas hydrate below the seafloordownload
2005Fatale, M. A.; Joseph, L. H.: Depositional trends of a glacial/interglacial transition from the Chilean margin, ODP Site 1233
2005Iwai, M.: Diatom implications of the Neogene Antarctic glacial history; ODP Leg 178 Site 1095, Antarctic Peninsula
44%2072005Junium, C. K.; Mawson, D. H. et al.: Diversity and variability of geoporphyrins and chlorins during Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event II
2005Vannucchi, P.; Leoni, L. et al.: Dynamic interaction between pore fluids and faulting along the Costa Rica decollement (ODP Legs 170 and 205)
2005Thomas, D. J.; Via, R. K.: Early Oligocene onset of deep-water production in the North Atlantic
44%2000MacLeod, Christopher J.; Wright, V. Paul et al.: Tectonic evolution and uplift/subsidence history of Atlantis Bank, a transverse ridge near the Atlantis II fracture zone, SW Indian Ridge
44%1602000Robertson, Alastair H. F.: Tectonic nature of the plate boundary between Africa and Eurasia in the easternmost Mediterranean region
2007Lagabrielle, Yves; Goddard, M.: Partial melting and mantle dynamics at the Fifteen-Twenty fracture zone (Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
44%1902007Skarbek, R. M.; Saffer, D. M.: Pore pressure development in sub-decollement sediments in subduction zones; insights from laboratory data and numerical modeling
44%2010Masaki, Y.; Kawada, Y. et al.: Hydrothermal circulation regime of the Iheya-North hydrothermal field in the mid-Okinawa Trough inferred from heat flow measurements
44%2010Escutia, C.; Brinkhuis, H. et al.: Insights into the East Antarctic ice sheet history from sediments recoveredd from the Wilkes Land margin during IODP Expedition 318
44%3022007Speelman, E. N.; Reichart, G. et al.: Biomarker constraints on Arctic surface water conditions during the middle Eocene
44%2042002Trehu, A. M.; Bohrmann, G.: Drilling gas hydrates on Hydrate Ridge, Oregon continental margin
44%2003Groeschel, Henrike; Robigou, Veronique et al.: Exploring the oceans with OOI and IODP; a new partnership in education and outreach
44%2003Banerjee, Neil R.; Furnes, Harald et al.: Extending the deep biosphere through ocean drilling; bioalteration of volcanic glass in the oceanic crust
44%1682006Galy, A.; Carder, E. et al.: Insights from magnesium isotopic compositions on the oceanic hydrothermal circulation; is seamount weathering the solution?
2006Bice, K.; Pollard, D. et al.: Isotope modeling of a mid-Turonian warming event in the South Atlantic
2006Chang, A. S.; Pedersen, T. F.: Late Quaternary high-frequency variations in sedimentary oxygenation on the Vancouver Island margin
44%1992002Moore, Theodore C.; Sanfilippo, Annika et al.: Early Cenozoic stratigraphy of the Equatorial Pacific and the Eocene revealed
2002Sacks, I. Selwyn; Suyehiro, Kiyoshi: Effects of subduction angle changes on tectonics and volcanism
44%1252002Pearce, Julian A.; Arculus, Richard J.: Eocene plate reorganisation and subduction initiation in the Western Pacific; what the rocks can tell us
44%2002Hagstrum, Jonathan T.; Abbott, Dallas: Evidence for a large bolide impact in the proto-Pacific Ocean preceding the Chicxulub impact by about 2 million years
44%1982002Brill, Amanda; Bralower, Timothy J. et al.: Evidence for carbonate compensation depth shoaling at the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum on Shatsky Rise, ODP Leg 198
2002Pekar, S. F.; Marchitto, T. M. et al.: Evidence for water-mass changes on the Tasmanian Slope during the early Miocene (19-16.5 Ma); stable isotope and Mg/Ca records from ODP Leg 189 Site 1168
2002Spinelli, Glenn A.; Fisher, Andrew T.: Fluid and heat circulation patterns within topographically rough basement on the Juan de Fuca Ridge flank
44%1952002Hart, D. J.: Fluid flow mechanisms in the serpentine mud volcanoes of the Mariana forearc
44%1972002Harada, Yasushi; Wessel, Paul et al.: Hybrid method for consistent model of the Pacific absolute plate motion and a test for inter-hotspot motion since 70Ma
2002Huang, Shichun; Frey, Frederick A.: Is Detroit Seamount a "Hawaiian" volcano?
44%2004Fisk, M.; Josef, J. A. et al.: The impact of microbes on the composition of the ocean crust and seawater
44%1662004Swart, P. K.; Eberli, G. P. et al.: The nature of the delta (super 13) C of periplatform sediments; implications for stratigraphy
2005Holloman, J. H.; Bart, P. J.: Morphological evolution of Marguerite Bay, Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf
44%2042005Papenberg, C.; Petersen, J. et al.: Multi-frequency analysis of a bottom simulating reflector at southern Hydrate Ridge; determination of the gas layer thickness
2005Arnaboldi, M.; Meyers, P. A.: Multi-proxy geochemical characterization of Mid-Cretaceous black shales in the Newfoundland Basin
2005Anderson, L. D.: Multiproxy evidence of the role of the vertical structure of the Southern Ocean in global climate change
2005Tripati, A.; Backman, J. et al.: New results from ODP and IODP on the greenhouse-icehouse transition; evidence for early (Eocene) bipolar glaciation associated with global carbon cycle changes
44%2010Takata, H.; Khim, B. et al.: Faunal change of benthic Foraminifera in CAE-3 (middle Eocene) in the eastern Equatorial Pacific (IODP Exp 320)
44%1722001Bianchi, G. G.; Vautravers, M. et al.: Deep flow variability under apparently stable North Atlantic deep water production during the last interglacial of the subtropical NW Atlanticdownload
2001Smirnov, Alexei V.; Tarduno, John A.: Estimating superparamagnetism in marine sediments with the time dependency of coercivity of remanencedownload
1998Constable, Catherine G.; Tauxe, Lisa et al.: Analysis of 11 Myr of geomagnetic intensity variationdownload
44%3022006Weller, P.; Stein, R.: The Paleocene-Eocene "greenhouse" Arctic Ocean paleoenvironment; implications from biomarker results from IODP Expedition 302 (ACEX)
44%1532006Moeller, A.; Hellebrand, Eric et al.: Trace elements in young oceanic zircons
1992Bickert, T.; Berger, W. H. et al.: Quaternary stable isotope record of benthic foraminifera, ODP Site 806, Ontong Java Plateau
1995Steiner, M. B.: Magnetic properties of Jurassic Quiet Zone basalt
44%2002003Sherman, Sarah Bean; Garcia, Michael O.: Petrogenesis of the crystal vitric tuffs recovered 300 km northeast of Oahu, from ODP Leg 200; pyroclastic or landslide deposit?
44%1992Berge, Patricia A.; Fryer, Gerard J. et al.: Velocity-porosity relationships in the upper oceanic crust; theoretical considerationsdownload
1993Barron, John A.: A Pliocene diatom dump in the Northwest Pacific
1993Ingram, B. Lynn: Age control and sedimentation rates of deep-sea clays from ODP Site 886 (North Pacific) using the strontium isotopic compositions of fish teeth
44%1451993Keller, Randall A.: Ages and geochemistry of basaltic basement recovered during ODP Leg 145 (North Pacific Transect)
44%174B1997Fuller, M.; Herrero-Bervera, Emilio et al.: On magnetic contamination acquired during APC coring
1984Schreiner, Anthony; Sauter, Allan et al.: Stoneley wave analysis of a layered oceanic basin
44%1984Anderson, R. N.; O'Malley, H. et al.: A new technique for the quantitative determination of degree of fracturing and alteration in fast formations
44%1071989Tisseau, C.; Rehault, J. P. et al.: Thermal modelling of subsidence and heat flow and implications for the variation in crustal structure across the Tyrrhenian back-arc basin, western Mediterranean
1990Kimball, K. L.; Evans, C. A.: Iberian margin peridotites; interpreting alteration and emplacement history from hydrothermal mineral chemistry
44%1311990Moran, K.; Campanella, R. G.: In situ stress measurements from ODP Leg 131; Nankai Trough
44%861990Lu, R.; Banerjee, S. K. et al.: Influence of clay mineral type and composition on relative paleointensity determination from ocean sediments
44%1990Becker, Keir: Introduction to Special section on Logging and downhole measurements in Deep Sea Drilling Project/Ocean Drilling Program deep crustal holesdownload
44%1151990Peterson, Larry C.; Backman, J.: Late Cenozoic CaCO (sub 3) accumulation and CCD history in the western Equatorial Indian Ocean; results from ODP Leg 115
44%2003Fujioka, Kantaro; Matsuoka, Hiromi: Sedimentation rate curves as a key to understand the evolution of arc and backarc basin; arc type and basin type
44%1972002Duncan, Robert A.; Huard, John: Radiometric ages from ODP Leg 197 drilling along the Emperor Seamount Chain
44%1992002Busch, William H.; Vanden Berg, Michael D. et al.: Sediment density and velocity trends at ODP Pacific Paleogene transect sites
2002Wang, Zhaomin; Mysak, Lawrence A. et al.: Response of the thermohaline circulation to cold climatesdownload
44%1972002Kerr, Bryan C.; Scholl, David William: Seismic stratigraphy of Detroit Seamount; observations from ODP Leg 197
2004Araki, E.; Stephen, R. A. et al.: T-phase observed at deep seafloor boreholes
44%2004Hilding-Kronforst, S. L.; Olszewski, T. et al.: Teaching biostratigraphy using real cores and IODP data; the use of information technology on spatial visualization skills, motivation and transfer of undergraduate science majors
44%2004Beget, J. E.; Pedersen, T. F. et al.: Terrestrial-marine correlation of the 24 kyr BP Dawson Tephra; implications for dispersal and preservation of Alaskan tephra deposits
44%1641996Guerin, Gilles; Meltser, Alex et al.: Results of acoustic and shear wave logging in gas hydrates; preliminary data from ODP Leg 164
44%1996Juarez, Maria Teresa; Pick, Thomas et al.: Rock magnetism on Cretaceous, Oligocene and Holocene submarine basaltic glasses
44%1996Musgrave, Robert J.; Housen, Bernard A.: Rock-magnetic signature of methane migration and hydrate formation in marine sediments

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