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ScoreExp/Site/HoleYear Author/TitleFull text
1998Fouquet, Yves; Zierenberg, Robert A. et al.: Escanaba Trough; Central Hill (Site 1038)download
1998Keigwin, Lloyd D.; Rio, Domenico et al.: Intermediate depth Blake Outer Ridge, Sites 1056, 1057, 1058, and 1059download
1998Fouquet, Yves; Zierenberg, Robert A. et al.: Middle Valley; Bent Hill area (Site 1035)download
1998Keigwin, Lloyd D.; Rio, Domenico et al.: Deep Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge, Sites 1060, 1061, and 1062download
78%1821997Feary, D. A.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 182; Cenozoic cool-water carbonates of the Great Australian Bight; Safety package - Pollution Prevention and Safey Panel, May 1997
66%1997Choi, Dong R.: Geology of the oceans around Australia; Part III, Deep sea drilling results
62%1331997Wellman, P.; Struckmeyer, H. I. M. et al.: Coral Sea region
59%1331997Andres, M. S.; McKenzie, J. A. et al.: Influence of late-Quaternary paleoclimatology on the evolution of the Great Barrier Reef, north east Australia
1997Davies, Peter J.: Origin of the Great Barrier Reef; prospective play and global catalyst
51%1831997Symonds, P. A.; Ramsay, D. et al.: Kerguelen Plateau Law of the Sea studies
51%1691997Duckworth, Rowena C.: Anatomy of sediment hosted seafloor massive sulfide deposits; preliminary results from ODP Leg 169 drilling in Middle Valley and Escanaba Trough
50%1997McGowran, Brian; Li, Qianyu et al.: The Cenozoic neritic record in southern Australia; the biogeohistorical framework
1997Stanley, George D., Jr.: Palaeogeography of Upper Triassic Tethyan reef faunas from the northwestern Australian Shelf
47%291997Crawford, A. J.; Lanyon, R. et al.: Geochemistry and significance of basaltic rocks dredged from the South Tasman Rise and adjacent seamounts
42%1997Isern, A. R.; Pigram, C. J. et al.: ODP drilling in the Coral Sea: sealevel variation, fluid flow, and paleoceanography; Proposal 510-Rev 1
42%1997Isern, A. R.; Pigram, C. J. et al.: ODP drilling in the Coral Sea; sealevel variation, palaeoceanography, and fluid flow
1997James, Peter M.: On the origin of submarine valleys
1997Collins, C. D. N.; Lee, C. S. et al.: Ocean bottom seismograph survey of the Australian North West Shelf; a regional marine and land seismic survey
35%1997Quilty, Patrick G.: The potential for better Antarctic Neogene biostratigraphy
35%1997McFadden, P. L.; Merrill, R. T.: Sawtooth paleointensity and reversals of the geomagnetic field
1997Martinez, J. Ignacio; De Deckker, Patrick et al.: New estimates for salinity changes in the Western Pacific warm pool during the last glacial maximum; oxygen-isotope evidence
33%1997Kamenetsky, Vadim S.; Crawford, Anthony J. et al.: Phenocryst and melt inclusion chemistry of near-axis seamounts, Valu Fa Ridge, Lau Basin; insight into mantle wedge melting and the addition of subduction components
1997Kronen, John D., Jr.; Glenn, Craig R.: Pristine to reworked glauconites; a key to interpreting sequence stratigraphy and sequence condensation in a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic forereef margin (Great Barrier Reef)
1997Dix, George R.: Stratigraphic patterns of deep-water dolomite, Northeast Australia
31%1997Lockwood, K. L.; Ramsay, D. C. et al.: Continental shelf definition in the Lord Howe Rise and Norfolk Ridge regions; Law of the Sea cruise proposal
29%1831997Koennecke, L. K.; Coffin, M. F. et al.: Crustal structure of Elan Bank, Kerguelen Plateau
1997Dickens, G. R.: Catastrophic dissociation of gas hydrate and deep sea methane oxidation at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary
29%1821997Feary, David A.; James, Noel P. et al.: Southern Ocean paleoceanography and cool-water carbonate platform processes (sea level, facies, diagenesis, hydrology); ODP Leg 182 scientific objectives in the Great Australian Bight
29%1811997Carter, L.; Carter, B.: Holes in the bottom of the sea; Leg 181 of the Ocean Drilling Programme comes to New Zealand
1997Isern, A. R.; McKenzie, J. A. et al.: An early Pliocene drift deposit adjacent to the Great Bahama Bank; high resolution record of climatic and eustatic change
29%1997Betzler, Christian: Ecological controls on geometries of carbonate platforms; Miocene / Pliocene shallow-water microfaunas and carbonate biofacies from the Queensland Plateau (NE Australia)
1997Gladczenko, T. P.; Coffin, M. C. et al.: Kerguelen Plateau tectonic fabric and crustal structure
24%1091997Herzig, Peter; Hannington, Mark et al.: Leg SO109-2
24%1091997Linke, Peter; Shepherd, Keith et al.: Leg SO109-3
1997Wells, Patricia; Okada, Hisatake: Response of nannoplankton to major changes in sea-surface temperature and movements of hydrological fronts over Site DSDP 594 (South Chatham Rise, southeastern New Zealand), during the last 130 kyr
1997Dickens, Gerald R.; Barron, John A.: A rapidly deposited pennate diatom ooze in upper Miocene-lower Pliocene sediment beneath the North Pacific polar front
21%1997Nishi, Hiroshi; Sakai, Harutaka: Paleoceanographic changes of the Indian Ocean and corresponding tectonic events recorded in the Himalayan Range
21%1091997Suess, Erwin; Bayer, Reinhold et al.: Leg SO109-1
1997Turner, Simon; Hawkesworth, Chris et al.: (super 238) U- (super 230) Th disequilibria, magma petrogenesis, and flux rates beneath the depleted Tonga-Kermadec island arc
15%1661997Eberli, Gregor P.; Swart, Peter K. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, initial reports; Bahamas Transect, covering Leg 166 of the cruises of the Drilling Vessel JOIDES Resolution, San Juan, Puerto Rico, to Balboa Harbor, Panama, sites 1003-1009, 17 February-10 April 1996download
10%1661997Eberli, Gregor P.; Swart, Peter K. et al.: Site survey and underway geophysicsdownload
10%1541997Shackleton, Nicholas J.; Curry, William B. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; Scientific results, Ceara Rise; covering Leg 154 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Bridgetown, Barbados, to Bridgetown, Barbados, sites 925-929, 24 January-25 March, 1994download
1997Cawood, Peter A.; Leitch, Evan C.: Data report; Phase chemistry of volcanic ash from Site 949download
1997Niida, Kiyoaki: Mineralogy of MARK peridotites; replacement through magma channeling examined from Hole 920D, MARK areadownload
1997Cisowski, Stanley M.; Hall, Frank R.: An examination of the paleointensity record and geomagnetic excursions recorded in Leg 155 coresdownload
9%1651997Sigurdsson, Haraldur; Leckie, R. Mark et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; Initial reports; Caribbean ocean history and the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary event; covering Leg 165 of the cruises of the Drilling Vessel JOIDES Resolution, Miami, Florida, to San Juan, Puerto Rico, sites 998-1002, 19 December 1995-17 February 1996download
1997Kempton, Pamela D.; Stephens, Christopher J.: Petrology and geochemistry of nodular websterite inclusions in harzburgite, Hole 920Ddownload
1997Fletcher, John M.; Stephens, Christopher J. et al.: Greenschist facies hydrothermal alteration of oceanic gabbros; a case study of element mobility and reaction pathsdownload
6%1661997Eberli, Gregor P.; Swart, Peter K. et al.: Introductiondownload
6%1551997McDaniel, Diane K.; McLennan, Scott M. et al.: Provenance of Amazon Fan muds; constraints from Nd and Pb isotopesdownload
6%174B1997Becker, Keir; Malone, Mitchell J.: Ocean Drilling Program; scientific prospectus; CORK Hole 395Adownload
1997Stephens, Christopher J.: Heterogeneity of oceanic peridotite from the western canyon wall at MARK; results from Site 920download
5%1997Szabo, Zoltan; Pucci, A. A., Jr. et al.: Sr-isotopic evidence for leakage of pore water from clay-silt confining units to the Atlantic City 800-foot sand, Atlantic City, New Jerseydownload
5%1821997Hine, Albert C.; Feary, David A.: Deciphering Cenozoic cool-water carbonates of the Great Australian Bightdownload
5%174A1997Austin, James A., Jr.; Christie-Blick, Nicholas et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; scientific prospectus; continuing the New Jersey Mid-Atlantic sea-level transectdownload
5%1771997Hodell, David A.; Gersonde, Rainer E. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 177 scientific prospectus; Southern Ocean paleoceanographydownload
5%1661997Eberli, Gregor P.; Swart, Peter K. et al.: Leg synthesis; Sea-level changes and fluid flow on the Great Bahama Bank slopedownload
5%1551997Piperno, Dolores R.: Phytoliths and microscopic charcoal from Leg 155; a vegetational and fire history of the Amazon Basin during the last 75
4%1531997Fletcher, John M.; Ceuleneer, Georges et al.: Microfabrics and patterns of dynamic recrystallization in gabbroic rocks from the MARK area, Mid-Atlantic Ridgedownload
1997Eberli, Gregor P.; Swart, Peter K. et al.: Site 1006download
4%1781997Barker, Peter F.; Camerlenghi, Angelo et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 178 scientific prospectus; Antarctic Peninsula; Antarctic glacial history and sea-level changedownload
4%1751997Berger, Wolfgang; Wefer, Gerold et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 175 scientific prospectus; Benguela Currentdownload
4%1561997Shipley, Thomas H.; Ogawa, Yujiro et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, scientific results, Northern Barbados Ridge; covering Leg 156 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Bridgetown, Barbados, to Bridgetown, Barbados, sites 947-949, 24 May-24 July 1994download
1997Eberli, Gregor P.; Swart, Peter K. et al.: Site 1005download
3%1531997Kempton, Pamela D.; Hunter, Arlene G.: A Sr-, Nd-, Pb-, O-isotope study of plutonic rocks from MARK, Leg 153; implications for mantle heterogeneity and magma chamber processes?download
1997Eberli, Gregor P.; Swart, Peter K. et al.: Site 1004download
3%1531997Karson, Jeffrey A.; Cannat, Mathilde et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; scientific results; Mid-Atlantic Ridge; covering Leg 153 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, St. John's Harbor, Newfoundland, to Bridgetown, Barbados, sites 920-924, 22 November 1993-20 January 1994download
1997Eberli, Gregor P.; Swart, Peter K. et al.: Sites 1008/1009download
3%1661997Eberli, Gregor P.; Swart, Peter K. et al.: Explanatory notesdownload
2%1651997Sigurdsson, Haraldur; Leckie, R. Mark et al.: Explanatory notesdownload
1997Sigurdsson, Haraldur; Leckie, R. Mark et al.: Site 1001download
1997Sigurdsson, Haraldur; Leckie, R. Mark et al.: Site 1000download
1997Eberli, Gregor P.; Swart, Peter K. et al.: Site 1007download
1997Eberli, Gregor P.; Swart, Peter K. et al.: Site 1003download
78%1996Acton, Gary D.; Flood, Peter G.: Palaeomagnetic constraints on the palaeolatitudes of some oceanic terranes in the New England Orogen, eastern Australia
78%1996Exon, N.; Chaproniere, G. C. et al.: The "Southern Gateway" between Australia and Antarctica: a proposal for ODP palaeoclimatic and palaeo-oceanographic drilling
72%1996Exon, N. F.; Kennett, J. P. et al.: The "Southern Gateway" between Australia and Antarctica: a proposal for ODP palaeoclimatic, palaeoceanographic and transform margin drilling. ODP proposal 485, revision of June 1996
67%1996Symonds, Philip A.; Planke, S. et al.: Volcanic evolution of the Western Australia continental margin
66%1996Christie, D.; Pyle, D. et al.: ODP proposal 426: mantle reservoirs and mantle migration associated with Australian-Antarctic rifting
66%1996Stagg, H. M. J.; Willcox, J. B. et al.: Investigation of linearly magnetised rifted crust and the evolution of high extension/slow spreading continental margins: a proposal for drilling in the Great Australian Bight region by the Ocean Drilling Program
66%1996Chaproniere, George C.: A palaeogeographic and palaeoceanographic interpretation for the "Australian-Indonesia gateway" based on larger foraminiferids
66%1996Chaproniere, G. C.: A palaeogeographic and palaeoceanographic interpretation for the "Australian-Indonesian Gateway" based on larger foraminiferids
66%1996Feary, D.; James, N. P. et al.: Cenozoic cool-water carbonates of the Great Australian Bight: an ODP proposal to decipher the record of Southern Ocean evolution, sealevel, paleoclimate, and biogenic production
1996Exon, Neville; Hill, Peter et al.: A proposal for ODP palaeoclimatic and palaeo-oceanographic drilling in the "southern gateway" off Tasmania
1996Shafik, Samir; Lee, Chao-Shing et al.: Calcareous nannofossils and magnetic lineations in the eastern Indian Ocean around Christmas Island; new evidence to the tectonic evolution of the North West Australian region
1996Shafik, Samir: Calcareous nannofossils in the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana marginal ridge, Atlantic Ocean, ODP Leg 159
1996Leitch, Evan C.: ODP Leg 156; a third probe into the Barbados accretionary prism
51%1996Binns, R. A.; Scott, S. D.: Massive sulfide mineralisation in felsic volcanic rocks of the eastern Manus Back-Arc Basin, western Pacific: ODP proposal 479
51%1996Carter, R. M.; Carter, L.: Mid-Cenozoic origin of the ACC and the Pacific DWBC, New Zealand region, SW Pacific Ocean
51%1601996Frankel, E.: Tectonics and palaeoceanography in the eastern Mediterranean - evidence from ODP Leg 160
51%1581996Gemmell, J. Bruce: Subsurface architecture of the TAG hydrothermal mound, Mid-Atlantic Ridge; results of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 158
51%1996Opdyke, Bradley C.; Bird, Michael: Possible ODP target; Scott Plateau, far eastern Indian Ocean
51%1996Jenkins, Chris: Circulation strength of a western boundary current through the late Cenozoic (ODP Drilling proposal; East Australian Current)
51%1996Isern, A. R.; McKenzie, J. A. et al.: The role of sea-surface temperature as a control on carbonate platform development in the western Coral Sea
47%1996Feary, David A.; James, Noel P. et al.: Cenozoic cool-water carbonates of the Great Australian Bight; an ODP proposal to decipher the record of Southern Ocean evolution, sealevel, paleoclimate, and biogenic production
42%1691996Duckworth, Rowena C.: High grade sediment-hosted sulphide deposits on the seafloor; preliminary results from ODP Leg 169 drilling, Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge
1996Duckworth, R. C.: Hydrothermal processes, sulphide deposits and the Ocean Drilling Program
42%1331996McKenzie, J. A.; Isern, A.: Influence of late Neogene paleoceanography on carbonate platform development; the NE Australian margin archetype
41%1601996Frankel, E.: ODP Leg 160; Eastern Mediterranean Sea
41%1996Binns, R. A.; Scott, S. D.: Massive sulfide mineralisation in felsic volcanic rocks of the eastern Manus back-arc basin, Western Pacific; ODP Proposal 479

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