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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
1997Davis, E. E.; Wang, K. et al.: Where does all the water go? Reflections on oceanic crustal fluid flow
1998Altabet, Mark A.; Murray, David W. et al.: A 1 Ma record of water column denitrification in the Arabian Sea; evidence from sediment nitrogen isotopic ratio
44%171A1998Teas, P. A.; Dileonardo, C.: A detailed look at the structural development of the Barbados accretionary prism
44%1541998Spiess, Volkhard; Breitzke, Monika: A high-resolution seismic survey on the Ceara Rise; imaging the terrigeneous input during the Neogene by different marine seismic systems
1998O'Connel, Jacqueline; Tunnicliffe, Verena: A Holocene record of fish remains from Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, Canada
44%169S1998Vaan, Alastair A.; Dean, Jean M. et al.: A scanning electron microscope study of sediment microfabrics from Holocene laminated sediments, Saanich Inlet, British Columbia (ODP Leg 169S)
44%1822005Bernasconi, S. M.; Boettcher, M. E. et al.: Oxygen and sulfur isotope composition of dissolved sulfate in interstitial waters of the Great Australian Bight, ODP Leg 182
44%552005Gordon, R. G.: Pacific Plate apparent polar wander and latitudinal shift of the Hawaiian Hotspot; a brief review and future prospects
2005Verosub, K. L.; Acton, G. et al.: Paleoclimatic and paleomagnetic variability over the past 40,000 years as recorded by sediments at ODP Site 1002 in the Cariaco Basin
44%1995Klaus, A.; Khankishieva, L. et al.: Preliminary seismic reflection results from Shatsky Rise, Western Pacific Ocean
44%1692006Kanamaru, K.; Francus, P. et al.: Holocene sedimentation recorded in varved sediments in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia
44%1992002Hovan, Steven A.; Vanden Berg, Michael D. et al.: The Paleogene intertropical convergence zone
44%1912002Araki, Eiichiro; Shinohara, Masanao et al.: Upper mantle structure of the northwestern Pacific Plate from WP2 borehole seismometer in the Pacific Ocean
44%1912002Nakahigashi, Kazuo; Shinohara, Masanao et al.: Uppermost mantle and crustal structure beneath the WP-2 borehole seismic observatory, the northwestern Pacific Basin
44%1922002Roberge, Julie; White, Rosalind et al.: Volatiles in submarine basaltic glasses from the Ontong Java Plateau (ODP Leg 192); implications for magmatic processes and source region compositions
44%1922002Chazey, William J.; Neal, Clive R.: What factors control platinum-group element (PGE) abundances in basalts from the Ontong Java Plateau?
44%2003Tiwari, R. K.; Rao, K. N. N.: A statistically significant long term characteristic time-scale of test size variation of calcareous trochospiral benthic Foraminifera (CTBF) during the past 120
44%2002003Gratton, Martin N.; Herrero-Bervera, Emilio et al.: Absolute paleointensity determinations of oceanic basalts using the Thellier-Coe and microwave techniques
44%2003Tamburini, Federica; Foellmi, Karl B.: Changes on a glacial-interglacial timescale in the oceanic inventory of phosphorus and its relation to climate change
2003Cottrell, Rory D.; Tarduno, John A.: CO (sub 2) step-heating of feldspar crystals; a new technique to derive paleomagnetic directional and paleointensity data
44%2092005Harvey, J.; Gannoun, A. et al.: Ancient melt extraction from the oceanic upper mantle revealed by 187Re-187Os isotopes in abyssal peridotites
2005Gilhooly, W. P.; Macko, S. A. et al.: Application of rhizon porewater samplers to shipboard operations, IODP Expedition 308, northeast Gulf of Mexico
2005Deyhle, A.; MacDougall, D.: Ca, B, Sr and Cl isotope study on pore fluids in the Japan Trench subduction zone
2005LaRiviere, J. P.; Liu, Z. et al.: California margin sea surface temperature (SST) and paleoproductivity records at ODP Site 1012
2005Carter, R. M.: Canterbury Drifts, SW Pacific Ocean; record of Antarctic Intermediate Water flow since 24 Ma
44%1101992Dreiss, S. J.; Bekins, B. A. et al.: Fluid flow in an active accretionary complex
1992Yasuda, M. K.; Berger, W. H.: Foraminifer preservation in the western Equatorial Pacific; the Quaternary record
44%1461992Fisher, A. T.; Iturrino, G. et al.: Heat flow measurements along the Oregon accretionary margin; where's the fluid flow?
44%1381992Pisias, N.; Mayer, L.: High resolution, late Neogene paleoceanographic records from the Equatorial Pacific; legacy of ODP Leg 138
1992Mayer, L. A.; Pisias, N. G. et al.: High-resolution paleoceanographic drilling in the Pacific; towards a synthesis
1992Park, Jeffrey; D'Hondt, Steven L. et al.: Late Cretaceous precessional cycles in double time; evidence from South Atlantic DSDP Site 516F
1992Farrell, John W.: Late Pleistocene stable isotope records from surface-ocean and thermocline-dwelling planktic foraminifera; ODP Site 847, eastern Equatorial Pacific
44%1994Wei, Wuchang: Revised magnetobiostratigraphy of the Paleocene/Eocene boundary and implications for revision of the magnetic polarity time scale
44%1852006Chauvel, C.; Lewin, E. et al.: Recycled oceanic material controls the Hf-Nd OIB array
44%151973Donnelly, Thomas W.; Kay, Robert et al.: Chemical petrology of Caribbean basalts and dolerites; leg 15, Deep Sea Drilling Project
44%1999Zhou, Weiming; Peacor, Donald R. et al.: Determination of lattice parameter, oxidation state, and composition of individual titanomagnetite/titanomaghemite grains by transmission electron microscopydownload
1999Straub, Susanne M.; Layne, Graham D. et al.: Elemental characterization of slab-derived fluid components in the central Izu Arc (NW Pacific)
44%1999Dvorkin, Jack; Prasad, Manika et al.: Elasticity of marine sediments; rock physics modelingdownload
44%1999Clennell, M. Ben; Hovland, Martin et al.: Formation of natural gas hydrates in marine sediments; 1, Conceptual model of gas hydrate growth conditioned by host sediment properties
44%1671999Holton, David J.; Normark, William R. et al.: Holocene deformation in the Santa Monica Basin, offshore Southern California
44%1999Ridgwell, Andy J.; Watson, Andrew J. et al.: Is the spectral signature of the 100 kyr glacial cycle consistent with a Milankovitch origin?download
44%1975Peterson, M. N. A.: Ocean sediment coring program and marine sedimentationdownload
44%591980Scott, Robert; Kroenke, Loren W.: Evolution of back arc spreading and arc volcanism in the Philippine Sea; interpretation of Leg 59 DSDP results
44%1983Moore, J. Casey; Lundberg, Neil: Variations in forearc ductility; consequences for the stratigraphic record
1998Oppo, D. W.; McManus, J. F. et al.: Subpolar North Atlantic millennial climate oscillations during Marine Isotope Stage 8 and the associated termination
44%81998Sato, Hiroshi; Ishii, Teruaki et al.: Sulfide minerals as a petrogenetic and alteration indicator of ultramafic rocks in ocean floor
1998Stock, Joann M.; Luyendyk, Bruce P. et al.: Tectonics and structure of the Manihiki Plateau, western Pacific Ocean
44%1651998Sigurdsson, H.; Kelley, S. P. et al.: The Cenozoic record of Caribbean explosive volcanism; 40Ar/39Ar dating of tephra
1998Hovan, S. A.; Kish, S. W. et al.: The late Pleistocene record of terrigenous mineral deposition along the northern California Margin, ODP Leg 167
2002Kissel, C.; Laj, C. et al.: Magnetic properties and environmental changes in monsoonal regime (ODP Leg 184, South China Sea)
44%1972002Smirnov, Alexei V.; Tarduno, John A.: Magnetic properties of submarine and subaerial basaltic glass from the Emperor Seamounts (ODP Leg 197)
44%1992002Rea, David K.; Wilson, Paul A. et al.: The CCD of the Paleogene tropical Pacific; results of ODP Leg 199
44%1972002Keller, Randall; Graham, David et al.: The changing nature of the Hawaiian hotspot in the Late Cretaceous-early Tertiary; evidence from helium isotopes and melt inclusion compositions
44%1992002Lyle, Mitchell W.; Wilson, Paul A.: The Eocene and Oligocene Pacific equatorial region from ODP Leg 199 drilling
44%2002Mueller, R. D.; Gaina, C. et al.: The evolution of global oceanic crust from Jurassic to present day; a global data integration
2002Goodliffe, A. M.; Taylor, B. et al.: The evolution of the Lau Basin; a new perspective
44%1701998Zuleger, Evelyn; Deyhle, Annette: Boron and boron isotope determinations in pore fluids and sediments from ODP Leg 170, Costa Rica
1998Fornaciari, E.: Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of ODP Leg 167
1997Kennett, J. P.; Kennett, D. J. et al.: Episodic Holocene climatic instability; Santa Barbara Basin ODP Hole 893A
44%1691997James, R. H.; Palmer, M. R.: Evidence for the transport of phase-separated hydrothermal fluids through sediment at the Escanaba Trough
1997Sautter, Leslie Reynolds: Evidence for vertical mixing in the Sulu Sea during the Younger Dryas
44%1997Elliott, Tim; Plank, Terry et al.: Element transport from slab to volcanic front at the Mariana Arcdownload
44%1997Allan, James F.; Simkin, T.: Fernandina Volcano; mineralogical and petrological constraints on the nature of the Galapagos Plume
44%1997Miller, Kenneth G.; Browning, James V. et al.: Glacio- and tectono-eustatic changes over the past 80 m.y.; comparisons with NJ Upper Cretaceous-Recent sequences
44%1721997Acton, Gary D.; Clement, Bradford M. et al.: High-resolution geomagnetic and rock magnetic records from Pleistocene sediment drifts in the NW Atlantic, ODP Leg 172
44%1681997Mottl, M. J.; Wheat, C. G. et al.: Hydrothermal fluxes on mid-ocean ridge flanks
2007McCaig, A. M.; Condliffe, E. et al.: Reaction-enhanced permeability in gabbroic crust, IODP Site 1309, Mid Atlantic Ridge
44%1942007John, C. M.; Karner, G. D. et al.: Revised stratigraphy, timing, and amplitude of the middle Miocene eustatic sea-level fall recorded on the Marion Plateau, northeastern Australia (ODP Leg 194)
44%1952007Bickford, M.; Siegel, D. I. et al.: Strontium isotopic evidence for episodic discharge of slab fluids to mud volcanoes in the Marianas Forearc
44%3022007Darby, D. A.: The Arctic perennial ice cover over the last 14 million years
44%2007Mayer, Larry; Moran, Kate et al.: The Cenozoic Arctic Ocean unveiled through scientific ocean drilling
44%881984Duennebier, F. K.; Cessaro, R. K. et al.: The ocean sub-bottom seismometer; results from the DSDP Leg 88 borehole seismic experiment
1984Grinstead, G. P.; Ciesielski, P. F.: The Pliocene northward expansion of Antarctic and subantarctic water masses in the Southwest Atlantic
44%1721997Lund, Steven P.; Acton, Gary D. et al.: Initial paleomagnetic results from ODP Leg 172; evidence for at least 14 geomagnetic field excursions during the Brunhes Epoch
44%1831997Symonds, P. A.; Ramsay, D. et al.: Kerguelen Plateau Law of the Sea studies
44%1681997Rosenberg, Nina D.; Fisher, Andrew T. et al.: Large-scale lateral heat and fluid transport within the ocean crust
44%1997Juarez, M. T.; Pick, T. et al.: Late Eocene through late Miocene paleointensity data from submarine basaltic glasses; evidence of a Cenozoic dipole low
1997Major, Candace O.; Saito, Sanny et al.: Lithology of the Barbados accretionary complex from logging-while-drilling (LWD), ODP Leg 171A
44%1997Housen, Bernard: Magnetic fabrics from active accretionary prisms
44%1691997Houghton, J.; Pulsipher, T. et al.: Major and minor element geochemistry of sulfide minerals from Middle Valley and Escanaba Trough sediment hosted volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits
1997Prueher, Libby M.; Rea, David K.: Mass accumulation rates of volcanic ash from ODP Site 882
1973Ozima, M.; Saito, K. et al.: K-Ar, (super 40) Ar- (super 39) Ar dating and magnetic studies of Leg. 7 and Leg. 17 basalt samples
44%151973Donnelly, Thomas W.: Late Cretaceous basalts from the Caribbean; a possible flood basalt province of vast size
44%1973Lowrie, William; Loevlie, Reidar et al.: Magnetic Properties of Deep-Sea Drilling Project Basalts from the North Pacific Ocean
2002Bernasconi, S. M.; Andres, M. S. et al.: 850,000-year record of sea-level fluctuations and margin evolution from Great Australian Bight, Site 1127, ODP Leg 182
2002Cortese, G.; Abelmann, A. et al.: A 450 000 kyr surface hydrography history from the subantarctic Atlantic Ocean (ODP Site 1089)
2002Mac Niocaill, C.; Henderson, G. M.: A detailed paleomagnetic record from the Bahamas Bank; a record of the Blake event?
44%922002Sherrell, Robert M.; Wright, James D. et al.: A dual proxy of oceanic weathering inputs; rear earth element patterns and Nd isotopes from metalliferous sediment cores
2002Williams, T.; Barr, S. et al.: A high-resolution record of early Miocene Antarctic glacial history from downhole logs, Site 1165, ODP Leg 188
44%1772002Grigorov, I.; Pearce, R. et al.: A million year record of sub-decadal climate variability; Southern Ocean cores and sediment traps
2002Naehr, Thomas H.: A new look at gas hydrate occurrences on the Peruvian continental margin; ODP Site 1230
2002Richter, Carl; Ali, Jason R.: A record of the Philippine Sea Plate motion since the Eocene (ODP Site 1201)
2002Tedford, R. A.; Kelly, D. C.: A revised chronology for the late Miocene carbon isotope shift (ODP Site 1172B); a stable isotopic and sedimentologic investigation
44%2002Barrett, Peter J.: Antarctic climate evolution; the next step
44%2002Miller, Kenneth G.; Kominz, M. A. et al.: Antarctic ice evolution viewed from NJ and the deep sea
2002Screaton, E.: Aquifer tests in subseafloor fault zones
44%1171988Prell, W. L.: The evolution of monsoonal upwelling; Arabian Sea; results from ODP Leg 117
44%1141988LaBrecque, J. L.; Kristoffersen, Yngve et al.: The Malvinas Plate; microplate or megaplate?
1988Koeberl, Christian: The North American tektite strewn field; extension, chemistry, and the need for a source crater
44%1988Smith, B. M.; Staudigel, H.: The oxygen isotope composition of old oceanic crust; results for 417A, 417D, and 418A composite samples

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