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ScoreExp/Site/Hole YearAuthor/TitleFull text
30%1991Roberts, Dave; Coffin, Mike et al.: Conjugate volcanic passive margin and oceanic plateau development; disciplinary working group report
30%2004Andren, T.; Best, G. et al.: Towards a Baltic Sea IODP
30%1982Belyayev, A. V.; Beresnev, A. F. et al.: Regional'nyye i poligonnyye geofizicheskiye issledovaniya k severu ot Islandii Regional and polygonal geophysical studies north of Iceland
27%2005Stoker, M. S.; Praeg, D. et al.: Neogene evolution of the Atlantic continental margin of NW Europe (Lofoten Islands to SW Ireland); anything but passive
26%1990Beggs, J. M.; Challis, G. A. et al.: Basement geology of the Campbell Plateau; implications for correlation of the Campbell magnetic anomaly system
26%2012Mohriak, Webster Ueipass; Leroy, Sylvie: Architecture of rifted continental margins and break-up evolution; insights from the South Atlantic, North Atlantic and Red Sea-Gulf of Aden conjugate margins
23%2002Hambrey, Michael John: Neogene glacial record of the Lambert Graben, East Antarctica; implications for ice sheet fluctuations
23%1983Sager, William Warren: Seamount paleomagnetism and Pacific Plate tectonics
19%1989Pallant, Amy; Kaminski, Michael A.: Bolboforma from Leg 105, Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay, and the chronostratigraphy of Bolboforma in the North Atlanticdownload
12%2009Dowsett, Harry J.; Robinson, Marci M. et al.: Pliocene three-dimensional global ocean temperature reconstructiondownload
11%1976Vanney, J. R.; Johnson, G. L.: Geomorphology of the Pacific continental margin of the Antarctic Peninsuladownload
11%1985Lowrie, Allen: Seismic stratigraphy, Pleistocene climate, and Tertiary sea level changesdownload
11%2012Andren, Thomas; Jorgensen, Bo Barker et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 347 scientific prospectus; Baltic Sea basin paleoenvironment; palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Baltic Sea basin through the last glacial cycledownload
10%2006Backman, J.: First paleo-oceanographic drilling of Cenozoic sediments in the central Arctic Oceandownload
9%2011Integrated Ocean Drilling Program 2011 ocean drilling citation report; covering citations related to the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Ocean Drilling Program and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program from GeoRef citations indexed by American Geological Institute 1969 through 2010download
9%1998Hunt, John B.; Clift, Peter D. et al.: Interlaboratory comparison of electron probe microanalysis of glass geochemistrydownload
9%2002Holbourn, Ann E.; Henderson, Andrew S.: Re-illustration and revised taxonomy for selected deep-sea benthic foraminifersdownload
9%2006Tobin, Harold; Kinoshita, Masa: NanTroSEIZE; the IODP Nankai Trough SEIsmogenic Zone Experimentdownload
9%2008Lazarus, David; Cervato, Cinzia et al.: Neptune; developing a digital information infrastructure for micropaleontology in the 21 (super st) centurydownload
8%2003Karson, Jeffrey A.: Integrated geological and geophysical investigations of the oceanic crust; analogs for Antarctic investigationsdownload
8%2003Jarrard, Richard D.: Antarctic drilling, coring, and logging; how and why?download
7%2011Jaeger, John; Gulick, Sean et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 341 scientific prospectus; southern Alaska margin; interactions of tectonics, climate and sedimentationdownload
7%2003Klaus, Ann D.; Petronotis, Katerina E.: Going online with ocean drilling publicationsdownload
6%2008Sagiya, Takeshi: ICDP workshop on borehole monitoring at the Nankai subduction zone; building a land-ocean borehole network to study the seismogenic zonedownload
6%2008Neal, Clive R.; Coffin, Millard F. et al.: Investigating large igneous province formation and associated paleoenvironmental events; a white paper for scientific drillingdownload
6%2008Myers, Greg: Ultra-deepwater riserless mud circulation with dual gradient drillingdownload
6%2008Fulthorpe, Craig S.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: Drilling to decipher long-term sea-level changes and effects; a joint Consortium for Ocean Leadership, ICDP, IODP, DOSECC, and Chevron workshopsdownload
6%2008Lin, Weiren; Yamamoto, Koji et al.: Estimation of minimum principal stress from an extended leak-off test onboard the Chikyu drilling vessel and suggestions for future test proceduresdownload
5%2013Tada, Ryuji; Murray, Richard W. et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 346 scientific prospectus; Asian monsoon; onset and evolution of millennial-scale variability of Asian monsoon and its possible relation with Himalaya and Tibetan Plateau upliftdownload
5%2005Wellner, Julia S.; Anderson, John B. et al.: The inaugural SHALDRILL Expedition to the Weddell Sea, Antarcticadownload
5%1992McCartney, Kevin; Harwood, David M.: Silicoflagellates from Leg 120 on the Kerguelen Plateau, Southeast Indian Oceandownload
5%1976Nierenberg, W. A.; Peterson, M. N. A.: Soils study continental margin sites; bearing capacity study of seafloor soils, Middle Atlantic Ridge, Atlantic Oceandownload
4%2010Abrantes, Fatima; Hodell, David et al.: IODP drilling of the "Shackleton sites" on the Iberian margin; a Plio-Pleistocene marine reference section of millennial-scale climate changedownload
4%2010Bach, Wolfgang; Ravelo, Christina et al.: IODP New Ventures in Exploring Scientific Targets (INVEST); defining the new goals of an international drilling programdownload
4%1995Coyne, J.: Data management in the Ocean Drilling Programdownload
4%2010Lyle, Mitchell; Palike, Heiko et al.: The Pacific Equatorial Age Transect, IODP Expeditions 320 and 321; building a 50-million-year-long environmental record of the Equatorial Pacific Oceandownload
4%2011Stow, Dorrik A. V.; Hernadez-Molina, Francisco Javier et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 339 scientific prospectus; Mediterranean outflow; environmental significance of the Mediterranean outflow water and its global implicationsdownload
4%2009Sluijs, Appy; Brinkhuis, Henk: A dynamic climate and ecosystem state during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum; inferences from dinoflagellate cyst assemblages on the New Jersey Shelfdownload
4%2010Exon, Neville: Australia's involvement in IODP; what it means for our scientistsdownload
4%2010Heap, Andrew D.; Exon, Neville: Australia's new marine research vessel; geoscience implicationsdownload
3%2011Brandl, P. A.; Regelous, M. et al.: Chemical evolution of MORB; new insights from old crustdownload
3%2009Takahashi, Kozo; Ravelo, Christina et al.: Site U1340download
3%2003Miller, Kenneth G.; Browning, James V. et al.: 174AX Leg summary; sequences, sea level, tectonic, and aquifer resources; coastal plain drillingdownload
3%2009Takahashi, Kozo; Ravelo, Ana Christina et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, Expedition 323 scientific prospectus; Pliocene-Pleistocene paleoceanography and climate history of the Bering Seadownload
3%2007Takahashi, Kozo; Ravelo, Ana Christina et al.: Pliocene-Pleistocene paleoceanography and climate history of the Bering Seadownload
2%2006Soeding, Emanuel; Evans, Dan et al.: An overview of IODP scientific publicationsdownload
2%2009Takahashi, Kozo; Ravelo, Christina et al.: Site U1345download
2%2006Lazarus, David: The Micropaleontological Reference Centers networkdownload
2%2009Firth, John; Gupta, Lallan et al.: New focus on the tales of the Earth; legacy cores redistribution project completeddownload
2%2006Curewitz, Daniel; Kuramoto, Shin'ichi et al.: Drilling vessel Chikyu; status, capabilities, and current operationsdownload
2%2009Morgan, Julia K.; Silver, Eli et al.: Addressing geohazards through ocean drillingdownload
2%2009Schultheiss, Peter; Holland, Melanie et al.: Wireline coring and analysis under pressure; recent use and future developments of the HYACINTH Systemdownload
2%1976Nierenberg, W. A.; Peterson, M. N. A.: Operations resumes; Leg 34 through Leg 44Adownload
2%1984Nierenberg, W. A.; Peterson, M. N. A.: Operations resumes part VII; Leg 71 through 84download

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