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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
48%2008Thomas, Ellen: Descent into the icehouse
48%2008Michoux, Daniel: Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages from the Paleogene of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
2005Steiger, T.; Meschede, M. et al.: Evidence of Nicoya Ophiolite materials drilled at ODP Site 1042
48%2005Davis, E. E.; Becker, K.: Fluid pressure, sediment compressibility, and secular and transient strain in subduction prisms; results from ODP CORK borehole hydrologic observatories
48%2012005Carder, E. A.; Galy, A. et al.: Magnesium isotopic evidence for widespread microbial dolomite precipitation in the geological record
2004Kukowski, N.; Hampel, A. et al.: Varying rates and modes of subduction erosion along the Peruvian margin
48%2012004Skilbeck, C. Gregory; Goodwin, Ian et al.: High-resolution palaeo-El Nino records from the Peru continental margin
1977Zwart, Michael J.: North American microtektites from Deep Sea Drilling Project cores
48%1998Abreu, Vitor dos Santos: Geologic evolution of conjugate volcanic passive margins; Pelotas Basin (Brazil) and offshore Namibia (Africa); implication for global sea level changes
48%1121999Pecher, Ingo A.; Kukowski, Nina: BSRs in Lima Basin; an indication for methane production below the gas hydrate stability zone?
48%1121994Lamboy, Michel: Nannostructure and genesis of phosphorites from ODP Leg 112, the Peru margin
48%301975Klein, George deVries: Resedimented Pelagic Carbonate and Volcaniclastic Sediments and Sedimentary Structures in Leg 30 DSDP Cores from the Western Equatorial Pacific
48%101975Lindsay, J. F.; Shipley, Thomas H. et al.: Role of canyons in the growth of the Campeche Escarpment
48%1972Bolli, Hans M.: Correlacion de las estaciones Joides 29, 30 y 31 del Caribe con Jamaica, Venezuela y Trinidad Correlation of the JOIDES Stations 29, 30 and 31 from the Caribbean, Jamaica, Venezuela and Trinidad
48%1987Schubert, Carlos: Paleoecological and neotectonic study of Cariaco Basin, central-eastern Venezuelan continental shelf
1999Bourgois, J.; Lagabrielle, Y. et al.: Two phases of ophiolite emplacement at the Chile margin triple junction area (46-47S)
48%1121999von Huene, Roland; Pecher, Ingo A.: Vertical tectonics and the origins of BSRs along the Peru margin
48%1552000Vilela, C. G.; Maslin, M. A.: Causation of the Quaternary catastrophic sediment failures of the Amazon Fan
48%1462000Greinert, Jens; Nadler, Thomas: Cold vents and carbonate chemoherms in the Yaquina Basin, Peruvian continental margin; visual, mineralogical and isotopic investigations
48%2102004Shryane, Therese; Feely, Martin: ODP Leg 210, drilling on the North Atlantic; what lies beneath?
2008Puceat, Emmanuelle: A new breath of life for anoxia
48%1692002Blais-Stevens, A.; Clague, J. J. et al.: Paleoseismic signature in late Holocene sediment cores from Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, Canada
48%1121991Powell, A. James; Lewis, Jane: Associations de kystes de dinoflagelle quaternaires au large du Peru Quaternary dinoflagellate cyst assemblages off Peru
48%1998Hughen, Konrad A.: Climatic linkages between high-latitude North Atlantic, tropical South America and ocean circulation; evidence from the Cariaco Basin
1996Kerr, Richard A.: Ancient sea-level swings confirmed
1996Wei, Wuchang: Clarification of an index nannofossil species for the Paleocene/Eocene boundary
48%1701997Meschede, Martin; Barckhausen, Udo et al.: The abandoned spreading system of the Cocos and Malpelo ridges in the eastern Pacific
2005Verosub, K. L.; Acton, G. et al.: Paleoclimatic and paleomagnetic variability over the past 40,000 years as recorded by sediments at ODP Site 1002 in the Cariaco Basin
48%1412006Roeser, Georg; Behrmann, Jan H. et al.: Geotechnical characterization of trench- and slope sediments off southern Chile; preliminary results
48%1122002Hampel, Andrea: The migration history of the Nazca Ridge along the Peruvian active margin; a re-evaluation
48%2003Hollamby, J. A.; Musgrave, R. J.: A rock-magnetic study of bacterially mediated iron sulfide diagenesis associated with gas hydrate-bearing sediments
48%2003Tamburini, Federica; Foellmi, Karl B.: Changes on a glacial-interglacial timescale in the oceanic inventory of phosphorus and its relation to climate change
48%1992Cusminsky, G. C.: Foraminiferos bentonicos provenientes de testigos del oceano Atlantico sudoccidental austral Benthonic foraminifera from cores of the southwestern Atlantic Ocean
48%1992D'Hondt, Steven L.; Herbert, Timothy D.: Hiatus distributions and mass extinctions at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary: Comment
48%1992MacLeod, Norman; Keller, Gerta: Hiatus distributions and mass extinctions at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary: Reply
48%1412006Heberer, Bianca; Behrmann, J. H. et al.: Reaction of an upper plate to varying subduction regimes; concept and initial results from the southern Chile Trench
48%1998Garcia, Alexandre L.; Pinto, Flavio J. C. P. et al.: Roncador Field; a rapid development challenge in ultra-deep water
48%1551998Mikkelsen, Naja; Maslin, Mark: Sea level controlled catastrophic sediment failures of the Quaternary Amazon Fan complex
48%1701999Voelker, David; Meschede, Martin: Finite element modelling of convergent margin wedge dynamics
1980Hesse, Reinhard: Gas-hydrates (clathrates) as a cause of pore-water freshening and possible retardation of diagenetic reactions in deep-water sedimentary sections of the continental margins
48%21983Whelan, Jean K.; Hunt, John M.: Volatile C (sub 1) -C (sub 8) organic compounds in sediments from the Peru upwelling region
48%169S1998Bornhold, Brian D.: The Ocean Drilling Program Leg 169S in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia; overview
48%2002Fastovsky, David E.; Sheehan, Peter M.: The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary; a palaeontological viewpoint
48%1701998Zuleger, Evelyn; Deyhle, Annette: Boron and boron isotope determinations in pore fluids and sediments from ODP Leg 170, Costa Rica
1997Patino, Lina Claudia: Geochemical characterization of Central American subduction zone system; slab input, output from the volcanoes, and slab-mantle interactions
48%2002Tobin, H. J.; Kimura, G. et al.: Drilling and instrumenting a subduction zone megathrust; the proposed Nankai Trough seismogenic zone borehole observatory
48%1973Piper, David J. W.; Huene, Roland von et al.: Late Quaternary Sedimentation in the Active Eastern Aleutian Trench
2002Naehr, Thomas H.: A new look at gas hydrate occurrences on the Peruvian continental margin; ODP Site 1230
48%1141988LaBrecque, J. L.; Kristoffersen, Y. et al.: The Malvinas Plate; did it exist and how big was it?
48%1993Maurrasse, Florentin J. M. R.: Taxonomy, biostratigraphy, and paleoecologic significance of calcareous-siliceous facies of the Neogene Montpelier Formation, northeastern Jamaica
48%1121993Kukowski, Nina; Pecher, Ingo A. et al.: Tectonic structure, fluid transport, and development of the accretionary wedge along the Peruvian continental margin
48%1999Premoli Silva, Isabella; Sliter, William V.: Cretaceous paleoceanography; evidence from planktonic foraminiferal evolution
48%2006Smith, David C.; D'Hondt, Steven: Exploration of life in deep subseafloor sediments
2005Fatale, M. A.; Joseph, L. H.: Depositional trends of a glacial/interglacial transition from the Chilean margin, ODP Site 1233
2005Vannucchi, P.; Leoni, L. et al.: Dynamic interaction between pore fluids and faulting along the Costa Rica decollement (ODP Legs 170 and 205)
2000Chapman, N. R.; Dosso, S. E. et al.: The COAMS marine seismic measurement system
48%1902007Skarbek, R. M.; Saffer, D. M.: Pore pressure development in sub-decollement sediments in subduction zones; insights from laboratory data and numerical modeling
48%1122001Broser, A.; Baialas, J. et al.: Subduction processes along the Peruvian margin from wide angle seismic data
48%2001Dobson, David M.; Dickens, Gerald R. et al.: Terrigenous sediment on Ceara Rise; a Cenozoic record of South American orogeny and erosion
48%2012003House, Christopher H.; Holm, Nils: Exploration of subsurface Pacific microbial ecosystems
48%2012006Batzke, Anja; Engelen, Bert et al.: IODP; cultured deep-biosphere bacteria from Equatorial Pacific Ocean and Peru margin sediments; physiological and phylogenetic diversity
48%2004Habib, Daniel; Saeedi, Farnosh: The Manumiella global spike; cooling and regression at the close of the Maastrichtian
48%1122001Wolf, A.: Holozaene Klimarekonstruktion an laminierten Sedimenten aus dem Auftriebsgebiet vor Peru Holocene climate reconstruction based on laminated sediments from the upwelling area off Peru
48%1652009Fero, Julie Ann: Simulating widespread tephra dispersal from explosive volcanic eruptions
1980Chiou, W. A.; Shephard, L. E. et al.: Clay fabric and geotechnical properties of trench sediments
2004Teagle, Damon A. H.; Wilson, Douglas S. et al.: The "Road to the MoHole" four decades on; deep drilling at site 1256
48%1551996Maslin, Mark; Mikkelsen, Naja: Sea level controlled catastrophic failures of the Amazon Fan
48%2010Davis, Marcy B.; Ellins, K. K.: The University of Texas Institute for Geophysics Teachers in the Field Project; digital liaison between science educators and teacher field research programs
2004Lamy, F.; Hebbeln, D. et al.: Late Quaternary paleoenvironmental history of the Peru-Chile current system and adjacent continental Chile
48%841984Desmet, A.; Tournon, J. et al.: Ophiolites de Santa Elena (Costa Rica) et Leg 84; etude chimique des clinopyroxenes Ophiolites of Santa Elena (Costa Rica) and Leg 84; chemical study of clinopyroxenes
48%1121991Emeis, Kay Christian; Whelan, Jean K. et al.: Sedimentary and geochemical expressions of oxic and anoxic conditions on the Peru shelf
48%1702004Ercegovac, M.: Microscopical characteristics of organic facies and palynofacies of active upwelling systems of the continental margin of Costa Rica (ODP Leg 170)
2005Wei, W.; Kastner, M. et al.: Chlorine stable isotopes in three subduction zones, with inferences for serpentinization and fluid flow
48%2072007Junium, Christopher K.; Arthur, Michael A.: Nitrogen cycling during the Cretaceous, Cenomanian-Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event IIdownload
48%1998Boissonnas, R.; Goldberg, D. et al.: Gas hydrates education using downhole electromagnetic measurements on the Costa Rican margin
1983The continental rise off North America
48%2012005Lee, Yong-Jin; Wagner, Isaac D. et al.: Thermosediminibacter oceani gen. nov., sp. nov. and Thermosediminibacter litoriperuensis sp. nov., new anaerobic thermophilic bacteria isolated from Peru Margin
48%2072006Beckmann, B.; Hofmann, P. et al.: Biomarker evidence from Demerara Rise for surface and deep water redox conditions in the Mid Cretaceous western Equatorial Atlantic
48%1702000Tryon, Michael D.; Brown, Kevin M.: Results from long-term aqueous flux measurements on the Costa Rican convergent margin
48%1552000Maslin, M. A.; Vilela, C. G.: Sea-level and gas hydrate controlled catastrophic sediment failures of the Amazon Fan
48%1161993Cochran, James R.: Two-phase uplift of higher Himalayas since 17 Ma: Comment
48%1161993Amano, Kazuo; Taira, Asahiko: Two-phase uplift of higher Himalayas since 17 Ma: Reply
48%1411993Strand, Kari: Valtamerikairaus aktiiviseen subduktio-kompleksiin Chilen kolmoispisteessa; Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 141 Ocean drilling at the active subduction complex at the Chile triple junction; Ocean Drilling Program Leg 141
1993Kvenvolden, K. A.; Ginsburg, G. D. et al.: Worldwide distribution of subaquatic gas hydrates
48%1994Il'in, A. V.: 150 let geologii fosforitov i ikh prakticheskogo ispol'zovaniya 150 years of phosphate geology and practical utilization of phosphorites
48%1121994Burnett, W. C.; Yeh, C. C. et al.: Ages of Quaternary phosphorites from ODP Leg 112 cores on the Peru Shelf
48%1551994Flood, Roger D.; Piper, David J. W. et al.: Amazon deep-sea fan
48%1551998Maslin, Mark; Mikkelsen, Naja: Timing of the late Quaternary Amazon fan complex mass-transport deposits
2002Godfrey, L. V.: Temporal changes in the lead isotopic composition of red clays; comparison with ferromanganese crust records
48%281977Hayes, D. E.; Frakes, L. et al.: The results of the Leg 28 Deep Sea Drilling Project and the late Cenozoic history of Antarctica
1995Kaivola, T. M.; Matinlassi, M. et al.: Ocean drilling verifying tectonic settings; a spreading ridge subduction zone (Leg 141) and a transform continental margin (Leg 159)
48%1551995Piper, D. J. W.: ODP Leg 155 on the Amazon deep-sea fan; amazingly like the Meguma Group
2005Robinson, R. S.; Mix, A. et al.: Southern Ocean controls on the extent of denitrification in the Southeast Pacific (ODP Site 1234)
48%1702004Hawkins, L. K.; Burmester, R. F. et al.: Magnetic properties and paleointensity of a mid-Miocene gabbro from the Costa Rica accretionary wedge, ODP Leg 170
48%2006Barnes, Jaime Danielle: Tectonic and metamorphic implications of high chlorine contents in serpentinites
48%1984von Huene, Roland: Structural diversity along modern convergent margins and the role of overpressured pore fluids in subduction zones
48%1997Lueckge, Andreas: Ablagerung und Fruehdiagenese organischen Materials in marinen Hochproduktivitaetsgebieten Deposit and early diagenesis of organic materials in highly productive marine environments
48%1651997Sigurdsson, H.; Carey, S.: Explosive volcanic episodes in Central America; deep-sea evidence from drilling of ODP Leg 165
48%1701998Barckhausen, Udo; Meschede, Martin et al.: A new understanding of the plate tectonic evolution of the Cocos Plate; results from a multidisciplinary study in the eastern Panama Basin of Costa Rica
48%2003Tobin, Harold J.; Kimura, Gaku: Structure, physical properties, and geophysical sensing of convergent margin decollement zones; the past decade of ocean drilling and the IODP future

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