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ScoreExp/Site/Hole YearAuthor/TitleFull text
42%1999Kemp, Alan E. S.; Pearce, Richard B. et al.: The role of mat-forming diatoms in the formation of Mediterranean sapropels
42%1999Allan, James F.: Volcanism in the Colima Rift, Trans-Mexican volcanic belt; sequentially-deepening decompression melting of arc mantle during rift development
42%2000Quillevere, Frederic; Norris, Richard D. et al.: 59.2 Ma and 56.5 Ma; two significant moments in the evolution of acarininids (planktonic Foraminifera)
42%2000Smolka, Peter: A new paleotemperature transfer-algorithm and its application to the reconstruction of Neogene oceans
42%2000Bauch, Henning A.; Erlenkeuser, Helmut et al.: A paleoclimatic evaluation of marine oxygen isotope stage 11 in the high-northern Atlantic (Nordic seas)
42%2000Smolka, Peter: A worldwide uniform high-resolution stratigraphic standard with data for the Neogene and Paleogene
42%2000Rea, David K.; Moore, Theordore C., Jr. et al.: Atmospheric and oceanic circulation dynamics in the Equatorial Pacific of the Paleogene world
42%2000Aoki, Saburo; Kohyama, Norihiko: Clay mineralogy and geochemistry of the DSDP and ODP cores from the Arabian Sea, the Bengal Fan, and the Gulf of Mexico
42%2000Hodell, David A.; Charles, Christopher D. et al.: Comparison of interglacial stages in the South Atlantic sector of the southern ocean for the past 450 kyr; implications for marine isotope stage (MIS) 11
42%2000Thomas, Ellen; Zachos, James C. et al.: Deep-sea environments on a warm Earth; latest Paleocene-early Eocene
42%2009Johnson, T. C.: IODP-ICDP interactions; comparing and contrasting the drilled paleoclimate records on the African Continent with the ODP records offshore
42%2009Cita, Maria Bianca: Mediterranean Neogene stratigraphy; development and evolution through the centuries
42%2007Muttoni, Giovanni; Kent, D. V.: Widespread formation of cherts during the Eocene climate optimum
42%1994Lee, Jongman; Stern, Robert J.: Change and constancy in the composition of Mariana Arc magmas, the tephra glass record
42%1991Schneider, Cynthia E.: Antarctic deep-sea ostracode crisis near the Paleocene-Eocene boundary (57.33 Ma)
42%1985Sarna-Wojcicki, A. M.; Meyer, Charles E. E. et al.: Ages of tuff beds at East African early hominid sites and sediments in the Gulf of Aden
42%1998Hughen, Konrad A.: Climatic linkages between high-latitude North Atlantic, tropical South America and ocean circulation; evidence from the Cariaco Basin
42%1998Brueckman, Warner; Cepek, Martin et al.: Data and services of the Ocean Drilling Stratigraphic Network (ODSN)
42%1999Wallace, Paul J.; Carmichael, Ian S. E.: Quaternary volcanism near the Valley of Mexico; implications or subduction zone magmatism and the effects of crustal thickness variations on primitive magma compositions
42%1994Hiscott, R. N.; Aksu, A. E.: Submarine debris flows and continental slope evolution in front of Quaternary ice sheets, Baffin Bay, Canadian Arctic
42%1991Baba, Jumpei; Peterson, Curt D. et al.: Modern fine-grained sediments in the Gulf of California
42%1996Davis, E. E.; Wang, K. et al.: An unequivocal case for high Nusselt-number hydrothermal convection in sediment-buried igneous oceanic crust
42%1996Barker, Peter F.; Larter, Robert D. et al.: Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin; Antarctic glacial history and sea-level changes (Proposal 452-REV)
42%1973Heezen, B. C.: Diachronous Deposits; A Kinematic Interpretation of the Post Jurassic Sedimentary Sequence on the Pacific Plate
42%1997Rebesco, Michele; Larter, Robert D. et al.: The history of sedimentation on the continental rise west of the Antarctic Peninsula
42%1997Liu Guangding; Li Qingmou: The Ocean Drilling Program and logging geology
42%1997Ruddiman, William F.; Raymo, Maureen E. et al.: The uplift-climate connection; a synthesis
42%1997Mackensen, Andreas: Zur Palaeoozeanographie hoher Breiten; Stellvertreterdaten aus Foraminiferen The use of Foraminifera substitutes in the paleo-oceanography of the higher latitudes
42%1998Duermeijer, C. E.; van Vugt, N. et al.: A major late Tortonian rotation phase in the Crotone Basin using AMS as tectonic tilt correction and timing of the opening of the Tyrrhenian Basin
42%1995Klaus, A.; Khankishieva, L. et al.: Preliminary seismic reflection results from Shatsky Rise, Western Pacific Ocean
42%2011Gillis, K. M.; Coogan, L. A.: Secular variation in carbon uptake into the ocean crust
42%2002Foellmi, K. B.; Tamburini, F. et al.: The phosphorus burial curve revisited
42%2002Miller, Kenneth G.: The role of ODP in understanding the causes and effects of global sea level change
42%2003Tiwari, R. K.; Rao, K. N. N.: A statistically significant long term characteristic time-scale of test size variation of calcareous trochospiral benthic Foraminifera (CTBF) during the past 120
42%2003Tamburini, Federica; Foellmi, Karl B.: Changes on a glacial-interglacial timescale in the oceanic inventory of phosphorus and its relation to climate change
42%1992Cusminsky, G. C.: Foraminiferos bentonicos provenientes de testigos del oceano Atlantico sudoccidental austral Benthonic foraminifera from cores of the southwestern Atlantic Ocean
42%1992Duan, W.; Raiswell, R. et al.: Geochemical characteristic of organic C, pyrite S and reactive Fe and environmental control on sediment in North Japan Sea basin
42%1992Gramberg, I. S.; Isaev, E. N. et al.: Geology and mineralogy of the Late Jurassic-Quaternary sedimentary cover in the oceans and on the continents
42%1992Kuvaas, Berit; Leitchenkov, German: Glaciomarine turbidite and current controlled deposits in Prydz Bay, Antarctica
42%1992D'Hondt, Steven L.; Herbert, Timothy D.: Hiatus distributions and mass extinctions at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary: Comment
42%1992MacLeod, Norman; Keller, Gerta: Hiatus distributions and mass extinctions at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary: Reply
42%1992Zeyen, P.: La base de donnees du Deep Sea Drilling Project; exploitation relationnelle et application a l'etude de la sedimentation neogene Deep Sea Drilling Project database; relational exploitation and application to the study of Neogene sedimentation
42%1992Willard, Debra A.: Late Pliocene pollen assemblages from Ocean Drilling Project Hole 646B; census data and paleoclimatic estimates
42%1994Wei, Wuchang: Revised magnetobiostratigraphy of the Paleocene/Eocene boundary and implications for revision of the magnetic polarity time scale
42%2006Filippelli, Gabriel M.; Souch, Catherine: Rapid climate change and climate surprises; a look back and ahead
42%1994Henderson, G. M.; Martel, D. J. et al.: Evolution of seawater (super 87) Sr/ (super 86) Sr over the last 400 ka; the absence of glacial/interglacial cycles
42%2002Bralower, Timothy J.; Kelly, D. Clay et al.: Biotic effects of abrupt Paleocene and Cretaceous climate events
42%1999Platt, J. P.; Whitehouse, M. J.: Early Miocene high-temperature metamorphism and rapid exhumation in the Betic Cordillera (Spain); evidence from U-Pb zircon ages
42%1999Kaiho, Kunio: Evolution in the test size of deep-sea benthic Foraminifera during the past 120 million years
42%1999Ridgwell, Andy J.; Watson, Andrew J. et al.: Is the spectral signature of the 100 kyr glacial cycle consistent with a Milankovitch origin?download
42%1975Deuser, W. G.: Oxygen and carbon isotope ratios of planktonic foraminifera from the Pleistocene of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden
42%1980Boltovskoy, E.: Foraminiferos bentonicos de la zona batial midia como fosiles guias en depositos oligoceno-cuartarios de los oceanos Pacifico, Atlantico e Indico Benthonic foraminifera in the middle bathyal zone as guide fossils in Oligocene-Quaternary deposits from the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans
42%1983Hurst, Richard W.: Volcanogenesis contemporaneous with mid-ocean ridge subduction and translation
42%1998Mackensen, A.: Taxonomy and paleoecology of late Neogene benthic Foraminifera from the Caribbean Sea and eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean; book review
42%1998Olsson, R. K.; Miller, G. K. et al.: The K/T boundary at Bass River, New Jersey (ODP Leg 174AX)
42%2002Fastovsky, David E.; Sheehan, Peter M.: The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary; a palaeontological viewpoint
42%2002Levy, Richard H.; Harwood, David M. et al.: The development of an integrated timescale to connect Antarctic glacial and climatic history with global proxy records
42%1997Deng, Xinhua: Fine-grained sediments in Barbados accretionary complex; mineralogy, sedimentation, diagenesis, geochemistry, and fault mechanisms
42%1997Corradi, Nicola; Ferrari, Marco et al.: First results of sedimentological and geotechnical determinations on JOIDES basin cores in relation to the Pleistocene grounding line
42%1997Choi, Dong R.: Geology of the oceans around Australia; Part III, Deep sea drilling results
42%1997Miller, Kenneth G.; Browning, James V. et al.: Glacio- and tectono-eustatic changes over the past 80 m.y.; comparisons with NJ Upper Cretaceous-Recent sequences
42%1997McIntyre, K.; Ravelo, A. C. et al.: Ground truthing the Cd/Ca-carbon isotope relationship in foraminifera of the Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian seas
42%2000Bains, Santo; Corfield, Richard et al.: Structure of the late Palaeocene carbon isotope excursion
42%2007Glebov, Alexander Yu.; Shel'ting, Sergey K.: Sea-level changes and coastline migrations in the Russian sector of the Black Sea; application to the Noah's Flood hypothesis
42%1984Terashima, Minako: The distribution of amino acids and monosaccharides in deep sea sediments from the Japan Trench and slope area
42%1984Lalou, C.; Brichet, E. et al.: The Galapagos hydrothermal mounds; history from about 600,000 years to present
42%1984Myhre, A. M.; Eldholm, O. et al.: The Jan Mayen Ridge; present status
42%1984Polyakov, A. C.; Kolomenskiy, Ye. N.: Zakonomernosti formirovaniya strukturnykh osobennostey i fiziko-mekhanicheskikh svoystv glinistykh otlozheniy Chernogo morya; po dannym glubokovodnogo bureniya Relationship between formation structures and physico-mechanical characteristics of clay sediments from the Black Sea; from deep sea drilling data
42%1997Lourens, L. J.; Hilgen, F. J.: Long-periodic variations in the Earth's obliquity and their relation to third-order eustatic cycles and late Neogene glaciations
42%1973Nesteroff, W. D.: La crise de salinite messinienne en Mediterranee; enseignements des forages JOIDES et du bassin de Sicile The Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediterranean; data from JOIDES drilling and the Sicily Basin
42%1973Leclaire, L.; Alcayde, G. et al.: La silicification des craies; role des spherules de cristobalite-tridymite observees dans les craies des bassins oceaniques et dans celles du Bassin de Paris The silicification of chalk; the role of cristobalite-tridymite spherules observed in the chalks of ocean basins and Paris Basin
42%1973Piper, David J. W.; Huene, Roland von et al.: Late Quaternary Sedimentation in the Active Eastern Aleutian Trench
42%1973Nesteroff, W. D.: Les evaporites messiniennes de Mediterranee; conditions de depot en Sicile et comparaison avec les forages JOIDES-DSPD The Messinian evaporites in the Mediterranean region; depositional conditions in Sicily and comparison with the drillholes of JOIDES-DSDP
42%1973Lowrie, William; Loevlie, Reidar et al.: Magnetic Properties of Deep-Sea Drilling Project Basalts from the North Pacific Ocean
42%1994Herbert, T. D.; Fischer, A. G. et al.: Cyclochronologic approaches to KT events
42%1994Herbert, Timothy D.; Premoli Silva, I. et al.: Cyclostratigraphy; is it ready to do something?
42%2002Barrett, Peter J.: Antarctic climate evolution; the next step
42%2002Miller, Kenneth G.; Kominz, M. A. et al.: Antarctic ice evolution viewed from NJ and the deep sea
42%1991Schlich, R.; Fritsch, B. et al.: Structure and evolution of the Kerguelen Plateau deduced from seismic stratigraphy and ODP drilling
42%1988Shackleton, N. J.; Imbrie, J. et al.: The evolution of oceanic oxygen-isotope variability in the North Atlantic over the past three million years; discussion
42%1988Davies, P. J.; Symonds, P. A. et al.: The evolution of the carbonate platforms in Northeast Australia; the goal of the Ocean Drilling Program
42%1988Land, L. S.; Macpherson, G. L. et al.: The geochemistry of saline formation waters, Miocene offshore Louisiana
42%1988Hsu, Kenneth J.: The geology of the ocean floor
42%1988Kaminsky, M. A.; Gradstein, Felix M. et al.: The Messinian event and the deep water history of the Eirik Ridge
42%1991Martin, Ronald E.; Neff, E. et al.: Ecostratigraphic datums and sequence stratigraphy; application to the marine Quaternary
42%1991Cambray, Herve: Etude des tephra des sediments marins; comparaison entre les episodes d'activite volcanique des arcs et l'evolution tectonique Tephra among marine sediments; a comparison between episodes of arc volcanic activity and tectonic evolution
42%1994D'Hondt, S.; King, J. et al.: Planktic foraminifera and asteroids; death and recovery at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary
42%1991Baumgartner, Tim R.; Ferreira-Bartrina, Vicente et al.: Varve formation in the central Gulf of California; a reconsideration of the origin of the dark laminae from the 20th century varve record
42%1993D'Hondt, Steven; Zachos, James C. et al.: Stable isotopes and photosymbiosis in late Paleocene planktic foraminifera
42%1993D'Hondt, Steven; Zachos, James C.: Stable isotopic signals and the evolutionary radiation of earliest Paleocene planktic foraminifera
42%1993Maurrasse, Florentin J. M. R.: Taxonomy, biostratigraphy, and paleoecologic significance of calcareous-siliceous facies of the Neogene Montpelier Formation, northeastern Jamaica
42%1998Sugarman, Peter J.; Miller, K. G. et al.: Stratigraphic architecture of onshore sequences, New Jersey coastal plain
42%1998Stoll, Heather Marie: Strontium geochemistry in the ocean; records of past climate and sea level changes
42%1998Ito, Takashi; Usui, Akira et al.: Strontium isotopic compositions and paleoceanographic implication of fossil manganese nodules in DSDP/ODP cores, Leg 1-126
42%1999Hansen, Henriette; Nielsen, Troels F. D.: Crustal contamination in Palaeogene East Greenland flood basalts; plumbing system evolution during continental rifting
42%2000Kawamura, Daisaku: The resistivity characteristic of the clayey beds in Osaka Plain, Japan
42%2000Acton, Gary D.; Tessema, Abera et al.: The tectonic and geomagnetic significance of paleomagnetic observations from volcanic rocks from central Afar, Africa
42%2001Hay, William W.: "Ocean drilling" over the next decade; prospects for the Antarctic
42%2001Elkibbi, Maya; Rial, Jose A.: An outsider's review of the astronomical theory of the climate; is the eccentricity-driven insolation the main driver of the ice ages?
42%2001Furnes, Harald; Staudigel, Hubert et al.: Bioalteration of basaltic glass in the oceanic crust

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