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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
44%1982004Marsaglia, K. M.: Sedimentology, petrology, and volcanology of the lower Aptian Selli Event (OAE1a) on the Shatsky Rise, north-central Pacific Ocean
44%1981Crough, S. Thomas; Jarrard, Richard D.: The Marquesas-Line swelldownload
44%1982Le Douaran, Sylvie; Parsons, Barry: A note on the correction of ocean floor depths for sediment loadingdownload
1992D'Hondt, Steven L.; King, John W. et al.: The evolution of Late Cretaceous climatic cycles at South Atlantic DSDP Site 516F
44%1171999Hounslow, Mark W.; Maher, Barbara A.: Source of the climate signal recorded by magnetic susceptibility variations in Indian Ocean sedimentsdownload
44%1999Bowles, Julie A.; Johnson, H. Paul et al.: Systematic variations in crustal thickness in young pacific crust from a sea surface gravity and MCS survey
2008Shevenell, A. E.; Domack, E. W. et al.: Atmospheric modulation of western Antarctic Peninsula Holocene climate variability; insights from the TEX86 record of Palmer Deep
44%3022008Darby, Dennis A.: Arctic perennial ice cover over the last 14 million yearsdownload
2008Lalicata, J. J.; Lea, D. W.: Carbonate dissolution in the eastern Equatorial Pacific during the Pleistocene; a preliminary study from ODP Site 1241
44%3022008St. John, Kristen: Cenozoic ice-rafting history of the central Arctic Ocean; terrigenous sands on the Lomonosov Ridgedownload
44%3022008Onodera, Jonaotaro; Takahashi, Kozo et al.: Eocene silicoflagellate and ebridian paleoceanography in the central Arctic Oceandownload
2008Flemings, P. B.; You, Y. et al.: Forward modelling pore pressure evolution in the Ursa Basin, offshore Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico
44%1962000Becker, Keir; Mikada, Hitoshi et al.: Leg 196 advanced CORKS for long-term hydrological and seismological studies at the Nankai Trough
44%1782000Williams, Trevor; Louvel, Veronique et al.: Magnetic polarity stratigraphy from downhole logs, West Antarctic Peninsula, ODP Leg 178
44%2000Mikada, Hitoshi; Constable, Steven et al.: Marine magnetotellurics for the petrophysical identification of the seismogenic zone, off Sanriku, Japan
44%911984Jordan, Thomas H.; Orcutt, J. A.: Overview of scientific results from the marine seismic system
1984Barton, C. E.; Bloemendal, J.: Palaeomagnetic and rock magnetic stratigraphy of sediments cored during Leg 90 (Southwest Pacific) of the Deep Sea Drilling Project
1984Diester-Haass, L.; Meyers, P. A.: Paleoceanographic implications of carbonate dissolution cycles in Pleistocene sediments from DSDP Site 532, Walvis Ridge
44%2010Exon, Neville: Australia, New Zealand, and scientific ocean drilling
44%2010Lyle, M. W.; Olivarez, Lyle A. et al.: Biogenic sedimentation in the eastern Equatorial Pacific, 0-18 Ma; XRF scanning on Site U1338, IODP Expedition 320/321
2010Bown, P. R.; Dunkley-Jones, T.: Calcareous phytoplankton perturbations through the Eocene/Oligocene transition
44%2010Gupta, L. P.; Hisamitsu, T. et al.: Closer access to IODP cores for better geoscience in Asia-Pacific
44%2010Herbert, Timothy; Lawrence, K. T. et al.: Coherent tropical ocean response to Plio-Pleistocene ice age cycles
44%2010Tobin, H. J.; Kinoshita, Masa: Drilling the megathrust; accomplishments and future plans of the IODP NanTroSEIZE Project
44%3072010Raddatz, J.; Ruggerberg, Andres et al.: Early Pleistocene short-term intermediate water mass variability influences carbonate mound development in the NE Atlantic (IODP Site 1317)
44%2010Masuda, K.; Arai, T.: Effects of water on long-term fault strength
2005Steiger, T.; Meschede, M. et al.: Evidence of Nicoya Ophiolite materials drilled at ODP Site 1042
44%2005Straub, S. M.: Fallout tephra as tool for reconstructing the geochemical evolution of arcs; a case study from Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc/trench system
44%2005Davis, E. E.; Becker, K.: Fluid pressure, sediment compressibility, and secular and transient strain in subduction prisms; results from ODP CORK borehole hydrologic observatories
44%1952005Noda, H.; Shimamoto, T. et al.: Frictional constitutive parameters for serpentine mud from South Chamorro Seamount
44%2005Xu, G.; Frey, F. A. et al.: Geochemical constraints on the sources of basalt from the Kerguelen Archipelago, southeast Indian Ocean
44%2005Jarrard, R. D.: Geophysical measurements of age-dependent alteration of upper oceanic crust
44%1772005Latimer, J. C.; Filippelli, G. M. et al.: Glacial/interglacial terrigenous provenance in the southeastern Atlantic Ocean
2005Perry, V. R.; Shackford, J. K. et al.: Grain size analysis of terrigenous sediments from the SW African margin
44%2005Schwartz, Joshua J.; John, B. E. et al.: Growth and construction of oceanic crust at Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge
44%2005Janney, P. E.: Hafnium isotope constraints on the longevity and distribution of the Indian Ocean mantle signature
2005Berner, K.; Koc, N. et al.: Highly variable Holocene climate in the subpolar North Atlantic
2005Fisler, J. A.; Hendy, I. L.: Holocene planktonic foraminiferal assemblage shifts on the California margin; environmental forcing of medieval Chumash society?
2005Dahl, K. A.; Oppo, D. W.: Holocene sea surface temperature reconstructions from the Arabian Sea
44%1972005Tarduno, J. A.; Cottrell, R. D. et al.: Hotspot motion, paleomagnetic tests of plate circuits, and coherency of the Pacific Plate
44%2005Cowen, J. P.; Glazer, B. et al.: Improved access to aging ocean basement biosphere for microbial geochemical studies
2005Hulme, S. M.: Insights of ridge-flank hydrothermal processes through minor and trace element geochemistry of sediment pore fluids from IODP Site 1301
44%2042005Arnold, J.; Pechnig, R. et al.: Integrated NMR core and log investigations with respect to ODP Leg 204
2005Wei, K.: Late Quaternary sedimentation and paleoceanography in the southern Okinawa Trough; a synthesis of ODP 1202 scientific results
44%2092005Schroeder, T.; Cheadle, M. J. et al.: Lithospheric "corner flow" via extensional faulting and tectonic rotation at non-volcanic, slow-spreading ridges
44%2042005Lu, Z.; Fehn, U. et al.: Long distance migration of fluids in the Cascadia margin; evidence from iodine isotopic composition
44%2012005Carder, E. A.; Galy, A. et al.: Magnesium isotopic evidence for widespread microbial dolomite precipitation in the geological record
44%2010Guerin, G.: Seismic/well integration, IODP Expedition 323, Bering Sea
44%3012004Hawkins, L. K.; Housen, B. A. et al.: Undergraduate student research with the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program on Expedition 301
2004Suhr, G.; Paulick, H.: Upper mantle geochemistry at peridotites of Site 1274 (ODP Leg 209); relation to melt-rock reaction and processes at the base of the lithosphere
2004Kukowski, N.; Hampel, A. et al.: Varying rates and modes of subduction erosion along the Peruvian margin
2004Hemming, Sidney R.: Heinrich events; massive late Pleistocene detritus layers of the North Atlantic and their global climate imprint
2004McGonigal, K. L.: High resolution calcareous nannofossil fluctuations across the Oligocene/Miocene boundary, ODP Hole 1168A
44%1995D'Hondt, Steven; Arthur, Michael A.: Interspecies variation in stable isotopic signals of Maastrichtian planktonic Foraminiferadownload
44%171A1997Screaton, Elizabeth; Ge, Shemin: Overpressures in front of the northern Barbados accretionary complex; the role of sedimentation
44%1461997Jarrard, Richard D.: Origins of porosity and velocity variations at Cascadia accretionary prismdownload
1986Levi, Shaul; Karlin, R.: Sixty thousand years of geomagnetic secular variation from the Gulf of California
44%861986Schoonmaker, J. E.; MacKenzie, F. T. et al.: The effect of diagenesis on compressional velocity; depth gradients in clay-rich deep sea sediments
1986Evans, Cynthia A.; Girardeau, Jacques: Upper mantle beneath an incipient ocean rift; evidence from Galicia Margin, Hole 637
2006Lindsey, M. M.; Schellenberg, S. A.: Early Eocene to late Miocene variations in the South Atlantic CCD; constraints from the Walvis Ridge depth-transect (ODP Leg 208)
2006Carlson, R. L.; Newman, J. et al.: Effect of olivine alteration on seismic velocities in oceanic gabbros
44%3022007Ramstad, C.; St. John, K.: Composition of Eocene ice-rafted debris, central Arctic Ocean
2007Robinson, R. R.; Martinez, P.: Contributions to bulk sedimentary nitrogen isotope variability in the eastern Equatorial Pacific
44%2007Hunze, Sabine; Wonik, Thomas: Compaction in the Nankai and Barbados accretionary prisms; new insights from logging-while-drilling datadownload
44%1212004Salome, A.; Meynadier, L. et al.: Volcanic influence on the susceptibility signal; a case study in Indian Ocean
2005Hassold, N. J.; Rea, D. K. et al.: A 3 million year physical record of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current; results from ODP Site 1101 and comparison with other records
2005Weinberger, J. L.; Brown, K. M.: Abnormal fluid pressures at ODP Site 1251; implications for fluid flow and hydrate concentration
44%2005Weiland, C.; Zoback, M. et al.: Accessing SAFOD data products; downhole measurements, physical samples and long-term monitoring
44%1987Wedgeworth, Bruce S.; Kellogg, James N.: A 3-D gravity-tectonic study of Ita Mai Tai Guyot; an uncompensated seamount in the East Mariana Basin
1987Wuthrich, Dennis R.; Screaton, Elizabeth J. et al.: A model of fluid flow and pore pressures for the Lesser Antilles accretionary complex
44%1998Hickey-Vargas, Rosemary: Geochemical characteristics of oceanic island basalts from the Philippine Sea Plate; implications for the sources of East Asian Plate margin and intraplate basalts
44%1998D'Hondt, S.; Arthur, M. A.: Getting into deep water in the late Maastrichtian Ocean
44%1781998Leventer, Amy; Pike, Jennifer et al.: Varves from the Palmer Deep, Antarctica
44%1451998Prueher, Libby M.; Rea, David K.: Volcanic forcing of rapid late Pliocene climate change in the Northern Hemisphere
44%1998Mihut, Dona; Mueller, R. Dietmar: Volcanic margin formation and Mesozoic rift propagators in the Cuvier abyssal plain off Western Australiadownload
44%1551998Erickson, Stephanie N.; Jarrard, Richard D.: Velocity-porosity relationships for water-saturated siliciclastic sedimentsdownload
44%1998Wallace, Paul J.: Water partial melting in mantle plumes; interference from the dissolved H (sub 2) O concentrations of Hawaiian basaltic magmasdownload
44%1999Goodliffe, Andrew M.; Martinez, Fernando et al.: A reconstruction of the margins of the Woodlark Basin; predictions of pre-rifting continental thickness
44%1301999Kok, Yvo S.; Tauxe, Lisa: A relative geomagnetic paleointensity stack from Ontong-Java Plateau sediments for the Matuyamadownload
44%1721999Franz, Sven-Oliver; Tiedemann, Ralf: Changes in deep water circulation and current intensities of the DWBC in the NW-Atlantic during marine isotope stages 8 to 10 (250-350 ka)
44%1641999Guerin, Gilles; Goldberg, David et al.: Characterization of in situ elastic properties of gas hydrate-bearing sediments on the Blake Ridgedownload
2005Muntener, O.; Jagoutz, O. et al.: Petrology of upper mantle peridotites and gabbros at Site 1277 (ODP Leg 210); inherited high degrees of melting in a slow extensional system?
44%1942005Baechle, Gregor T.; Weger, R. et al.: Pore structure effects on elastic moduli-porosity relationships in carbonate rocks
44%3072005Williams, T.; Kano, A. et al.: Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 307, Porcupine Basin carbonate mounds
44%1882005Chung, E.; Williams, T. et al.: Provenance of ice-rafted debris and icebergs offshore of Prydz Bay, Antarctica, from the early Miocene to the present
2005Horst, P. A.; Sandler, A. et al.: Provenance variability expressed by mineralogical composition of Cenomanian-Turonian deposits from the western Tethys (DSDP Site 386)
44%1572005Gurenko, A.; Sobolev, A. et al.: Recycled component in the Canary Plume; constraints from olivine phenocryst composition and radiogenic isotopes in the shield stage lavas from the Canary Islands
44%2042005Birchwood, R.; Noeth, S. et al.: Results of wellbore stability modeling for the Gulf of Mexico Joint Industry Project on Hydrates Leg I
2005Flores, J.; Sierro, F. J. et al.: Role of coccolithophores during a "warm pulse" in the Atlantic Antarctic sector; the MIS 31 in ODP site 1094
2005Sharma, M.; Rosenberg, E. J. et al.: Search for the proverbial cosmic/mantle osmium sources to the oceans
44%2005Perez Cruz, G.: Seismic amplitude extraction techniques for the recognition of deepwater sediment dispersal patterns in the western Gulf of Mexico
44%1491994Kanamatsu, T.; Zhao, X. et al.: Magnetostratigraphy of Cenozoic sediments recovered at ODP Leg 149 sites, Iberia abyssal plain
44%1501994Fulthorpe, C. S.; Mountain, G. S. et al.: Mapping of Neogene depositional geometries, New Jersey continental slope, ODP Leg 150 drilling area
1994Fink, Cameron R.; Spence, George D.: Methane hydrate distribution off Vancouver Island from detailed single channel seismic analysis
44%1181994Kelley, D. S.; Hoering, T. et al.: Methane-rich fluids in gabbroic rocks from the Southwest Indian Ridge; results from mass spectrometric analyses
1994Fisk, M. R.; Giovanonni, S. J. et al.: Microbial alteration of ocean ridge basalt glass
1994Bekins, B. A.; Blue, J. E. et al.: Modeling the origin of low chloride pore waters in a modern accretionary complex
44%1994Bristow, J. F.; Harvey, P. K. et al.: Nuclear geochemical logging; lithological and mineralogical characterization in the Ocean Drilling Program
1994Erba, Elisabetta: Nannofossils and superplumes; the early Aptian "nannoconid crisis"download
1994Brophy, James G.: One-atmosphere melting study of N-MORB from ODP Leg 142, Site 864A; implications for fractionation processes beneath the East Pacific Rise (EPR) at 930'N

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