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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
1975Bence, A. E.; Taylor, S. R.: Petrogenesis of basaltic rocks from DSDP Leg 37 sites 332A and B; the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
42%381975Ridley, W. I.; Perfit, M. R. et al.: Petrologic variation in basalts associated with the opening of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea
1975Morawski, A.; Bence, A. E. et al.: Petrology of titaniferous alkali basalt from DSDP Leg 17, Site 165A in the Central Pacific Basin
42%341975Lofgren, G.; Donaldson, C.: Phase relations and non-equilibrium crystallization of ocean ridge tholeiite from the Nazca Plate
42%301975Klein, George deVries: Resedimented Pelagic Carbonate and Volcaniclastic Sediments and Sedimentary Structures in Leg 30 DSDP Cores from the Western Equatorial Pacific
42%1979Corliss, J.; Gordon, L. I. et al.: Some implications of heat/mass ratios in Galapagos Rift hydrothermal fluids for models of sea water-rock interaction and the formation of oceanic crust
42%1922001Fitton, Godfrey: Leg 192; Ontong Java Plateau, the world's largest igneous province
42%1932001Roberts, Stephen; Benning, Liane G.: Leg 193; Manus Basin
42%1952001Dean, Simon: Leg 195; Mariana convergent margin/West Philippine Sea Seismic Observatory/Kuroshio Current
42%2001Lutz, Richard A.; Shank, Timothy M. et al.: Life after death in the deep sea
42%1990Dolan, James F.: Eustatic, volcanic, and tectonic controls on redeposition of shallow-water carbonate; a reanalysis of Pacific DSDP examples
42%1984Hald, N.; Waagstein, R.: Lithology and chemistry of a 2-km sequence of lower Tertiary tholeiitic lavas drilled on Su uroy, Faeroe Islands (Lopra-1)
42%1591998Wagner, T.; Pletsch, T. et al.: Evolution of organic and sedimentary facies along the opening Equatorial Atlantic gateway (ODP Leg 159)
1987Morton, Andrew C.; Taylor, Paul N.: Lead isotope evidence for the structure of the Rockall dipping-reflector passive margin
1987Barrett, T. J.; Friedrichsen, H.: Oxygen-isotopic composition of basalts from young spreading axes in the eastern Pacific
42%1041987Thiede, J.: Palaeogene und neogene Ablagerungsgeschichte des Europaeischen Nordmeers (ODP Leg 104) Paleogene and Neogene depositional history of the European North Sea, ODP Leg 104
42%1811999Carter, L.; Carter, B. et al.: You don't know what's there until you drill; initial results from Leg 181, SW Pacific gateway
42%1922004Fitton, J. Godfrey (ed.); Mahoney, John J. (ed.) et al.: Origin and evolution of the Ontong Java Plateau
42%1202003Tucholke, Brian E.; Sibuet, Jean-Claude: ODP Leg 210 drills the Newfoundland margin in the Newfoundland-Iberia non-volcanic rift
42%2009Kelemen, Peter B.; Matter, Jurg et al.: In situ mineral carbonation in peridotite and basalt for CO (sub 2) capture and storage
42%1994Lee, Jongman; Stern, Robert J.: Change and constancy in the composition of Mariana Arc magmas, the tephra glass record
2007Shafer, J. T.; Neal, C. R.: The enigma that is Ontong Java; the giant of unknown origin
42%2002Arndt, Nicholas; Weis, Dominique: Oceanic plateaus as windows to the Earth's interior; an ODP success story
2002Bonaccorsi, Rosalba: Organic matter and delta 13C throughout a sub-basement red soil unit in Hole 1206A cored during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 197 (Koko Seamount); first results
2002Wallace, Paul J.; Frey, Frederick A. et al.: Origin and evolution of the Kerguelen Plateau, Broken Ridge and Kerguelen Archipelago; editorial
42%1351991A new view of arc/backarc systems
42%1211991Van Eijden, A. J. M.: Application of quantitative methods to planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy, examples from ODP Leg 121
42%1211991Saunders, A. D.; Storey, M. et al.: Chemical and isotopic constraints on the origin of basalts from the Ninetyeast Ridge; results from ODP Leg 121
42%1985Sarna-Wojcicki, A. M.; Meyer, Charles E. E. et al.: Ages of tuff beds at East African early hominid sites and sediments in the Gulf of Aden
42%1681998Constantin, M.; Gordon, M. P. et al.: Contrasting MORB composition between past and present volcanism along the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge (ODP Leg 168)
42%1999Jacquemont, Benoit; Honnorez, Jose: Present-day paragonite-smectite mixed layer phyllosilicate from the TAG active hydrothermal mound, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
42%1571999Gurenko, Andrey A.; Chaussidon, Marc et al.: S and O isotopes in Cpx-hosted glass inclusions from Miocene submarine hyaloclastites of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands); constraints on magma degassing and contamination
42%1441994Buchardt, B.; Israelson, C.: Sulfur rich environments in the initial transgressive phase at Leg 144 guyots (Ocean Drilling Program, Western Pacific); sulfur isotopes as indicator for sulfate reduction
1996Guerrero-Garcia, J. C.: Anomalous paleomagnetic inclinations of deep-sea basalts at the tip of the Baja California peninsula
42%1651996Haug, G.; Roehl, Ursula: Caribbean Ocean history; preliminary results from ODP Leg 165
42%1241996Spadea, P.; D'Antonio, M. et al.: Chemical and isotopic characteristics of Leg 124 basement rocks from the Sulu and Celebes basins (western Pacific)
42%1571996Gurenko, A. A.; Schmincke, H. U.: Constraints on the origin of shield basalt magmas of Gran Canaria based on melt, crystal and fluid inclusions in olivine and clinopyroxene from hyaloclastites drilled during the ODP Leg 157
42%1973Schreiber, E.; Fox, P. J.: Compressional wave velocities of oceanic rocks and the geology of the oceanic crust; a brief summary
42%1973Christensen, N. I.; Frey, F. et al.: Deep Sea Drilling Project; Properties of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks of the Oceanic Crust; Summary of the topical AGU conference held at Airlie House, Virginia, August 27-29, 1973
42%1391997Cousens, Brian; Blenkinsop, John et al.: Sources of Pb in sulphide minerals from Middle Valley, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge; a Pb isotopic study
42%1997Clift, Peter D.: Temperature anomalies under the Northeast Atlantic rifted volcanic margins
42%351997Elliot, D. H.: The planar crest of Graham Land, northern Antarctic Peninsula; possible origins and timing of uplift
42%1997Fitton, J. G.; Saunders, A. D. et al.: Thermal and chemical structure of the Iceland Plume
42%2011Gillis, K. M.; Coogan, L. A.: Secular variation in carbon uptake into the ocean crust
2002Wallace, Paul J.: Volatiles in submarine basaltic glasses from the northern Kerguelen Plateau (ODP Site 1140); implications for source region compositions, magmatic processes, and plateau subsidence
42%1922002Chazey, William J.; Neal, Clive R.: What factors control platinum-group element (PGE) abundances in basalts from the Ontong Java Plateau?
42%2002003Gratton, Martin N.; Herrero-Bervera, Emilio et al.: Absolute paleointensity determinations of oceanic basalts using the Thellier-Coe and microwave techniques
42%2092005Harvey, J.; Gannoun, A. et al.: Ancient melt extraction from the oceanic upper mantle revealed by 187Re-187Os isotopes in abyssal peridotites
42%1992Kotarba, M.; Piela, J. et al.: Geneza gazu zimnego akumulowanego w Permsko-Karbonskich puapkach litologicznych zloza "Paproc" w swietle badan izotopowych Origin of natural gas in Permo-Carboniferous lithological traps of the Paproc Field, western Poland, in light of isotope studies
42%1141992Mueller, P. A.; Perfit, M. R. et al.: Geochemical and tectonic implications of igneous rocks from ODP Leg 114, sub-Antarctic South Atlantic
42%1341992Collot, J. Y.; Greene, H. G. et al.: Geodynamic significance of the eastern d'Entrecasteaux Zone, south west Pacific; results of ODP Leg 134
42%1391992Franklin, J. M.: Hot rocks, hot water and cold sulfides; preliminary results, ODP Leg 139 drilling the Juan de Fuca Ridge
42%1994Wei, Wuchang: Revised magnetobiostratigraphy of the Paleocene/Eocene boundary and implications for revision of the magnetic polarity time scale
42%1852006Chauvel, C.; Lewin, E. et al.: Recycled oceanic material controls the Hf-Nd OIB array
2002Banerjee, Neil; Muehlenbachs, Karlis: Bioalteration in a subseafloor tuff; the link between rocks and sediments
42%151973Donnelly, Thomas W.; Kay, Robert et al.: Chemical petrology of Caribbean basalts and dolerites; leg 15, Deep Sea Drilling Project
42%1999Zhou, Weiming; Peacor, Donald R. et al.: Determination of lattice parameter, oxidation state, and composition of individual titanomagnetite/titanomaghemite grains by transmission electron microscopydownload
1999Straub, Susanne M.; Layne, Graham D. et al.: Elemental characterization of slab-derived fluid components in the central Izu Arc (NW Pacific)
1999Straub, Susanne M.; Layne, Graham D.: Elemental fractionation at convergent margins; evidence from glass compositions from the central Izu Arc (NW Pacific)
1980Einsele, G.; Schmincke, H. U.: Der Golf von Kalifornien, Fruehstadium eines ozeanischen Beckens The Gulf of California, early stage of an ocean basin
42%1980Frey, F. A.; Dickey, J. S., Jr. et al.: Evidence for heterogeneous primary MORB and mantle sources, NW Indian Ocean
42%591980Scott, Robert; Kroenke, Loren W.: Evolution of back arc spreading and arc volcanism in the Philippine Sea; interpretation of Leg 59 DSDP results
42%461983Bleil, Ulrich; Petersen, Nikolai: Variations in magnetization intensity and low-temperature titanomagnetite oxidation of ocean floor basalts
42%1983Hurst, Richard W.: Volcanogenesis contemporaneous with mid-ocean ridge subduction and translation
1983Dmitriyev, Yu. I.; Solovova, I. P.: Zakonomernosti kristallizatsii bazal'tov Vostochno-Tikhookeanskogo podnyatiya po petrograficheskim i eksperimental'nym dannym Crystallization mechanisms of basalts of the East Pacific Rise according to petrographic and experimental data
42%1972002Smirnov, Alexei V.; Tarduno, John A.: Magnetic properties of submarine and subaerial basaltic glass from the Emperor Seamounts (ODP Leg 197)
42%1972002Keller, Randall; Graham, David et al.: The changing nature of the Hawaiian hotspot in the Late Cretaceous-early Tertiary; evidence from helium isotopes and melt inclusion compositions
42%2002Krastel, Sebastian; Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich: The channel between Gran Canaria and Tenerife; constructive processes and destructive events during the evolution of volcanic islands
2002Goodliffe, A. M.; Taylor, B. et al.: The evolution of the Lau Basin; a new perspective
42%1998Pirmez, Carlos; Brewer, Tim S.: Borehole electrical images; recent advances in ODP
42%1997Deng, Xinhua: Fine-grained sediments in Barbados accretionary complex; mineralogy, sedimentation, diagenesis, geochemistry, and fault mechanisms
1997Takahashi, M.; Danhara, T.: Fission track age of Miocene Kn-3 tuff in central Japan; towards better age-control on magneto-biostratigraphic time scale
42%1997Choi, Dong R.: Geology of the oceans around Australia; Part III, Deep sea drilling results
2000Antretter, M.; Steinberger, B. et al.: Stationary hotspots or hotspot motion? A contribution from the Kerguelen Plateau
42%1852007Chauvel, C.; Lewin, E. et al.: Recycled oceanic crust and sediments control the Hf-Nd mantle array
42%1984Flores, Giovanni: The SE Africa triple junction and the drift of Madagascar
1973Ozima, M.; Saito, K. et al.: K-Ar, (super 40) Ar- (super 39) Ar dating and magnetic studies of Leg. 7 and Leg. 17 basalt samples
42%151973Donnelly, Thomas W.: Late Cretaceous basalts from the Caribbean; a possible flood basalt province of vast size
42%1973Lowrie, William; Loevlie, Reidar et al.: Magnetic Properties of Deep-Sea Drilling Project Basalts from the North Pacific Ocean
2002Kieffer, Bruno; Arndt, Nicholas T. et al.: A bimodal alkalic shield volcano on Skiff Bank; its place in the evolution of the Kerguelen Plateau
42%1922002Parkinson, Ian J.; Schaefer, Bruce F. et al.: A lower mantle origin for the world's biggest LIP? A high precision Os isotope isochron from Ontong Java Plateau basalts drilled on ODP Leg 192
1988Fournelle, John Harold: The geology and petrology of Shishaldin Volcano, Unimak Island, Aleutian Arc, Alaska
1993Skolotnev, S. G.: Structural setting and relationships of clay minerals in the basalts of the Costa-Rica Rift (according to data obtained from borehole 501 DSDP)
1993Dick, H. J. B.; Snow, J.: Temporal variability in mantle melting and uplift at ridge transform intersections
42%1091987Greenberg, M. L.; Anderson, R. N. et al.: Interpretation, precision, and accuracy of the geochemical wireline log data acquired in the basalts of Hole 395A, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 109
42%2092004Kikawa, E.; Garces, M. et al.: Magnetization of gabbroic rocks and peridotites recovered from Mid Atlantic Ridge 14N-16N, ODP Leg 209
42%1999Hansen, Henriette; Nielsen, Troels F. D.: Crustal contamination in Palaeogene East Greenland flood basalts; plumbing system evolution during continental rifting
42%2001Furnes, Harald; Staudigel, Hubert et al.: Bioalteration of basaltic glass in the oceanic crust
42%1762006Feig, Sandrin T.; Koepke, Juergen et al.: Effect of water on tholeiitic basalt phase equilibria; an experimental study under oxidizing conditions
1997Mauffret, A.; Leroy, S.: Seismic stratigraphy and structure of the Caribbean igneous province
42%2006Wack, Michael; Alexutin, Maxim et al.: IODP; developing a high temperature magnetometer to study oceanic basalt magnetisation carriers
42%2006Strauss, H.; Nowak, M. et al.: IODP; pre-eruptive magmatic conditions of the Kerguelen large igneous province; an experimental study
42%2002Bach, W.: Energy for chemoautotrophs in mid-ocean ridge flanks
42%1252002Pearce, Julian A.; Arculus, Richard J.: Eocene plate reorganisation and subduction initiation in the Western Pacific; what the rocks can tell us
2002Spinelli, Glenn A.; Fisher, Andrew T.: Fluid and heat circulation patterns within topographically rough basement on the Juan de Fuca Ridge flank
42%1972002Smirnov, Alexei Victorovich: Histories of magnetic mineral diagenesis, geodynamics and geomagnetic paleointensity as recorded by rock- and paleomagnetism
2002Ingle, S.; Weis, Dominique et al.: Indian continental crust recovered from Elan Bank, Kerguelen Plateau (ODP Leg 183, Site 1137)
2002Huang, Shichun; Frey, Frederick A.: Is Detroit Seamount a "Hawaiian" volcano?
42%2004Fisk, M.; Josef, J. A. et al.: The impact of microbes on the composition of the ocean crust and seawater
2004Alt, Jeffrey C.: The oceanic lithosphere; results from recent deep ocean drilling

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