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ScoreExp/Site/Hole YearAuthor/TitleFull text
83%1995Ohta, Suguru; Shimizu, Kenji et al.: Bottom observations searching hydrothermal vent communities by the Deep Sea Multi-Monitoring System (DESMOS)
82%1985Rabinowitz, Philip D.: Developments and perspectives of ocean drilling
82%1985Purdy, G. M.: Downhole measurement opportunities
82%1987Palca, Joseph: Soviet Union frozen out of Ocean Drilling Program partnership
82%1987Anderson, Alun: World's ocean drillers plan for decade of technological change
82%1978Nierenberg, William A.: The Deep Sea Drilling Project after ten years
82%1974Alexander, George: Holes Drilled in Theory of Islands
82%1984Clotworthy, John; Brass, Garrett: Science support for ODP
82%1997Suyehiro, Kiyoshi: Borehole observatories; global networking and 4-D monitoring
82%1991Kerr, Richard A.: Coming up short in a crustal quest
82%2001Malfait, Bruce: International earth science
71%2000Ussler, W., III; Paull, C. et al.: A new approach for estimating in situ sediment gas concentrations in ODP boreholes while coring
71%1985Carlson, R. L.; Gangi, A. F. et al.: Global traveltime and velocity vs. depth functions for the deep sea sediment column
71%1988Pariso, Janet E.; Johnson, H. Paul: A downhole magnetic logging tool for the Ocean Drilling Program
71%1982von Huene, Roland: COSOD; a critique
71%1982Larson, Roger L.: COSOD; a reply
71%1974Van Andel, Tjeerd H.; Moore, T. C., Jr.: Cenozoic Calcium Carbonate Distribution and Calcite Compensation Depth in the Central Equatorial Pacific Ocean
71%1996Smart, C. W.; Murray, J. W. et al.: New observations on Seabrookia rugosa Watanabe, 1989 (Foraminifera)
71%1995Haginoya, Shigenori; Kinoshita, Noboyuki: Thermal structure of atmospheric boundary layer over the Indian Ocean
71%1974McIver, Richard D.: Hydrocarbon gas (methane) in canned Deep Sea Drilling Project core samples
71%1991Austin, James A., Jr.: Ocean Drilling Program sets FY 92 schedule
71%1989Mountain, Gregory S.; Watkins, Joel: Sea level/ODP workshop
71%1990Anonymous: Special section on Logging and downhole measurements in Deep Sea Drilling Project/Ocean Drilling Program deep crustal holes
71%1990Pushcharovskiy, Yu. M.; Kazanskiy, V. I. et al.: Programma "Glubinnyye geosfery" "Plutonic Geospheres" Program
71%1995Miura, Kazuhiko; Saioto, Kei: The horizontal distribution of background aerosols in the global scale and contribution of continent aerosols in the maritime atmosphere
71%1990Worthington, Paul F.: ODP-KTB petrophysical workshop; a blueprint for interprogram collaboration
71%1999Davis, Earl; Becker, Keir: Tidal pumping of fluids within and from the oceanic crust; new observations and opportunities for sampling the crustal hydrosphere
71%2003Groeschel, Henny: ODP/DSDP legacy holes; a review of reentry holes, CORKs and other borehole observatory installations
71%1999Saffer, Demian Michael: Hydrogeology of subduction zones; flow pathways and fluid budgets
71%1985Shor, Elizabeth N.: A chronology from Mohole to JOIDES
71%2003Becker, Keir; Davis, Earl E. et al.: Unveiling the permeability structure of oceanic crust through the Ocean Drilling Program
67%1996Wilson, Lauriston: Observations on the effects of the January 1993 earthquake on educational institutions in Jamaica
61%1998Scholl, David W.; von Huene, Roland: New geophysical and geological studies support higher, but comparable, rates of both arc growth and crustal recycling at subduction zones
61%2003Shinohara, Masanao; Araki, Eiichiro et al.: Long-term monitoring using deep seafloor boreholes penetrating the seismogenic zone
61%2001Davis, Earl E.; Becker, Keir: Using ODP boreholes for studying sub-seafloor hydrogeology; results from the first decade of CORK observations
59%1974McIver, Richard D.: Evidence of Migrating Liquid Hydrocarbons in Deep Sea Drilling Project Cores
59%1976McClain, J. S.; Lewis, B. T. R. et al.: An IPOD site survey of the East Pacific Rise in the Gulf of California
59%1982Katz, B. J.; Man, E. H. et al.: Thermal effect on amino acid racemization geochronology in deep ocean sediments
59%2000Henry, Pierre: Fluid flow at the toe of the Barbados accretionary wedge constrained by thermal, chemical, and hydrogeologic observations and modelsdownload
59%1989Dick, H. J. B.: Drilling the oceanic lower crust and mantle
59%1977Henshaw, P. C., Jr.; Merrill, R. T.: A mechanism for CRM acquisition in pelagic sediments
59%1991Christodoulidis, D. C.; Smith, D. E. et al.: Tectonic motion in Western USA from satellite laser ranging
59%1987Hyndman, R. D.; Langseth, M. G. et al.: Deep Sea Drilling Project geothermal measurements; a reviewdownload
59%2004Fujimoto, H.; Sweeney, A. et al.: An experiment on GPS/A seafloor positioning in the central part of Kumano-nada, central Japan
59%2008Davis, Earl: Using pressure as a proxy for strain; a review of ODP/IODP "CORK" technology and observations
59%1977Banerjee, S. K.; Levi, S. et al.: Observations of nearly pure magnetite in the upper oceanic crust; implications for thermal regime at a spreading center
59%1987Pisias, Nicklas G.; Imbrie, John: Orbital geometry, CO (sub 2) , and Pleistocene climate
59%1990Moos, Daniel; Zoback, Mark D.: Utilization of observations of well bore failure to constrain the orientation and magnitude of crustal stresses; application to continental, Deep Sea Drilling Project, and Ocean Drilling Program boreholesdownload
59%1983Moore, J. Casey; Lundberg, Neil: Variations in forearc ductility; consequences for the stratigraphic record
59%1984Flores, Giovanni: The SE Africa triple junction and the drift of Madagascar
59%2000Acton, Gary D.; Tessema, Abera et al.: The tectonic and geomagnetic significance of paleomagnetic observations from volcanic rocks from central Afar, Africa
59%2006Pilkington, Roger; Keinonen, Arno et al.: Ice observations and forecasting during the Arctic coring project; August-September 2004
59%1990Becker, Keir: Introduction to Special section on Logging and downhole measurements in Deep Sea Drilling Project/Ocean Drilling Program deep crustal holesdownload
59%1998Becker, Keir; Davis, Earl E.: CORK borehole observatories record in-situ fluid flow processes in subseafloor formations
50%2009Jones, Megan H.; Leckie, R. Mark et al.: Teaching about the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM); an inquiry-based, data-rich case study in abrupt climate change for a variety of undergraduate settings
47%1979Ballard, R. D.; Bryan, W. et al.: Geological and geophysical investigation of the Midcayman Rise spreading center; initial results and observations
47%2000Suyehiro, Kiyoshi: Deep sea borehole observatories and Earth science
47%2000Emeis, Kay-Christian; Struck, Ulrich et al.: Temperature and salinity variations of Mediterranean Sea surface waters over the last 16,000 years from records of planktonic stable oxygen isotopes and alkenone unsaturation ratios
47%1995Gamo, Toshitaka; Hasumoto, Hiroshi et al.: Search and discovery of hydrothermal plumes from water chemistry at the Rodriguez triple junction, Indian Ridge
47%2011Sheehan, A.; Collins, J. et al.: Seafloor seismic observations flanking the South Island of New Zealand; the MOANA Ocean Bottom Seismic Experiment
41%2000Abreu, Vitor S.; Hardenbol, Jan et al.: Oxygen isotope synthesis; a Cretaceous ice-house?
41%2008Musial, Geoffray: Ichnofabric analysis and classification in the deltaic depositional environment of the Eocene Roda Sandstone Formation, Spain
41%2009Peron-Pinvidic, Gwenn; Manatschal, Gianreto: The final rifting evolution at deep magma-poor passive margins from Iberia-Newfoundland; a new point of view
41%2010Liow, Lee Hsiang; Skaug, Hans Julius et al.: Global occurrence trajectories of microfossils; environmental volatility and the rise and fall of individual species
41%2001MacLeod, Kenneth G.; Huber, Brian T.: The Maastrichtian record to Blake Nose (western North Atlantic) and implications for global palaeoceanographic and biotic changes
41%1997Fitzgerald, P.; Baldwin, S.: Detachment fault model for the evolution of the Ross Embayment
41%2004Hilding-Kronforst, Shari; Firth, John V. et al.: Teaching biostratigraphy; using real cores and IODP data to test for planktonic extinction at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary
41%1994Soloviev, V.; Ginsburg, G. D.: Formation of submarine gas hydrates
35%1998Erickson, Stephanie Newton: Porosity-velocity and porosity-formation factor relationships in siliciclastic sediments
35%2004Barnes, Jaime D.; Sharp, Zachary D.: Chlorine stable isotopic composition of serpentinites
35%1999Rea, David K.; Moore, Theodore C., Jr. et al.: Circulation of the Eocene Pacific Ocean
35%2000Miller, Kenneth G.; Wright, J. D. et al.: Abrupt, transient climatic and carbon extraction events associated with the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary (OAE2), Bass River, NJ
35%1997Koennecke, Lis Kathrin: Early development of the southern Kerguelen Plateau (Indian Ocean) from ocean bottom seismograph and multichannel seismic reflection data
35%2000Olsson, Richard K.; Wright, James D. et al.: Recovery of planktonic Foraminifera following the Cretaceous/Tertiary mass extinction
35%2008Ogawa, Yujiro; Kobayashi, Reiji et al.: Kanto Asperity Project (IODP); general aspect of monitoring of seismicity and crustal movement toward mitigation of great hazards in the Tokyo megalopolis region
35%2011Davis, E. E.; Becker, K. et al.: CORK observations of hydrologic response to seismic and aseismic fault slip; regional strain and local formation changes
35%2012Cavanaugh, Shannon Lynn: Heat flow variability at the Costa Rica subduction zone as modeled by bottom-simulating reflector depths imaged in the CRISP 3D seismic survey
35%2011Hammond, K. A. T.; Wallace, L. M. et al.: IODP workshop on Using ocean drilling to unlock the secrets of slow slip events; workshop programme and abstracts
35%2012Becker, Katharina; Franke, Dieter et al.: The crustal structure of the southern Argentine margin
29%1992Collot, J. Y.; Lallemand, S. et al.: Geology of the d'Entrecasteaux-New Hebrides Arc collision zone; results from a deep submersible survey
29%2010Webster, Jody M.; Yokoyama, Yusuke et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 325 preliminary report; Great Barrier Reef environmental changes; the last deglacial sea level rise in the South Pacific; offshore drilling northeast Australia; platform operations, 11 February-7 April 2010; Onshore Science Party, 2-16 July 2010
29%2011Spinelli, G. A.; Harris, R. N.: Thermal effects of hydrothermal circulation and seamount subduction; temperatures in the Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment transect, Japandownload
29%1984Adair, Richard G.; Orcutt, John A. et al.: Analysis of ambient seismic noise recorded by downhole and ocean-bottom seismometers on Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 78Bdownload
24%1992Brereton, N. Robin; Chroston, P. N. et al.: Anelastic strain recovery and elastic properties of oceanic basaltic rocksdownload
23%1984Ngokwey, Kombe: Numerical modeling of sediment deformation linked to subduction; mechanical model and comparison with Barbados Ridge complexdownload
21%1997Vanderaveroet, P.; Deconinck, J. F.: Clay mineralogy of Cenozoic sediments of the Atlantic City borehole, New Jerseydownload
20%1980Johnson, D. M.: Crack distribution in the upper oceanic crust and its effects upon seismic velocity, seismic structure, formation permeability, and fluid circulationdownload
19%2003Karson, Jeffrey A.: Integrated geological and geophysical investigations of the oceanic crust; analogs for Antarctic investigationsdownload
19%2003Jarrard, Richard D.: Antarctic drilling, coring, and logging; how and why?download
18%2013Kulin, Ian; Riedel, Michael et al.: Simple Cabled Instrument for Measuring Parameters In situ (SCIMPI) and Hole 858G CORK replacementdownload
18%1975Larson, R. L.; Moberly, R. et al.: Hakodate, Japan to Honolulu, Hawaii, August-October 1973download
18%1973Barr, F. T.; Walker, B. R.: Late Tertiary channel system in northern Libya and its implications on Mediterranean sea level changesdownload
17%1995Coyne, J.: Data management in the Ocean Drilling Programdownload
17%1974Luyendyk, B. P.: Gondwanaland dispersal and the early formation of the Indian Oceandownload
17%2011Bertka, Constance; Blackman, Donna K. et al.: Excutive summary; "Mantle Frontier" workshopdownload
16%1979Auffret, G. A.; Pastouret, L. et al.: Dredged rocks from the Armorican and Celtic marginsdownload
15%2011Antler, Gilad; Turchyn, Alexandra V. et al.: Mechanics of bacterial sulfate reduction deduced from sulfur and oxygen isotopes in pore fluid sulfatedownload
15%2003Lunt, Peter: Biogeography of some Eocene larger Foraminifera, and their application in distinguishing geological platesdownload
15%1997Owens, James P.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: Lithostratigraphy and paleoenvironments of the Island Beach borehole, New Jersey Coastal Plain Drilling Projectdownload
15%1983Hubberten, Hans-Wolfgang: Sulfur and sulfur isotope content of basalts from the Galapagos Rift (legs 54 and 70)download

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