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ScoreExp/Site/Hole YearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1970Pothier, Richard J.: Deep sea drilling record
71%1987Boltovskoy, Esteban: Tertiary benthic foraminifera in bathyal deposits of the Quaternary world ocean
71%1979Bolli, H. M.: Activities in the field of marine geology (WG 10)
71%1988Boltovskoy, E.: Size change in the phylogeny of foraminifera
61%1985Steiniger, Fritz F. (ed.); Senes, Jan (ed.) et al.: Neogene of the Mediterranean Tethys and Paratethys; stratigraphic correlation tables and sediment distribution maps
61%1981Boltovskoy, Esteban: Foraminiferos bentonicos patiales del Cenozoico superior Benthonic foraminifers of the bathyal zone of the upper Cenozoic
61%1990Young, J. R.: Size variation of Neogene Reticulofenestra coccoliths from Indian Ocean DSDP cores
61%1986Mayer, Anthony E. S.; Burdett, Maria: The Ocean Drilling Program; organization and progress
61%1984Boltovskoy, E.: Oligocene through Quaternary bathyal foraminifera of world-wide distribution
51%1981Ramanathan, S.: Some aspects of Deccan volcanism of western Indian shelf and Cambay Basin
51%1983Maillot, H.: Les paleoenvironnements de l'Atlantique Sud; Apport de la geochimie sedimentaire Paleoenvironment of the South Atlantic; sedimentary geochemistry
51%1985Boltovskoy, Esteban; Wanatabe, Silvia: Foraminiferos bentonicos del Cenozoico (Paleoceno Superior-Cuartario) del Sitio 305 del DSDP (Pacifico Noroccidental) Benthonic foraminifers from the Cenozoic; upper Paleocene and Quaternary of DSDP Site 305, Northwest Pacific
51%1988Bassias, Y.; Leclaire, L. et al.: Les basaltes et le magmatisme de la ride de Davie; une premiere approche--Basalts and magmatism of Davie Ridge; a preliminary approach
51%1982Hughes, G. Wyn: Solomon Islands
51%1991Larter, R. D.; Barker, P. F.: Neogene interaction of tectonic and glacial processes at the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula
51%1980Boltovskoy, E.: Foraminiferos bentonicos de la zona batial midia como fosiles guias en depositos oligoceno-cuartarios de los oceanos Pacifico, Atlantico e Indico Benthonic foraminifera in the middle bathyal zone as guide fossils in Oligocene-Quaternary deposits from the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans
51%1991Larter, Robert D.; Barker, Peter F.: Effects of ridge crest-trench interaction on Antarctic-Phoenix spreading; forces on a young subducting platedownload
51%1984de Graciansky, P. C.; Deroo, G. et al.: Ocean-wide stagnation episode in the Late Cretaceous
40%1990Boltovskoy, E.; Giussani de Kahn, G.: Benthic unilocular calcareous foraminifers in late Cenozoic deep sea deposits of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans
40%1971Nesteroff, W. D.; Sabatier, Germain et al.: Les apports terrigenes fins dans les depots du precontinent americain au large de la Floride (Projet JOIDES) Fine terrigenous input in the deposits of the continental margin off Florida; JOIDES Program
14%1984Bouysse, Philippe: The Lesser Antilles island arc; structure and geodynamic evolutiondownload
13%1970Cita, Maria B.; Nigrini, Catherine et al.: Biostratigraphy, Chapter 19 in initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project - v. 2, leg 2 of cruises of "Glomar Challenger", Hoboken, N.J., to Dakar, Senegal, Oct.-Nov. 1968download
11%1987Sartori, Renzo; Mascle, Georges et al.: A review of circum-Tyrrhenian regional geologydownload
10%1973Clauson, Georges: The eustatic hypothesis and the pre-Pliocene cutting of the Rhone Valleydownload
10%1978Olsson, R. K.: Summary of lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of Atlantic Coastal Plain (northern part)download
9%2004Glass, Billy P.: Distal impact ejecta from the Chesapeake Bay impact craterdownload
9%2011Jaeger, John; Gulick, Sean et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 341 scientific prospectus; southern Alaska margin; interactions of tectonics, climate and sedimentationdownload
9%1970Olson, R. K.; Goll, R.: Biostratigraphy, Chapter 29download
9%1970Bolli, Hans M.: The foraminifera of sites 23-31, leg 4, Chapter 25download
9%1997Pekar, Stephen F.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: Data report; The Oligocene Sewell Point and Atlantic City formations, New Jersey Coastal Plaindownload
9%1997Browning, James V.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: Lower to middle Eocene sequences of the New Jersey coastal plain and their significance for global climate changedownload
8%1995Premoli Silva, Isabella; Nicora, Alda et al.: Paleobiogeographic evolution of shallow-water organisms from the Aptian to the Eocene in the western Pacificdownload
8%1981Schlanger, Seymour O.; Silva, Isabella Premoli: Tectonic, volcanic, and paleogeographic implications of redeposited reef faunas of Late Cretaceous and Tertiary age from the Nauru Basin and the Line Islandsdownload
7%1972Bernoulli, Daniel: North Atlantic and Mediterranean Mesozoic facies; a comparisondownload
7%1992Brereton, N. Robin; Chroston, P. N. et al.: Anelastic strain recovery and elastic properties of oceanic basaltic rocksdownload
7%2010Inagaki, Fumio; Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 337 scientific prospectus; deep coalbed biosphere off Shimokita; microbial processes and hydrocarbon system associated with deeply buried coalbed in the oceandownload
7%1997Browning, James V.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: Lower to middle Eocene benthic foraminiferal biofacies and lithostratigraphic units and their relationship to sequences, New Jersey coastal plaindownload
6%1987Rehault, Jean-Pierre; Mascle, Jean et al.: The Tyrrhenian Sea before Leg 107download
6%1992Quilty, Patrick G.: Data report; studies into the paleontology of the Cretaceous of the Indian Ocean Basindownload
6%1995Swinburne, Nicola H. M.; Masse, Jean-Pierre: Early Cretaceous rudist fauna of Allison and Resolution guyots, Mid-Pacific Mountainsdownload
6%2009Dowsett, Harry J.; Robinson, Marci M. et al.: Pliocene three-dimensional global ocean temperature reconstructiondownload
5%2010D'Hondt, Steven; Inagaki, Fumio et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 329 scientific prospectus; South Pacific gyre microbiologydownload
5%2005Wellner, Julia S.; Anderson, John B. et al.: The inaugural SHALDRILL Expedition to the Weddell Sea, Antarcticadownload
5%2011Stow, Dorrik A. V.; Hernadez-Molina, Francisco Javier et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 339 scientific prospectus; Mediterranean outflow; environmental significance of the Mediterranean outflow water and its global implicationsdownload
5%1996Emeis, Kay-Christian; Robertson, Alastair H. F. et al.: Site 965download
5%2010Vannucchi, Paola; Ujiie, Kohtaro et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 334 scientific prospectus; Costa Rica Seismogenesis Project (CRISP); sampling and quantifying input to the seismogenic zone and fluid outputdownload
5%2010Henry, Pierre; Kanamatsu, Toshiya et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 333 scientific prospectus; NanTroSEIZE Stage 2; subduction inputs 2 and heat flowdownload
5%1997Liu, Chengjie; Browning, James V. et al.: Upper Cretaceous to Miocene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy; results of Leg 150X, the New Jersey Coastal Plain Drilling Projectdownload
5%1997Miller, Kenneth G.; Rufolo, Scott et al.: Early to middle Miocene sequences, systems tracts, and benthic foraminiferal biofacies, New Jersey coastal plaindownload
5%2012Andren, Thomas; Jorgensen, Bo Barker et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 347 scientific prospectus; Baltic Sea basin paleoenvironment; palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Baltic Sea basin through the last glacial cycledownload
4%2010Sager, William W.; Sano, Takashi et al.: Expedition 324 summarydownload
4%2009Firth, John; Gupta, Lallan et al.: New focus on the tales of the Earth; legacy cores redistribution project completeddownload
4%2009Morgan, Julia K.; Silver, Eli et al.: Addressing geohazards through ocean drillingdownload
4%2009Schultheiss, Peter; Holland, Melanie et al.: Wireline coring and analysis under pressure; recent use and future developments of the HYACINTH Systemdownload
4%1970Riedel, W. R.; Sanfilippo, Annika: Radiolaria, leg 4, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Chapter 24download
4%2010Underwood, Michael B.; Saito, Saneatsu et al.: Expedition 322 summarydownload
4%2008Fulthorpe, Craig S.; Hoyanagi, Koichi et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 317 scientific prospectus; Global and local controls on continental margin stratigraphy; Canterbury Basin, eastern South Island, New Zealanddownload
4%1984Nierenberg, W. A.; Peterson, M. N. A.: Design and operation of a wireline pressure core barreldownload
4%2003Karson, Jeffrey A.: Integrated geological and geophysical investigations of the oceanic crust; analogs for Antarctic investigationsdownload
4%2007De Natale, Giuseppe; Troise, Claudia et al.: The Campi Flegrei Deep Drilling Projectdownload
4%2007Peart, Leslie; Klaus, Ann: Retooling ocean drilling science into Earth science educational resourcesdownload
4%2003Jarrard, Richard D.: Antarctic drilling, coring, and logging; how and why?download
4%2010Sager, William W.; Sano, Takashi et al.: Site U1348download
4%2007Morgan, Jo; Christeson, Gail et al.: Joint IODP/ICDP scientific drilling of the Chicxulub impact craterdownload
4%2007Conze, Ronald; Wallrabe-Adams, Hans-Joachim et al.: Joint data management on ICDP projects and IODP Mission Specific Platform Expeditionsdownload
4%2011Vannucchi, Paola; Ujiie, Kohtaro et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 334 preliminary report; Costa Rica Seismogenesis Project (CRISP); sampling and quantifying input to the seismogenic zone and fluid output; 13 March-12 April 2011download
3%2006Soeding, Emanuel; Evans, Dan et al.: An overview of IODP scientific publicationsdownload
3%2006Tobin, Harold; Kinoshita, Masa: NanTroSEIZE; the IODP Nankai Trough SEIsmogenic Zone Experimentdownload
3%2008Sagiya, Takeshi: ICDP workshop on borehole monitoring at the Nankai subduction zone; building a land-ocean borehole network to study the seismogenic zonedownload
3%2008Neal, Clive R.; Coffin, Millard F. et al.: Investigating large igneous province formation and associated paleoenvironmental events; a white paper for scientific drillingdownload
3%2006Lazarus, David: The Micropaleontological Reference Centers networkdownload
3%2003Miller, Kenneth G.; Sugarman, Peter J. et al.: Ocean View Sitedownload
3%2006Curewitz, Daniel; Kuramoto, Shin'ichi et al.: Drilling vessel Chikyu; status, capabilities, and current operationsdownload
3%2008Myers, Greg: Ultra-deepwater riserless mud circulation with dual gradient drillingdownload
3%1995Coyne, J.: Data management in the Ocean Drilling Programdownload
3%2008Fulthorpe, Craig S.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: Drilling to decipher long-term sea-level changes and effects; a joint Consortium for Ocean Leadership, ICDP, IODP, DOSECC, and Chevron workshopsdownload
3%2008Lin, Weiren; Yamamoto, Koji et al.: Estimation of minimum principal stress from an extended leak-off test onboard the Chikyu drilling vessel and suggestions for future test proceduresdownload
3%2010Sager, William W.; Sano, Takashi et al.: Site U1347download
3%2005Sugarman, Peter J.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, New Jersey Coastal Plain; covering onshore boreholes as part of the New Jersey sea-level transect; Millville Sitedownload
3%2010Palike, Heiko; Nishi, Hiroshi et al.: Site U1337download
3%2010Palike, Heiko; Nishi, Hiroshi et al.: Site U1331download
3%2010Underwood, Michael B.; Saito, Saneatsu et al.: Site C0011download
2%2010Exon, Neville: Australia's involvement in IODP; what it means for our scientistsdownload
2%2010Heap, Andrew D.; Exon, Neville: Australia's new marine research vessel; geoscience implicationsdownload
2%2006Backman, J.: First paleo-oceanographic drilling of Cenozoic sediments in the central Arctic Oceandownload
6%11969Berggren, William A.; Bukry, J. David et al.: Biostratigraphydownload
1969Davis, J. B.; Bray, E. E.: Analyses of oil and cap rock from Challenger (Sigsbee) Knolldownload
51%21971Chan, K. M.; Manheim, F. T.: Interstitial water studies on small core samples, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 2
10%31970Maxwell, Arthur E.; Von Herzen, Richard P. et al.: Summary and conclusionsdownload
1970Maxwell, Arthur E.; Von Herzen, Richard P. et al.: Site 20download
51%41971Sayles, F. L.; Manheim, F. T. et al.: Interstitial water studies on small core samples, Leg 4
1970Bader, Richard G.; Gerard, Robert D. et al.: Site 25download
1970Bader, Richard G.; Gerard, Robert D. et al.: Site 29download
51%51971Manheim, F. T.; Chan, K. M. et al.: Interstitial water studies on small core samples, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 5
9%61971Douglas, Robert G.: Cretaceous foraminifera from the northeastern Pacific Ocean; Leg 6, Deep Sea Drilling Projectdownload
6%61971Krasheninnikov, Valeri A. A.: Cenozoic foraminiferadownload
6%61971Bukry, J. David; Douglas, Robert G. et al.: Planktonic microfossil biostratigraphy of the northwestern Pacific areadownload
1975Douglas, R. G.; Savin, S. M.: Oxygen and carbon isotope analyses of Tertiary and Cretaceous microfossils from Shatsky Rise and other sites in the North Pacific Oceandownload
1971Gealy, Elizabeth L.; Winterer, Edward L. et al.: Methods, conventions, and general observationsdownload
1971Gealy, Elizabeth L.: Saturated bulk density, grain density and porosity of sediment cores from the western Equatorial Pacific; Leg 7, Glomar Challengerdownload

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