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ScoreExp/Site/Hole YearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1998Engberts, Cynthia J.: Oceanic heat flow and thermal conductivity of sediments with lithology and depth
84%2012Cavanaugh, Shannon Lynn: Heat flow variability at the Costa Rica subduction zone as modeled by bottom-simulating reflector depths imaged in the CRISP 3D seismic survey
76%1998Matsubayashi, Osamu: Heat flow measurement as an exploration tool for subbottom methane hydrates
75%1987Sano, Yuji; Wakita, Hiroshi: Helium isotopes and heat flow on the ocean floor
75%1979Katz, B. J.; Harrison, C. G. A. et al.: Racemization anomalies in selected Deep Sea Drilling Project samples
63%1976Hyndman, R. D.; Von Herzen, R. P. et al.: Heat flow measurements in deep crustal holes on the Mid-Atlantic Ridgedownload
61%1983von der Dick, Hans: Organisch-geochemische und kohlenpetrographische Untersuchungen an kuestennahen Sedimenten. (Ein Beitrag zum "Deep Sea Drilling Project") Organic geochemistry and coal petrography in sediments near the coast; a contribution to Deep Sea Drilling Project
61%1978Yuekler, A.: Quantitative determination of paleopressures and paleotemperatures
61%2010Mueller, R. Dietmar: Sedimentary basins feeling the heat from belowdownload
61%1992Sun, M.; Fisher, A. et al.: Using object-oriented control method for heat flow analysis
58%2012Henry, P.; Kanamatsu, T. et al.: NanTroSEIZE Stage 2: Subduction Inputs 2 and Heat Flow
52%1984Villinger, Heinrich: New heat flow values off the west coast of Moroccodownload
51%1982Anonymous: Bohrlochexperimente am Mittelatlantischen Ruecken; Wiederbesetzung von Bohrloch 395 A Boreholes in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge; Site 395 A
51%1998Ganguly, N.; Spence, G. D. et al.: Heat flow variations from bottom simulating reflectors on the Cascadia Margin
51%1979Lawver, L. A.; Vacquier, V. et al.: Gulf of California IPOD site survey results, Guaymas Basin heat flow
51%1980Bada, Jeffrey L.; Man, Eugene H.: Amino acid diagenesis in Deep Sea Drilling Project cores; kinetics and mechanisms of some reactions and their applications in geochronology and in paleotemperature and heat flow determinations
51%1989Ten Haven, H. L.; Rullkoetter, J. et al.: Steroid biological marker hydrocarbons as indicators of organic matter diagenesis in deep sea sediments; geochemical reactions and influence of different heat flow regimes
51%1995Schultz, A.; Dickson, P. et al.: Physical and chemical response of the TAG hydrothermal system to tidal forcing and ODP drilling-induced permeability changes
51%2003Vohat, Praveen; Sain, Kalachand et al.: Heat flow and geothermal gradient from a bottom simulating reflector; a case study
51%1996Davis, E. E.; Wang, K. et al.: An unequivocal case for high Nusselt-number hydrothermal convection in sediment-buried igneous oceanic crust
51%2010Masaki, Y.; Kawada, Y. et al.: Hydrothermal circulation regime of the Iheya-North hydrothermal field in the mid-Okinawa Trough inferred from heat flow measurements
51%1997Screaton, Elizabeth; Ge, Shermin: An assessment of along-strike fluid and heat transport within the Barbados Ridge accretionary complex; results of preliminary modelingdownload
51%2010Rimi, A.; Lucazeau, F. et al.: New evaluation of heat flow in Moroccan Atlantic Margin
51%1982MacGregor, Ian: Geological evolution of ocean crust
51%1985Ocean Drilling Program; coring and development technology
51%2001Jacob, Klaus: Nachrichten aus der Unterwelt News from the underworld
50%1999Verzhbitskii, E. V.; Kaz'min, V. G.: Geothermal regime and specific features of the tectonic evolution of the western Mediterranean basins
45%1984Hyndman, Roy D.; Langseth, Marcus G. et al.: A review of Deep Sea Drilling Project geothermal measurements through Leg 71download
43%1980Yokota, T.; Kinoshita, H. et al.: New DSDP (Deep Sea Drilling Project) downhole temperature probe utilizing IC RAM (memory) elements
43%1979Cann, J. R.: Metamorphism in the ocean crust
43%1991Jansa, L. F.: Processes affecting paleogeography, with examples from the Tethys
43%2003Machetel, Philippe; Humler, Eric: High mantle temperature during Cretaceous avalanche
43%1975Cook, A. C.: Significance of the coal at Site 214, Ninetyeast Ridge
43%1987Mascle, Alan: New deep sea drilling in the Caribbean
43%1997Langseth, Marcus G.; Stein, Carol A. et al.: Synthesis of geothermal data from ODP data legs 101-160
43%1984Anonymous: The deep drilling project 1980-1981 in the Faeroe Islands
43%1984Erickson, Albert J.: Theory, techniques, and interpretation of downhole temperature measurements
43%1997Von Herzen, R. P.; Pitman, W.: Marcus G. Langseth (1932-1997)
43%2011Jones, Nicola: Drilling ship to probe Japanese quake zone; fast-tracked expedition will measure fault's residual heat
41%1988Kinoshita, Masataka; Kasumi, Yoshinobu: Heat flow measurements in the Nankai Trough area
41%1988Nagihara, S.; Asanuma, Toshio: Heat flow measurements
41%1988Kinoshita, Masataka; Kasumi, Yoshinobu: Heat flow; basic data
41%2005Brinkhuis, H.; Schouten, S. et al.: A giant Arctic freshwater pond at the end of the early Eocene; implications for ocean heat transport and carbon cycling
38%1998Ramsay, Anthony T. S.; Smart, Christopher W. et al.: A model of early to middle Miocene deep ocean circulation for the Atlantic and Indian oceans
36%1981Kobayashi, Kazuo: Preliminary report of the Hakuho Maru Cruise KH 80-3, July 14-September 6, 1980 Japan Trench, Shatsky Rise, Guam, Ponape and Ogasawara areas (IPOD, WESTPAC)
36%1981Ramanathan, S.: Some aspects of Deccan volcanism of western Indian shelf and Cambay Basin
36%1994Edmonds, Henrietta N.; Gamo, T. et al.: Sampling of hydrothermal fluids from the TAG Mound, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, by Shinkai 6500; preliminary results of fluid chemistry characterization prior to ODP drilling
36%1985Kobayashi, Kazuo: Sea of Japan and Ryukyu Trench-Arch back-arc system
36%1976McClain, J. S.; Lewis, B. T. R. et al.: An IPOD site survey of the East Pacific Rise in the Gulf of California
36%2000Henry, Pierre: Fluid flow at the toe of the Barbados accretionary wedge constrained by thermal, chemical, and hydrogeologic observations and modelsdownload
36%1979Banda, E.; Channell, J. E. T.: Evidencia geofisica para un modelo de evolucion de las cuencas del Mediterraneo occidental Geophysical evidence for a model of the evolution of the West Mediterranean basins
36%1998Anonymous: Massive ocean current may provide clues to global warming
36%1991Pushcharovskiy, Yu. M.; Kazanskiy, V. I. et al.: Issledovaniye zemnoy kory sverkhglubokim kontinental'nym i glubokim okeanicheskim bureniyem Earth's crust investigation using superdeep continental and deep ocean drilling
36%1991Sanchez-Zamora, Osvaldo; Doguin, P. et al.: Magnetic anomalies of the northern Gulf of California; structural and thermal interpretations
36%1979Tarney, J.; Wood, D. A. et al.: Nature of mantle heterogeneity in the North Atlantic; evidence from Leg 49 basalts
36%1985Yamano, Makoto; Honda, S. et al.: Nankai Trough, a hot trench?
36%1979Katz, B. J.; Harrison, C. G. A. et al.: The effects of the geothermal gradient on amino acid racemization
36%1979Palmason, G.; Arnorsson, S. et al.: The Iceland crust; evidence from drillhole data on structure and processes
36%1979Hall, J. M.: The oceanic crust; investigations by Canadian groups on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge crest and other areas
36%1991Bray, N. A.; Robles, J. M.: Physical oceanography of the Gulf of California
36%2003Voelker, David; Meschede, Martin: Eingrenzung der Randbedingungen der tektonischen Erosion durch Finite Elemente Modellierung am Fall der Nicoya-Halbinsel (noerdliches Costa Rica) Containment of the boundary conditions of tectonic erosion using finite element modelling; the case of Nicoya Peninsula, northern Costa Rica
36%1987Hyndman, R. D.; Langseth, M. G. et al.: Deep Sea Drilling Project geothermal measurements; a reviewdownload
36%1980Rabinowitz, P. D.; Ludwig, W. J.: Geophysical measurements at candidate drill sites along an east-west flow line in the central Atlantic Ocean
36%1995Mills, R. A.; Tivey, M. K.: Fluid circulation within the TAG mound
36%1975Hsu, K.; Montadert, L. et al.: Glomar Challenger returns to the Mediterranean Sea
36%2003Becker, Keir; Davis, Earl E.: Twelve years of results from ODP subseafloor CORK hydrogeological observatories
36%2004Bickle, Mike; Elderfield, Harry: Hydrothermal fluxes in a global context
36%2008Harris, Robert N.; Henke, Thomas et al.: The thermal structure of the Costa Rica margin along the Middle America Trench
36%2008Lisker, F.; John, T. et al.: Denudation and uplift across the Ghana transform margin as indicated by new apatite fission track data
36%2005Depreiter, D.; Henriet, J. P.: Gas hydrate stability and focussed fluid seepage in mud volcano settings; IODP 673 Pre-proposal
36%1994Carlson, Richard L.; Johnson, H. Paul: On modeling the thermal evolution of the oceanic upper mantle; an assessment of the cooling plate modeldownload
36%1979Corliss, J.; Gordon, L. I. et al.: Some implications of heat/mass ratios in Galapagos Rift hydrothermal fluids for models of sea water-rock interaction and the formation of oceanic crust
36%1994Sass, John H.: Downhole experiments in the U. S. Continental Scientific Drilling Program
36%1998Davis, Earl E.; Wang, Kelin et al.: Estimates of formation-scale permeability in young upper oceanic crust
36%2000Gillis, Kathryn M.: Creation and evolution of the oceanic lithosphere; contributions from ocean drilling
36%1999Shen Jianzhong: Research priorities and drilling goals of ocean drilling program
36%1997Clift, Peter D.: Temperature anomalies under the Northeast Atlantic rifted volcanic margins
36%2002Gurlais, S. H.; Deville, E. et al.: Thermal regime and fluid migration in the Barbados accretionary prism; general trends and local anomalies
36%2001Choi, Dong R.: Submarine geology of the oceans around Australia
36%2004Wheat, C. Geoffrey; Mottl, Michael J.: Geochemical fluxes through mid-ocean ridge flanks
36%2010Schmidt-Schierhorn, F.; Beckert, U. et al.: Geophysical results from an IODP site survey for planned investigation of the deep biosphere at North Pond (Mid-Atlantic-Ridge)
36%2011Pecher, I. A.; Henrys, S. A. et al.: Constraints on temperatures at the subduction interface from BSR depth
36%2011Spinelli, G. A.; Harris, R. N.: Thermal effects of hydrothermal circulation and seamount subduction; temperatures in the Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment transect, Japandownload
36%2000Farrer, Bruce J.; Cole, Gary A. et al.: Petroleum systems of the deep water Kwanza Basin; pre- and post salt source rocks
36%2009Cannat, Mathilde; Manatschal, Gianreto et al.: Assessing the conditions of continental breakup at magma-poor rifted margins; what can we learn from slow spreading mid-ocean ridges?
32%1970Burns, Robert E.: Heat-flow operations at holes 35.0 and 35.1, Chapter 28download
31%2006Cardace, Dawn M.; Amend, Jan P. et al.: Microbially mediated reactions in recently subducted sediments; feasible reactions and implications
31%2005Saffer, Demian M.; Underwood, Michael B. et al.: Smectite transformation in the Nankai Trough; effects on subduction zone mechanics and hydrogeology
31%2012Schmidt-Schierhorn, Friederike; Kaul, Norbert et al.: Geophysical site survey results from North Pond (Mid-Atlantic Ridge)download
29%1968Ewing, Maurice; Worzel, J. Lamar: Geophysical oceanographic studies at Lamont Geological Observatory
29%2000Davis, E. E.; Wang, K. et al.: Formation-scale hydraulic and mechanical properties of oceanic crust inferred from pore pressure response to periodic seafloor loadingdownload
29%1993Bougault, H.; Charlou, J. L. et al.: L'Hydrothermalisme oceanique Oceanic hydrothermalism
29%2003Lee, Gwang Hoon; Kim, Han-Joon et al.: Opal-A/opal-CT phase boundary inferred from bottom-simulating reflectors in the southern South Korea Plateau, East Sea (Sea of Japan)download
29%1995Hyndman, R. D.: The Lithoprobe corridor across the Vancouver Island continental margin; the structural and tectonic consequences of subduction
29%1988Kasumi, Yoshinobu; Kinoshita, Masataka: Hheat flow measurements in the Mariana Trench
29%1988Taira, Asahiko; Nishiyama, Ei'ichiro et al.: Hydrogeologic framework of the Nankai Trough accretionary prism
29%1975Erickson, A. J.; Von+Herzen, R. P. et al.: Geothermal measurements in deep-sea drill holesdownload
29%1981Vogt, P. R.; Perry, R. K. et al.: The Greenland-Norwegian Sea and Iceland environment; geology and geophysics
29%1991Roberts, Dave; Coffin, Mike et al.: Conjugate volcanic passive margin and oceanic plateau development; disciplinary working group report
29%2007Wack, Michael; Matzka, Juergen: A new type of a three-component spinner magnetometer to measure the remanence of rocks at elevated temperature

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