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ScoreExp/Site/Hole YearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1989Pelling, R.; Harvey, P. K. et al.: Statistical analysis of geochemical logging data from ODP boreholes
86%2008Delaney, Margaret L.; Scher, Howie et al.: Paleoceanography; geochemical tracers of past oceans
82%1982Hubberten, Hans W.: The isotopic composition of carbonate carbon from deep-sea basalts
82%1992Taylor, R. N.; Nesbitt, R. W.: A geochemical transect of the Izu-Bonin arc-trench system
82%1991Lovell, M. A.; Harvey, P. K. et al.: Geological evaluation using downhole geochemical measurements
82%1980Barnes, Ross O.: Anoxic methane consumption in marine sediments; some problems with current geochemical models
82%1983Govorov, I. N.; Golubeva, E. D. et al.: Basalt geochemical types and provinces in the Pacific Ocean
68%2003Jarrard, Richard D.: Subduction fluxes of water, carbon dioxide, chlorine, and potassiumdownload
68%2005Straub, S. M.: Fallout tephra as tool for reconstructing the geochemical evolution of arcs; a case study from Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc/trench system
68%1994Bristow, J. F.; Harvey, P. K. et al.: Nuclear geochemical logging; lithological and mineralogical characterization in the Ocean Drilling Program
68%2001Stoll, Heather M.; Schrag, Daniel P.: Sr/Ca variations in Cretaceous carbonates; relation to productivity and sea level changes
68%2004Wheat, C. Geoffrey; Mottl, Michael J.: Geochemical fluxes through mid-ocean ridge flanks
67%1988Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Methane hydrate; a major reservoir of carbon in the shallow geosphere?
67%2001Gillis, Kathryn M.: Nature and origin of the oceanic lithosphere; some insights from past ocean drilling and plans for the future
58%1983von der Dick, Hans: Organisch-geochemische und kohlenpetrographische Untersuchungen an kuestennahen Sedimenten. (Ein Beitrag zum "Deep Sea Drilling Project") Organic geochemistry and coal petrography in sediments near the coast; a contribution to Deep Sea Drilling Project
58%1972Frey, Fred A.; Bryan, Wilfred B. et al.: Petrological and geochemical results for basalts from DSDP Legs 2 and 3
58%1984Coulon, Herve; Debrabant, Pierre et al.: Donnees petrographiques, mineralogiques et geochimiques sur la transition basalts-sediments dans l'Atlantique Nord Petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical data on North Atlantic basalt-sediment transitions
58%1997Raymo, Maureen E.: Carbon cycle models; how strong are the constraints?
58%1999Barnes, Christopher R.: Paleoceanography and paleoclimatology; an Earth system perspective
58%1999Jansa, L. F.: Paleogeography and paleoceanography of the North Atlantic during the Cretaceous; an overview
58%1977Geodekyan, A. A.; Trotsyuk, V. Ya. et al.: Geochemical premises to oil and gas formation beneath the sea and the ocean bed
58%1970Koons, Charles B.: JOIDES cores; organic geochemical analyses of four Gulf of Mexico and western Atlantic sediment samples
58%1975Manheim, Frank: Geological and geochemical significance of Red Sea evaporites
58%1999Dickens, Gerald R.: The blast in the past
58%1998Dean, Walter E.; Arthur, Michael A.: Geochemical expressions of cyclic Neocomian carbonate sequences in the North Atlantic
58%1999Brumsack, Hans-Juergen; Wehausen, Rolf: A geochemical record of precession-induced cyclic eastern Mediterranean sedimentation; implications for northern Sahara humidity during the Pliocene
58%1999Dean, Walter E.; Arthur, Michael A.: Sensitivity of the North Atlantic Basin to cyclic climatic forcing during the Early Cretaceous
58%1998Palmer, M. R.; Pearson, P. N. et al.: Reconstructing past ocean pH-depth profiles
58%1989Emeis, Kay-Christian; Brown, Patricia: A note on the geochemistry procedures and the geochemical data base of the Ocean Drilling Program
58%2009Adhya, Soumava: Geochemical fingerprinting of volcanic airfall deposits; a tool in stratigraphic correlation
58%2004Leinen, M.: Jack Dymond's "fingerprints" on sediment chemistry, biogeochemical fluxes, and my career
58%2000Yin, Wyss: International Geological Correlation Programme Project No. 396; continental shelves in the Quaternary
58%2003Kimura, Gaku; Tobin, Harold: Why is the subduction zone drilling a key to understanding our planet?
54%1984Sugisaki, Ryuichi: Relation between chemical composition and sedimentation rate of Pacific ocean-floor sediments deposited since the Middle Cretaceous; basic evidence for chemical constraints on depositional environments of ancient sediments
54%2003Bryant, C. J.; Arculus, R. J. et al.: The geochemical evolution of the Izu-Bonin Arc system; a perspective from tephras recovered by deep-sea drillingdownload
54%1998Li Zhoubo; Wang Zhuwen: Technique of elemental logging in scientific drilling project
48%1998D'Hondt, Steven: Isotopic proxies for ecological collapse and recovery from mass extinctions
48%1982Karl, Susan Margaret: Geochemical and depositional environments of upper Mesozoic radiolarian cherts from the northeastern Pacific rim and from Pacific DSDP cores
48%1982Hickey, Rosemary L.; Frey, Frederick A.: Geochemical characteristics of boninite series volcanics; implications for their source
48%1982Kyte, Frank T.; Wasson, John T.: Geochemical constraints on the nature of large accretionary events
48%1994Flower, Benjamin P.; Kennett, James P.: The middle Miocene climatic transition; East Antarctic ice sheet development, deep ocean circulation and global carbon cycling
48%1982Meyers, Philip A.; Kawka, Orest E. et al.: Organic geochemical comparison of Cretaceous green claystones and black shales from the South Atlantic seabed
48%1982Berger, W. H.: Deep-sea stratigraphy; Cenozoic climate steps and the search for chemo-climatic feedback
48%2000Sain, K.; Minshull, T. A. et al.: Evidence for a thick free gas layer beneath the bottom simulating reflector in the Makran accretionary prism
48%2011Cope, Jesse T.; Winguth, Arne: On the sensitivity of ocean circulation to arctic freshwater input during the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum
48%1993Frank, Gabriela: Paleobiological changes and the influence of geochemical and extraterrestrial aspects concerning black shale developments
48%1995D'Hondt, Steven; Donaghay, Percy: Carbon isotopic recovery from mass extinctions; no Strangelove oceans on geologic timescales?
48%1991Kohnen, Math E. L.; Sinninghe Damste, Jaap S. et al.: Identification and geochemical significance of cyclic di- and trisulphides with linear and acyclic isoprenoid carbon skeletons in immature sediments
48%1984Smit, Jan; Kyte, Frank T.: Siderophile-rich magnetic spheroids from the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in Umbria, Italy
48%1995Mills, Rachel A.; Elderfield, Harry: Hydrothermal activity and the geochemistry of metalliferous sediment
48%1998Delaney, M. L.: Phosphorus accumulation in marine sediments and the oceanic phosphorus cycledownload
48%1989Ten Haven, H. L.; Rullkoetter, J. et al.: Steroid biological marker hydrocarbons as indicators of organic matter diagenesis in deep sea sediments; geochemical reactions and influence of different heat flow regimes
48%2003Kurtz, A. C.; Kump, L. R. et al.: Early Cenozoic decoupling of the global carbon and sulfur cyclesdownload
48%1980Yemel'yanov, Ye. M.; Trimonis, E. S. et al.: Geokhimicheskiye issledovaniya pozdnekaynozoyskikh otlozheniy Geochemical studies of upper Cenozoic deposits
48%1999Larson, Roger L.; Erba, Elisabetta: Onset of the Mid-Cretaceous greenhouse in the Barremian-Aptian; igneous events and the biological, sedimentary, and geochemical responsesdownload
48%1977Manheim, F. T.; Bothner, M. H. et al.: Geochemical aspects of pore fluids from U.S.G.S. drill holes on the Atlantic continental shelf
48%1988Staudacher, Thomas; Allegre, Claude J.: Recycling of oceanic crust and sediments; the noble gas subduction barrier
48%1996Stoll, Heather M.; Schrag, Daniel P.: Evidence for glacial control of rapid sea level changes in the Early Cretaceous
48%1995Carson, Bobb: Fluid expulsion on the Cascadia margin; partial control of a complex carbon budget
48%1995Farrell, J. W.; Pedersen, T. F. et al.: Glacial-interglacial changes in nutrient utilization in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean
48%1983Joron, J. L.; Treuil, M.: Hygromagmaphile elements distributions in oceanic basalts and global geochemical heterogeneities in Earth mantle
48%1983Karl, S. M.: Geochemical and depositional environments of upper Mesozoic radiolarian cherts from the Marin Headlands, California, and from Pacific DSDP cores
48%2004Bickle, Mike; Elderfield, Harry: Hydrothermal fluxes in a global context
48%2007Kodolanyi, J.; Spandler, C. et al.: Geochemistry of ocean-floor serpentinites; implications for subduction zone inventory
48%1999Dickens, Gerald R.; Owen, Robert M.: The latest Miocene-early Pliocene biogenic bloom; a revised Indian Ocean perspective
48%2005Xu, G.; Frey, F. A. et al.: Geochemical constraints on the sources of basalt from the Kerguelen Archipelago, southeast Indian Ocean
48%2005Cowen, J. P.; Glazer, B. et al.: Improved access to aging ocean basement biosphere for microbial geochemical studies
48%1977Burlingame, A. L.: Organic geochemical studies on the DSDP cores from the Black Sea and samples from the California coastal marine ecosystem
48%1977Houghton, R. L.; Thompson, G. et al.: Petrological and geochemical studies of the New England seamount chain
48%2007Hunze, Sabine; Wonik, Thomas: Compaction in the Nankai and Barbados accretionary prisms; new insights from logging-while-drilling datadownload
48%1998Hickey-Vargas, Rosemary: Geochemical characteristics of oceanic island basalts from the Philippine Sea Plate; implications for the sources of East Asian Plate margin and intraplate basalts
48%1999Norris, Richard D.; Roehl, Ursula: Carbon cycling and chronology of climate warming during the Palaeocene/Eocene transition
48%1987Pisias, Nicklas G.; Imbrie, John: Orbital geometry, CO (sub 2) , and Pleistocene climate
48%2008Mollenhauer, Gesine; Eglinton, Timothy I. et al.: A radiocarbon-based assessment of the preservation characteristics of crenarchaeol and alkenones from continental margin sediments
48%1997Ruddiman, William F.; Raymo, Maureen E. et al.: The uplift-climate connection; a synthesis
48%2011Gillis, K. M.; Coogan, L. A.: Secular variation in carbon uptake into the ocean crust
48%1992Duan, W.; Raiswell, R. et al.: Geochemical characteristic of organic C, pyrite S and reactive Fe and environmental control on sediment in North Japan Sea basin
48%1992Raymo, Maureen E.: Late Cenozoic evolution of global climate
48%2006Filippelli, Gabriel M.; Souch, Catherine: Rapid climate change and climate surprises; a look back and ahead
48%2002Bralower, Timothy J.; Kelly, D. Clay et al.: Biotic effects of abrupt Paleocene and Cretaceous climate events
48%1998Plank, Terry; Langmuir, Charles H.: The chemical composition of subducting sediment and its consequences for the crust and mantle
48%1997McIntyre, K.; Ravelo, A. C. et al.: Ground truthing the Cd/Ca-carbon isotope relationship in foraminifera of the Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian seas
48%1991Thierstein, Hans R.; Roth, Peter H.: Stable isotopic and carbonate cyclicity in Lower Cretaceous deep-sea sediments; dominance of diagenetic effects
48%1998Stoll, Heather Marie: Strontium geochemistry in the ocean; records of past climate and sea level changes
48%2001Gee, Jeffrey S.; Webb, Spahr C. et al.: A deep tow magnetic survey of Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge
48%2001Furnes, Harald; Staudigel, Hubert et al.: Bioalteration of basaltic glass in the oceanic crust
48%1991Clemens, Steven; Prell, Warren L. et al.: Forcing mechanisms of the Indian Ocean monsoon
48%2000Petersen, Sven: The geochemical and mineralogical evolution of the TAG hydrothermal field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 26 degrees N
48%2002Hagstrum, Jonathan T.; Abbott, Dallas: Evidence for a large bolide impact in the proto-Pacific Ocean preceding the Chicxulub impact by about 2 million years
48%2009Slomp, C. P.; Kraal, P. et al.: Reconstructing phosphorus and carbon cycling during Cretaceous oceanic anoxic events; why we need modern analogues
48%1995Dickens, Gerald R.; O'Neil, James R. et al.: Dissociation of oceanic methane hydrate as a cause of the carbon isotope excursion at the end of the Paleocenedownload
48%1978Cipriani, N.; Coradossi, N. et al.: Geochemical features and depositional environments of Messinian clay sediments from the Periadriatic Basin
48%2004Storrie-Lombardi, M. C.; Fisk, M. R.: Elemental abundance distributions in suboceanic basalt glass; evidence of biogenic alterationdownload
48%2008Boehm, Florian; Rausch, Svenja et al.: Low temperature alteration carbonates in the ocean crust and their importance for CO (sub 2) uptake and the global Ca cycle
48%2008Higgins, John A.; Schrag, Daniel P.: Magnesium isotope profiles in deep-sea sediments
48%2008Robert, B.; Jilbert, T. et al.: Preliminary geochemical assessment of the suitability of near-coastal Mediterranean sediments for detailed climate reconstruction (MOCCHA project)
48%1995Filippelli, G. M.; Ravelo, A. C.: Sea level, phosphorites, and the phosphorus cycle
48%1999Johnson, Marie C.; Plank, Terry: Dehydration and melting experiments constrain the fate of subducted sediments
48%1993Plank, Terry; Langmuir, Charles H.: Tracing trace elements from sediment input to volcanic output at subduction zones
48%2006Barnes, Jaime Danielle: Tectonic and metamorphic implications of high chlorine contents in serpentinites

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