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727 Publications found! (Query time: 0.001 s)Download as CSV fileDownload as KML file

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ScoreExp/Site/HoleYear Author/TitleFull text
13%1995Coyne, J.: Data management in the Ocean Drilling Programdownload
10%1691996Bornhold, Brian D.; Firth, John: Leg 169S scientific prospectus; Saanich Inletdownload
10%171A1996Moore, J. Casey; Klaus, Adam: Ocean Drilling Program; scientific prospectus; Barbados accretionary prism logging while drilling (LWD)download
7%171B1996Norris, Richard D.; Kroon, Dick et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 171B scientific prospectus; Blake Nose paleoceanographic transectdownload
7%1701996Kimura, Gaku; Silver, Eli et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; scientific prospectus; Costa Rica accretionary wedgedownload
7%1671996Anonymous: Leg 167 scientific prospectus; California Margindownload
6%1691996Fouquet, Yves; Zierenberg, Robert et al.: Leg 169 scientific prospectus; sedimentary ridges IIdownload
67%1997Hall, Jennifer P.; Klaus, Ann: Voyages of discovery, a dialogue on electronic publishing
47%1997Thomson, Misty M.; Merrill, Russell B. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; marine geology on the Web
12%174B1997Becker, Keir; Malone, Mitchell J.: Ocean Drilling Program; scientific prospectus; CORK Hole 395Adownload
7%174A1997Austin, James A., Jr.; Christie-Blick, Nicholas et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; scientific prospectus; continuing the New Jersey Mid-Atlantic sea-level transectdownload
7%1751997Berger, Wolfgang; Wefer, Gerold et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 175 scientific prospectus; Benguela Currentdownload
7%1771997Hodell, David A.; Gersonde, Rainer E. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 177 scientific prospectus; Southern Ocean paleoceanographydownload
7%1791998Casey, John F.; Pettigrew, Thomas L. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 179 scientific prospectus; hammer drilling and NEROdownload
7%1821998Feary, David A.; Hine, Albert C. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 182 scientific prospectus; Great Australian Bight; Cenozoic cool-water carbonatesdownload
7%1801998Huchon, Philippe; Taylor, Brian et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 180 scientific prospectus; Woodlark Basindownload
6%1841998Prell, Warren L.; Wang Pinxian et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 184 scientific prospectus; South China Seadownload
100%1999Reagan, Mary; Broglia, Cristina et al.: Bringing ODP log data to the World Wide Web
59%1999Brueckmann, Warner; Cepek, Martin et al.: The ocean drilling stratigraphic network (
59%1999Rumford, Jennifer Pattison; Riedel, William R.: Beyond the cutting edge, electronic publications the 21st Century
1999Pettigrew, Thomas J.; Casey, John F. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; initial reports; hammer drilling and NERO; covering Leg 179 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge, sites 1104-1107, 9 April-7 June 1998download
12%1999Spencer-Cervato, Cinzia: The Cenozoic deep sea microfossil record; explorations of the DSDP/ODP sample set using the Neptune databasedownload
10%1871999Christie, David M.; Pedersen, Rolf-Birger et al.: Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 187 scientific prospectus; mantle reservoirs and migration associated with Australian-Antarctic riftingdownload
7%1891999Exon, Neville F.; Kennett, James P. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 189 scientific prospectus; the Tasmanian Seaway between Australia and Antarctica; paleoclimate and paleoceanographydownload
7%1881999O'Brien, Phillip E.; Cooper, Alan K. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 188 scientific prospectus; Prydz Bay-Cooperation Sea, Antarctica; glacial history and paleoceanographydownload
7%1861999Sacks, I. Selwyn; Suyehiro, Kiyoshi et al.: Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 186 scientific prospectus; western Pacific geophysical observatoriesdownload
59%2000Holcombe, Troy L.; Moore, Carla J.: Data sources, management, and presentation
58%2000Klaus, Ann D.: Migrating ODP "proceedings" from print to cross-media publication formats
58%2000Klaus, Ann D.: Migrating ODP proceedings from print to cross-media publication formats
13%1912000Kanazawa, Toshihiko; Sager, William W. et al.: Explanatory notesdownload
2000Wallace, Glen S.: Quantitative image analysis of relative porosity contributions in the decollement and proto-decollement, northern Barbados accretionary prismdownload
10%1962000Becker, Keir; Mikada, Hitoshi et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 196 scientific prospectus; logging while drilling and advanced CORKs in the Nankai Troughdownload
2000Scholten, J. C.; Lackschewitz, Klas S. et al.: (super 230) Th/ (super 234) U and (super 231) Pa/ (super 235) U disequilibria in massive sulfides from the Bent Hill area (legs 139 and 169)download
2000Gieskes, Joris M.; Mahn, Chris et al.: Trace element geochemistry of I (super -) , Br (super -) , F (super -) , HPO (sub 4) (super 2-) , Ba (super 2+) , and Mn (super 2+) in pore waters of Escanaba Trough, sites 1037 and 1038download
2000Lackschewitz, Klas S.; Singer, A. et al.: Mineralogy and geochemistry of clay minerals near a hydrothermal site in the Escanaba Trough, Gorda Ridge, Northeast Pacific Oceandownload
2000Buecker, Christian J.; Shimeld, John W. et al.: Logging while drilling data analysis of Leg 171A, a multivariate statistical approachdownload
2000Marquez, L. Lynn; Nehlig, Pierre: Textural analyses of vein networks and sulfide impregnation zones; implications for the structural development of the Bent Hill massive sulfide depositdownload
8%1952000Salisbury, Matthew H.; Shinohara, Masanao et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 195 scientific prospectus; Mariana convergent margin/west Philippine Sea seismic observatorydownload
7%1902000Moore, Gregory F.; Taira, Asahiko et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 190 scientific prospectus; deformation and fluid flow processes in the Nankai Trough accretionary prismdownload
7%1912000Kanazawa, Toshihiko; Sager, William W. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 191 scientific prospectus; Northwest Pacific seismic observatory and hammer drill engineering testsdownload
7%1922000Fitton, Godfrey; Mahoney, John J. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 192 scientific prospectus; basement drilling of the Ontong Java Plateaudownload
2000Summit, Melanie; Peacock, Aaron et al.: Phospholipid fatty acid-derived microbial biomass and community dynamics in hot, hydrothermally influenced sediments from Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridgedownload
2000Groeschel-Becker, Henrike M.: Physical properties of sediment, basalt, and massive sulfide samples from holes 856H, 1035D, 1035E, 1035F, and 1035H, Middle Valley, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge, and holes 1037B and 1038I, Escanaba Trough, Gorda Ridgedownload
7%171A2000Moore, J. Casey: Synthesis of results; logging while drilling, northern Barbados accretionary prismdownload
6%1932000Barriga, Fernando; Binns, Raymond A. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 193 scientific prospectus; anatomy of an active, felsic-hosted hydrothermal system, eastern Manus Basindownload
6%1692000Iturrino, Gerardo J.; Davis, Earl et al.: Permeability, electrical, and thermal properties of sulfide, sedimentary and basaltic units from the Bent Hill area of Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridgedownload
6%1692000Lawrie, Darren; Miller, D. Jay: Sulfide mineral chemistry and petrography from Bent Hill, ODP Mound, and TAG massive sulfide depositsdownload
6%1942000Isern, Alexandra R.; Anselmetti, Flavio S. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 194 scientific prospectus; Marion Plateaudownload
6%1692000Zierenberg, Robert A.; Miller, D. Jay: Overview of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 169; sedimented ridges IIdownload
2000Kanazawa, Toshihiko; Sager, William W. et al.: Site 1179download
4%1832000Coffin, Millard F.; Frey, Frederick A. et al.: Explanatory notesdownload
2001Louden, Keith E.; Whitmarsh, Robert B. et al.: Measurements of radiogenic heat production on basement samples from sites 1067 and 1068download
2001Beard, James S.: Occurrence and composition of tochilinite and related minerals in Site 1068 serpentinitesdownload
2001Eglinton, Lorraine B.; Whelan, Jean K.: Organic geochemical screening of a Bermuda Rise sample from Site 1063download
12%1702001Meschede, Martin; Barckhausen, Udo: Plate tectonic evolution of the Cocos-Nazca spreading centerdownload
12%1702001Silver, Eli A.: Leg 170; synthesis of fluid-structural relationships of the Pacific margin of Costa Ricadownload
2001Becker, Keir; Bartetzko, Anne Claudia Maria et al.: Leg 174B synopsis; revisiting Hole 395A for logging and long-term monitoring of off-axis hydrothermal processes in young oceanic crustdownload
12%2012001D'Hondt, Steven L.; Jorgensen, Bo Barker et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 201 scientific prospectus; controls on microbial communities in deeply buried sediments, eastern Equatorial Pacific and Peru margindownload
2001Koenig, I.; Lougear, A. et al.: Iron oxidation in sediment cores (Site 1062) during six months of storage in the Ocean Drilling Program archivedownload
12%1722001Giosan, Liviu; Flood, Roger D. et al.: High-resolution carbonate content estimated from diffuse spectral reflectance for Leg 172 sitesdownload
12%171B2001Pletsch, Thomas K.; Reicherter, Klaus: Hole-to-hole correlation of Eocene volcanic ash layers from the Blake Nose depth transectdownload
10%1722001Yokokawa, Miwa Ezaki: Sedimentary structures of contourites and turbidites observed by X-radiographic prints; samples from Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge and Sohm abyssal plaindownload
2001Lund, Steven P.; Acton, Gary D. et al.: Paleomagnetic records of Stage 3 excursions, Leg 172download
2001Wallrabe-Adams, Hans-Joachim: Lithology and microfacies of Late Cretaceous to early Tertiary turbidites from sites 1068 and 1069download
10%171B2001Norris, Richard D.; Kroon, Dick et al.: Introduction; Cretaceous-Paleogene climate evolution of the western North Atlantic, results from ODP Leg 171B, Blake Nosedownload
2001Keigwin, Lloyd D.: Late Pleistocene stable isotope studies of ODP sites 1054, 1055, and 1063download
10%1722001Lund, Steven P.; Williams, Trevor et al.: Brunhes Chron magnetic field excursions recovered from Leg 172 sedimentsdownload
2001St. John, Kristen E. K.: Downcore variation of Site 1068 breccia matrix mineralogydownload
2001Hirano, Satoshi; Ogawa, Yujiro et al.: Deformation of unlithified sediments in an early stage of the compaction process deducted from microtextures and magnetic fabrics; ODP Leg 174B, Hole 1074Adownload
10%1922001Mahoney, John J.; Fitton, J. Godfrey et al.: Explanatory notesdownload
10%1962001Mikada, Hitoshi; Moore, J. Casey et al.: Explanatory notesdownload
2001Binns, Raymond A.; Barriga, Fernando J. A. S. et al.: Explanatory notesdownload
9%171B2001Faul, Kristina L.; Delaney, Margaret L.: Phosphorus concentrations and geochemistry in Blake Nosedownload
9%171B2001Ussler, William, III; Paull, Charles K. et al.: Pore-water strontium isotopes from the Leg 171B drilling transect down the Blake Spurdownload
2001Bellier, Jean-Pierre; Moullade, Michele et al.: Mid-Cretaceous planktonic foraminifers from Blake Nose; revised biostratigraphic frameworkdownload
2001Dunbar, Gavin B.: A detailed characterization of Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles at Site 1063 (Bermuda Rise)download
9%1722001Keigwin, Lloyd D.; Acton, Gary D.: An overview of Leg 172 literaturedownload
9%1732001Urquhart, Elspeth: Campanian to Miocene planktonic foraminifers from the Iberia abyssal plaindownload
9%1722001Borowski, Walter S.; Cagatay, Namik et al.: Carbon isotopic composition of dissolved CO (sub 2) , CO (sub 2) gas, and methane, Blake-Bahama Ridge and Northeast Bermuda Rise, ODP Leg 172download
2001Wade, Bridget S.; Norris, Richard D. et al.: High-resolution stable isotope stratigraphy of the late middle Eocene at Site 1051, Blake Nosedownload
9%2032001Orcutt, John A.; Schultz, Adam et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 203 scientific prospectus; drilling at the Equatorial Pacific Ion Multidisciplinary Observatorydownload
7%2002001Kasahara, Junzo; Stephen, Ralph A. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 200 scientific prospectus; drilling at the H2O long-term seafloor observatorydownload
7%1732001Concheyro, Andrea; Wise, Sherwood W., Jr.: Jurassic calcareous nannofossils from prerift sediments drilled during ODP Leg 173, Iberia abyssal plain, and their implications for rift tectonicsdownload
2001McGonigal, Kristeen L.; Wise, Sherwood W., Jr.: Eocene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and sediment accumulation of turbidite sequences on the Iberia abyssal plain, ODP sites 1067-1069download
2001Bolton, Alistair J.; Vannucchi, Paola et al.: Microstructural and geomechanical constraints on fluid flow at the Costa Rica convergent margin, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 170download
7%1902001Moore, Gregory F.; Taira, Asahiko et al.: Explanatory notesdownload
6%1892001Exon, Neville F.; Kennett, James P. et al.: Explanatory notesdownload
6%1732001Zhao, Xixi; Turrin, Brent D. et al.: Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic characterization of rocks recovered from Leg 173 sitesdownload
2001Ibaraki, Masako: Pliocene-Pleistocene paleoceanography in the East Pacific off Costa Rica determined by planktonic foraminifersdownload
6%1972001Duncan, Robert A.; Tarduno, John A. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 197 scientific prospectus; motion of the Hawaiian Hotspot; a paleomagnetic testdownload
6%1982001Bralower, Timothy J.; Premoli-Silva, Isabella et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 198 scientific prospectus; extreme warmth in the Cretaceous and Paleogene; a depth transect on Shatsky Rise, Central Pacificdownload
6%1732001Whitmarsh, Robert B.; Wallace, Paul J.: The rift-to-drift development of the West Iberia nonvolcanic continental margin; a summary and review of the contribution of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 173download
2001Speed, C. D.; Kroon, Dick: Inorganic geochemistry and mineralogy of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary section in Hole 1049Cdownload
6%1992001Lyle, Mitchell W.; Wilson, Paul A. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 199 scientific prospectus; Paleogene equatorial transectdownload
2001Haskell, Brian: Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility study of Quaternary sediments from the Blake and Blake-Bahama Outer ridges, western North Atlanticdownload
6%2052001Morris, Julie D.; Villinger, Heinrich W. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 205 scientific prospectus; fluid flow and subduction fluxes across the Costa Rica convergent margin; implications for the seismogenic zone and subduction factorydownload
2001Mahoney, John J.; Fitton, J. Godfrey et al.: Site 1183download
5%2022001Mix, Alan C.; Tiedemann, Ralf et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 202 scientific prospects, Southeast Pacific paleoceanographic transectsdownload
5%1942001Isern, Alexandra R.; Anselmetti, Flavio S. et al.: Explanatory notesdownload
2001Winter, Diane M.: Diatom biostratigraphic data and plates from ODP Leg 172, Hole 1063D, with brief discussion of present ecological affinities of taxadownload

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